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© UA Ruhr/Simon Bierwald

Magna Charta Universitatum 2020Declaration on the Global Fundamental Principles of Universities

  • von Astrid Bergmeister
  • 25.10.2023

The three partners of the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) have jointly signed the Magna Charta Universitatum 2020: a strong commitment to the universal tasks of universities.

© UA Ruhr/Simon Bierwald

Grand OpeningStrong Start for the Research Alliance Ruhr

  • 25.10.2023

Cutting-edge research "made in NRW" - this is what the newly inaugurated Research Alliance Ruhr stands for. The three Ruhr universities - UDE, RUB and TU Dortmund - are working together on urgent future issues relating to AI, the energy transition and social change.


New data infrastructureRaw Material for Research

  • von Birgit Kremer
  • 02.10.2023

Fewer data silos, more exchange – computer science research is striving for a new data culture. The necessary infrastructure is being built up under the project management of the UDE.


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