Meldungen aus der Medizinischen Fakultät

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Dienstagsseminar: „PhD Program Epidemiology and Clinical Research ” am 6. November 2018, 12 Uhr c. t.

[06.11.2018] Zu unserem Scientific Seminar am 6. November 2018 zum Thema „ PhD Program Epidemiology and Clinical Research” laden wir alle Interessierten herzlich ein.

Veranstaltungstag: Dienstag, 6. November 2018 12 Uhr c. t. im Hörsaal der Verwaltung, 2. OG

Referent: Prof. Dr. Andreas Stang, Leiter des Zentrums für Klinische Epidemiologie (ZKE) c/o Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie & Epidemiologie (IMIBE), Essen

Thema des Vortrags: „PhD Program Epidemiology and Clinical Research”

Abstract: The PhD programme was first launched in 2016 at the Centre for Epidemiology and Clinical Research at IMIBE, University Hospital Essen.
The PhD programme comprises work on a research project of its own and 300 teaching units in the fields of epidemiology, biometrics/statistics, statistical analysis programme and research competencies.

At the end of the PhD programme, PhD students should be able to conduct epidemiological and clinical studies independently, taking into account good epidemiological practice and good clinical practice respectively. The multidisciplinary and international approach of the PhD programme creates ideal conditions for a future scientific career. With the PhD programme we want to address physicians and scientists and inspire them for research.

In this event, we will present the contents of the PhD programme, the admission requirements and the possibilities for a scientific career.


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Martin Rolshoven, Dipl.-Medienwirt, Wissenschaftsredakteur, Tel.: +49 (0)201/723-6274,

Dr. Milena Hänisch, Wissenschaftsredakteurin, Tel.: +49 (0)201/723-1615,