Student affairs office and student support centres

Besides the support offers of the Faculty of Engineering and the International Office there are other student support centres at UDE.

Tutor Service Centre (TSC)

The Tutor Service Centre (TSC) of the International Office gives advice to international students and organises leisure activities. The TSC also organises orientation events for international students at the beginning of each semester.

Website TSC

Academic Counselling (ABZ)

Academic Counselling Centre and Academic Career Services (ABZ)
Akademisches Beratungs-Zentrum Studium und Beruf (ABZ)

The ABZ offers counselling on a wide range of questions relating to your studies and future career. This includes career advice, psychological and social counselling.

Campus Duisburg
Geibelstraße 41, 47057 Duisburg, Building: SG
Fax: +49 (0)203 3 79 29 93

Campus Essen
Universitätsstraße 2, 45141 Essen, Building: T02 S00 L12
Fax: +49 (0)201 43 29

Social counselling service (Studierendenwerk)

The social counselling service of the Studierendenwerk is your contact in all questions concerning accommodation, insurance, studying as a parent, the law as it affects foreigners or the awarding of financial support. You can also find help here if you have general social questions, problems in your hall of residence and personal difficulties. All counselling is of course confidential and free of charge.

The counselling offers and other services of the Studierendenwerk.

Social advising by the Student Council (AStA)

The social advising service of the AStA includes, among other areas, financing your studies (including BaföG, fees, etc.) counselling on legal issues in relation to your studies and studying as a parent.

The counselling offers of the AStA are listed under:

