1. |
PH.D.-Thesis, Frankfurt 1967 |
2. |
Residuell und kartesisch abgeschlossene Gruppenklassen, Dissertationes Mathematicae 63, (Rozpraw. Mat.), Warschau 1969 |
3. |
Produkte von Gruppenklassen, Archiv der Mathematik 20 (1969), 113 - 125. |
4. |
Cartesian closed classes of perfect groups, (with M. Richter), Journal of Algebra 23 (1972), 370 - 381. |
5. |
Carnot cycles in General Relativity Theory, (with R. Ebert), Journal for General Relativity and Gravitation 4 (1973), 375 - 386. |
6. |
Habilitation-thesis: Über zwei Ergebnisse von E.C. Zeeman:
Teil I (math. part): Kartesische Produkte von Gruppenklassen
Teil II (phys. part): Die kausale Gruppe der Raum-Zeit,
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Würzburg (1973). |
7. |
The characteristic subgroups of the Baer-Specker group, Mathematische Zeitschrift 140 (1974), 289 - 292. |
8. |
Kartesische Produkte von Gruppen, Archiv der Mathematik 26 (1975), 454 - 462. |
9. |
On stout and slender groups, Journal of Algebra 35 (1975), 39 - 55. |
10. |
Zeeman-topologies of space-times in General Relativity, Communications of Mathematical Physics 46 (1976), 289 - 307. |
11. |
The smooth-path topology for curved space-time which incorporates the conformal structure and analytic Feynman tracks, Journ. of Mathematical Physics 17 (1976), 645 - 853. |
12. |
The solution of an old English Riddle, (with H. Göbel), Studia Neophilologica 50 (1978), 185 - 191. |
13. |
Solution of two problems on cotorsion abelian groups, (with R. Prelle), Archiv der Mathematik 31 (1978), 423 - 431. |
14. |
Wachstumstypen und schlanke Gruppen, (with B. Wald), Symposia Mathematica 23 (1979), 200 - 239. |
15. |
On a Theorem of Baer, Schreier and Ulam, (with M. Droste), Journal of Algebra 58 (1979), 282 - 290. |
16. |
Algebraisch kompakte Faktorgruppen, (with M. Dugas), Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 307/308 (1979), 341 - 352. |
17. |
Die Struktur kartesischer Produkte ganzer Zahlen modulo kartesische Produkte ganzer Zahlen, (with M. Dugas), Mathematische Zeitschrift 168 (1979), 15 - 21. |
18. |
Topologies for curved space-time defined by path, Berichte des Math. Seminars Hamburg 10 (1980), 763 - 771. |
19. |
Martin's axiom implies the existence of certain growth types, (with B. Wald), Mathematische Zeitschrift 172 (1980), 107 - 121. |
20. |
Darstellung von Ringen als Endomorphismenringe, Archiv der Mathematik 35 (1980), 338 - 350. |
21. |
Products of conjugated cycles, (with M. Droste), Pacific Journal Math. 94 (1981), 47 - 60. |
22. |
Quotients of reflexive modules, (with M. Dugas), Fundamenta Mathematicae 114 (1981), 17 - 28. |
23. |
Lösung eines Problems von L. Fuchs, (with B.Wald), Journal of Algebra 70 (1981), 219 - 231. |
24. |
Groups of integer valued functions, (with B. Wald and P. Westphal), Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 874 (1981), 161 - 178. |
25. |
A general theory of slender groups and Fuchs-44-groups, (with S.V. Richkov and B. Wald), Springer Lecture Notes 874 (1981), 194 - 201. |
26. |
Every cotorsion-free ring is an endomorphism ring, (with M. Dugas), Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 45 (1982), 319 - 336. |
27. |
On endomorphism rings of primary abelian groups, (with M. Dugas), Mathematische Annalen 261 (1982), 359 - 385. |
28. |
Intersections of pure subgroups and valuated groups, (with R. Vergohsen), Archiv der Mathematik 39 (1982), 525 - 534. |
29. |
Every cotorsion-free algebra is an endomorphism algebra, (with M. Dugas), Mathematische Zeitschrift 181 (1982), 451 - 470. |
30. |
Endomorphism rings of abelian groups, Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 1006 (1983), 340 - 353. |
31. |
Endomorphism algebras of torsion modules II, (with M. Dugas), Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 1006 (1983), 400 - 411. |
32. |
Representation of algebras over complete discrete valuation rings, (with M. Dugas and B. Goldsmith), Quarterly Journal of Math. (Oxford) 35 (1984), 131 - 146. |
33. |
Torsion-free abelian groups with prescribed finitely topologized endomorphism rings, (with M. Dugas), Proceed. Amer. Math. Soc. 90 (1984), 519 - 527. |
34. |
Almost Σ-cyclic abelian p-groups, (with M. Dugas), CISM Courses and Lectures 287, Abelian Groups and Modules, Springer, Wien (1984), 87 - 105. |
35. |
The existence of rigid systems of maximal size, CISM Courses and Lectures, Abelian Groups and Modules, Springer, Wien 287 (1984), 189 - 202. |
36. |
Semi-rigid classes of cotorsion-free abelian groups, (with S. Shelah), Journal of Algebra 93 (1985), 136 - 150. |
37. |
On radicals and products, (with M. Dugas), Pacific Journal of Mathematics 118 (1985), 79 - 104. |
38. |
Countable mixed abelian groups with very nice full-rank subgroups, (with M. Dugas), Israel Journal of Math. 51 (1985), 1 - 12. |
39. |
Endomorphism rings of separable torsion-free abelian groups, (with M. Dugas), Houston Journal Math. 11 (1985), 471 - 483. |
40. |
Prescribing endomorphism algebras - A unified treatment, (with A.L.S. Corner), Proceed. London Math. Soc. (3) 50 (1985), 447 - 479. |
41. |
Modules over arbitrary domains I, (with S. Shelah), Mathematische Zeitschrift 188 (1985), 325 - 337. |
42. |
Modules over arbitrary domains II, (with S. Shelah), Fundamenta Mathematicae 126 (1986), 217 - 243. |
43. |
Wie weit sind Moduln vom Satz von Krull-Remak-Schmidt entfernt? - Eine Analyse am Beispiel fast freier abelscher Gruppen und ihre Konsequenzen. (extended version of a Colloquium given in honour of Prof. G. Nöbeling on May, 25th., 1983), Jahresberichte der DMV 88 (1986), 11 - 49. |
44. |
Solution of a problem of L. Fuchs concerning finite intersections of pure subgroups, (with R. Vergohsen), Canadian Journal of Math. 38 (1986), 304 - 327. |
45. |
The Brenner-Butler-Corner-Theorem and its applications to modules, (with B. Franzen), Abelian Group Theory, Proceedings Oberwolfach 1985, Gordon and Breach, London (1987), 207 - 226. |
46. |
Vector spaces with five distinguished subspaces, Resultate der Math. 11 (1987), 211 - 229. |
47. |
New Aspects for two classical theorems on torsion-splitting, Communications in Algebra 15 (1987), 2473 - 2495. |
48. |
The existence of non-standard uniserial modules in 2ℵ0<2ℵ1, (with B. Franzen), Resultate der Math. 12 (1987), 86 - 94; and Beit. zur geometrischen Algebra und ihre Anwendungen, Proceed. des 2. Duisburger Symposiums Geometr. Algebra und ihre Anw. 22.9.1987 - 25.9.1987, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel (1987), 86 - 94. |
49. |
Field extensions in L - A solution of C.U. Jensen's $25-problem, (with M. Dugas), Abelian Group Theory, Proceedings Oberwolfach 1985, Gordon and Breach, London (1987), 496 - 516. |
50. |
All infinite groups are Galois groups over any field, (with M. Dugas), Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 304 (1987), 355 - 384. |
51. |
The construction of mixed modules from a theorem of linear algebra, (with W. May), Journal of Algebra 110 (1987), 249 - 261. |
52. |
The construction of mixed modules from torsion-free modules, (with W. May), Archiv der Math. 48 (1987), 476 - 490. |
53. |
Prescribing endomorphism algebras - the cotorsion-free case, (with B. Franzen), Rendiconti Padova 80 (1988), 215 - 241. |
54. |
Essentially indecomposable modules which are almost free, (with B. Goldsmith), Quarterly Journal of Math. (Oxford) (2), 39 (1988), 213 - 222. |
55. |
Mixed modules in L, (with B. Goldsmith), Rocky Mountain Journal of Math. 19 (1989), 1043 - 1058. |
56. |
Independence in completions and endomorphism algebras, (with W. May), Forum Mathematicum 1 (1989), 215 - 226. |
