Gender-Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Universität Duisburg-Essen

American Myths and Folktales


Sommer 2018

Dr. Melissa Knox-Raab

Di., 10:00-12:00 Uhr

R12 R04 B11



Long before the founding of the republic, Americans were telling stories to make sense of their experiences. These stories often follow deeply rooted and sometimes little-understood American characteristics, optimism, practicality, individualism, and a genial disregard for rules prominent among them. This course will explore the sources of these characteristics in American popular culture. We will survey the legends, tall tales, and popular stories that have both grown out of and shaped American life and culture. We will dissect the rhetoric and propaganda of American political figures, especially their exploitation of American myths. One aim will be to make connections between early and recent American popular culture.
We will examine legendary figures such as Davy Crockett, Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind, Johnny Appleseed, and John Bunyan as well as relatively recent re-creations of the gangster as a folk hero in Damon Runyon's _Guys and Dolls _and in_ _the figure of Tony Soprano from the hit series _The Sopranos._ We will look at the American cowboy and his connections to the American gangster. We will explore popular images of marriage the family, and gender in at least one popular T.V. show, _I Love Lucy, _and if time, in a classic comedy, _Some Like it Hot. _We will hear Vietnam-era and civil rights movement protests from folk singers Arlo Guthrie and Joan Baez. Students are encouraged to suggest aspects of American life and culture that they would like to have discussed—the current American presidency, for example.