Longer stays abroad

Visiting Associate Professor, California Institute of Technology (Pasadena),
Gastgeber: Prof. M. Ortiz, September 2001-September 2002

Institut für Mathematik, Universität Stuttgart,

Gastgeber: Prof. A. Mielke, 2.-7. Dezember 2002

Centre des Materiaux, Ecole des Mines (Paris),
Gastgeber: Prof. S. Forest, 26.-31. März 2004

Max-Planck Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften (Leipzig),

Gastgeber: Prof. S. Müller, 19.-23. April 2004

Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universität Warschau,
Gastgeber: Prof. K. Chelminski, 23.-30. Mai 2004

Centre des Materiaux, Ecole des Mines (Paris),
Gastgeber: Prof. S. Forest, 7.-11. Februar 2005

Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universität Warschau,
Gastgeber: Prof. K. Chelminski, 14.-19. Februar Mai 2005

W3-Vertretungsprofessur Analysis, Universität Duisburg-Essen,

Campus Essen, Oktober 2005-März 2006

Fakulät für Mathematik, Universität Karlsruhe,
Gastgeber: Prof. C. Wieners, 4.-8. Oktober 2005

Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach,
Gastgeber: Prof. S. Conti, 13.-19. November 2005

Institut für Bauwesen, Universität Stuttgart,
Gastgeber: Prof. C. Miehe, 8.-13. Oktober 2006

Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik (Berlin),
Gastgeber: Prof. A. Mielke, 5.-11. November 2006

Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universität Warschau,
Gastgeber: Prof. K. Chelminski, 3.-9. Dezember 2006

Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik (Berlin),
Gastgeber: Prof. A. Mielke, 22. August-12. September 2007

Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford,
Gastgeber: Sir Prof. J. Ball, 24. Februar-1. März 2008

SISSA Trieste,
Gastgeber: Prof. A. DeSimone, 4. Mai-9. Mai 2008


Dr. Kwon-Il Hong, Academy of Science, PRP North Korea, DAAD-Stpendium, May 2008-Juli 2008

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mircea Birsan, University of Iassy, Romania, Humboldt-Fellow, 15.-22. September 2008

Talks and Presentations



[1] P. Neff. Existence and uniqueness in finite elasto-plasticity. SFB-Workshop: Mathematical Approaches to the Continuum Mechanics of Fluids and Solids.
Organizers: K. Hutter, H.D. Alber, P. Haupt, A. Mielke, M. Brokate, P. Krejci,
Wahlen/Technische Universität Darmstadt, 15. Februar 1998.

[2] P. Neff. Existence and uniqueness in finite elasto-plasticity. SFB-Berichtskolloquium.
Organizers: F.G. Kollmann, K. Hutter, H.D. Alber, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 14. März 1998.


[3] P. Neff. Existence theory for large visco-plastic deformations based on variational methods and the Schauder-fixpoint principle.
GAMM-Workshop: Computational
Plasticity. Organizers: K. Hackl, C. Carstensen, B.D. Reddy, University Kiel, 28. August 1999.


[4] P. Neff. Ein anisotropes Modell der finiten Elasto-Plastizität für kleine elastische Deformationen.
Mechanics Colloquium.
Organizers: P. Haupt, S. Hartmann, University GHK Kassel, 11. Mai 2000.

[5] P. Neff. Mathematische Analyse multiplikativer Viskoplastizität.
Joint Mechanics Colloquium Univ. Bochum/Univ. Dortmund.
Organizers: K. Hackl, O.T. Bruhns, S. Reese, B. Svendsen, Ruhr University Bochum, 21. November 2000.

[6] P. Neff. Existence theory for large visco-plastic deformations based on variational methods and the Schauder-fixpoint principle. Mechanics Seminar.
Organizers: A. Bertram, G. Warnecke, Otto v. Guericke University Magdeburg, 30. November 2000.

[7] P. Neff. Mathematische Analyse multiplikativer Viskoplastizität.
Seminar des Instituts für Mechanik (Bauwesen).
Organizers: C. Miehe, J. Schröder, University Stuttgart, 23. Mai 2000.

