Nikodem Szpak -- Conferences
- General Relativity Links, Hyperspace Conference Calendar, Philipe LeFloch's Blog
- Ultra-Cold Atoms (Conferences)
- DPG Tagungsserver
- Discrete Geometry (Alexander Bobenko's List)
- Workshops: Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, ESI Vienna, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Mini-Workshops in 2012 - still open
Conferences 2024
- DPG Tagung (Cond. Mat. & Graphene), Dresden (17-22 March)
- Quantum Matter 2024, San Sebastian (7-10 May)
- Graphene 2024, Madrid (25-28 June)
Conferences 2023
Conferences 2022
- Graphene 2022, Aachen (5-8 July)
- DPG Tagung (Cond. Mat. & Graphene), Regensburg (6 - 11 March COV-19 --> 4-9 Sept)
- SFB 1242, San Sebastian (19-22 Sept)
Conferences 2021
- DPG Tagung (Cond. Mat. & Graphene) (1 - 4 March) (online due to COV-19)
- Graphene Online 2021 (online) (20-21 Apr)
- DPG Tagung (GR & Math.Phys.) (online) (30 Aug - 3 Sep)
- DPG Tagung (Atomic Phys.) (online) (20-24 Sep)
- DPG Tagung (Cond. Mat. & Graphene) (online) (27 Sep - 1 Oct)
- Graphene 2021, Grenoble (26-29 Oct); Virtual Graphene 2021 (2-5 Nov)
Conferences 2020
- DPG Tagung (Cond. Mat. & Graphene), Dresden (15 - 20 March) (cancelled due to COV-19)
- Transport at the Nanoscale, Cuernavaca, Mexico (online) (12-16 Oct)
- Graphene Online 2020, Grenoble (online) (19-23 Oct)
- Exploring Quantum Many‐Body Physics with Ultracold Atoms and Molecules, Bad Honnef (12-18 Dec)
Conferences 2019
- DPG Tagung (Cond. Mat. & Graphene), Regensburg (31 March - 5 April)
- Nano-Materials and Nano-Devices, Paestum, Italy (4-8 June)
- Graphene 2019, Rome (25-28 June)
- International Conference on Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials, Würzburg (21-26 July)
- Simulating gravitation and cosmology in condensed matter and optical systems, Trento, Italy (22-25 July)
- Gödel's legacy, Vienna (25-27 July)
- Quantum Systems in Extreme Conditions, Heidelberg (23-27 Sept)
- 9th International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices, Puerto Varas, Chile (2-6 Dec)
Conferences 2018
- DPG Tagung (Atomic Phys. & Quant. Opt.), Erlangen (4-9 March)
- DPG Tagung (Cond. Mat. & Graphene), Berlin (11-16 March)
- DPG Tagung (GR & Math. Phys.), Würzburg (19-23 March)
- Cracow School of Theoretical Physics: Neuroscience & Machine Learning, Zakopane, Poland (15-23, June)
- Graphene 2018, Dresden (26-29 June)
- Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rome (1-7 July)
- EGAS AMO Conference, Krakow, Poland (9-13 July)
- Graphene Week, San Sebastian, Spain (10-14 Sept)
- Graphene and 2D materials, Szczecin, Poland (24-26 Sept)
- Transport at the Nanoscale, CIC, Cuernavaca, Mexico (29 Oct-9 Nov)
- Research Frontiers in Ultracold Quantum Gases, Bad Honnef (17-21 Dec)
Conferences 2017
- Workshop on Geometric Transport Equations in General Relativity, ESI Vienna (20-24 Feb.)