57. |
Very decomposable abelian groups, (with M. Ziegler), Mathematische Zeitschrift 200, (1989), 485 - 496. |
58. |
Vector spaces with four distinguished subspaces and applications to modules, (with C. Sengelhoff), Contemporary mathematics AMS 87 (1989), 111 - 116. |
59. |
Helmut Ulm: His work and its impact on recent mathematics, Contemporary mathematics AMS 87 (1989), 1 - 10. |
60. |
Separable torsion-free modules of small type, (with B. Wald), Houston Journal of Math. 16 (1990), 271 - 287. |
61. |
Four submodules suffice for realizing algebras over commutative rings, (with W. May), J. of pure and appl. Algebra 65 (1990), 29 - 43. |
62. |
Torsion-free nilpotent groups and E-modules, (with M. Dugas), Archiv der Math. 54 (1990), 340 - 351. |
63. |
Non-deterministic information systems and their domains, (with M. Droste), Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) 75 (1990), 289 - 309. |
64. |
Effectively given information systems and domains, (with M. Droste), Computer Science and Logic (CSL), Proceedings Kaiserslautern, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 440 (1990), 116 - 142. |
65. |
Separable abelian p-groups with certain prescribed chains of subgroups, (with M. Dugas), Israel Journal Math. 72 (1990), 289 - 298. |
66. |
Universal Domains in the Theory of Denotational Semantics of Programming languages, (with M. Droste), Logic in Computer Science (LICS) 1990, 5th IEEE Symposium, Philadelphia 1990, IEEE Computer Science Press (1990), 19 - 34. |
67. |
On the existence of an ℵ1-free abelian group of cardinal ℵ1 with no free summand, (with A.L.S.Corner), manuscript 1990, unpublished |
68. |
Abelian p-groups which are determined by their socle, (with R. Vergohsen), (1990) to be published. |
69. |
Outer Automorphisms of groups, (with M. Dugas), Illinois J. Math. 35 (1991), 27 - 46. |
70. |
On almost-free modules over complete discrete valuation rings, (with B. Goldsmith), Rendiconti Padova 86 (1991), 75 - 87. |
71. |
Universal information systems, (with M. Droste), International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 1 (1991), 413 - 424. |
72. |
Endomorphism algebras of modules with distinguished partially ordered submodules over commutative rings, (with C. Böttinger), Journ. pure and appl. Algebra 76 (1991), 121 - 141. |
73. |
On separable torsion-free modules of countable density character, (with B. Goldsmith), Journ. of Algebra 144 (1991), 79 - 87. |
74. |
Cotorsion-free abelian groups with only small cotorsion images, Journ. Austral. Math. Soc. (Ser. A) 50 (1991), 243 - 247. |
75. |
Abelian p-groups of arbitrary length and their endomorphism rings, (with R. Behler), Note di Matematica - a special volume dedicated to the memory of Gottfried Köthe 11 (1991), 7 - 20. |
76. |
Torsion-free nilpotent groups of class two, (with M. Dugas), Trans. AMS 332 (1992), 633 - 646. |
77. |
Endomorphism rings of p-groups having length cofinal with ω, (with R. Behler, R. Mines), "Abelian groups and noncommutative rings" - "A collection of papers in memory of Robert B. Warfield", Contemporary Mathematics 130 American Math. Soc., Providence, R.I. (1992), 33 - 48. |
78. |
An easy topological construction for realizing endomorphism rings, Journ. of Math. of the Royal Irish Acad. 92A (1992), 81 - 84. |
79. |
A categorical theorem on universal objects and its application in abelian group theory and computer science, (with M. Droste), Proceedings of the Malcev-Conference in Novosibirsk, August 1989, Contemporary Mathematics AMS 131 , ed. L.A. Bokut, Yu.L. Ershov, O.H. Kegel and A.I. Kostrikin, (1992), 49 - 74. |
80. |
On locally finite p-groups and a problem of Philip Hall's, (with M. Dugas), Journal of Algebra 159 (1993), 115 - 138. |
81. |