[8] P. Neff. Variational methods in finite elasticity and plasticity.
Mechanics Seminar.
Organizers: C. Tsakmakis, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 5. Juni 2000.

[9] P. Neff. Ein Modell aus der finiten Elasto-Viskoplastizitä für kleine elastische Verzerrungen.
Organizers: K. Hutter, C. Tsakmakis, H.D. Alber, Wahlen/Technische Universität Darmstadt, 17. November 2000.


[10] J. Schröder and P. Neff. Zur Konstruktion polykonvexer anisotroper freier Energiefunktionen.
Organizers: K. Hutter, D. Gross, C. Tsakmakis, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2001.

[11] J. Schröder and P. Neff. Zur Konstruktion polykonvexer anisotroper freier Energiefunktionen.
Mechanik-Seminar. University Essen, 2001.

[12] P. Neff. Local existence and uniqueness for a model of multiplicative finite plasticity.
Mathematical Seminar,
Organizers: C. Carstensen, University Kiel, 23. April 2001.

[13] P. Neff. Local existence and uniqueness for a model of finite multiplicative viscoplasticity and the role of an extended Korn’s first inequality.
3. ISAAC Conference.
Organizer K. Hackl, FU Berlin, 28.August 2001.

[14] P. Neff. On local existence and uniqueness for a model of finite plasticity.
Joint Mathematics and Mechanics Colloquium.
Organizers: K. Bhattacharya, M. Ortiz, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, October 2001.

[15] P. Neff. Existence theory for a modified hyperelasticity relation of generalized polynomial type in the case of near incompressibility.
Joint Mathematics and Mechanics Colloquium.
Organizers: K. Bhattacharya, M. Ortiz, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, October 2001.

[16] P. Neff. An extended Korn’s inequality and finite plasticity. Seminar in Control and dynamical Systems.
Organizer: J.E. Marsden, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, February 2002.

[17] P. Neff and J. Schröder. Invariant Formulation of Hyperelastic Transverse Isotropy Based on Polyconvex Free Energy Functions.
Joint Mathematics and Mechanics Colloquium.
Organizers: P. Papadopoulos, L.C. Evans, D.J. Steigmann, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 15. Mai 2002.

[18] C. Wieners and P. Neff. Comparison of models for finite plasticity. A numerical study.
GAMM Seminar on Microstructures.
Organizers: A. Mielke, S. Müller, K. Hackl, C. Carstensen, University Wien, 19. Januar 2002.

[19] J. Schröder and P. Neff. Construction of polyconvex transversely isotropic free energy functions. GAMM-Seminar on Microstructures.
Organizers: C. Carstensen, K. Hackl, A. Mielke, S. Müller, University Wien, 19. Januar 2002.

[20] J. Schröder and P. Neff. On the construction of polyconvex transversely isotropic free energy functions.
IUTAM Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Solid Materials at Large Strains.
Organizer: C. Miehe, University Stuttgart, 21. August 2001.


[21] J. Schröder and P. Neff. Construction of polyconvex transversely isotropic free energy functions.
Deutsch-Polnisches Mechanik Seminar. La Clusac, Frankreich, März 2002.

[22] J. Schröder and P. Neff. Construction of polyconvex anisotropic free energy functions.
GAMM-Jahrestagung. University Augsburg, 25.-28.M¨arz 2002.

[23] J. Schröder and P. Neff. Polyconvex transversely isotropic free energy functions.
Mechanik Seminar.
Organizers: P. Haupt, S. Hartmann, University GHK Kassel, 2. Mai 2002.

[24] J. Schröder and P. Neff. Application of Polyconvex Anisotropic Free Energies to Soft Tissues.
Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V) in Vienna 2002. University Wien, 8. Juli 2002.

[25] P. Neff. Mathematical Analysis in finite plasticity.
SFB Abschlusskolloquium.
Organizers: K. Hutter, A. Mielke, E. Stein, B.D. Reddy, Technische Universität Darmstadt/Seeheim, 18. November 2002.

[26] P. Neff. A viscoelastic-plastic membrane shell.
Seminar des Instituts für Mathematik
Organizers: A. Mielke, K. Kirchgässner, University Stuttgart, 6. Dezember 2002.

