NETZ: Collaboration
At NETZ, we are passionate researchers, through and through. We are experts in our fields who are committed to pushing the current limits of technology. Our research and development goals reflect market needs, which is why we work in close collaboration with our colleagues and partners from affiliated research institutions and industry.
Located in the center of the Duisburg Campus, the NETZ site is ideal for collaboration:
Directly adjacent are the The hydrogen and fuel cell center (ZBT GmbH), the Center for Semiconductor Technology and Optoelectronics (ZHO), and the offices and laboratories of UDE’s Physics and Engineering Faculties. The Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology (IUTA) is located a few kilometers away, on the opposite side of the Rhine River.
In addition, we have vast of collaborations within the Ruhr Area in the field of development and characterization of materials; including our neighbor universities in Bochum (RUB) and Dortmund (TU Dortmund), all partners of the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr). In the neighboring city, Mülheim an der Ruhr, we work with colleagues from the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung (MPI KOFO) and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (MPI CEC).
In October 2014, a joint research group on catalysis was established between the MPI CEC and NETZ. We have also established working groups located at NETZ to study photovoltaics with Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) and OSRAM GmbH, respectively.
On an international level, we collaborate with a number of outstanding universities in Europe, North America, and Asia, such as Cambridge (Great Britain); ETH Zürich (Switzerland); Lund (Sweden); Minneapolis, Princeton, Rutgers, and Stanford (all USA); Waterloo (Canada); and Tsukuba (Japan). The cooperation includes the exchange of students, junior scientists, and guest professors, as well as joint workshops and research projects.
To foster direct collaboration above and beyond the regular exchanges, we provide offices and laboratories at NETZ to selected partners for the duration of joint projects. When it comes to developing a new method or testing a component, we believe that nothing is more effective than working side-by-side in the lab.