Term WS 2017/2018 - File type - PDF-, PPT-, Excel-, Word-, Zip External Transport

Course Syllabus WiSe 2017/2018 [PDF] [PPT]

Title of the theme Homework

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by date and chronological sequenc Lecture

Thema 1
Introduction to transportation logistics [PDF] [PPT]

Thema 2
Logistic Strategies - Strategic Studies  [PDF] [PPT]

Thema 3
Carbon footprint in the logistic [PDF] [PPT]
Exercise: Carbon Footprint [PDF] [PPT]

Thema 4
Supply Chain Management [PDF] [PPT]

Exercise: SCM [PDF] [DOC]
Exercise: Bullwhip-Effect [PDF] [DOC]
Exercise: Demand forecasts [PDF] [DOC]

Thema 5
Outsourcing [PDF] [PPT]
Exercise: Outsourcing [PDF] [DOC]

Thema 6
Location Planning Part 1: Introduction [PDF] [PPT]
Location Planning Part 2: Location Factors [PDF] [PPT]

Thema 7
Location planning Part 3: Location optimization [PDF] [PPT]
Exercise: Location problems with l1 metric [PDF] [DOC]
Explanation of slides [PDF] [DOC]

Thema 8
Exercise: Location problems with l2 metric [PDF] [PPT]

Explanation of slides [PDF] [DOC]

Thema 9
Location Planning Part 4: Branch & Bound method [PDF] [PPT]
Exercise: Branch & Bound Algorithm [PDF] [DOC]

Thema 10
Risk Management in supply chains [PDF] [PPT]