[27] P. Neff. A viscoelastic-plastic membrane shell.
Seminar des Instituts für Mechanik.
Organizers: J. Schröder, University Essen, 12. Dezember 2002.


[28] P. Neff. A viscoelastic-plastic membrane shell. Gamm-Workshop on Microstruc-

ture. Organizers: K. Hackl, S. Müller, C. Carstensen, J. Schröder, Ruhr-University

Bochum, 9/10. Januar 2003.

[29] P. Neff. Optimal BV-estimates for discontinuous Galerkin methods in linear elasticity.
Seminar des Instituts für Mechanik: Mini-Workshop on Discontinuous Galerkin Methods.
Organizers: P. Steinmann, P. Hansbo, University of Kaiserslautern, 30. Januar 2003.

[30] A. Lew, P. Neff, D. Sulsky, T. Warburton, and M. Ortiz. Optimal BV Estimates for a DG Method for Linear Elasticity.
7th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics. Albuquerque, New Mexico, 27-31. Juli 2003.

[31] D. Sulsky, T. Warburton, A. Lew, M. Ortiz, and P. Neff. A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Linear Elasticity.
AHPCRC Workshop on Recent Advances and State-of-the-Art in Discontinous Galerkin Methods in Computational Structural Mechanics.
University of Minnesota, 28-29. Oktober 2003.

[32] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat model including sharp interfaces and fracture. Mathematical Analysis.
Vorstellungsvortrag Juniorprofessur Analysis, Kolloquium der Mathematik.
Organizers: R. Racke, University of Konstanz, 5. November 2003.

[33] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat model including sharp interfaces and fracture.
Mathematical Analysis. Mechanics Seminar.
Organizers: C. Tsakmakis, W. Hauger, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 27. November 2003.


[34] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat model including sharp interfaces and fracture.
Mathematical Analysis. 3. GAMM Seminar on Microstructure. Organizer: C.
Miehe, University of Stuttgart, 9. Januar 2004.

[35] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat model including sharp interfaces and fracture.
Mathematical Analysis. Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen und Mathemaische Modellbildung.
Organizer: C. Wieners, University of Karlsruhe, 18. Februar 2004.

[36] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat model including sharp interfaces and fracture.
Mathematical Analysis. Ecole Normale Superior des Mines.
Organizer: S. Forest, Centre des Materiaux, Evry, 29. März 2004.

[37] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat model including sharp interfaces and fracture.
Mathematical Analysis. GAMM-Jahrestagung. Technical University Dresden, 22.-26. März 2004.

[38] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat model including sharp interfaces and fracture.
Mathematical Analysis. Oberseminar Analysis.
Organizer: S. Müller, Max-Planck Institut für Mathematik in den Wissenschaften, Leipzig, 20. April 2004.

[39] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat model including sharp interfaces and fracture.
Mathematical Analysis. Institute of Mathematics and Cryptology.
Organizer: J.Gawinecki, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, 25. Mai 2004.

[40] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat model including sharp interfaces and fracture.
Mathematical Analysis. Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences.
Organizer: L. Zabielski, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, 27. Mai 2004.

[41] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat (micromorphic) model including sharp interfaces and fracture.
Mathematical Analysis. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research.
Organizer: K. Wisniewski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 27. Mai 2004.

[42] K. Chelminski and P. Neff. Elastic-plastic Cosserat continua.
Modelling and mathematical analysis.
Weierstrass Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik. D. Hömberg, K. Wilmanski, Berlin, 17. Juni 2004.

[43] P. Neff. Anisotrope polykonvexe freie Energiefunktionen.
Seminar des Instituts für Mechanik (Bauwesen).
Organizers: W. Ehlers, C. Miehe, University Stuttgart, 20. Juli 2004.

[44] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat (micromorphic) model including sharp interfaces and fracture.
Mathematical Analysis. International Symposium on Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics.
Organizers: K. Hutter, Y. Wang, Seeheim, Germany, 22-28. August 2004.

[45] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat (micromorphic) model including sharp interfaces and fracture.
Mathematical Analysis. DMV-Jahrestagung, Sektion: Partielle Differentialgleichungen.
Organizers: H. Koch, F. Otto, University Heidelberg, 12-17. September 2004.

