Prof. Dr. Günter Törner | Discrete Mathematics and Algebra

Personal Details

Professor Törner studied mathematics and physics at the University of Giessen from 1968 to 1972. He received a scholarship of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes throughout his studies. He received his Ph.D with the thesis "A classification of Hielmslev levels and Hielmslev rings" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Artmann and Prof. Dr. Pickert. This thesis earned him the University Prize in 1975. Subsequently, he worked as lecturer at the Technological University Darmstadt in the study group Fachdidaktik der Mathematik of the Volkswagenstiftung for four years. In 1977, he earned his postdoctoral lecturer qualification in mathematics. In 1978, he became Professor at the University of Paderborn. In the same year he was appointed as a full professor at the university of Duisburg-Essen to hold the chair of discrete mathematics and algebra. Prof. Törner has supervised quite a few of dissertations and is publishing continuously in international journals. Additionally, he is conducting numerous research projects with business partners as well as international partners from academia.


In addition to several activities in the fields of algebra, mathematics education and library related projects, Professor Törner and his working group engage in many different aspects of mathematical optimization and operational research. The focus lies on the application of optimization methods to problems in logistics and transport. Professor Törner has supervised numerous diploma theses and dissertations over the past years. His students worked successfully on problems like cargo optimization for inland navigation vessels, the development of customized inventory control methods, tactical network design in rail freight transportation, empty car distribution and many others.


The Research focus of Professor Törner can be divided into four parts:

  • Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
  • Mathematical Education Lot Sizing and Scheduling in the Bottling Industry
  • Operations Research (Mathematical Optimization, (stochastic) Scheduling, Supply Chain Management, Data Warehouses, ERP…..)
  • Library related aspects of Mathematical Literature

Most of his projects have been carried out in cooperation with a company, for example Railion Deutschland GmbH or ThyssenKrupp Steel. Projekt "Mathematik Anders Machen" is a project for the nationwide teacher training of the Deutsche Telekom Foundation in cooperation with the German Mathematicians Association (DMV). Projects like the optimization of operational profiles for inland navigation vessels in consideration of fuel consumption are in preparation. Additionally, as part of the Centre for Logistics and Traffic he applies mathematical optimization methods to problems in logistics and transport.
Professor Törner has authored numerous scientific publications which appeared in refereed journals like Central Publication for Didactics in Mathematics (ZDM), Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), Journal for Didactics in Mathematics, International Congress for Mathematics Education, Norma Mathematics Education, European Journal of Teacher Education, selected Papers from the Annual Conference on Didactics of Mathematics, Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group fort he Psychology of Mathematics Education, Geometriae Dedicata, Journal Gemometry, Journal of Austrailian Mathematical Society, Journal Algebra, Quaestiones Mathematicae and so on.