Lehrstuhl SRS - MSRT bis 2001 (2003) (Prof. Schwarz)

Zeitschriften- und Kongressbeiträge, Beiträge zu Sammelwerken


Otto, C. 2000. Modellierung eines virtuellen Kraftsensors mit neuronalen Netzen. Proceedings 10. Wokshop Fuzzy Control des GMA-Fachausschusses 5.22. 57-69.

Bröcker, M., J. Polzer und M. Lemmen. 2000. An advanced algorithm based on differential algebra for disturbance decoupling of nonlinear systems. 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Sydney/Australien.(Angenommener Beitrag)

Deckers, J., D. Nissing und R. Schwarz. 2000. Erprobung neuer Regelungskonzepte zur aktiven Schwingungsdämpfung am Beispiel eines Schmiederoboters. Mechatronik - Mechanisch/Elektrische Antriebstechnik. VDI Berichte 1533. Düsseldorf: VDI. 465-483.

Lemmen, M. und M. Bröcker. 2000. Different Nonlinear Controllers for Hydraulic Synchronising Cylinders. 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory, Networks and Systems (MTNS 2000). Perpignon/France. June 19-23, 2000. (invited paper).

Lemmen, M. und M. Bröcker. 2000. Different Nonlinear Control Schemes for Hydraulic Drives. 19th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Mierlo (NL). March 1-3, 2000. (accepted paper).

Nissing, D. 2000. A vibration damped flexible robot: Identification and parameter optimization. 2000 American Control Conference (ACC 2000). Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Nissing, D. und J. Polzer. 2000. Parameter identification of a substitution model for a flexible link. Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2000). Santa Barbara, CA, USA. 1715-1719.

Otto, C. 2000. Modeling A Hydraulic Drive Using Neural Networks. Proc. of 3rd Symposium on Mathematical Modelling.Vol. 2. 551-555.

Polzer, J. und D. Nissing. 2000a. Mechatronic Design using Flatness-based Control to compensate for a Lack of Sensors. Mechatronics 2000. Darmstadt.

Polzer, J. und D. Nissing. 2000b. Practical implementation of flatness based tracking and vibration control on a flexible robot. MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS 2000. Perpignan/Frankreich.

Polzer, J. und D. Nissing. 2000c. Trajectory adaption for flatness based tracking and vibration control on a flexible robot. Control 2000. Cambridge/Großbritannien.


Bernd, T., M. Kleutges und A. Kroll. 1999. Nonlinear Black Box Modelling - Fuzzy Networks versus Neural Networks. Neural Computing and Applications. 8:151-162. Springer Verlag London.

Bernd, T. und C. Otto. 1999. Nutzung von Expertenwissen zur Modellierung eines pneumatischen Antriebs mit Fuzzy- und neuronalen Netzwerken. 9. Workshop Fuzzy Control. Dortmund, 4.11.1999. 197-210.

Kroll, A. und T. Bernd. 1999. From dynamic data to fuzzy state-space controllers: Methodology and applications. ECC 99. Karlsruhe, 1999. Akzeptierter Beitrag.

Lemmen, M. und M. Bröcker. 1999. Nonlinear Control of Hydraulic Differential Cylinders. Proceedings of the 1st Pedagogical School of the Nonlinear Control Network. NCN. Athen. 441 - 444.

Nissing, D., W. Bernzen und H. Schwarz. 1999. On vibration control of a concrete pump. ECC 99. Karlsruhe, Germany. F1058-2.

Nissing, D., W. Bernzen und T. Wey. 1999. Initial Steps to vibration control of a concrete pump. ISARC'99. Madrid, Spain, 1999. 315-320.

Kleutges, M. und T. Bernd. 1999. Simulation of Technical Processes via Universal Approximators. Simulation News Europe 25. 7-11.

Schwarz, H. und M. Senger. 1999. On the Assignment of Zero Dynamics for Input-Affine Nonlinear Systems. European Control Conference (ECC'99). Karlsruhe.

