
31.01.2013 - 16:20:47

Zukunftskongresses Logistik, 03. und 04. September 2013 in Dortmund

Call for Papers: International Logistics Science Conference

Im Rahmen des Zukunftskongresses Logistik (31. Dortmunder Gespräche), der am 03. und 04. September 2013 in Dortmund stattfinden wird, wird es erstmalig auch die International Logistics Science Conference geben. Dazu sind nun alle Logistikforscher aufgerufen, bis 15. Februar entsprechende Abstracts einzureichen.

In dem Aufruf heißt es: "The conference addresses main challenges for logistics research and logistics itself. Logistics research can help to make structures and processes more efficient.
This includes research on innovative components as well as integrated systems incl. operations management and IT systems in all areas from intralogistics to intermodal freight transport, from logistic facilities to vehicle navigation, from production to distribution, qualification aspects and logistics in a closed-loop economy."

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