A problem related to limited and stereotypical career variety seem to be the conceptions of occupations. A study of Wößmann et al. (2018) indicates that stereotypes related to the occupational sphere already manifest in adolescents (Wößmann, Lergetporer, Grewenig, Kersten, & Werner, 2018: 40). Traditional gender roles limit both girls and boys already in primary school by excluding certain subjects as potential career paths, which could have led them to success and fulfilment (Leaper, 2011: 352). This also applies for the MINT-sector.

One approach to impart knowledge about stereotype-free occupational conceptions, is occupational education in school. Common teaching units regarding occupational education in Germany take place between classes 7 and 10 (Diaz, Forge, Groß, & Stühmeier, 2020: online). Occupational education is implemented into the syllabus of primary schools as well but seems to be conducted in a very limited scope. However, studies indicate that the interest of boys and girls for MINT-occupations can already be sparked in primary school (Chambers, Kashefpakdel, Jordan Rehill, & Percy, 2018: iv; Parramore Wilbourn & Kee, 2010: 671; van Tuijl & van der Molen, 2016: 163).

In consideration of this problem, the thesis aims at gaining insights regarding the question of how occupational student conceptions of primary school children may be altered through a teaching unit. Within the scope of a pre-post-design, student conceptions of primary school children with an average age of 9 years concerning MINT-occupations will be collected. Subsequently, a teaching unit will make MINT-occupations more accessible for the students. In a post-data-collection, changes in student conceptions towards MINT-occupations will be gathered. The data collection will take place both quantitively (questionnaires) and qualitatively (interviews).



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