- DPG Tagung (Atomic Phys. & Quant. Opt.), Mainz (6-10 March)
- DPG Tagung (GR & Math. Phys.), Bremen (13-17 March)
- DPG Tagung (Cond. Mat. & Graphene), Dresden (19-24 March)
- Graphene 2017, Barcelona (28-31 March)
- European Graphene Forum, Paris (26-28 April)
- 3rd Karl Schwarzschild Meeting on Gravitational Physics, Frankfurt/Main (24-28 July)
- Quantum Optics IX, Gdansk, Poland (17-23 Sept)
- Transport at the Nanoscale, CIC, Cuernavaca, Mexico (25-29 Sept)
- BEC and Optical Lattices Symposium, Warszawa (20 Oct)
- Conference on Frontiers in Two-Dimensional Quantum Systems, ICTP Trieste (13-17 Nov)
Conferences 2016
- DPG Tagung (Atomic Phys. & Quant. Opt.), Hannover (29 Feb-4 March)
- DPG Tagung (GR & Math.Phys), Hamburg (29 Feb-4 March)
- DPG Tagung (Material & Graphene), Regensburg (6-11 March)
- Relativistic Geodesy, Bad Honnef (13-19 March)
- Graphene 2016, Genova (19-22 April)
- Graphene & 2D Materials, Berlin (27-28 April)
- Nonlinear Waves Trimester, IHES, Paris (2 May - 29 July)
- Ultracold Quantum Gases - Current Trends and Future Perspectives, Bad Honnef (9-13 May)
- The first observation of a binary black hole merger, Hannover (23-26 May)
- Graphene Week, Warsaw (13-17 June)
- GR21, New York (10-15 July)
- NMWP NRW Young Academics Workshop, Siegen (30-31. Aug)
- 3rd Conference of the Polish Society on Relativit, Krakow (25-29 Sept)
- Topological Effects in Ultra-Cold Atoms, Natal, Brasil (14-18 Nov)
- SFB Meeting 1242, Bad Honnef (21-23 Nov)
- 7. NRW Nano-Konferenz, Münster (7-8. Dec)
Conferences 2015
- Graphene 2015, Bilbao, Spain (10-13 March)
- DPG Tagung (GR & Math.Phys & Material), Berlin (15-20 March)
- DPG Tagung (Atomic Phys. & Quant. Opt.), Heidelberg (23-27 March)
- Focus Program on 100 Years of General Relativity, Fields Institute, Toronto (11 May - 26 June)
- GR & Gravitation - A Centennial Perspective, Penn State, PA, USA (7-12 June)
- Graphene Week, Manchester, UK (22-26 June)
- MG XIV - Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Rome (12-18 July)
- 2nd Karl Schwarzschild Meeting on Gravitational Physics, Frankfurt/Main (20-24 July)
- GR 100, Rio, Brasil (27-31 July)
- Minisymposium on Mathematical General Relativity, Hamburg (22-23 Sept)
- Mathematical GR, IHP Trimester, Paris (14 Sept - 18 Dec) [?]
- Spanish Relativity Meeting, Mallorca, Spain (7-11 Sept)
- Einstein Symposium, Zürich (12-14 Nov)
- 100 years of General Relativity, Warsaw (23-28, Nov)
- A Century of General Relativity, Berlin (30 Nov - 2 Dec)
Conferences 2014
- Advances in Mathematical Relativity: A Conference in Honor of Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, Bures-sur-Yvett/Paris (9-10 Jan)
- Graphene Study, Obergurgl, Austria (2-7 Feb)
- Discrete and Analogue Quantum Simulators, Bad Honnef (10-12 Feb)
- Emergent Quantum Phenomena, Heidelberg (9-12 March)
- Graphene School 2014, Cargese, Corsica (8-18 April)
- DPG Tagung (Atomic Phys. & GR & Math.Phys), Berlin (17-21 March)
- The Strong Gravity Regime of Black Holes and Neutron Stars, Bad Honnef (31 March - 4 April)
- Graphene 2014, Toulouse (6-9 May)
- Graphene Week 2014, Gothenburg, Sweeden (23-27 June)
- Asymptotic Analysis in General Relativity - Workshop, Grenoble (30 June - 4 July)
