Teaching in the Summer Semester 2023

Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2023

Here you will find an overview of our taught courses in the summer semester 2023.

If you have any questions about the individual courses, please contact the teachers listed below directly.

The Moodle access keys will be announced in the respective lectures. We kindly ask you to refrain from inquiries via e-mail.

Werkstoffprüfung (Materials Testing)

taught in German Language

Name of the course Instructor SWS Room Time LSF Link moodle Link Starting date
Werkstoffprüfung Lecture Dr. Ch. Overhagen 2V ST 013 Tue. 12:30 - 14:00, ST 013 LSF WP




Werkstoffprüfung Exercise Dr. Ch. Overhagen 1V ST 013 Tue. 14:15 - 15:45, ST 013 LSF WP Ex   tba
Werkstoffprüfung Lab R. Braun 1P ST 095 tba LSF WP Pra   tba


Design Theory 1

taught in English Language.

Name of the course Instructor SWS Room Time LSF Link moodle Link Starting date
Design Theory 1 - Lecture Dr. Ch. Overhagen 2V ST 025 Tue. 10:15 - 11:45 LSF DT1 moodle DT1


Design Theory 1 - Exercise Dr. Ch. Overhagen ST 025 Mon. 10:15 - 11:45 LSF DT1 Ex moodle DT1



Design Theory 3

taught in English Language.

Name of the course Instructor SWS Room Time LSF Link moodle Link Starting date
Design Theory 3 - Lecture Dr. Ch. Overhagen 2V ST 118 Thu. 8:30 - 10:00 LSF DT3 moodle DT3 06.04.2023
Design Theory 3 - Exercise R. Braun ST 118 Thu. 10:15 - 11:45 LSF DT3 Ex moodle DT3



Werkstoffkunde Stahl (Materials Science of Steel)

taught in German Language.

Name of the course Instructor SWS Room Time LSF Link moodle Link Starting date
Werkstoffkunde Stahl - Lecture R. Braun 2V ST 118 Fri. 14:15 - 16:00 LSF   07.04.2023
Werkstoffkunde Stahl - Exercise R. Braun ST 118 Tue. 14:00 - 15:00 LSF  


Werkstoffkunde Stahl - Lab R. Braun 1P ST 095 tba LSF   tba


Plastomechanik und Umformverfahren (Theory of Plasticity and Forming Mechanism)

taught in German Language

Name of the course Instructor SWS Room Time LSF Link moodle Link Starting date
Plastomechanik und Umformverfahren - Lecture Dr. Ch. Overhagen 2V ST 013 Thu. 16:00 - 17:30 LSF PMUV   06.04.2023
Plastomechanik und Umformverfahren - Exercise and Lab R. Braun 2Ü/P ST 013 / ST 095 Thu. 17:45 - 18:30 LSF PMUV Ex/Pra   tba


Kalibrieren und Berechnen von Walzwerkswalzen (Pass Design and Calculation of Rolling Mill Rolls)

taught in German Language

Name of the course Instructor SWS Room Time LSF Link moodle Link Starting date
Kalibrieren und Berechnen von Walzwerkswalzen Dr. Ch. Overhagen 2V tba tba LSF moodle KBWW SS23


Elective for Master Maschinenbau MVA

If you are interested in this lecture, please let me know by E-Mail  ! 

Werkstofftechnik 2 Praktikum (Materials Science 2 Lab)

taught in German Language.

Name of the course Instructor SWS Time LSF Link moodle Link Specific information
Werkstofftechnik 2 Lab for ISE Dr. Myronova 1P   LSF moodle WT2-ISE Aushang-wt-2-praktikum-ise Sose-2023
Werkstofftechnik 2 Lab for WiIng Dr. Myronova 1P   LSF moodle WT2-WiIng Aushang-wt-2-praktikum-wiing Sose-2023


In order to be granted access to the moodle courses, registration in the corresponding LSF course is necessary. Please log in to the associated LSF course so that you will know the moodle password later.

Access to all required documents/information will be through the associated moodle platform. All students enrolled in LSF for the course by 4/22/2023 will be unlocked for the Moodle course room. LSF enrollment is the mandatory requirement for module participation. For further enrollment modalities, please see the "Specific information" field.

Grundlagen der Metallkunde 1 (Fundamentals of Metal Physics 1)

taught in German Language.

Name of the course Instructor SWS Room Time LSF Link moodle Link Specific information
Grundlagen der Metallkunde 1 - Vorlesung Dr. Myronova 2V ST 118 Fr. 12:15 - 14:15 LSF moodle MK1 Aushang-mk-1-sose-2023
Grundlagen der Metallkunde 1 - Praktikum Dr. Myronova 1P     LSF moodle MK1 s.o.

In order to be granted access to the moodle courses, registration in the corresponding LSF course is necessary. Please log in to the associated LSF course so that you will know the moodle password later.

Access to all required documents/information will be through the associated moodle platform. All students enrolled in LSF for the course by 4/22/2023 will be unlocked for the Moodle course room. LSF enrollment is the mandatory requirement for module participation. For further enrollment modalities, please see the "Specific information" field.

Metallkunde und Metallphysik (Metal Physics)

taught in German Language

Name of the course Instructor SWS Room Time LSF Link moodle Link Specific Information
Metallkunde und Metalphysik - Vorlesung Dr. Myronova 2V/1Ü ST 118 Di. 10:15 - 13:00 LSF moodle MkMph Aushang-mk Und Mph-sose-2023
Metallkunde und Metallphysik - Praktikum Dr. Myronova 1P     LSF moodle MkMph  

In order to be granted access to the moodle courses, registration in the corresponding LSF course is necessary. Please log in to the associated LSF course so that you will know the moodle password later.

Access to all required documents/information will be through the associated moodle platform. All students enrolled in LSF for the course by 4/22/2023 will be unlocked for the Moodle course room. LSF enrollment is the mandatory requirement for module participation. For further enrollment modalities, please see the "Specific information" field.