Topics for Bachelor- or Master- theses

Preface Topics for Theses in the AKS Department

We always offer current topics from the broad area of automation technology.

In addition to the listed main topics of the department, you will find below a list of theses, which have been conducted in the past months. So you can already get an overview, in order to then formulate a task for your thesis from the currently available topics in consultation with the supervising person.

To contact us for the first time, please follow the link above and send us basic information via the inquiry form.

What are the focuses of the institute?


  • Model-based process control and fault-tolerant systems.

With continuously growing requirements on high reliability and availability of systems, the topics “software-based process control” and “fault-tolerant systems” gain more and more importance in research and industry.  As an internationally leading team, the department AKS has significantly contributed to the development of model-based process control and fault-diagnosis technologies.

  • Fault-tolerant embedded networked control systems

As a result of a rapid development of microelectronics and computer, information and communication technologies, more and more intelligent sensors, actuators, digital controllers and microprocessors are being integrated into embedded systems and increasingly networked. The widespread use of embedded networked control systems (em-NCS) has led to a new quality of many technical products and performance improvements in industrial plants in recent years. The control and regulation of em-NCS mostly consist of special embedded control systems and interfaces for the coupling of various sensor or final controlling equipment. Growing demands on the quality of products and the increasing performance of embedded control loops and intelligent system components inevitably lead to an increase in the complexity of such systems.

  • Application in the automotive industry.

In cooperation with companies from the automotive industry, the research groups of the AKS department are developing new generations of software-based diagnostic and control systems, which are embedded, for example, in electronic vehicle dynamics stabilization systems or in engine management systems.

  • Liable and safe mechatronic systems

In recent years, the application of mechatronic systems has led to a new quality in many technical products and to performance increases in production-related industrial plants. The control of mechatronic systems mostly consists of special embedded control systems and the corresponding interfaces for the coupling of various sensor or actuator devices.

Growing demands on the quality and performance of the products and the increasing performance of the embedded control loops often lead to an increase in the complexity of such systems. This is expressed, among other things, in an increasing number of sensors or manipulated variables or in an increase in the scope of control functions. With the increasing degree of integration, however, problems often arise due to an increased sensitivity or error probability of the systems.

Ensuring high availability is therefore an important development goal, in addition to improving the technical parameters of mechatronic systems, especially in systems for safety-critical applications or with increased reliability requirements. System errors, failures or increased risks must be diagnosed reliably and in good time to enable the controller to respond appropriately or to indicate any necessary maintenance work.

Degree Title
Bachelor Entwicklung einer Matlab App zum Thema randomisierte Algorithmen
Bachelor Development of a sensor concept for the navigation of an autonomous low cost robot
Master Image segmentation and vision-based control of robot
Master Intelligentes Temperaturmanagement in öffentlichen Gebäuden: Software- und Datenstruktur und Prädiktive Steuerung der Wärmebereitstellung
Master Entwicklung einer standardisierten Fehlerdetektion für rotierenden Maschinen auf Basis von Schwingungsdaten.
Bachelor Entwicklung eines Selbstlernprogramms zum Thema Polvorgabe anhand eines Drei-Tank-System-Simulators in Matlab/Simulink.
Master Development of an MPC-based path planning for a networked system consisting of a robot with differential drive and overhead camera.
Bachelor Entwicklung eines Selbstlernprogramms zum Thema Anti-Reset-Windup anhand eines Differentialantriebs in Matlab/Simulink
Master A Vision-Based Approach to Reference Tracking of a Mobile Robot System
Bachelor Development of a camera based position sensor for a Ball and Beam system
Bachelor  Entwicklung eines virtuellen Ball und Wippe Versuchs mit 3D-Animation
Bachelor Entwicklung eines kamerabasierten Assistenzsystems für einen mobilen Roboter
Bachelor Cloud-Computing-basierte Online PID-Regler-Tuning für ein lineares zeitvariantes System.
Master Data-driven Fault Diagnosis based on kNN Algorithm using Riemannian metric
Master Cloud-Computing-based fault tolerant control and performance degradation recovery.
Master Design and implementation of real-time optimisation of heat exchangers on the edge based on event-driven IEC61499
Master Comparison Study of data-driven Riemannian metric- and PCA-based Fault Detection
Master Design of a semi-supervised one class support vector machine based fault diagnosis using a three-tank simulator as an example
Master A Kalman Filter-Based Approach to Robot Motion Visual Tracking 
Bachelor Design of a reference model performance index based controller performance monitoring module for a three-tank simulator
Master Development of a stationary camera assistance for autonomous robots in indoor environments
Bachelor Entwicklung einer Rapid Exploring Tree Pfadplanung für einen Lagerhausroboter mit Differentialantrieb
Bachelor Entwurf einer auf Regelkarten basierenden Reglerüberwachung für einen Drei-Tank-Simulator
Bachelor Vergleich einer Sliding Mode Pfadfolgeregelung mit einer linearen Annäherung am Beispiel eines mobilen Roboters mit Differentialantrieb.
Bachelor Comparison study on KPCA and KSVM towards fault detection
Bachelor Comparison study on three basic data-driven fault detection algorithms
Master Observer-based diagnosis of sensor faults in lateral dynamic control systems of vehicles
Master Entwicklung einer skalierbaren teilautomatisier-ten Modellierung auf Basis von RI-Fließbildern in Matlab/Simulink
Master Bewertung, Modellierung und modellprädiktive Regelung des Heizgasnetzes der bp Raffinerie Gelsenkirchen.
Bachelor Vergleich einer TS-Fuzzy-Pfadfolgeregelung mit einer linearen Annäherung am Beispiel eines mobilen Roboters mit Differentialantrieb.
Bachelor Vergleich einer Gain-Scheduling, 2DOF sowie PI-Regelung am Beispiel der Geschwindigkeits- und Lenkungsregelung eines mobilen Roboters mit Differentialantrieb
Bachelor Analyse, Konzeption & Implementierung einer adaptiven Schutzfeldumschaltung für FlurförderzeugeAnalysis, design & implementation of an adaptive protective field switching for industrial trucks
Bachelor Analysis, design & implementation of an adaptive protective field switching for industrial trucks
Master PID Controller Tuning Methods for Performance Optimization Based on Youla Parameterization of Stabilizing Controllers
Master A comparison study on model predictive control and observer-based control towards system robustness.
Bachelor Entwicklung einer A*-Pfadplanung und Validierung mit zufälligen Indoor Umgebungen
Master PID tuning for a system with uncertain parameters based on the randomized algorithm.
Master Entwurf eines Fehlerdiagnosekonzepts unter Verwendung von Entscheidungsbäumen mit sphärenbasierten Entscheidungsregeln Design of a fault diagnosis concept using decision trees with sphere-based decision rules
Master Enhancement of a toolbox for the evaluation of monitoring functions based on randomised algorithms with switching systems.
Bachelor Development of a simulator for networked mobile robots using Matlab/Simulink.
Bachelor Entwicklung eines Cyber Security Demonstrators auf Basis eines Lego Mindstorms EV3 und einer Raspberry PI Kamera.
Master Datenbasierte Prozessüberwachung auf Basis von zeitlich nicht äquidistant historisierten Sensor-daten
Master Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Konzepts zum autonomen Test einer mittels PCS7 - Advanced Process Library programmierten Automatisierungssoftware eines Turbomaschinenstranges.
Master Study on performance degradation recovery of automatic control systems using fault-tolerant control methods.
Master Study on performance degradation detection in automatic control systems.
Master Detection of stealthy integrity cyber-attacks on cooperative multi-agent systems
Master Study on performance degradation recovery of automatic control systems using passive fault-tolerant control methods.
Master Fault diagnosis scheme design for a three-tank-simulator using random forest
Master Detektion und Mustererkennung von Prozessano-malien bei der Produktion von metallischen Lang-produkten
Bachelor Model-matching based Q-design for performance recovery on a DC motor
Bachelor Entwicklung einer kameragestützten Regelung für das Cinedrive System
Bachelor Entwicklung eines Simulationsmoduls zur Simulation von verschiedenen Fehlertypen mit Anwendung an einem Drei-Tank-Simulator
Bachelor Design and control of the humanoid wheel-legged robot
Bachelor Design of control and fault diagnosis systems with application to three-tank system
Master Online Fehleridentifikation und Mitigation für ein Transportflugzeug
Master Entwicklung einer Angriffserkennung basierend auf zeitvarianten Hilfssystemen für Replay Angriffe am Beispiel eines Drei-Tank-Systems
Bachelor Entwicklung eines virtuellen, vernetzten Drei-Tank-Systems mit 3D-Animation.
Master Modellierung und Charakterisierung eines Sauerstoffsensorelementes zur Ableitung eines Regelungs- und Auswertungsalgorithmus
Master Detection of stealthy integrity cyber-attacks On a wheeled robot system
Bachelor Entwicklung eines Simulationsmoduls zur Simulation von Unsicherheiten mit Anwendung an einem Drei-Tank-Simulator
Bachelor Modeling Safety Functionalities in a Nonlinear Dynamic Plant Model
Bachelor Entwicklung der Steuerung eines Linienvereinigers auf Basis einer speicherprogrammierbaren Steuerung.
Master Entwicklung eines modellbasierten Soft-Sensors und fehlertoleranten Reglers am Beispiel eines Kryostaten zur Gasverflüssigung.
Master Entwicklung einer für Mikrocontroller optimier-ten modellprädiktiven Wärmeübertragungs-regelung.
Master Vison-based control and application to a two-wheel balanced car
Master Study on variational autoencoder (VAE) aided fault detection
Master Simulation eines Drei-Tank-Systems mit degradierenden Komponenten und Fehler-diagnose basierend auf Riemann’scher Distanz
Master A data-driven Fault Detection for Batch Processes using Riemannian Distance.
Master Hybride Modellierung eines mehrstufigen Verdichters auf Basis von Prozesswissen und Messdaten
Bachelor Automatisierte Regler-Parameter-isierung einer Versuchsanlage
Master Connective stability analysis of interconnected LTI systems
Master Machine-learning-modell gestützte Diagnose von Fehlern im Luftmassenmesser.
Master Investigation on order-reduction and time-disctretization of an observer-based controller.
Master Realization of an Reinforcement-Learning Algorithm for Parameter Optimization of a PID-Controller.
Master Study on auto-encoder aided fault detection of static processes
Master Entwicklung einer Notfallregelung für Denial of Service- und Verschlüsselungsangriffe am Beispiel eines Drei-Tank-Systems
Master System performance improvement of single inverter connected to a stiff AC system.
Bachelor Development of a Trajectory Planning and Motion Control Simulation Environment
Master Automatisierte optische PUR Becherschaumanalytik mittels Bildverarbeitung.
Master Detection of topological changes in distributed large-scale network systems
Master Realisation and comparison of training methods of a distribution independent threshold , setting based on Support Vector Machine
Master Untersuchung der Optimierungsstrategien von Energiemanagementsystemen in privaten Haushalten
Master Evaluierung robotergestützter Mess- und Regelungsanwendungen in der Neutronenstreuung
Master Distributed fault detection in voltage-source-inverter based microgrids
Master Entwicklung einer Trajektorienschätzung von beweglichen Objekten in der Umgebung eines autonomen Roboters.
Master Entwicklung einer beobachterbasierten Replay-Angriffserkennung für Teilprozesse mit Remote-I/O am Beispiel eines Drei-Tank-Systems.
Master Untersuchung der Eignung von Kombinationen aus Prognosemethoden und -strategien zur Lastvorhersage
Master Data-Driven Multi-model based Fault Detection of a Chemical Plant
Master Methods of distributed fault detection for interconnected systems
Master Comparison study of path planning methods for an autonomous robot in a dynamic environment with uncertainties
Master Entwicklung einer Fehlerdetektion für Kolbenver-dichter auf Basis von Schwingungssignalen und vorhandenen Prozessdaten
Master Support Vector Machine based Fault Diagnosis for Rotating Machinery using Transfer Learning.
Master Entwicklung eines adaptiven Drehzahlreglers für Schleuderstände mit frei wählbaren Solldrehzahl-en und veränderbaren Massenträgheitsmomenten