- CECAM Workshop on graphene's strain engineering, Zurich (14-16 July)
- General Relativity @ 99, Bad Honnef (14-19 Sept)
- Recent Developments in Gravity, Mykonos, Greece (17-20 Sept)
- Recent Progress in Graphene Research, Taipei, Taiwan (21-25 Sept)
- Discretization in Geometry and Dynamic - SFB Workshop, Berlin (21-26 Sept)
- Mini-Workshop on Geometric Methods in Classical and Quantum Lattice Systems, Einsteinhaus/Caputh (29 Sept)
- Quo vadis BEC? V, Bad Honnef (16-20 Dec)
Conferences 2013
- Relativity Seminar, Golm, (7-9 February)
- Equations of Motion in Relativistic Gravity, Bad Honnef, Germany (17-23 Feb)
- DPG Tagung (GR & Math.Phys.), Jena (25 Feb - 1 March)
- DPG Tagung (Atomic Physics), Hannover (18-22 March)
- Graphene 2013, Bilbao (23-26 April)
- Workshop on Ultracold Atoms and Gauge Theories, Trieste (13-17 May)
- Graphene Week 2013, Chemnitz (2-7 June)
- Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, Zakopane (28 June - 7 July)
- Kerr Conference, Potsdam (4-5 July)
- 20th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR20), Warsaw (7-13 July)
- Karl Schwarzschild Meeting 2013, Frankfurt/Main (22-26 July)
- Quantum Simulations, Benasque, Spain (29 Sept - 4 Oct)
- Research program on Mathematical General Relativity, MSRI, Berkeley (19 Aug - 20 Dec)
Conferences 2012
- Strong interactions beyond the standard model, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, (13-15 Feb)
- DPG Tagung (GR&MP), Göttingen, (27 Feb - 2 March)
- DPG Tagung (Atomic Physics), Stuttgart (12 - 16 March)
- Young Atom Opticians (YAO) Conference, Krakow (25-30 March)
- Research Training Group ''Models of Gravity'', Inaugural meeting, Bremen (28-30 March)
- Graphene 2012, Brussels (10-13 April)
- Nonlinear Evolution Problems, Oberwolfach (13-19 May) {Ecker, Shatah, Staffilani, Struwe}
- Bayrischzell Workshop 2012 - Noncommutativity and Physics: General Relativity and Quantum Geometry, Bayrischzell (25 - 28 May)
- Graphene Week, Delft, Netherlands (4-8 June)
- DAMOP'12: 43rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Orange County, CA, USA (4-8 June)
- Theory of Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence, Lyon (5-8 June)
- Relativity and Gravitation, "100 Years after Einstein in Prague", Prague (June 25 – 29)
- MG XIII - Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Stockholm (1-7 July)
- Discrete Differential Geometry, Oberwolfach (8-14 July)
- 14th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics, Newfoundland, Canada (9-12 July)
- 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP, Paris (23-27 July)
- Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity, Oberwolfach (29 July - 4 Aug) {Dafermos, Isenberg, Ringström}
- Workshop on Numerical and Mathematical Relativity, Oppurg (11-13 Oct) {Brügman}
- Oberwolfach Seminar: Dispersive Equations, Oberwolfach (14-20 Oct){Tataru, Visan}
- Workshop on holographic applications, out-of-equilibrium phenomena, gravity & analogue gravity, Paris (29-31 Oct)
- Dynamics of General Relativity: Black holes and Asymptotics, ESI Workshop, Vienna (10-21 Dec.)
Conferences 2011
- Quantitative Studies of Nonlinear Wave Phenomena (follow-up), ESI, Vienna (24-29 Jan) {P. Bizon}
- Quantum Simulations, Benasque, Spain (28. Feb - 5 Mar.)
