Bachelor Theses 2015

28 January 2015

Prof. Dr.-Ing. el Moctar
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinzel

Erlenkamp, David Joe

Fuel cells on LNG inland tank vessels

28 January 2015

Prof. Dr.-Ing. el Moctar
Dipl.-Ing. Jens Neugebauer

Krämer, Jonathan

Conception and construction of a wave tank

19 March 2015

Dipl.-Ing. Hitzbleck
Dipl.-Ing. Myland



Tank systems for LNG for use on inland navigation vessels


26 Mai 2015

Prof. Dr.-Ing. el Moctar

Düngen, Melanie

Requirement specifications for electrical components in an offshore platform

1 July 2015

Prof. Dr.-Ing. el Moctar
Dipl.-Ing. Jens Neugebauer

Aßbrock, Gerrit

Analysis of wave probe performance in extreme waves

3 November 2015

Prof. Dr.-Ing. el Moctar
Dr.-Ing. Galal

Yang, Youjun

Design of a jacket weight optimized structure for an offshore wind turbine

3 November 2015

Prof. Dr.-Ing. el Moctar
Dr.-Ing. Neugebauer

Nieradzik, Leonie

Design and damage stability analysis of the Duisburg Test Case (DTC)


5 November 2015

Prof. Dr.-Ing. el Moctar
Dr.-Ing. Galal

Lin, Yuxing

Structural design of a pressure tank for an LNG inland tank vessel

24 November 2015

Prof. Dr.-Ing. el Moctar
Dr.-Ing. Lantermann

Heußen, Michael

Conception and safety assessment of a bunker for the use of LNG as fuel for inland tank vessels