1. Installation 1. Edit Makefile.global: Set paths to Qt, libpcap, libmpegsound, Java Check compiler and options 2. Compile project: > make all Compile Java codes, if necessary: > cd Java > make all 2. Program usage: The RTP Audio server: > ./server {-port=port} - Set port (default: 7500) {-directory=path} - Set audio lists directory {-timeout=secs} - Set timeout (default: 10s) {-maxpktsize=bytes} - Set maximum packet size (default: 1500) {-disable-qm|-enable-qm} - Enable/disable QoS manager {-disable-ls|-enable-ls} - Enable/disable loss scalability {-force-ipv4|-use-ipv6} - Disable/Enable IPv6 (default: enabled) Most configuration options can also be set in AudioServer.config. Read comments in AudioServer.config for details. Audio lists: See Test.list for a complete and commented example. You can use MP3 and WAV files in your audio lists. To get WAV files, use e.g. cdparanoia to get whole audio tracks from CDs. To get MP3 files, go e.g. to http://www.scour.com or http://www.mp3.com. The RTP Audio clients: QClient - A client with Qt GUI client - A shell client vclient - A shell client for program verification Java/AudioClient.class - A Java client Examples: > ./client rtpa://odin/Test.list Play audio list "Test.list" from server "odin", default port 7500. >. Start client with Qt GUI > ./qclient +device -url=rtpa://odin:7200/CD1.list Start client with Qt GUI, start playing given list. > ./vclient -threads=20 -media=Test%d.list -count=5 -server=odin:7500 Start verification client, create 20 audio client threads, each thread does random requests, position and quality changes, etc. of lists Test1.list to Test5.list on server "odin", port 7500. Full documentation: The full documentation (~ 160 pages, in German language) is available on the RTP Audio homepage (see below), file Bericht.ps.gz. 3. RTP Audio Homepage http://www.exp-math.uni-essen.de/~dreibh/rn/index_e.html 4. Authors RTP Audio ========================================= Thomas Dreibholz Molbachweg 7 51674 Wiehl Germany E-Mail: dreibh@exp-math.uni-essen.de WWW: http://www.exp-math.uni-essen.de/~dreibh QoS Manager ========================================= Simon Vey E-Mail: vey@cs.uni-bonn.de ResvMod ========================================= Jan Selzer E-Mail: Jan_Selzer@gmx.net