Cotorsion-Free Algebras as Endomorphism Algebras in L - The Discrete and Topological Cases, (with B. Goldsmith), Comment. Math. Univ. Carol. 34 (1993), 1 - 9. |
82. |
Modules with two distinguished submodules, (with C. Böttinger), "Abelian Group Theory" , Proceedings Curacao 1991, Marcel and Dekker, New York (1993), 97 - 104. |
83. |
Modules with distinguished submodules and their endomorphism algebras, "Abelian Group Theory", Proceedings Curacao 1991, Marcel and Dekker, New York (1993), 55 - 64. |
84. |
Friedrich Levi, (with Laszlo Fuchs), "Abelian Group Theory", Proceedings Curacao 1991, Marcel and Dekker, New York (1993), 1 - 14. |
85. |
Radicals in abelian groups, "The theory of radicals", ed. R. Wiegandt and L. Marki, North Holland (1993), 77 - 107. |
86. |
Universal domains and the amalgamation property, (with M. Droste), Mathem. Structures in Comp. Science 3 (1993), 137 - 159. |
87. |
Algebraic ramifications of the common extension problem for group-valued measures, (with R. Shortt), Fundamenta Mathematicae 146 (1994), 1 - 20. |
88. |
Automorphism groups of fields, (with M. Dugas), manuscripta mathematica 85 (1994), 227 - 242. |
89. |
The construction of mixed modules from torsion modules, (with W. May), Archiv der Mathematik 62 (1994), 199 - 202. |
90. |
Some torsion-free groups arising in measure theory, (with R. Shortt), Abelian Group Theory, Proceedings Oberwolfach 1993, Contemporary Mathematics 171 (1994), 147 - 157. |
91. |
Realizing rings on ℵ1-free abelian groups of cardinal ℵ1, (with S. Shelah), pp. 227 - 237 in Proceedings Padova 1994, Kluwer Academic Press, New York 1995. |
92. |
Automorphisms of McLane's groups over posets and rings, (with M. Droste), Proceed. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 117 (1995), 439 - 467. |
93. |
The Kaplansky test problems - an approach via radicals, (with B. Goldsmith), Journ. Pure and Appl. Algebra 99 (1995), 331 - 344. |
94. |
The automorphism group of generalized McLane-groups, (with M. Droste) pp. 97 - 120 in "Ordered Groups and Permutation Groups", Kluwer Academic Press, New York (1995). |
95. |
G.C.H. implies the existence of many rigid almost free abelian groups, (with S. Shelah), pp. 253 - 271 in "Abelian Groups and Modules", editors D. Arnold, K.L. Rangaswamy, Marcel Dekker, New York 1996. |
96. |
Subgroups of the Baer-Specker group with few endomorphisms but large dual, (with A. Blass), Fundamenta Mathematicae 149 (1996), 19 - 29. |
97. |
Application of recent results and methods of abelian groups and model theory to algebraic systems, (with M. Dugas), pp. 41 - 62 in "Infinite Groups 1994", Proceedings of the International Conference, held in Ravello, Italy, May 23 - 27, 1994, Walter de Gruyter, 1996. |
98. |
Extensions of group-valuated set functions, (with K.P.S. Bhaskara Rao and R. Shortt), Period. Math. Hung. 33, 1 (1996), 35 - 44. |
99. |
Classification of modules with two distinguished pure submodules and bounded quotients, (with M. Dugas), Results in Math. 30 (1996), 264 - 275. |
100. |
László Fuchs, a personal evaluation of his contributions to mathematics, Publicationes Math. Hungaricae 32 (1996), 12 - 29 (Volume dedicated to L. Fuchs in honour of his 70th birthday). |
101. |
Endomorphism algebras of peak I-spaces over posets of finite prinjective type, (with W. May), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 349 (1997), 3535 - 3567. |
102. |
Free modules with two distinguished submodules, (with M. Dugas and W. May), Commun. Algebra 25 (1997), 3473 - 3481. |
103. |
Endomorphism rings of B2-groups of infinite rank, (with M. Dugas), Israel Journal Math. 101 (1997), 141 - 156. |
104. |
Automorphism groups of fields II, (with M. Dugas), Commun. in Algebra 25 (1997), 3777 - 3785. |
105. |
Essentially rigid floppy subgroups of the Baer-Specker group, (with A.L.S. Corner), manuscripta mathematica 94 (1997), 319 - 326. |