- Resonances and Scattering in General Relativity, Dijon (9-11 March)
- DPG Tagung (Atomic Physics), Dresden (13-18 March)
- Asymptotic Properties of Solutions to Hyperbolic Equations, Imperial College, London (21-25 March)
- DPG Tagung (GR&MP), Karlsruhe (28 March-1 April)
- Nonlinear waves, Workshop ESI, Vienna (4 Apr - 30 June) {Constantin, Escher, Lannes, Strauss}
- Analogue Gravity School SIGRAV, Como, Italy (16-21 May) {R. Schützhold, W. Unruh}
- Nonlinear Dispersive Equations, ETH, Zürich (6-10 June)
- Workshop on Frontiers in Ultracold Fermi Gases, Trieste (6-10 June)
- PASCOS 2011, Cambridge (3-8 July)
- Numerical relativity beyond astrophysics, ICMS Edinburgh (11-15 July)
- Dynamics of General Relativity: Numerical and Analytical Approaches, Workshop ESI, Vienna (4 July - 2 Sept) {Andersson, Beig, Heinzle, Husa}
- Summer School in Mathematical Physics, Workshop ESI (15-25 Aug) {C. Hainzl, R. Seiringer}
- Do we understand gravity? IoP Meeting, London (16 Sept) {N. Andersson, O. Rinne, J. Valiente Kroon}
- Rigorous Quantum Field Theory in the LHC Era, Workshop ESI (20 Sept - 1 Oct)
- QFEXT'11 Quantum field theory under the influence of external conditions (18-24 Sept.)
- Frontiers of Cosmology and Gravitation, Goa, India: Workshop (1-23 Dec) and Conference (14-19 Dec)
Conferences 2010
- Memorial Colloquium for Jürgen Ehlers, AEI, Potsdam (15 Jan)
- Quantitative Studies of Nonlinear Wave Phenomena, ESI, Vienna (11 Jan - 28 Feb) {P. Bizon}
- Quantum field theory on curved space-times and curved target-spaces, ESI, Vienna (March 1 - April 30)
- DPG Tagung (Atomic Physics), Hannover (8-12 March)
- DPG Tagung (GR&MP), Bonn (15-19 March)
- QG10, Dresden (8-10 April) {R. Schützhold}
- Matter and radiation, ESI, Vienna (May 3 - July 30) {V. Bach, J. Fröhlich}
- BritGrav 10, Dublin (6-7 Apr)
- PDEs, Relativity and Nonlinear Waves, Granada, Spain (5-9, Apr) {P. Chrusciel}
- Origin of Mass,Odense, Denmark (3-7 May) {D. Dietrich}
- Black Holes, Bad Honnef (7-11 June)
- Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Electrodynamics, IHP, Paris (21-25 June) {M. Lewin}
- GR 19, Mexico City (5-10 July) {A2-Sergio Dain}
- ECAMP 2010, Salamanca, Spain (4-9 July)
- COSPAR Meeting, Probing Strong Gravity with Gravitational and Electromagnetic Waves, Bremen (18-25 July)
- Mathematical Relativity, Edinburgh (1-7 Sept)
- ERE2010, Spanish Relativity Meeting, Granada, Spain (6-10 Sept)
- Jets at all Scales, Buenos Aires, Argentina (13-17 September)
- Geometry and Physics in Cracow (21-25 Sept)
- SPIN 2010, Jülich (27 Sept - 2 Oct)
- Chandra Centennial Symposium, Chicago (16-17 October)
Conferences 2009
- DPG Tagung (GR & MP), München (9-13 March 2009)
- Grav'09, La Falda, Argentina (13-17 April)
- Connections in Geometry and Physics, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada (May 8 - 10, 2009)
- NEEDS, Isola Rossa, Sardinia, Italy (16 - 23 May 2009)
- Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, Zakopane, Poland (May 31 - June 10, 2009)
- Nonlinear waves and dispersion trimester, Institut Henri Poincare, Paris (13 April - 10 July), [register]
- Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Paris (12-18 July)
- Conference Mathematical Relativity in Lisbon (18-19 June)
- XVI International Congress on Mathematical Physics, ICMP 2009, Prague (3-8 August)
- Spanish Relativity Meeting - ERE 2009, Bilbao, Spain (7-11 Sept)
- Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity, Oberwolfach (11-17 October)
- Mathematical methods in general relativity and quantum field theories, Paris (4-6 November)
- Oberwolfach: Wave Motion / Linear and Nonlinear Eigenproblems for PDEs
Conferences 2008
- DPG Tagung (GR & MP), Freiburg (3-7 March 2008)
- BritGrav 8, York (18-19 March 2008)