[46] P. Neff. On the construction of fiber-reinforced polyconvex free energy functions.
Euromech Colloquium 464: Fibre-reinforced Solids: Constitutive Laws and Instabilities.
Organizers: R.W. Ogden, J. Merodio, Castro-Urdiales, Spain, 28. September-1. Oktober 2004.


[47] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat shell-model including size effects, avoiding degeneracy in the thin shell limit. Rigourous justification via Γ-convergence for the elastic plate.
GAMM Seminar on Microstructures.
Organizers: Technische Universität Darmstadt, H.D. Alber, P. Neff, Bedlewo Conference-Center, Polish Academy of Science, Posen, Poland, 14.-15. Januar 2005.

[48] K. Chelminski and P. Neff. Elastic-plastic Cosserat continua.
Modelling and mathematical analysis. GAMM Seminar on Microstructures.
Organizers: Technische Universität Darmstadt, H.D. Alber, P. Neff, Bedlewo Conference-Center, Polish Academy of Science, Posen, Poland, 14.-15. Januar 2005.

[49] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat shell-model including size effects, avoiding degeneracy in the thin shell limit. Rigourous justification via Γ-convergence for the elastic plate.
Ecole Normale Superior des Mines.
Organizer: S. Forest, Centre des Materiaux, Evry, 7. Februar 2005.

[50] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat shell-model including size effects, avoiding degeneracy in the thin shell limit. Rigourous justification via Γ-convergence for the elastic plate.
Institute of Mathematics and Cryptology.
Organizer: J. Gawinecki, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, 14. Februar 2005.

[51] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat shell-model including size effects, avoiding degeneracy in the thin shell limit. Rigourous justification via Γ-convergence for the elastic plate. 
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences.
Organizer: K. Chelminski, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, 17. Februar 2005.

[52] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat shell-model including size effects, avoiding degeneracy in the thin shell limit. Rigourous justification via Γ-convergence for the elastic plate.
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research. Organizer: P. Dluzewski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 16. Februar 2005.

[53] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat shell-model including size effects, avoiding degeneracy in the thin shell limit. Rigourous justification via Γ-convergence for the elastic plate.
GAMM-Jahrestagung. Section-Organizer: G. Friesecke, B. Niethammer, University of Luxemburg, 31. März 2005.

[54] P. Neff. Eine geometrisch exakte Cosserat Schalenformulierung mit Größeneffekten: Rigorose Herleitung als Γ-Limit eines dreidimensionalen Cosserat Modells.
Vorstellungsvortrag W2-Professur für Mathematik, Nachfolge Prof. Grüter.
Organizer: Prof. Fuchs, Universität des Saarlandes, 14. April 2005.

[55] P. Neff. Eine geometrisch exakte Cosserat Schalenformulierung mit Größeneffekten: Rigorose Herleitung als Γ-Limit eines dreidimensionalen Cosserat Modells.
Darmstädter Cosserat-Treffen.
Organizer: Dr. Patrizio Neff, TU-Darmstadt, 3. Juni 2005.

[56] P. Neff. The Cosserat couple modulus µ_c for continuous solids is zero! Or: the linearized Cauchy stress tensor is symmetric.
Darmstädter Cosserat-Treffen.
Organizer: Dr. Patrizio Neff, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 3. Juni 2005.

[57] I. Münch, W. Wagner, and P. Neff. Linear and nonlinear Cosserat models with vanishing couple modulus - numerical investigations and comparisons.
Darmstädter Cosserat-Treffen.
Organizer: Dr. Patrizio Neff, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 3. Juni 2005.

[58] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat shell-model including size effects, avoiding degeneracy in the thin shell limit. Rigourous justification via Γ-convergence for the elastic plate.
Section-Organizer: A. Mielke, T. Hou, University of Mainz, 16. Juni 2005.

[59] P. Neff. Introduction to the mathematical theory of continuum mechanics.
Short course on mathematical modelling in solid mechanics.
Organizers: Prof. C. Wieners, Prof. S. Forest, Dr. Neff, University of Technology Karlsruhe, 5.-7. Oktober 2005.