106. |
Automorphism groups of Hahn groups, (with M. Droste), pp. 183 - 215 in Ordered Algebraic Structures, Proceed. of a Curacao Conference, ed. W.C. Holland, J. Martinez, Kluwer Acad. Publ., London 1997. |
107. |
Indecomposable almost free modules - the local case, (with S. Shelah), Canadian Journal of Math. 50 (1998), 719 - 738. |
108. |
Endomorphism algebras over large domains, (with S. Pabst), Fundamenta Mathematicae 156 (1998), 211 - 240. |
109. |
Automorphisms of metabelian groups with trivial center, (with A. Paras), Illinois Journal 42 (1998), 333 - 346. |
110. |
Subgroups of the Baer-Specker group with prescribed endomorphism ring and large dual, (with A. L. S. Corner), pp. 113 - 123 in Proceeding in honour of Adalberto Orsatti's for his 60th birthday, Abelian groups, module theory, and topology, ed. D. Dikranjan, L. Salce, Marcel Dekker, New York 1998. |
111. |
Endomorphism rings of modules whose cardinality is cofinal to omega, (with S. Shelah), pp. 235 - 248 in Proceeding in honour of Adalberto Orsatti's for his 60th birthday, Abelian groups, module theory, and topology, ed. D. Dikranjan, L. Salce, Marcel Dekker, New York 1998. |
112. |
Radicals commuting with cartesian products, (with A. L. S. Corner), Archiv der Mathematik 71 (1998), 341 - 348. |
113. |
Embeddings of Kronecker modules into the category of prinjective modules and the endomorphism ring problem, (with D. Simson) Colloqu. Math. 75(2) (1998), 213 - 244. |
114. |
Gauß's theorem for two submodules, (with S. Files), Mathematische Zeitschrift 228 (1998), 511 - 536. |
115. |
Rigid families and endomorphism algebras of Kronecker modules, (with D. Simson), Israel Journal of Math 110 (1999), 293 - 315. |
116. |
An algebraic condition sufficient for extensions of group-valuated charges, (with R. Shortt), unpublished (1999). |
117. |
Almost free splitters, (with S. Shelah), Colloquium Mathematicum 81 (1999), 193 - 221. |
118. |
Realizing automorphism groups of metabelian groups, (with A. Paras), pp. 309 - 317 in Proceedings of the Dublin Conference on Abelian Groups, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 1999. |
119. |
Representations over PIDs with three distinguished submodules, (with S. Files), Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 352 (2000), 2407 - 2427. |
120. |
Outer automorphism groups of metabelian groups, (with A. Paras), Journal of Pure and Appl. Algebra 149 (2000), 251 - 266. |
121. |
Cotorsion theories and splitters, (with S. Shelah), Transactions of the Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2000), 5357 - 5379. |
122. |
Cotilting and a hierarchy of almost cotorsion groups, (with J. Trlifaj), Journal of Algebra 224 (2000), 110 - 122. |
123. |
Some combinatorial principles for solving algebraic problems, pp. 107 - 127 in Trends in Math. "Infinite length modules", edts.: H. Krause, C. M. Ringel, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 2000. |
124. |
Every endomorphism of a local Warfield module of finite torsion-free rank is the sum of two automorphisms, (with A. Opdenhövel), Journal of Algebra 233 (2000), 758 - 771. |
125. |
An addendum and corrigendum to "Almost free splitters", (with S. Shelah), Colloquium Mathematicum 88 (2001), 155 - 158. |
126. |
Some nasty reflexive groups, (with S. Shelah), Mathematische Zeitschrift 237 (2001), 547 - 559. |
127. |
Large indecomposable roots of Ext, (with Jan Trlifaj), Journal of pure and appl. Algebra 157 (2001), 241 - 246. |
128. |
Decompositions of reflexive groups, (with S. Shelah), Archiv der Mathematik 76 (2001), 166 - 181. |
129. |
Automorphism groups of geometric lattices, (with M. Dugas), Algebra Universalis 45 (2001), 425 - 433. |
130. |
