
15.03.2021 - 12:33:18

Veranstaltungstipp: Aurora Care and Compassion Student Event

Am 30.03.21, 09:30-15:15 Uhr, findet das "Aurora Care and Compassion Student Event" statt.

"The Aurora Student Council is delighted to be hosting the Aurora Care and Compassion Student event. This free virtual conference for students across all Aurora Universities is packed with engaging content to show students how Aurora cares for issues in modern society. The event will get students involved in activities and conversation across 4 key areas. These areas are Mental Health and Wellbeing, Open Educational Resources, Celebrating and Promoting Diversity, and Sustainability. Students' participation in these activities and conversations will give them practical skills to take away and also help Aurora embed student voice into the heart of many exciting projects. We want students to learn about Aurora and equip them with the tools to champion Aurora's values in their own universities." (Quelle: Programm des Events, zu finden hier:

Schon gewusst? Auch das Institut für Optionale Studien engagiert sich im Aurora Netzwerk. Uniaktiv ist hierbei in den Workpackages "WP 3.1.3 Service Learning Programme" und "4.1 Co-Creation Practice" involviert, das Zertifkat 'Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung' in den Wokpackages "5.2.1 SDG Education Dashboard" und "5.2.2 SDG Education Offer".