Ausgewählte Publikationen

Forschung Ausgewählte Publikationen

(ausgesucht nach Forschungsthemen, Mehrfachnennung möglich)

„Fluid Mechanics of Flow Metering“, ISBN 3-540-22242, Springer Verlag 2005.

1. Algorithmische Entwicklung, CFD

von Lavante, E., "Elliptic Generation of Two-Dimensional Grids for Internal Flow Calculations", TEES Technical Report No. 12415-82-01, March 1982.

von Lavante, E., and Thompkins, W. T., "An Implicit, Bidiagonal Numerical Method for Solving the Navier- Stokes Equations", AIAA Journal, Vol. 21, June 1983, pp.828-833.

von Lavante, E., and Iyer, V. S. V., "Simplified Implicit Block-Bidiagonal Finite Difference Method for Solving the Navier-Stokes Equations", AIAA Journal, Vol. 23, July 1985, pp.1130-1132.

Iyer, V. S. V., and von Lavante, E., "Numerical Solutions of Viscous Transonic Flow in Turbomachinery Cascades", AIAA Journal, Vol. 25, January 1987.

von Lavante, E., Haertl, A., and Claes, D., "Numerical Solutions of Euler Equations Using Simplified Flux Vector Splitting", AIAA Journal, Vol.25, No.8, August 1987.

von Lavante, E., Claes, D., and Anderson, W. K., "The Effect of Various Implicit Operators on a Flux Vector Splitting Method", AIAA Journal, Vol.25, No.9, September 1987.

von Lavante, E., "The Accuracy of Upwind Schemes Applied to the Navier-Stokes Equations",
AIAA Journal, Vol.28, No.7, July 1990.

El-Miligui, A., Cannizzaro, F., Melson, N. D. and von Lavante, E., "A Three Dimensional Multigrid Multiblock Multistage Time Stepping Scheme for the Navier-Stokes Equations", Proceedings of the 9-th GAMM Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept. 25-27, 1991.

von Lavante, E.,Zeitz, D. and Kallenberg, M., “Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Air Flow with Transverse Hydrogen Injection”, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, Num. 6, pp. 1319-1326, 2001.

von Lavante, E. and Yao, J., “Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Swirling Flows in Axisymmetric Internal Flow Configurations”, J. of Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, in Press, 2011.

2. Transsonische Aerodynamik

Miley, S. J., and von Lavante, E., "Propeller Propulsion System Integration - State of Technology Survey", NASA CR 3882, July 1984.

Korkan, K. D., von Lavante, E., and White, T. A., "Numerical Evaluation of Propeller Noise Including Non- Linear Effects",
AIAA Paper No. 84-2301.

Playle, S. C., Korkan, K. D., and von Lavante, E., "A Numerical Method for the Design and Analysis of Counter-Rotating Propellers", AIAA Journal for Propulsion and Power, Vol. 2, January 1986, pp.57-63.

Korkan, K. D., von Lavante, E., and Bober, L. J., "Numerical Evaluation of Propeller Noise Including Non-Linear Effects", AIAA Journal, Vol. 24, June 1986.

Korkan, K. D., von Lavante, E., and White, T. A., "Numerical Evaluation of Propeller Noise in the Near and Far Field", AIAA Paper No. 86-0468.

Iyer, V. S. V., and von Lavante, E., "Numerical Solutions of Viscous Transonic Flow in Turbomachinery Cascades", AIAA Journal, Vol. 25, January 1987.

Melson, D. and von Lavante, E., "Multigrid Acceleration of the Isenthalpic Form of the Compressible Flow Equations", Multigrid Methods: Theory, Application & Supercomputing, February 1988.

von Lavante, E., Bruns, R. L., Sanetrik, M. D. and Lam, T., "Numerical Analysis of Flow about a Total Temperature Sensor",
Proceedings of the AIAA 7th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Seattle, WA, July 31- August 2, 1989.

Rhodes, J.A and von Lavante, E., "A Comparison of Inviscid and Viscous Transonic Separated Flows", AIAA Journal, Vol.28, No.3, March 1990.

von Lavante, E. and Zeitz, D., „Numerical Simulation of Flow in Critical Venturi Nozzles Considering Real Gas Effects“, AIAA Paper 2003-1143.

von Lavante, E., Kramer, R. and Mickan, B., “Flow Behavior in Sonic Micro-Nozzles”, Proceedings of Flomeko 2003, Groningen, Netherlands, Mai 2003.

von Lavante, E., “Numerical Simulation of Micro Flows Assuming Continuum Fluid“, European Meeting on Micro Flow Metrology, PTB-Braunschweig, Germany, 24.-25. June 2009.

3. Interne Strömungen

von Lavante, E., and Yao, J., “Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Flow in a Four-Stroke IC Engine, IMACS-COST Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Complex Flows, Lausanne, Sept. 1995, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vieweg, 1996.

Yao, J., and von Lavante, E., “Large Eddy Simulation of Flows in Cylinder of an IC Engine Using Parallel Computers”, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Beijing, 1997.