p-adic completions of nilpotent groups, (with A. Paras), Rendiconti Padova 105 (2001), 193 - 206. |
131. |
Almost free E(R)-algebras and E(A,R)-modules, (with L. Strüngmann), Fundamenta Mathematicae 169 (2001), 175 - 192. |
132. |
All groups are outer automorphisms of simple groups, (with M. Droste and M. Giraudet), J. London Math. Soc. 64 (2001), 565 - 575. |
133. |
On the lattice of cotorsion theories, (with S. Wallutis and S. Shelah), Journal of Algebra 238 (2001), 292 - 313. |
134. |
Radicals and Plotkin's problem concerning geometrically equivalent groups, (with S. Shelah), Proceed. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (3) (2001), 673 - 674. |
135. |
Reflexive subgroups of the Baer-Specker group and Martin's axiom, (with S. Shelah), pp. 145 - 158 in Proceedings of the Perth Conference in 2000, Contemporary Math. Amer. Math. Soc. 273 (2001). |
136. |
Classification and direct decomposition of some Butler groups of countable rank, (with E. Blagoveshchenskaya), Comm. in Algebra 30 (2002), 3403 - 3427. |
137. |
Large localizations of finite simple groups, (with J. Rodriguez and S. Shelah), Journal für reine und angew. Math. 550 (2002), 1 - 24. |
138. |
Splitting off free summands of torsion-free modules over complete DVRs, (with A. Paras), Glasgow Math. Journ. 44 (2002), 349 - 351. |
139. |
Constructing simple groups for localizations, (with S. Shelah), Comm. in Algebra 30(2) (2002), 809 - 837. |
140. |
On the homeomorphism groups of Cantor's discontinuum and the spaces of rational and of irrational numbers (with M. Droste), Journal London Math. 34 (2002), 474 - 479. |
141. |
Strictly nonzero charges, (with K.P.S. Bhaskara Rao), (dedicated to the memory of Rae Michael Short), Rocky Mountain Journal 32 (2002), 1397 - 1407. |
142. |
Remarks about the history of abelian groups in England and Germany, Rocky Mountain Journal 32 (2002), 1197 - 1217. |
143. |
Groups isomorphic to all their non-trivial normal subgroups, (with A. Paras and S. Shelah), Israel Journal 129 (2002), 21 - 27. |
144. |
Philip Hall's Problem on non-abelian splitters, (with S. Shelah), Proc. Cambr. Phil. Society 134(2) (2003), 23 - 31. |
145. |
Automorphism groups of nilpotent groups, (with G. Braun), Archiv der Mathematik 80 (2003), 464 - 474. |
146. |
Cofinalities of groups, (with K.P.S. Bhaskara Rao), unpublished (2003). |
147. |
Outer automorphism groups of locally finite p-groups, (with G. Braun), Journal of Algebra 264 (2003), 55 - 67. |
148. |
Characterizing automorphism groups of ordered abelian groups, (with S. Shelah), Bull. London Math. Soc. 35 (2003), 289 - 292. |
149. |
Modular group algebras of ℵ1-separable p-Groups, (with W. May), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), 2987 - 2992. |
150. |
Cancellation of direct sums of countable abelian p-groups, (with W. May), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), 2705 - 2710. |
151. |
Half-factorial subsets in infinite abelian groups, (with A. Geroldinger), Houston Journal of Math. 29 (2003), 841 - 858. |
152. |
On universal and epi-universal locally nilpotent groups, (with S. Shelah, S. L. Wallutis), Illinois Journal Math. 47 (2003), 223 - 236. |
153. |
Small almost free modules with prescribed topological endomorphism rings, (with A. L. S. Corner), Rendiconti Matematica Padova 109 (2003), 217 - 234. |
154. |
Almost-free E-rings of cardinality ℵ1, (with S. Shelah, L. Strüngmann), Canadian Journal of Mathematics 55 (2003), 750 - 765. |
155. |
An algebraic version of the strong black box, (with S. L. Wallutis), Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 1 (3) (2003), 7 - 45. |
156. |
Uniquely transitive torsion-free abelian groups, (with S. Shelah), pp. 271 - 290 in Rings, Modules, Algebras and Abelian Groups, edt. A. Facchini, E. Houston, L. Salce, (Proceedings of the Algebra Conference - Venezia 2002), Dekker Series of LN in Pure and Appl. Math. 236, New York 2004. |
