Thomas Bickl

I take an interest in the management of bilateral and pluri-lateral conflicts in Southeast-Central and Southeast Europe, in particular with regard to the successor States of Yugoslavia and EU issues. I have been working on my PhD project "The border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia: the stages of a protracted conflict and its implications for EU enlargement" at Duisburg-Essen University since July 2016. Prof. Dr. Susanne Pickel (lead) and Prof. Dr. Michael Kaeding are my supervisors. You can access my research article  on the border dispute (December 2017) and an info brief on the Slovenian complaint before the European Commission (July 2018). My main occupation is spokesperson for the EPP Group in the European Parliament.




Dienstlich: Email: thomas.bickl@europarl.europa.eu

Privat: Email: tbickl@hotmail.com