
15.03.2021 - 13:22:54

Veranstaltungstipp: Aurora Spring Academic Meeting

Am 30.03.21, 09:00-13:00 Uhr, findet das "Aurora Spring Academic Meeting" statt.

"Meet peers facing similar challenges in providing students with high-quality education and with international opportunities in a forced online environment.Learn what support Aurora is organising to assist academic teachers in meeting these challenges.
The core of the programme focuses on key challenges in higher education caused by the pandemic and the move to online education:

1. How are we as academic teachers finding our way from high-quality analogue (or offline) to digital (or online) education,
2. How can we continue to provide our students with a meaningful international experience, particularly in the pandemic and post-pandemic context

The Spring event is organised in parallel strands for each of the domains to meet. There will be ample time in the programme to freely discuss topics of mutual interest – in education, research or otherwise."
(Quelle: Programm des Events, zu finden hier:…/aurora-spring-aca…/)

Schon gewusst? Auch das Institut für Optionale Studien engagiert sich im Aurora Netzwerk. Uniaktiv ist hierbei in den Workpackages "WP 3.1.3 Service Learning Programme" und "4.1 Co-Creation Practice" involviert, das Zertifkat 'Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung' in den Wokpackages "5.2.1 SDG Education Dashboard" und "5.2.2 SDG Education Offer".