157. |
Generalized E-rings, (with S. Shelah, L. Strüngmann), pp. 291 - 306 in Rings, Modules, Algebras and Abelian Groups, edt. A. Facchini, E. Houston, L. Salce, (Proceedings of the Algebra Conference - Venezia 2002), Dekker Series of LN in Pure and Appl. Math. 236, New York 2004. |
158. |
Endoprimal abelian groups (with K. Kaarli, L. Marki and S. L. Wallutis), Journal of Algebra and its applications 3 (2004), 61 - 73. |
159. |
E-algebras whose torsion part is not cyclic, (with G. Braun), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), 2251 - 2258. |
160. |
Uncountable Cofinalities of Permutation Groups, (with M. Droste), London Math. Soc. (2) 71 (2005), 335 - 344. |
161. |
How rigid are reduced products?, (with S. Shelah), J. Pure Appl. Algebra 202 (2005), no. 1 - 3, 230 - 258. |
162. |
Pure injectivity of n-cotilting modules: the Prüfer and the countable case, (with S. Bazzoni, L. Strüngmann), Archiv der Math. 84 (2005), 216 - 224. |
163. |
On Crawley modules, (with S. Shelah), Commun. in Algebra 33 (2005), 4211 - 4218. |
164. |
Large Superdecomposable E(R)-Algebras, (with L. Fuchs), Fundamenta Math. 185 (2005), 71 - 82 (dedicated to Claus M. Ringel at his 60th birthday). |
165. |
Group rings with simple augmentation ideals, (with O. Kegel), pp. 171 - 180 in The Proceedings of Ischia Group Theory 2004, editors: Z. Arad, W. Herfort, M. Bianchi, P. Longobardi, M. Maj and C. Scoppola, Contemporary Mathematics 402 (2006). |
166. |
The Existence of torsion-free, non-free Crawley Groups is Undecidable, (with A. L. S. Corner, B. Goldsmith), Quarterly Journal Math. (Oxford) 57 (2006), 183 - 192. |
167. |
Torsionless linearly compact modules, (with S. Shelah), pp. 153 - 158 in Abelian groups, rings, modules and homological algebra, Proceedings in honor of Enochs, Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math. 249, Chapman & Hall, Boca Raton, FL 2006. |
168. |
Classifying E-algebras over Dedekind domains, (with B. Goldsmith), Journal of Algebra 306 (2006), 566 - 575. |
169. |
Generalized E-algebras via λ-calculus I, (with S. Shelah), Fundamenta Mathematicae 192 (2006), 155 - 181. |
170. |
Unions of slender groups, (with L. Fuchs), Archiv der Math. 87 (2006), 6 - 14. |
171. |
E(R)-algebras that are sharply transitive modules, (with D. Herden), J. Algebra 311 (2007), 319 - 336. |
172. |
Absolutely indecomposable modules, (with S. Shelah), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), 1641 - 1649. |
173. |
An extension of Zassenhaus' Theorem on endomorphism rings, (with M. Dugas), Fundamenta Mathematicae 194 (2007), 239 - 251. |
174. |
A generalization of Whitehead's problem and Uniformization, (with N. Hülsmann, L. Strüngmann), Annals of Pure and Appl. Logic 148 (2007), 20 - 30. |
175. |
Constructing sharply transitive R-modules of rank ≤ 2ℵ0, (with D. Herden), Journal of Group theory 10 (2007), 467 - 475. |
176. |
Cellular covers of groups, (with E. Farjoun, Y. Segev), Journal Pure and Applied Algebra 208 (2007), 61 - 76. |
177. |
On kernels of cellular covers, (with E. Farjoun, Y. Segev, S. Shelah), pp. 409 - 419 in Groups, Geometry and Dynamics 1, European Math. Soc., special issue (dedicated to Avinoam Mann at his 65th birthday), 2007. |
178. |
Group algebras: Normal subgroups and ideals, (with O. Kegel), Milan J. Math. 75 (2007), 323 - 332. |
179. |
Testing cotorsioness over domains, (with L. Fuchs), Rendiconti Padova 118 (2007), 85 - 99 |
180. |
Construction of dual groups using Martin's axiom, (with S. Pokutta), Journal of Algebra 320 (2008), 2388 - 2404. |
181. |
An Extension of Butler's Theorem on Endomorphism Rings, (with J. Matz), pp. 75 - 81 in "Models, Modules and Abelian Groups" (dedicated to the memory of A.L.S. Corner), edt. Göbel, Goldsmith, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (2008). |
