Study Plan (Studienplan) and schedule (Stundenplan)

Study plan

You find the study plan in the annex of the examination regulation of your degree course. The study plan lists all the courses which you have to pass in order to complete your degree course, including a recommendation on the semester arrangement of the courses (i.e. which course to take in which semester). You are free to divert from this recommended study plan in terms of which course to take in which semester, even though compliance to the study plan is the best way to finalize your studies in good time. In addition to the courses listed in the examination regulation, you also have to do an industrial internship and a final thesis. Please note that the examination regulation for your degree course may have received amendments over the time, so you need to be careful to consult the examination regulation which is relevant for you. As a rule, you are subject to the examination regulation which was in charge at the time of your enrolment.

Study plans for the ISE degree course

National degree courses of the Faculty of Engineering

Study, examination and internship regulations

The study, examination and internship regulations (Studienordnung, Prüfungsordnung & Praktikumsordnung) for your degree course are the most important documents to guide you through your studies. The regulations detail what you need to do in order to finalize your degree course (including a list of courses and other assignments, e.g. industrial internship) they also tell you about procedures to follow as well as the objectives of your degree course.

Regulations for ISE programs

all other regulations available at:

Please note that for some degree course study, examination and internship regulations have received amendments. As a rule, you are subject to the regulations which were in charge on the day of your enrolment at UDE.


Schedules are provided each semester which detail the times and location of each course. The schedule follows the recommended study plan (see explanations above).
IMPORTANT: Please note that you still have to adjust the schedule for you individual needs as electives and non-technical subjects (including language courses) are not shown in the schedules, and, in some cases, a variety of courses are shown from which you have to make a choice. In order to make your individual schedule, you need to consult and follow the study plan of your degree program.

You create your schedule in LSF as per following link:
