Nikodem Szpak -- Talks
By topic (Articles + Talks) [version 2017, to be updated soon...]
Analog models in curved spaces: Quantum transport in deformed graphene
Electronic transport in bent carbon nanotubeswith Eric Kleinherbers and Thomas StegmannPhys. Rev. B 107, 195424 (2023), arXiv:2302.01395 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Current splitting and valley polarization in elastically deformed graphene
with Thomas Stegmann
arXiv:1806.09576 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Current flow paths in deformed graphene: from quantum transport to classical trajectories in curved space
with Thomas Stegmann
New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 053016, arXiv:1512.06750 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Transport phenomena in deformed graphene: Magnetic field versus curvature
with Thomas Stegmann
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 60 (2015)
- A sheet of graphene - quantum field in a discrete curved space
100 Years after Einstein in Prague, Series: Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 157, Bičák, Jiří, Ledvinka, Tomáš (Eds.)
Talks & Posters
- Workshop "Transport at the Nanoscale", Cuernavaca, Mexico, September 2017 (co-organized)
"Current flow paths in deformed graphene and carbon nanotubes" (talk)
- European Graphene Forum, Paris, April 2017
"Precise electronic and valleytronic nanodevices based on strain engineering in graphene and carbon nanotubes" (talk)
- Graphene 2017, Barcelona, March 2017
"Current flow paths in deformed graphene and carbon nanotubes" (poster) - Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, Condensed Matter) in Dresden, March 2017
"Current flow paths in deformed graphene and carbon nanotubes" (talk)
"Current flow paths in deformed graphene and carbon nanotubes" (poster)
- SFB Meeting 1242 "Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Condensed Matter in the Time Domain", Bad Honnef, November 2016
"Current flow paths in deformed graphene and carbon nanotubes" (poster) - NMWP NRW Young Academics Workshop, Siegen, August 2016
"Stromflusswege in deformierten Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchen" (talk of my student, Eric Kleinherbers)
"Current flow paths in deformed carbon nanotubes" (poster)
- Graphene Week 2016, Warsaw, Poland, June 2016
"Current flow paths in deformed graphene: from quantum transport to classical trajectories in curved space" (poster) - Talk at Graphene 2016, Genova, April 2016
"Current flow paths in deformed graphene: from quantum transport to classical trajectories in curved space" - Contributed talks at the Physikertagung (DPG, Condensed Matter) in Regensburg, March 2016:
1) "Current flow paths in deformed graphene: from quantum transport to classical trajectories in curved space" & poster
2) "Electronic transport in deformed nanotubes and in presence of magnetic field" & poster
- Graphene Week 2015, Manchester, UK, June 2016
"Transport Phenomena in Deformed Graphene: Magnetic Field vs Curvature" (poster)
- Talk at the University Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Physics, Duisburg, June 2015:
"Quantum Transport in Deformed Graphene vs Dirac Equation in Curved Space" - Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, Condensed Matter) in Berlin, March 2015:
"Transport in deformed graphene: Magnetic field versus curvature"
- Graphene Week 2014, Gothenburg, Sweeden, June 2014:
"Quantum Transport in Deformed Graphene vs Dirac Equation in Curved Space" (poster)
- Graphene International Conference 2014, Toulouse, France, May 2014:
"Quantum Transport in Deformed Graphene via Dirac Equation in Curved Space" (poster)
- Talk at Mini-Symposium on Graphene, Univ. Duisburg-Essen, Dec. 2012
"Curvature, Defects, Geometry in Graphene and Optical Lattices"
- Relativity and Gravitation, "100 Years after Einstein in Prague", Prague, June 2012:
"A sheet of graphene - quantum fields in a discrete curved space" (poster)
- Graphene Week, Delft, Netherlands, June 2012:
"A sheet of graphene -- quantum fields in discrete curved space" (poster)
- Graphene International Conference 2012, Brussels, April 2012:
"A sheet of graphene – quantum field in a discrete curved space" (poster)
- Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, Gravitation) in Göttingen, March 2012:
"A sheet of graphene - quantum fields in a discrete curved space"
- Contributed talk at Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, workshop "Strong interactions beyond the standard model", Feb. 2012:
- (talk+poster [Prize Winner])
- Talk at the Albert Einstein Institute (Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics) in Golm (Germany), April 2011:
"Appearance of mass in lattice models"
Analog models: QED and GR in optical lattices
- Quantum simulation of spontaneous pair creation in 2D optical lattices
with Leonhard Klar and Ralf Schützhold
arXiv:1901.09880 [quant-ph]
- Time reversal and quantum Loschmidt echo in optical lattices
with Ralf Schützhold
arXiv:1901.05941 [quant-ph]
- Curved spacetimes in the lab
arXiv:1410.1567 [quant-ph]
- Optical lattice quantum simulator for QED in strong external fields: spontaneous pair creation and the Sauter-Schwinger effect
with R. Schützhold
New J. Phys. 14 (2012) 035001, quant-ph/1109.2426
- Quantum simulator for the Schwinger effect with atoms in bi-chromatic optical lattices
with R. Schützhold
Phys. Rev. A 84, 050101(R) (2011), quant-ph/1103.0541
Talks & Posters
"The appearance of mass in discrete analog models: graphene and optical lattices"
- Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, Quantum Physics) in Mainz, March 2017
"Quantum simulation of strong field phenomena in optical lattices" (talk) - Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, Quantum Physics) in Hannover, March 2016:
"The effects of curvature in deformed optical lattices"
- Invited talk at the Institute of Physics, Atomic Optics Department, Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland, Oct. 2015
"Quantum simulation of curved spaces in finite size optical lattices" - Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, Quantum Physics) in Heidelberg, March 2015:
"Quantum simulation of curvature in finite size optical lattices"
- Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, workshop "Quo vadis BEC? V'", Dec. 2014:
"Quantum simulation of relativistic fields interacting with artificial gravity in 2D optical lattices" (poster)
- Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, Quantum Physics) in Berlin, March 2014:
"Quantum simulation of relativistic fields interacting with artificial gravity in 2D optical lattices"
- Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, Quantum Physics) in Berlin, March 2014:
"Pulse shape dependence in the dynamically assisted Sauter-Schwinger effect"
- Contributed talk at Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, workshop "Discrete and Analogue Quantum Simulators", Feb. 2014:
"Quantum simulation of relativistic fields interacting with artificial gravity in 2D optical lattices" (talk+poster [Prize Winner])
- Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, Quantum Physics) in Hannover, March 2013:
"Quantum simulation of curved spaces in optical lattices containing topological defects"
- Talk at Mini-Symposium on Graphene, Univ. Duisburg-Essen, Dec. 2012
"Curvature, Defects, Geometry in Graphene and Optical Lattices"
- 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP, Paris, July 2012:
"Optical lattice based quantum simulators for relativistic field theories" (poster)
- Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, Quantum Physics) in Stuttgart, March 2012:
"Optical lattice based quantum simulators for relativistic field theories"
- Contributed talk at Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, workshop "Strong interactions beyond the standard model", Feb. 2012:
- (talk+poster [Prize Winner])
- Talk at the Albert Einstein Institute (Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics) in Golm (Germany), April 2011:
"Appearance of mass in lattice models" - Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, Theoretische und Mathematische Physik) in Karlsruhe, March 2011:
"Strong-field-QED effects in an optical lattice" - Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, Quantenoptik) in Dresden, March 2011:
"Strong-field-QED analogue on the lattice" - AG Seminar, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Duisburg-Essen University, Duisburg, January 2011:
"Relativistic Dirac fermions on one-dimensional lattice"
Nonlinear Wave Equations:
- "Dynamics near the threshold for blowup in the one-dimensional focusing nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation" (with P. Bizon and T. Chmaj) - J. Math. Phys. 52, 103703 (2011), math.AP/1012.1033
- "Large data pointwise decay for defocusing semilinear wave equations" (with R. Bieli) - math.AP/1002.3623, submitted
- "Late-time attractor for the cubic nonlinear wave equation" - J. Math. Phys. 51, 082901 (2010), math-ph/0909.1264
- "Comment on ``Late-time tails of a self-gravitating scalar field revisited'' by Bizon et al: The leading order asymptotics" - Class. Quantum Grav. 26 (2009) 248001, gr-qc/0907.5146
- "Asymptotics from scaling for nonlinear wave equations" - Comm. PDE, 35 (10), pp. 1876-1890 (Oct. 2010), math-ph/0907.4287
- "Global pointwise decay estimates for defocusing radial nonlinear wave equations" (with R. Bieli) - Comm. PDE, 36 (2), pp. 205-215 (Feb. 2011), math.AP/0903.0799, Institut Mittag-Leffler preprint
- "Linear and nonlinear tails II: exact decay rates in spherical symmetry" (with P. Bizon, T. Chmaj and A. Rostworowski) - Journal of Hyberbolic Differential Equations (JHDE), Vol. 6 (No. 1), pp. 107-125 (Mar. 2009), math-ph/0712.0493
- "Linear and nonlinear tails I: general results and perturbation theory" - math-ph/0710.1782, Journal of Hyberbolic Differential Equations (JHDE), Vol. 5 (No. 4), pp. 741-765 (Dec. 2008)
- "Simple proof of a useful pointwise estimate for the wave equation" - math-ph/0708.2801, submitted
- "Weighted-$L^\infty$ and pointwise space-time decay estimates for wave equations with potentials and initial data of low regularity" - math-ph/0708.1185, submitted
- "Relaxation to unstable attractors in nonlinear wave equations" (review of my Master Thesis) - TMPh (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics), Vol. 127, No. 3, pp. 817-826, 2001 - pdf
- Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG, General Relativity) in Hamburg, March 2016:
"Gravitationswellen binärer Systeme im expandierenden Universum" with M. Orts (poster)
- Talk at the University Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Physics, Duisburg, December 2011
"Über die nichtlineare Natur der Gravitationswellen" - pdf
- Talk at the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics (ESI) in Vienna, Workshop on Quantitative Studies of Nonlinear Wave Phenomena (Follow-up), January 2011
"Dynamics near the threshold for blowup in nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations" - pdf
- Talk at the University Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Mathematics, Essen, November 2010
"Pointwise decay estimates and asymptotics for semilinear wave equations with small and large data" - pdf
- Talk at the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics (ESI) in Vienna, Workshop on Quantitative Studies of Nonlinear Wave Phenomena, February 2010
"Pointwise decay estimates and asymptotics for semilinear wave equations with small and large data" - pdf
- Contributed talk at the 12th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Paris, July 2009
"On the nonlinear asymptotics of travelling gravitational waves in the harmonic gauge" - pdf
- Talk at the Albert Einstein Institute (Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics) in Golm (Germany), March 2009
"Pointwise decay estimates and asymptotics for semilinear wave equations with small and large data" - pdf
- Contributed talk at the 73th DPG Tagung in München, March 2009
"Are gravitational waves essentially linear?" - pdf
- Invited talk at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, February 2009
"Nonlinear asymptotics in time-like and null directions" - pdf
- Invited talk at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, University Vienna, January 2009
"Pointwise decay estimates and asymptotics for semilinear wave equations" - pdf
- Talk at the Mittag-Leffler Institute in Stockholm, Workshop on Geometry, Analysis, and General Relativity, September 2008
- "Pointwise decay estimates and asymptotics for semilinear wave equations" - pdf
- Invited talk at the Mathematics Department at UCSD, La Jolla (San Diego, CA), April 2008
- "Pointwise estimates for nonlinear wave equations - late time tails and distortion of traveling waves" - pdf
- Contributed talk at the 72th Physikertagung (DPG) in Freiburg, March 2008
- "Nonlinear effects of Einstein equations in the weak-field regime" - pdf
- Talk for the Numerical Relativity Group at the Albert Einstein Institute (Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics) in Golm (Germany), March 2008
- "Nonlinear asymptotic behaviour of weak waves" - pdf
- Invited talk at the Institute of Physics, General Relativity Department, Jagellonian University, Cracow (Poland), October 2007
- "Stability, decay and perturbation theory for nonlinear wave equations" - pdf
- Talk at the Albert Einstein Institute (Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics) in Golm (Germany), June 2007
- "Stability, decay and perturbation theory for nonlinear wave equations" - pdf
- Contributed talk at the 16th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Durban (South Africa), 2001:
- "Relaxation to unstable attractors in nonlinear wave equations" - jpg (scanned)
- Contributed talk at the International Congress on Mathematical Physics (ICMP, Young Researchers Symposium), London, 2000:
- "Relaxation to Unstable Attractors in Nonlinear Wave Equations" - review of my Master Thesis, 11 pages - ps
- Contributed talk at the International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems (NEEDS), Gokova (Turkey), 2000:
- "Relaxation to unstable attractors in nonlinear wave equations" - review of my Master Thesis, 13 pages - ps,
published in TMPh (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics), Vol. 127, No. 3, pp. 817-826, 2001 - pdf
- Invited talk at the International Conference on "Informatics Systems", Bielsko-Biala (Poland), 1999:
- "Critical phenomena in nonlinear field equations" - very short review of my Master Thesis, 4 pages - ps
- My Master Thesis (Jagellonian University Cracow, Poland, 1999):
- "Relaxation to Unstable Attractors in Nonlinear Wave Equations" (in polish only) - ps
- Contributed talk at the International Conference of Physics Students (ICPS), Helsinki, 1999:
- "Universality of late-time dynamics for nonlinear wave equations"
Quasinormal modes & spectral decompositon of the gravitational radiation:
- "Quasinormal mode expansion and the exact solution of the Cauchy problem for wave equations" - gr-qc/0411050
- Talk at the Albert Einstein Institute (Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics) in Golm (Germany), September 2009
"Dynamical vs traditional theory of quasinormal modes"
- Invited talk at the Institute of Physics, General Relativity Department, Jagellonian University, Cracow (Poland), April 2009
- "Zjawisko Stokesa zagrozeniem dla teorii modow quasi-normalnych" (The Stokes phenomenon -- an endangerment for the theory of quasinormal modes)
- Talk at the Albert Einstein Institute (Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics) in Golm (Germany), May 2005
- "Global representation of solutions to wave equations with a potential (e.g. Einstein eqs. linearized around a stationary metric) by means of quasi-normal and other modes." - pdf
- Contributed talk at the 69th Physikertagung (DPG) in Berlin, 2005:
- "Quasinormal mode expansion and the exact solution of the Cauchy problem for wave equations" - pdf
- 17th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Dublin (Ireland), 2004
- "Quasinormal mode expansion for solutions of the wave equations" - poster - pdf
- Talk at the Albert Einstein Institute (Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics) in Golm (Germany), July 2004
- "Quasinormal mode expansion and an exact solution of the Cauchy problem for wave equations" - pdf
- Talk at the 68th Physikertagung (DPG) in Ulm, 2004:
- "Quasinormal mode expansion for solutions of the wave equation with a potential" - pdf
- Invited talk at the Institute of Physics, General Relativity Department, Jagellonian University, Cracow (Poland), October 2003
- "Rozklad rozwiazan rownan falowych z potencjalem na mody quasi-normalne" (Quasinormal mode expansion for solutions of the wave equation with a potential) - jpg (scanned) (in polish)
Strong Field Phenomena of QED: Spontaneous Pair Creation
- Pulse shape dependence in the dynamically assisted Sauter-Schwinger effect
with Malte F. Linder, Christian Schneider, Joachim Sicking, and Ralf Schützhold
Phys. Rev. D92, 085009 (2015), arXiv:1505.05685 [hep-th]
- "Spontaneous particle creation in time-dependent external fields of QED" - J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008) 164059 (7pp), hep-th/0604101
- "Spontaneous particle creation within the external field approximation of QED" - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7, 1141401-1141402 (2007)
- "Spontaneous particle creation in time-dependent overcritical fields of QED" (PhD Thesis, 2006) - Hochschulpublikationsserver der Univ. Frankfurt am Main
- "'Spontaneous pair creation' in strong electric fields of Highly Charged Ions" - NIMB (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms), Vol: 205, May, 2003, pp: 30-35
- Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG) in Bonn, 2010: On time-dependent resonances for the Dirac equation and their adiabatic behavior
- Invited talk at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Duisburg-Essen University, February 2009
"Spontaneous particle creation in strong time-dependent external fields of QED" - pdf
- Invited talk at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, February 2009
"Spontaneous particle creation in strong time-dependent external fields of QED" - pdf
- Contributed talk at the Workshop on "QFT under the influence of external conditions" QFEXT, Leipzig, Sept. 2007:
- "Spontaneous particle creation in time-dependent external fields of QED" - pdf, published in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008) 164059 (7pp)
- Invited talk at the Mini-symposium "Computational issues in Relativistic Quantum Chemistry", 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics ICIAM, Zurich, July 2007:
- "Spontaneous particle creation within the external field approximation of QED" - pdf, published in Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7, 1141401-1141402 (2007)
- Invited talk at the Department of Mathematics, University Cergy-Pontoise (by Paris), Dec. 2006:
- "Spontaneous particle creation in time-dependent external fields of QED" - pdf
- Disputation talk (doctoral thesis defence), Goethe University Frankfurt, March 2006
- "Spontaneous particle creation in time-dependent overcritical fields of QED" - pdf
- Invited talk at the Mathematics Institute, University of Tübingen, June 2005
- "Spontaneous particle creation within the external field approximation of QED" - pdf
- Contributed talk at the 69th Physikertagung (DPG) in Berlin, 2005:
- "Spontaneous particle creation within the external field approximation of QED" - pdf
- Invited talk at the Institute of Physics, Field Theory Department, Jagellonian University, Cracow (Poland), October 2004
- "Zjawisko spontanicznej kreacji czastek w silnych zewnetrznych polach w QED"
- Contributed talk at QMath9 (conference on mathematical problems in quantum physics), Giens (France), September 2004
- "Spontaneous particle creation within the external field approximation of QED" - pdf
- Contributed talk at the 68th Physikertagung (DPG) in Ulm, 2004:
- "Spontaneous particle creation within the external field approximation of QED" - pdf
- Invited talk at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, February 2004
- "On the problem of 'spontaneous pair creation' in strong electric fields' - pdf
- XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics, ICMP 2003, Lisbon:
- "On the problem of 'spontaneous pair creation' in strong electric fields" - poster - pdf, draft paper - ps
- Contributed talk at the 67th Physikertagung (DPG) in Hannover, 2003:
- "On the problem of 'spontaneous pair creation' in strong electric fields" - pdf
- 11th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Caen (France), 2002:
- "'Spontaneous pair creation' in strong electric fields of Highly Charged Ions"- poster - pdf,
published in NIMB (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms), Vol: 205, May, 2003, pp: 30-35
- International Conference on Theoretical Physics TH-2002 in Paris, 2002:
- "On the problem of 'spontaneous pair creation' in strong electric fields" - poster - ps
Theoretical atomic physics:
- "Spontaneous emission of light from atoms: the model" with P. Marecki - Ann. d. Phys. 14 (No. 7), pp. 428-437 (2005); quant-ph/0407186
- Contributed talk at the Physikertagung (DPG) in Hannover, 2010: "Spontaneous emission of light from atoms"
- Talks (scanned)