Schmid, O., von Lavante, E., Bussmann, A., and Moczala, M., “Numerical Simulations of Flows in Components of Turbomachines Using Various Implicit Methods”, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Turbomachinery, London, March 2-5, 1999.

von Lavante, E., Schmid, O. and Moczala, M., “Wake-Rotor Interaction in Turbine Stages”, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Firenze, March 2001.

von Lavante, E.,Zeitz, D. and Kallenberg, M., “Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Air Flow with Transverse Hydrogen Injection”, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, Num. 6, pp. 1319-1326, 2001.

von Lavante, E., and Maatje, U., „Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Effects in Simplex Nozzles“, AIAA Paper 2002-3179.

von Lavante, E. and Zeitz, D., „Numerical Simulation of Flow in Critical Venturi Nozzles Considering Real Gas Effects“, AIAA Paper 2003-1143.

von Lavante, E., Moczala, M. and Parvizinia, M., „Numerical Investigation of Losses due to Unsteady Effects in Axial Turbines“, ASME GT2003-38838, Proceedings of ASME TurboExpo 2003, Atlanta, USA, June 2003.

von Lavante, E., Kramer, R. and Mickan, B., “Flow Behavior in Sonic Micro-Nozzles”, Proceedings of Flomeko 2003, Groningen, Netherlands, Mai 2003.

Pereira, G. M., Mickan, B., von Lavante, E. and Kramer, R., “Investigation of Flow Conditioning in Pipes”, Proceedings of Flomeko 2003, Groningen, Netherlands, Mai 2003.

von Lavante, E. Henning, K., Beermann, D., Walzel, P. and Schaldach, G., „Numerical Simulation of Breakup Behavior of Liquid Droplets“, Proceedings of the ILASS-Europe 2005, Orleans, France, September 2005.

von Lavante, E., “Numerical Simulation of Micro Flows Assuming Continuum Fluid“, European Meeting on Micro Flow Metrology, PTB-Braunschweig, Germany, 24.-25. June 2009.

von Lavante, E., Poggel, S., Kaya, H., and Franz, M., „Numerical Simulation of Flow in Rotor-Casing Gap of an Rotary Piston Flow Meter”, Proceedings of the 15th Int. Conf. on Flow Measurement Flomeko 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2010.

4. Durchflussmesstechnik

Hans, V., Poppen, G., von Lavante, E., and Perpeet, S., “Vortex Shedding Flowmeters with Ultrasound Detection: Signal Processing and Influence of Bluff Body Geometry”, Journal of Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol. 9, 79-82, 1998.

von Lavante, E., Perpeet, S., Hans, V. and Poppen, G., "Optimization of Acoustic Signals in a Vortex Shedding Flowmeter Using Numerical Simulation", Int. Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Volume 20,Issue 4, 1999.

von Lavante, E., Zachcial, A., Nath, B. and Dietrich, H., “Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Effects in Critical Venturi Nozzles”, Journal of Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Elsevier, Vol.11, pp. 257-264, 2000.

von Lavante, E., Zachcial, A., Nath, B., and Dietrich, H., “Unsteady Effects in Critical Nozzles Used for Flow Metering”, Int. Journal of Measurement, Elsevier Science Ltd., Vol. 29, pp. 1-10, 2001.

Ishibashi, M., von Lavante, E. and Takamoto, M., „Discharge Coefficient of Super-Accurate Critical  Nozzle at Pressurized Condition“, AIST Journal of Metrology, Vol.1, No. 2, pp. 325-335, 2002.

Ishibashi, M., von Lavante, E. and Takamoto, M., „Quasi-Nonintrusive Measurement of Flow Velocity Field in a Critical Nozzle“, AIST Journal of Metrology, Vol.1, No. 2, pp. 337-342, 2002.

von Lavante, E., Banaszak, U., Dietrich, H., and Lötz-Dauer, V., „Numerische Simulation des Strömungsfeldes in einem Turbinenradgaszähler“, Int. Zeitschrift Gas- und Wasserfach Gas-Erdgas, Vol. 147, Nr. 4, Oldenbourg Industrieverlag 2006.

von Lavante, E. and Yao, J., “Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Swirling Flows in Axisymmetric Internal Flow Configurations”, J. of Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, in Press, 2011.

5. Chemisch-reagierende Strömungen

von Lavante, E., and Strehlow, R. A., "The Mechanism of Lean Limit Flame Extinction", Combustion and Flame, 49, pp 123-140, 1983.

Grönner, J., Hilgestock, M and von Lavante, E., "Efficient Computations of Navier-Stokes Equations with Nonequilibrium Chemistry", ASME-IGTI Paper 94-GT-251 at the ASME Turbo-Expo '94, Den Haag, June 13-16, 1994.

von Lavante, E., Grönner, J. and Hilgenstock, M., "Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Combustion", AIAA Paper 94-3179, Indianapolis, 1994.

von Lavante, E., and Kallenberg, M., “Numerical Analysis of Three-Dimensional Effects in Unsteady Supersonic Combustion”, AIAA Paper 97-3180, Seattle, 1997.

von Lavante, E., Zeitz, D. and Kallenberg, M., “Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flowfield in Supersonic Air Flow with Transverse Hydrogen Injection”, AIAA Paper 99-4902, 1999.

von Lavante, E.,Zeitz, D. and Kallenberg, M., “Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Air Flow with Transverse Hydrogen Injection”, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, Num. 6, pp. 1319-1326, 2001.