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Wintersemester 23/24 Information

The class Umwelt 3 is limited to 40 participants in WS 23/24. The number of registrations in Moodle is limited accordingly. You must be in the Moodle to be able to take the exam. Please only enrol in HisinOne if you are already enrolled in Moodle.

Update October 16, 2023: The maximum number of participants has been reached. Unfortunately, participation without already registering is not possible. Please refrain from making any further inquiries.

The exams for the courses Siwawi 3 municipal wastewater treatment and Siwawi 6 industrial wastewater treatment can be taken for the last time in SS 24.

Topic: July2018 Award for Elena Josefine Schäfer

As part of the summer party of the University of Duisburg-Essen (July 12, 2018) the Young Scientist Award of the Centre for Water and Environmental Research was awarded. Elena Josefine Schäfer was awarded for her master thesis with the title " Entwicklungs von Kriterien eines Bewertungssystems für die Entscheidungsfindung zur Realisierung einer weitergehenden Reinigungsstufe- aus der Perspektive eines Kläranlagen-Betreibers" by Mrs Prof. Dr. Dopp and Mr Prof. Dr. Radke.

Topic: January 2018 Award for Students

At the celebration of the program Water Science on Dec 2017 Anh Van Le and Tobias Hesse, former master students at working group of Prof. Martin Denecke, were awarded with the Venator award and Brita award respectively. As part of the celebrations this year, both students presented their master theses as a short presentation.

Anh Van Le got for her thesis with the topic " Model-based analysis of microbial consortia and soluble microbial products dynamics in anammox biofilm reactors " the 3rd prize for the best master theses of the year sponsored by Venator company. Tobias Hesse won another award sponsored by Brita GmbH with the topic " Evaluating the impact of pH on in-sewer biotransformation of antibiotics”.

Topic: January 2017 Award for Students

At the celebration of the program Water Science Natascha Rossi was awarded with the Axel Semrau-prices. As part of the celebrations both students presented their work as a short presentation. Her work was about "Development of a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay for the quantification of dominant filamentous bacteria in an industrial wastewater treatment plant causing bulking and foaming".

Topic: September 2016 Essen Green Capital

Essen is „Green Capital 2017“. Lord Mayor Thomas Kufen and construction and environmentalist Simone Raskob presented Essen's image campaign to the "Green Capital of Europe 2017" under the slogan "Erlebe dein Grünes Wunder" at the beginning of September.  One of the motifs comes from our field (water and waste disposal).

Topic: October 2015 Award for Students

At the celebration of the program Water Science on 21 October 2015 Tomasz Heluszka and Carina Schönsee were awarded with the Axel Semrau-prices. As part of the celebrations both students presented their work as a short presentation.
Tomasz Heluszka got for his Bachelor thesis with the topic "Bilanzierung der methanotrophen Aktivität Anhand von Gasumsatz, Wärmetönung und Isotopenfraktionierung" the 2nd prize. Carina Schönsee won the 1st prize withe the topic "Influence of wastewater composition on the growth of filamentous bacteria”

Topic: August 2015 Accreditation for the bachelor degree programme

The University of Duisburg-Essen offers an engineering degree programme for Civil Engineering. The program was accredited by ASIIN e. V. at 20.07.2015. The programme is embedded in the International Studies in Engineering (ISE). If you need further informations please contact Prof Dr. M.Denecke (Urban Water- and Waste Management) or Dr.F.Schwarz (Support Center for (International) Engineering Students).


Topic: April 2015 Workshop for the project "Coach 4 you"

On the 24 April 2015 the Ehrenamt Agentur Essen e.V. and the project „Coach 4 you“ visited the University of Duisburg Essen. Teenies and coaches joined the workshop „Wohin fließt das Abwasser und was passiert mit unserem Müll?“. The workshop was managed by Ms Sarah Zydorczyk. Within the Teenies could learn something theoretical and practical about the themes.


Topic: March 2015 Award for M.Sc. Tobias Gehrke

The DGAW organized the 5. science congress „Abfall- und Ressourcewirtschaft“. For the first time the event was organized in Innsbruck. There Mr. M.Sc. Tobias Gehrke was awarded for his excellent work with the title: „Biologischer Methanabbau in flüssigen Filtermedien zur Steigerung der Raumleistung von Deponiebehandlungsanlagen“.


Topic: January 2015 New method for the energy balance of composting plants

With a new method the energy balance of composting plants and the processing capacity is improved. This process has developed the Institute for Urban Water and Waste Management in cooperation with the Sutco Recycling Technik and the disposer EGW within the project "EnBV“ and combined composting with the production of biogas. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung discussed this method in the issue of 01.06.2015. For any questions you can contact Mrs. Dr.-Ing. Brunstermann.

Topic: Juli 2014 Sebastian Schmuck was honoured for his promotion

As part of the dies academicus (June 25, 2014) Sebastian Schmuck was honoured for his excellent performance of his promotion by the rector. After the formal program, a Dîner en blanc took place.