[60] P. Neff. The Γ-limit of a finite strain Cosserat model for asymptotically thin domains versus a formal dimensional reduction.
8.th Conference ”Shell-Structures: Theory and Applications”.
Organizer: Prof. W. Pietraszkiewicz, H. Altenbach, Gdansk, 12. October 2005.

[61] P. Neff, I. Münch, and W. Wagner. Constitutive parameters for a nonlinear Cosserat model.
A numerical study. Miniworkshop on Analysis and Computation of Microstructure in Finite Plasticity.
Organizers: K. Hackl, S. Conti, M. Ortiz, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 14.-18. November 2005.

[62] I. Münch,, P. Neff, and W. Wagner. Constitutive parameters for a nonlinear Cosserat model.
Workshop on extended continua.

Organizers: S. Diebels, H. Steeb, University of Saarbrücken, 14.-18. October 2005.


[63] P. Neff. The extended Korn’s first inequality with integrable dislocation density.
Fifth GAMM-Seminar on Microstructures.
Organizers: J. Schröder,K. Hackl, S. Conti, S. Müller, University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen, 13.-14. Januar 2006.

[64] P. Neff. Curl bounds Grad on SO(3).
Section-Organizers: A. Mielke and C. Miehe, TU-Berlin, 27.-31. März 2006.

[65] P. Neff. Curl bounds Grad on SO(3).
Workshop on Phase Transitions.
Organizer: H.D. Alber, TU-Darmstadt, 5. April 2006.

[66] I. Münch, W. Wagner, and P. Neff. Constitutive parameters for a nonlinear Cosserat model.
A numerical study. GAMM-Jahrestagung.
Section-Organizers: A. Mielke and C. Miehe, TU-Berlin, 27.-31. März 2006.

[67] P. Neff. Eine geometrisch exakte Cosserat Schalenformulierung. Rigorose Herleitung als Γ-Limit eines dreidimensionalen Cosserat Modells.
Vorstellungsvortrag W2-Professur für Mathematik.
Organizer: Prof. Hefendehl-Hebeker, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 23. Mai 2006.

[68] P. Neff. Überlegungen zu einer Vorlesung: Modellieren im Lehramt.
Vorstellungsvortrag W2-Professur für Mathematik.
Organizer: Prof. Hefendehl-Hebeker, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 23. Mai 2006.

[69] P. Neff. Eine geometrisch exakte Cosserat Schalenformulierung. Rigorose Herleitung als Γ-Limit eines dreidimensionalen Cosserat Modells.
Vorstellungsvortrag W2-Professur für Mathematische Modellbildung. Organizer: Prof. Escher, Prof. Starke, Universität Hannover, 14. Juli 2006.

[70] P. Neff. Loss of ellipticity for fibre reinforced materials.
5th. World Congress of Biomechanics.
Section: Computational Methods in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology, TU-München, 29. Juli-4. August 2006.

[71] I. Münch, P. Neff, and W. Wagner. Constitutive modelling and finite element analysis for a nonlinear micropolar continuum.
6th European Solid Mechanics Conference.
Organizer: Department of Mathematics BME and Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 28. August.-1. September 2006.

[72] I. Münch, P. Neff, and W. Wagner. Konstitutive Modellierung und FEM eines nichtlinearen Cosserat Kontinuums mit physikalischer Deutung.
Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis.
Organizers: V. Zastrau, W. Gruttmann, W. Wagner, Obergurgl, 19.-22. September 2006.

[73] K. Chelminski and P. Neff. Elasto-Plasticity as a Limit of Cosserat-Plasticity.
3rd International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling.
Organizers: R. James, S. Müller, Freiburg, 19. September 2006.

[74] W. Müller, P. Neff, and C. Wieners. A Numerical Solution Method for an Infinitesimal Elasto-Plastic Cosserat Model.
International Conference on Multifield Problems.
Organizers: W. Wendland, B. Wohlmut, E. Ramm, A. Mielke, University Stuttgart, 4.-6. Oktober 2006.

