ADINA - Automation Technology and Ergonomic Support for Innovative Picking and Handling Concepts in Logistics


Project description

The "ADINA" project is dealing with the requirements analysis for automation technology and "technical integration" as well as piloting and adaptation in relevant warehouse and handling areas of logistics, in particular

  • Co-packing,
  •  Order picking and outbound processing in contract logistics,
  •  Transhipment in production output logistics as well as rail-bound and multimodal transports.

New application technologies are being assessed and developed, jointly with leading manufacturers and technology providers, for implementation in logistics processes of storage and retrieval, picking, handling and value-added services. Such processes are still characterized by a lot of burdensome manual work. One example is an "automated leveling" for forklifts.

These innovations will improve the working conditions for a large number of logistics professionals, particularly in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), making their work more attractive, safer and more efficient.

The ADINA project has received funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia within the lead market competition "MobilityLogistics.NRW".

ADINA has received funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)

Project Team ZLV CO

Andreas Hoene,
Centre for Logistics and Traffic (ZLV)

PD Dr. habil. Ani Melkonyan-Gottschalk,
Executive Director,
Centre for Logistics and Traffic (ZLV)

Project Team ZLV TUL

Mandar Jawale,
Department Transport Systems and Logistics (TUL)

Prof. Dr. Bernd Noche,
Board Chairman  (ZLV) of the Centre for Logistics and Traffic (ZLV)
Head of Department Transport Systems and Logistics (TUL)

Project Duration

07/2017 - 06/2020 (36 months)