182. |
The existence of large E(R)-algebras that are sharply transitive modules, (with D. Herden), Communications in Algebra 36 (2008), 120 - 131. |
183. |
B-cotorsion pairs and a primer for Bext, (with N. Hülsmann, L. Strüngmann), Canadian Journal of pure and appl. sciences 2 (2008), 607 - 628., 2008 |
184. |
Modules with absolute endomorphism rings, (with L. Fuchs), Israel J. Math. 167 (2008), 91 - 109. |
185. |
Absolute graphs with prescribed endomorphism monoid, (with M. Droste, S. Pokutta), Semigroup Forum 76, 256 - 267 (2008). |
186. |
Cellular covers of abelian groups, (with L. Fuchs), Results in Mathematics 53 (2009), 59 - 76. |
187. |
Decompositions of reflexive groups and Martin's axiom, (with A.T. Paras), Houston Journal of Mathematics 35 (2009), 705 - 718. |
188. |
On modules which are self-slender, (with B. Goldsmith, O. Kolman), Houston Journal Math. 35 (2009), 725 - 736. |
189. |
On inverse-direct systems of modules, (with L. Fuchs, L. Salce), Pure and Appl. Algebra 214 (2010), 322 - 331. |
190. |
Infinitary equivalence of Zp-modules with nice composition series, (with K. Leistner, P. Loth, L. Strüngmann), to appear in Journal of Algebra (2010). |
191. |
Cellular covers of cotorsion-free modules, (with J. Rodriguez, L. Strüngmann), submitted, 2010. |
192. |
The maximal pure spectrum of an abelian group, (with B. Goldsmith), to appear in Illinois Journal Math. (2009). |
193. |
Absolute E-rings, (with D. Herden, S. Shelah), Advances in Mathematics 226 (2011), 235 - 253. |
194. |
Cellular covers of divisible abelian groups, (with W. Chachólski, E. Dror Farjoun, Y. Segev), pp. 77 -- 97 in Alpine Perspectives on Algebraic Topology, Third Arolla conference on Algebraic Topology, edt. C. Ausoni, K. Hess, J. Scherer, Contemporary Math. AMS 504 (2009). |
195. |
ℵn-free Modules with trivial dual, (with S. Shelah), Results in Math. 54 (2009), 53 - 64. |
196. |
Stabilizers of composition series, (with M. Droste), to appear in Algebra Universalis (2009). |
197. |
Skeletons, bodies and generalized E(R)-algebras, (with D. Herden, S. Shelah), Journal of the European Math. Soc. 11 (2009), 845 - 901. |
198. |
Prescribing endomorphism algebras of ℵn-free modules, (with D. Herden, S. Shelah), submitted to Journal of the AMS (2010). |
199. |
Cellular covers for R-modules and varieties of groups, to appear in Forum Math. (2010). |
200. |
Absolute E-modules, Journal Pure and Applied Algebra 215 (2011), 822 - 828. |
201. |
Countable random p-groups with prescribed Ulm-invariants, (with M. Droste), to appear in Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc. (2010). |
202. |
Splitting kernels into small summands, (with G. Braun), to appear in Israel Journal (2010). |
203. |
Endomorphism rings with different rank-entropy supports, (with L. Salce), to appear in Quarterly Journal (Oxford) (2011). |
204. |
ℵn-free p-adic modules with small dual, (with S. Shelah, L. Strüngmann), in preparation, 2011. |
205. |
Groups with only bad embeddings into simple groups, (with S. Shelah), 2010, in preparation. |
206. |
Shelah's absolutely rigid trees and absolutely rigid fields, (with S. Pokutta), in preparation, 2011. |
207. |
Cellular covers of h-divisible modules, (with L. Fuchs, B. Goldsmith), in preparation, 2011. |
208. |
Embedding free groups into factors of the symmetric group, (with O. Kegel), in preparation. |
209. |
Complicated Boolean algebras having a small dense subalgebra, (with W. May), in preparation. |
210. |
Corner's semigroups Γ, (with B. Goldsmith), in preparation. |
211. |
Countable generalized E-rings, (with D. Herden), in preperation (2011). |
212. |
Complete submodules of products, in preparation, 2011. |