- Numerical Modelling of Astrophysical Sources of Grav. Rad., Valencia (Sept 8-12, 2008)
- Hyperbolic Equations in Relativity, Mathematical Institute of Bordeaux (IMB) (June 16-19 2008)
- Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School, Zurich (June 23 - July18)
- The Physics of Supercritical Electromagnetic Fields, EMMI Workshop, GSI Darmstadt (18 July)
- Geometry and Analysis (conference), KTH, Stockholm (August 25-29, 2008)
- Geometry, Analysis, and General Relativity -- workshop at Mittag-Leffler Institute, Stockholm (Sept-Dec 2008)
- Spanish Relativity Meeting, Salamanca (Septemer 15-19, 2008) [deadline 16 June]
Conferences 2007
- Workshop on Helically Symmetric Systems, AEI, Potsdam (10-12 Jan. 2007)
- DPG Tagung (GR+MP), Heidelberg (5-9 March 2007)
- Britgrav 7, Cambridge (3-4 April 2007)
- GR 18 (8-14 July, Sydney)
- Mini-symposium "Computational issues in Relativistic Quantum Chemistry", 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Zurich (16-20 July 2007)
- Spanish Relativity Meeting, Tenerife (10-14 Sept. 2007)
- Evolution equations and self-gravitating systems, AEI, Potsdam (12-14 Sept. 2007)
- Workshop on "QFT under the influence of external conditions", Univ. Leipzig (17-21 Sept. 2007)
Conferences 2006
- Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics (in Honor of Barry Simon's 60th Birthday), Pasadena, USA (27-31 March)
- Scanning New Horizons: GR Beyond 4 Dimensions, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA (Jan 9 - Mar 10, 2006)
- DPG Tagung (GR) der DPG (20-24 March, München)
- New Frontiers in Numerical Relativity, AEI Potsdam (July 17-21, 2006)
- 11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Berlin (23-29 July)
- XV International Congress on Mathematical Physics, ICMP 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (6-11 August)
- XXIX Spanish Relativity Meeting, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (4-8 September)
- General Relativity Conference, Córdoba, Argentina (6-10 November)
Conferences 2005
- DPG Tagung (4-9 March, Berlin)
- Albert Einstein Century International Conference, Paris, 18-22 July 2005 (deadline: 15th March)
- Global Problems in Mathematical Relativity, Newton Institute, Cambridge, 8 Aug.-23 Dec. 2005
- ...
Conferences 2004
Conferences 2003
- BritGrav III - British Gravity Meeting, Lancaster (12 - 14 September, 2003)
- XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics, ICMP 2003, Lisbon (28.07-2.08)
- DPG Tagung, Hannover (24-28 March)
- 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Rio de Janeiro, July 20-26, 2003
- 2nd VIRGO-EGO-SIGRAV School on Gravitational Waves, Cascina (PI), Italy (26-30 May)
Conferences 2002
- TH 2002, Paris 22-27.07
- CAEN 2002 - Highly Charched Ions,
- ICAP2000 (Abstracts & Proceedings)
- XXXVII Zakopane School of Physics, International Conference on Nuclear Physics
- BritGravII Meeting at Queen Mary, University of London, June 10/11, 2002
- ICHEP02 Amsterdam Conference
- icfa source
- 66. Physikertagung der DPG - Leipzig
- X Escola Brasileira de Cosmologia e Gravitação
- Clifford Algebras
- NEEDS 2002 - Cadiz
- Inverse Problems, Modeling and Simulation, 2002
Conferences 2001
- GR 16, Durban (South Africa)
- 7th Fuzzy Days in Dortmund
- Quantum Computing and Decoherence
- Celular Systems - Dresden
- 7th International Conference on Squeezed States
- The XXXIII Symposium on Mathematical Physics
- CCP 2001 - Conference on Computational Physics
- Galactic Black Hole 2001
- News at UCD, March 2001
- Blackhole Conference
- Canonical & Quantum Gravity III
- Capra 4
Conferences ...-2000
- ICPS'99, Helsinki, Finland
- ICPS 2000 Zadar, Home Page
- Marcel Grossman - Gravitation
- Marcel Grossmann Meetings
- 100 Jahre Quantentheorie
- NEEDS, Gokova (Turkey)
- ICMP 2000 Mathematical Physics, London