Foto Dose 2019

Chair for Political Sciences and Public Administration

Managing Director of the Rhine Ruhr Institute for Social Research and Policy Consulting e.V. (RISP)


New guest researcher Professor Vanessa Elias de Oliveira welcomed as guest researcher

We are pleased that Professor Vanessa Elias de Oliveira of the Federal University of the Region ABC, São Paulo, Brazil, together with the team of the Chair of Political Science and Administrative Sciences, is conducting research on variants of vertical federalism. Professor de Oliveira is a visiting researcher at the University of Duisburg-Essen in the first quarter of 2020. Her research areas encompass federalism including the intergovernmental relations of sub-national entities, the impact of jurisprudence on public policies, and the role of public administration in the implementation of public policies.

The joint research is dedicated specifically to Brazilian and German federalism. Although both systems are generally considered to belong to the same category of a federal political system, there are clear differences in the broader institutional setting. The common goal is to identify these differences and their effects on the respective political process and the problem-solving capacity.

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New Publication: Staatliche Steuerung des veterinärmedizinischen Antibiotikaeinsatzes

Analyse der Steuerungsansätze in Deutschland, Dänemark und den Niederlanden
by Carolin Höhlein

Taking the growing resistance to antibiotics and the necessity of its reduction into account, Carolin Höhlein examines national concepts to minimize their veterinary use. Moreover, part of the analysis is an examination of potential accuracy and occurring side effects of the concepts.

The analysis focuses on the German steering attempt and the 16th amendment of the German Medicines Act (Arzneimittelgesetz) within the context of the German Antibiotics Resistance Strategy (Deutsche Antibiotika-Resistenzstrategie, DART).

Furthermore, the steering attempts of Denmark and the Netherlands are being analysed. One of the key findings is that to a greater extent than before, aspects of animal health need to be taking into consideration when new policies are being designed.

The book can be ordered following this link.

New publication: Die Partei im regionalen Fokus

Mitgliederschwund, Alterungsprozesse und Mitglieder-partizipation bei der SPD – Ergebnisse zweier empirischer Studien(German)
by Nicolai Dose, Anne-Kathrin Fischer und Nathalie Golla

Parties are losing members in a steady manner. One important reason for this is the ageing of the members, although a significant number of members leave the parties for other reasons. This raises the question as to why parties seem to become increasingly unattractive to their members. The results of two surveys involving members of the social democratic party show that the loss of members is partly self-inflicted. By taking the right measures, the loss can be reduced. The book recommends actions for doing so.

The book can be ordered following this link.


Publication: Politikwissenschaft. UTB basics (German)

Since August 2015, the new – third – edition of Hofmann, Dose and Wolf has been released. Especially, the part ‘Political System’ has been updated fundamentally. It now includes the newest trends in German federalism and the so-called debt brake. Still, it includes the proven systematic short summaries, tables, illustrations, and control issues.

The book can be ordered following this link.