[75] I. Münch, P. Neff, and W. Wagner. Modellierung, FEM und physikalische Relevanz eines nichtlinearen Cosserat Kontinuums. Erster Workshop junger Nachwuchwissenschaftler in der Mechanik.
Organizers: T. Ricken, B. Markert, H. Steeb, R.Müller, K. Wiechmann, Bildungsstätte Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen, 7. Dezember 2006.

[76] P. Neff. Mathematical Aspects of Continuum Mechanics.
Three invited lectures in: COMMAS Summer School on ”Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures.
Organizer: Prof. Miehe, Prof. Ehlers, Universität Stuttgart, 9. Oktober 2006.

[77] P. Neff. A numerical solution method for an infinitesimal elasto-plastic Cosserat model.
Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik.
Organizer: Prof. Mielke, Berlin, 7. November 2006.

[78] P. Neff. A numerical solution method for an infinitesimal elasto-plastic Cosserat model.
Institute of Mathematics and Cryptology.
Organizer: J. Gawinecki, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, 5. Dezember 2006.

[79] P. Neff. A numerical solution method for an infinitesimal elasto-plastic Cosserat model.
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences.
Organizer: K. Chelminski, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, 7. Dezember 2006.

[80] P. Neff. A numerical solution method for an infinitesimal elasto-plastic Cosserat model.
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research.
Organizer: K. Wisniewski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 7. Dezember 2006.


[81] P. Neff. Global existence and uniqueness for isotropic rate-independent gradient plasticity.
Sixth GAMM-Seminar on Microstructures.
Organizer: A. Mielke, S. Conti, WIAS-Berlin, 12. Januar 2007.

[82] P. Neff. Some aspects of the interplay between mathematics and solid mechanics.
Vorstellungsvortrag: University Lecturer in Applied Mathematics.
Organizer: J. Ball, E. Suli, Mathematical Institute Oxford, 16. Januar 2007.

[83] P. Neff. Global existence and uniqueness for isotropic rate-independent gradient plasticity.
Kolloquium des Fachbereiches Mechanik.
Organizer: P. Steinmann, B.D. Reddy, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 7. März 2007.

[84] P. Neff. Variationen über ein Thema der Energieminimierung.
Vorstellungsvortrag: W2-Professur Analysis und Anwendungen.
Organizer: G. Friesecke, M. Brokate, Zentrum Mathematik der TU München, 12. März 2007.

[85] P. Neff. On parameters in a nonlinear Cosserat model.
Organizer: D. Raabe, Max-Planck Institut für Eisenforschung, 16. April 2007.

[86] A. Fischle and P. Neff. Application of Cosserat models in nano-indentation.
Organizer: D. Raabe, Max-Planck Institut für Eisenforschung, 16. April 2007.

[87] P. Neff. Global existence and uniqueness for isotropic rate-independent gradient plasticity.
First GAMM-Seminar on Multiscale Material Modelling.
Organizer: S. Diebels, H. Steeb, GAMM Research Commitee for Multiscale Material Modelling, Universität Saarbrücken,  20. April 2007.

[88] P. Neff. Variationen über ein Thema der Energieminimierung.
Vorstellungsvortrag: W2-Professur Analysis.
Organizer: A. Schmidt, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Bremen, 2. Mai 2007.

[89] P. Neff. Variationen über ein Thema der Energieminimierung.
Vorstellungsvortrag: W2-Lehrprofessur Analysis.
Organizer: B. Fassbender, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Technischen Universität Braunschweig, 12. Juni 2007.

[90] P. Neff. Global existence and uniqueness for covariant rate-independent gradient platicity.
ICIAM/GAMM-Joint Conference.
Section-Organizers: T. Böhlke and B. Svendsen, ETH Zü rich, 27.-31. Juli 2007.

[91] P. Neff and K. Weinberg. A geometrically exact membrane model for isotropic foils and fabrics.
ICIAM/GAMM-Joint Conference. Poster-Session, ETH Zürich, 27.-31. Juli 2007.

[92] P. Neff. Cosserat rotation of minimal energy and synthetic reproduction of a nanoindent experiment.
Oberseminar Angewandte Analysis, Weierstraß Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik.
Organizer: A. Mielke, Berlin, 28. August 2007.

[93] P. Neff. Notes on strain-gradient plasticity. Finite strain covariant modelling and global existence in the rate-independent infinitesimal case.
Langenbach-Seminar, Weierstraß Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik.
Organizer: J. Sprekels and A. Mielke, Berlin, 5. September 2007.

[94] P. Neff. 5 Lectures. Advanced school on ”Poly, quasi and rank one convexity in applied mechanics”.
Organizer: J. Schröder and P. Neff, Centre International des Sciences Mecanique (CISM), Udine (Italy), 24.-28. September 2007.

[95] P. Neff. Notes on strain-gradient plasticity. Finite strain covariant modelling and global existence in the rate-independent infinitesimal case.
Arbeitskreis Mathematik in Forschung und Praxis. 29. Symposium: Neue Modelle zur Simulation höchstfester Stähle.
Organizer: A. Klawonn und W. Volk, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, 13. November 2007.

[96] P. Neff. The thin-shell Γ-limit for defective elastic crystals. Colloquium on Applied Analysis.
Organizer: H. LeDret and A. Raoult, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lion, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, 30. November 2007.


[97] P. Neff. Notes on strain-gradient plasticity. Finite strain covariant modelling and global existence in the rate-independent infinitesimal case.
IUTAM Symposium on Theoretical, Modelling and Computational Aspects of Inelastic Media.
Organizer: B.D. Reddy, Capetown, South-Africa, 14.-18. Januar 2008.

[98] P. Neff. A numerical solution method for an infinitesimal elasto-plastic Cosserat model.
Seventh GAMM-Seminar on Microstructures.
Organizer: K. Hackl, U. Hoppe, S. Conti, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 25. Januar 2008.

[99] P. Neff. Notes on strain-gradient plasticity. Finite strain covariant modelling and global existence in the rate-independent infinitesimal case.
Vortrag im Seminar Angewandte Mathematik.
Organizer: A. Schmidt and W. Böhm, Universität Bremen, 30. Januar 2008.

[100] P. Neff. A geometrically exact Cosserat shell-model including size effects, avoiding degeneracy in the thin shell limit. Rigourous justification via Γ-convergence for the elastic plate.
Applied Mathematics Seminar.
Organizer: J. Ball and E. Suli, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 26. Februar 2008.

[101] P. Neff. Notes on strain-gradient plasticity. Finite strain covariant modelling and global existence in the rate-independent infinitesimal case.
Applied Mathematics Seminar.
Organizer: J. Ball and E. Suli, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 28. Februar 2008.

[102] P. Neff. Verallgemeinerungen der Kornschen Ungleichung und Rigiditätsresultate.
Vorstellungsvortrag: W3-Professur Nichtlineare Analysis.
Organizer: A. Klawonn,
Fachbereich Mathematik der Universität Duisburg-Essen, 4. März 2008.

[103] P. Neff. Verallgemeinerungen der Kornschen Ungleichung und Rigiditätsresultate.
Vorstellungsvortrag: W2-Professur Numerik und Mathematische Modellierung.
Organizer: W. Seiler, Fachbereich Mathematik der Universität Kassel, 4. April 2008.

[104] P. Neff and J. Jeong. The linear elastic Cosserat model with conformal curvature energy.
Section-Organizers: K. Hackl and J. Schröder, Universität Bremen, 31. März-4. April 2008.

[105] P. Neff. Viscoelastic relaxation in the wrinkling of thin membranes. Colloquiumon applied analysis.
Organizer: A. de Simone, SISSA: International School for Advanced Science, Trieste, Italy, 5. Mai 2008.

[106] P. Neff. Verallgemeinerungen der Kornschen Ungleichung und Rigiditätsresultate.
Vorstellungsvortrag: W3-Professur Analysis - Nachfolge Weck.
Organizer: W. Ruess, Fachbereich Mathematik der Universität Duisburg-Essen, Juni 2008.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.
Patrizio Neff

Tel. +49(0)201/183-4243

Room WSC-S-4.13



Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Mathematik
Thea-Leymann-Straße 9
45127 Essen

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