Wey, T. und M. Lemmen. 1999. Flatness based control for hydraulic drives. Stability and Control: Theory and Applications 1 . 22-40.

Wey, T., M. Lemmen und W. Bernzen. 1999. Hydraulic actuators for flexible robots: A flatness based approach for tracking and vibration control. European Control Conference (ECC'99). Karlsruhe. F 1000-2.


Bai, M., D. H. Zhou und H. Schwarz. 1998. Adaptive Augmented State Feedback Control for an Experimental Planar Two-Link Flexible Manipulator. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation. Vol. 14, No. 6. December 1998.

Bai, M., D. H. Zhou und H. Schwarz. 1998. Identification of Generalized Friction for an Experimental Planar Two-Link Flexible Manipulator Using Strong Tracking Filter. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation. Vol. XX, No. Y. Month.

Berg, H. 1998. Robust Control of Variable Displacement Hydraulic Motors. Proc. of 1st Bratislavian Fluid Power Symposium, Bratislava, Slowakei.

Bernd, T. und A. Kroll. 1998. FIMO 8.1: Ein Programmpaket zur rechnergestützten Fuzzy-Modellierung nichtlinearer Prozesse. 8. Workshop des GMA-Fachausschusses 5.22 Fuzzy-Control. Dortmund, 5.-6.11.1998. 154-167.

Bernd, T. und M. Vollmer. 1998. Fuzzy-Adaption eines PID-Reglers zur Geschwindigkeitsregelung eines pneumatischen Antriebs. Forschungsbericht 5/98 MSRT. Universität Duisburg.

Bernzen, W. 1998. Vibration Damping of hydraulically driven flexible robots: Theoretical and experimental results. Proc. of 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC' 98). Tampa, Florida, USA. (angenommener Beitrag).

Bernzen, W. 1998. Nonlinear control of hydraulic cylinders: theoretical and experimental results. Proc. of 6th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems (MCCS'98), Alghero, Sardinien, Italien.

Bernzen, W. 1998. Vibration control of flexible robots: theoretical and experimental results. Proc. of IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, Nantes, Frankreich. 537-542.

Bernzen, W. 1998. Active vibration control of flexible robots using virtual spring-damper systems. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. (angenommener Beitrag).

Bernzen, W., B. Riege und S. Hartmann. 1998. Modelling and model fitting of flexible robots - a multibody system toolkit approach. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 22(2). 165-175.

Kleutges, M., T. Bernd und A. Kroll . 1998. A comparison of Neural and Fuzzy Networks for Nonlinear Modeling of a Pneumatic Drive. Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques \& Soft Computing (EUFIT). Aachen. 718-722.

Kroll, A., T. Bernd und S. Trott. 1998. Fuzzy network model-based fuzzy state controller design. IEEE Transactions of Fuzzy Systems. Eingereichter Beitrag.

Lemmen, M. 1998. Flatness Control for a Hydraulic Drive. RECENT ADVANCES IN CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS. Ed. N. Mastorakis. World Scientific Publishing Co.: London. 225-230.

Lemmen, M. 1998. Flatness Control for a Hydraulic Drive Proc. of 2nd IMACS International Conference on: Circuits, Systems and Computers (IMACS-CSC'98), Vol. II. 726-731. Athen, Griechenland.

Lemmen, M. und T. Wey. 1998. Flachheitsbasierte Regelung eines hydraulischen Differentialzylinders. In VDI-Berichte Nr. 1397. 869-876. VDI-Verlag: Düsseldorf, 1998.

Lemmen, M. und T. Wey. 1998. Flachheitsbasierte Regelung hydraulisch betriebener Translationsantriebe. 33. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium in Boppard.

Riege, B., M. A. Arteaga Pérez 1998. Experimental modeling of a two-link flexible manipulator. Proc. of IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, Nantes, Frankreich. (angenommener Beitrag).

Schwarz, H. 1998. Output feedback stabilization of hydraulic drives based on bilinear approximation and canonical observers. J.~Systems and Control Engineering. No. 12, Vol. P1, R I, Vol 212.

Senger, M. 1998. A remark on analysis and feedback synthesis for nonlinear analytic systems. Proc. of 6th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems (MCCS'98), Alghero, Sardinien, Italien.

Senger, M. 1998. An algebraic zero dynamics algorithm for nonlinear analytic MIMO state space systems. Proc. of IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium (NOLCOS'98), 1.-3. Juli, Enschede, Niederlanden. (angenommener Beitrag)

Torre Flores, P., T. Bertram, H. Schwarz. 1998. Modeling of semitrailer unit for software-in-the-loop simulations. MIC'98 , Grindelwald, Schweiz.

Wey, T. 1998. Nonlinear observer design for hydraulic differential cylinders. Proc. 17th IASTED Intern. Conf., Grindelwald, Schweiz.

Wey, T. 1998. Modelling and observer design for hydraulic cylinders. Proc. of 6th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems (MCCS'98), Alghero, Sardinien, Italien.

Wey, T. 1998. An algebraic approach to zero dynamics of nonlinear MIMO systems. Proc. of IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium (NOLCOS'98), 1.-3. Juli, Enschede, Niederlande. (angenommener Beitrag)

Wey, T. 1998. Rank and regular invertibility of nonlinear systems: a graph theoretic approach. Proc. IFAC Conf. on System Structure and Control, Nantes, Frankreich. (angenommener Beitrag)

Wey, T., M. Lemmen. 1998. Computer-aided Analysis and Controller Design for Non-Flat Systems. Advances in Systems, Signals, Control and Computers Vol. III. 16-20. Durban, South Africa.

Wey, T., M. Spielmann. 1998. Erprobung eines analytischen und eines Fuzzy-Regelungskonzepts am Beispiel eines aufrechtstehenden Pendels. at - Automatisierungstechnik. (angenommener Beitrag).


Bai, M., H. Schwarz. 1997. Model modification and state estimation for an experimental planar two-link flexible manipulator by using an efficient approach. European Control Conference ECC '97, Brüssel, Belgien.

Bai, M., H. Schwarz. 1997. An efficient Approach to modelling of an experimental planar two-link flexible manipulator. European Control Conference ECC '97, Brüssel, Belgien.

Berg, H. 1997. Robust Position and Speed Control of Variable Displacement Hydraulic Motors. Proc. of 2nd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design ROCOND '97, Budapest, Ungarn.

Berger, M. , T. Bernd und H. Hebisch. 1997. Adaptation of PI-controllers for pneumatic servo-drives. Proc. of the IFAC-Workshop on Manufacturing Systems: Modelling, Management and Control. Wien.

Berger, M. 1997. Automatische Inbetriebnahme eines PI-Reglers am Beispiel eines hydraulischen Linearantriebes. Fachtagung "Moderne Methoden des Regelungs- und Steuerungsentwurfes", Magdeburg.

Berger, M. , H. Hebisch, Th. Bernd. 1997. Adaption of a PI-controller using fuzzy logic for a pneumatic servo-drive system. IFAC Workshop on Manufacturing Systems, Vienna, Austria.

Berger, M. 1997. A new parametric family of fuzzy connectives and their application to fuzzy control. Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems.

Berger, M. 1997. Application of a systematic design procedure for fuzzy controllers to a technical process. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.

Berger, M. 1997. T-norms and averaging operators for fuzzy systems: a new valuation about partial differential equations with general variables. Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing.

Bernd, T., A. Kroll und H. Schwarz. 1997. Approximation nichtlinearer dynamischer Prozesse mit optimierten funktionalen Fuzzy-Modellen. 7. Workshop des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.4.2 Fuzzy-Control. Dortmund, 5.-6.11.1997. 179-190.

Bernd, T., A. Kroll. 1997. LS-optimal fuzzy modelling and its application to pneumatic drives. European Control Conference ECC '97, Brüssel, Belgien.

Bernd, T., A. Kroll und H. Schwarz. 1997. LS-optimal fuzzy-modelling and its application to pneumatic drives. ECC 97. Brussels, 1.-4.7.1997. No. 336.

Bernd, T., A. Kroll, H. Schwarz. 1997. Approximation nichtlinearer dynamischer Prozesse mit optimierten funktionalen Fuzzy-Modellen. 7. Workshop "Fuzzy Control" des GMA-UA1.4.2 am 6./7.11.1997, Dortmund.

Bernzen, W., T. Wey und B. Riege. 1997. Nonlinear control of hydraulic differential cylinders actuating a flexible robot. Proc. of 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC' 97). San Diego, Kalifornien, USA. 1333-1334.

Bernzen, W., B. Riege und S. Hartmann. 1997. Modelling of a two link flexible robot using the multibody system toolkit MOBILE MATHMOD 97. Wien, Österreich. 265-270.

Bernzen, W. 1997. On vibration damping of hydraulically driven flexible robots. 5th Symposium on Robot Control SYROCO'97. Nantes, Frankreich.

Breunig, A. 1997. Modulare Fuzzy-Reglersynthese zur Positionsregelung eines hydraulischen Translationsantriebs. Forschungsbericht 9/97 MSRT. Universität Duisburg.

Kroll, A., W. Gerke und B. Jordan. 1997. Fuzzy-Modellierung und -Regelung eines Wirbelschichtofens zur Klärschlammverbrennung. Automatisierungstechnische Praxis atp. 45 (April-Ausgabe).

Kroll, A., A. Agte. 1997. Modellierung hydraulischer Antriebe durch Fuzzy-Modelle. O+P Ölhydraulik und Pneumatik.

Kroll, A., A. Agte. 1997. Structure identification of fuzzy models. 2nd Int. ICSC Symposium on Soft Computing, Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms SOCO '97.

Schwarz, H., M. Senger. 1997. Output feedback stabilization of hydraulic drives based on quadratic approximations and canonical observers. 5th Symposium on Robot Control SYROCO'97. Nantes, Frankreich.

Senger, M., M. Spielmann. 1997. Synthesis of a disturbance decoupling feedback via graph-theoretical methods. European Control Conference ECC '97, Brüssel, Belgien.

Stein, B., E. Vier. 1997. Computer aided control systems design for hydraulic drives. IFAC Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, Gent, Belgien.

Torre Flores, P., T. Bertram, H. Schwarz. 1997. Modellierung eines Sattelzuges zur Echtzeitsimulation. VDI-Tagung "Mechatronik im Maschinen- und Fahrzeugbau", Moers, Germany.

Vier, E., R. Lemmen, H. Schwarz. 1997. Automated synthesis of hydraulic closed loop control systems. IFAC Conference on Control of Industrial Systems, Belfort, France.

Vier, E., R. Lemmen, H. Schwarz. 1997. Energy- and phase-frequency characteristics of nonlinear systems. European Control Conference ECC '97, Brüssel, Belgien.

Vollmer, M. 1997. Die Anwendung der Methode des Ditherings an der Linearachse LA85. Forschungsnotiz im Oktober 1997 MSRT. Universität Duisburg.

Vollmer, M. 1997. Ermittlung der Geschwindigkeit aus einem inkrementell gemessenen Wegsignal. Forschungsnotiz im November 1997 MSRT. Universität Duisburg.


Arteaga Pérez, M. A. 1996. A nonlinear Oberver for flexible robot arms. 4th IEEE Mediteranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation, Maleme, Krete, Greece.

Berger, M. 1996. A new valuation with partial differential equations of fuzzy connectives for fuzzy systems about general vaiables. IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Peking, China.2637-2642. 

Berger, M. 1996. Application of a new parametrized fuzzy connective to a construction unit testing apparatus. IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Peking, China.2643-2648. 

Berger, M. 1996. Eine neue Familie von Verknüpfungs-Operatoren und deren Anwendung in der Fuzzy-Regelung. 6. GMA-Workshop "Fuzzy-Control" '96, Dortmund, Germany.57-69. 

Berger, M. 1996. Application of a new parametrized fuzzy connective to a hydraulic servo-drive system. IEE Conference on Control '96.1479-1483. 

Berger, M., T. Bertram, H. Schwarz, Chr. Behmenburg. 1996. Konfektionierte Fuzzy-Regler für Systemklassen. Automatisierungstechnik.44. 132-137. 

Berger, M. 1996. Self-tuning of a PI controller using fuzzy logic, for a construction unit testing apparatus. IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice.6. 785-790. 

Bernd, T. 1996. Parameteroptimierung funktionaler Fuzzy-Modelle mit gradientenbasierten Verfahren. Forschungsbericht 11/96 MSRT. Universität Duisburg.

Bernzen, W., H. Schwarz. 1996. Nonlinear approximation of nonlinear systems via linear identification and model combination. 4th IEEE Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation, Maleme, Krete, Greece. 59-64. 

Bernzen, W., T. Wey, B. Riege. 1996. Modeling of hydraulic differential cylinders driven by servovalves actuating a flexible robot. 3rd International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Miedzyzdroje, Polen.1047-1051. 

Bernzen, W., B. Riege. 1996. A new approach to vibration damping of a hydraulically driven flexible robot. Circuits, Systems and Computers CSC'96, Athens, Greece.233-238. 

Engmann, B. 1996. Konfektionierte Fuzzy-Regler zur Geschwindigkeitsregelung eines hydraulischen Translationsantriebes. Forschungsbericht 6/96 MSRT. Universität Duisburg. 

Hebisch, H. 1996. Sliding-mode control of a rodless pneumatic servo-drive. Computational Engineering on Systems Applications CESA'96 IMACS Multiconference, Lille, France.

Jelali, M., H. Schwarz. 1996. Volterra series expansion for state quadratic systems. Appl. Math. and Comp. Sci.6. 67-76. 

Jelali, M., M. Spielmann. 1996. Continuos time identification of nonlinear Models: a case study and a software package. Proc. MTNS - Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Kroll, A. 1996. Funktionsapproximation durch Fuzzy-, Hyper- und Radialbasisfunktionsnetzwerke und ihre Anwendung auf fluidische Antriebe. GMA-Fachausschuß "Fuzzy Control", Dortmund.1-14. 

Kroll, A. 1996. Designing a fuzzy controller for a rotating oscillator using genetic algorithms. Fuzzy '96, Zittau.186-195. 

Kroll, A. 1996. Fuzzy modelling of systems with uncertain nonlinearities and its application on pneumatic drives. IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Peking, China.1056-1061. 

Kroll, A. 1996. Identification of functional fuzzy models using multidimensional reference fuzzy sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems.80. 149-158. 

Kroll, A. 1996. Self-learning General Fuzzy Basis Function Networks. First Int. Symposium on Soft Computing for Industry, Montpellier, France.

Kroll, A. 1996. Funktionsapproximation durch Fuzzy-, Hyper- und Radialbasisfunktionsnetzwerke und ihre Anwendnung auf fluidische Antriebe. GMA-Fachausschu\ss 1.4.2 "`Fuzzy Control"'. Dortmund, 9.-10.10.1996. 

Kroll, A. 1996. Fuzzy-modelling of systemes with uncertain nonlinearities and its application on pneumatic drives. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Peking, 14.-17.10.1996. 1056 - 1061. 

Kroll, A. 1996. