Faculty of Biology

Register of People

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  • Honorarprofessor/in, Mikrobiologie I

Current lectures

No current lectures.

Past lectures (max. 10)

No past lectures.

The following publications are listed in the online university bibliography of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Further information may also be found on the person's personal web pages.

    Journal articles

  • Polley, Soumitra; Raisch, Tobias; Ghetti, Sabrina; Körner, Marie; Terbeck, Melina; Gräter, Frauke; Raunser, Stefan; Aponte-Santamaría, Camilo; Vetter, Ingrid R.; Musacchio, Andrea
    Structure of the human KMN complex and implications for regulation of its assembly
    In: Nature Structural & Molecular Biology Vol. 31 (2024) Nr. 6, pp. 861 - 873
  • Raisch, Tobias; Ciossani, Giuseppe; d’Amico, Ennio; Cmentowski, Verena; Carmignani, Sara; Maffini, Stefano; Merino, Felipe; Wohlgemuth, Sabine; Vetter, Ingrid R.; Raunser, Stefan; Musacchio, Andrea
    Structure of the RZZ complex and molecular basis of Spindly‐driven corona assembly at human kinetochores
    In: The EMBO Journal Vol. 41 (2022) Nr. 9, e110411
  • Pesenti, Marion E.; Raisch, Tobias; Conti, Duccio; Walstein, Kai; Hoffmann, Ingrid; Vogt, Dorothee; Prumbaum, Daniel; Vetter, Ingrid R.; Raunser, Stefan; Musacchio, Andrea
    Structure of the human inner kinetochore CCAN complex and its significance for human centromere organization
    In: Molecular Cell Vol. 82 (2022) Nr. 11, pp. 2113 - 2131.e8
  • Ludwig, Anna-Kristin; De Miroschedji, Kyra; Döppner, Thorsten R.; Börger, Verena; Ruesing, Johannes; Rebmann, Vera; Durst, Stephan; Jansen, Sören; Bremer, Michel; Behrmann, Elmar; Singer, Bernhard B.; Jastrow, Holger; Kuhlmann, Jan Dominik; El Magraoui, Fouzi; Meyer, Helmut E.; Hermann, Dirk M.; Opalka, Bertram; Raunser, Stefan; Epple, Matthias; Horn, Peter; Giebel, Bernd
    Precipitation with polyethylene glycol followed by washing and pelleting by ultracentrifugation enriches extracellular vesicles from tissue culture supernatants in small and large scales
    In: Journal of Extracellular Vesicles (JEV) Vol. 7 (2018) Nr. 1, pp. 1528109
  • Pesenti, Marion E; Prumbaum, Daniel; Auckland, Philip; Smith, Charlotte M; Faesen, Alex C; Petrovic, Arsen; Erent, Muriel; Maffini, Stefano; Pentakota, Satyakrishna; Weir, John R; Lin, Yu-Chih; Raunser, Stefan; McAinsh, Andrew D; Musacchio, Andrea
    Reconstitution of a 26-Subunit Human Kinetochore Reveals Cooperative Microtubule Binding by CENP-OPQUR and NDC80.
    In: Molecular Cell Vol. 71 (2018) Nr. 6, pp. 923 - 939.e10
  • Mosalaganti, Shyamal; Keller, Jenny; Altenfeld, Anika; Winzker, Michael; Rombaut, Pascaline; Saur, Michael; Petrovic, Arsen; Wehenke, Annemarie; Wohlgemuth, Sabine; Müller, Franziska; Maffini, Stefano; Bange, Tanja; Herzog, Franz; Waldmann, Herbert; Raunser, Stefan; Musacchio, Andrea
    Structure of the RZZ complex and molecular basis of its interaction with Spindly
    In: The Journal of Cell Biology (JCB) Vol. 216 (2017) Nr. 4, pp. 961 - 981
  • Liu, Yahui; Petrovic, Arsen; Rombaut, Pascaline; Mosalaganti, Shyamal; Keller, Jenny; Raunser, Stefan; Herzog, Franz; Musacchio, Andrea
    Insights from the reconstitution of the divergent outer kinetochore of Drosophila melanogaster
    In: Open Biology Vol. 6 (2016) Nr. 2, 150236
  • Friese, Alexandra; Musacchio, Andrea; Herzog, Franz; Raunser, Stefan; Petrovic, Arsen; Prumbaum, Daniel; Fischböck, Josef; Huis in ‘t Veld,, Pim J.; Faesen, Alex C.
    Molecular requirements for the inter-subunit interaction and kinetochore recruitment of SKAP and Astrin
    In: Nature Communications Vol. 7 (2016) pp. 11407
  • Poepsel, Simon; Sprengel, Andreas; Sacca, Barbara; Kaschani, Farnusch; Kaiser, Markus; Gatsogiannis, Christos; Raunser, Stefan; Clausen, Tim; Ehrmann, Michael
    Determinants of amyloid fibril degradation by the PDZ protease HTRA1
    In: Nature Chemical Biology Vol. 11 (2015) Nr. 11, pp. 862 - 869
  • Erkelenz, Michael; Bauer, Dennis M.; Meyer, Rebecca; Gatsogiannis, Christos; Raunser, Stefan; Sacca, Barbara; Niemeyer, Christof M.
    A facile method for preparation of tailored scaffolds for DNA-origami
    In: Small Vol. 10 (2014) Nr. 1, pp. 73 - 77
  • Petrovic, Arsen; Mosalaganti, Shyamal; Keller, Jenny; Mattiuzzo, Marta; Overlack, Katharina; Krenn, Veronica; De Antoni, Anna; Wohlgemuth, Sabine; Cecatiello, Valentina; Pasqualato, Sebastiano; Raunser, Stefan; Musacchio, Andrea
    Modular Assembly of RWD Domains on the Mis12 Complex Underlies Outer Kinetochore Organization
    In: Molecular Cell Vol. 53 (2014) Nr. 4, pp. 591 - 605
  • Basilico, Federica; Maffini, Stefano; Weir, John R.; Prumbaum, Daniel; Rojas, Ana M.; Zimniak, Tomasz; De Antoni, Anna; Jeganathan, Sadasivam; Voss, Beate; Van Gerwen, Suzan; Krenn, Veronica; Massimiliano, Lucia; Valencia, Alfonso; Vetter, Ingrid R.; Herzog, Franz; Raunser, Stefan; Pasqualato, Sebastiano; Musacchio, Andrea
    The pseudo GTPase CENP-M drives human kinetochore assembly
    In: eLife Vol. 3 (2014) pp. e02978