The American Novel


J. Raab
Section 1 Mo 12-14 h R11 T00 D01
Section 2 Do 8-10 h S07 S00 D07

Vorlesung Literaturwissenschaft
Bachelor Anglophone Studies, Bachelor KuWi, alle Lehrämter, Magister. Studium Liberale E3 und E2
Modul VI und Modul VI/1

The novel is the most widely read genre of contemporary American literature. This lecture course will trace the history of this genre in U.S. writing. Individual lectures will center on movements, writers, and texts that have been important in the American novel over the past 220 years. About two thirds of class time will be taken up by lectures; one third by the discussion of selected excerpts or film scenes.

Syllabus and more

Syllabus and Reader (ca. 38 MB! )

Course Material