Sarah Klaes

Sarah Klaes

thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
Technology & Innovation

Tel. +49 (0)203 5244689

Externe Doktorandin

Thema der Promotion: “Development and optimization of an electrochemical flow cell and coupling with the multi-elemental analysis”

The primary aim of this study is to utilize electrochemical techniques with a time resolved multi-elemental analysis (ICP-OES) in order to compare the electrochemical behavior and the dissolution rate of metallic materials. The coupling of these methods is used to gain new insights into dissolution and corrosion processes of metallic surface finishing. The intention is to transfer the coupled method into a method of routine analysis.

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Video mit Länge von 1:13 Minuten

Annual Reports


University Duisburg-Essen
Faculty of Chemistry
Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
Universitätsstr. 5
D-45141 Essen

Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Torsten C. Schmidt
Phone +49 201 183-6774

Lydia Vaassen
Phone +49 201 183-6772

Fax: +49 201 183 6773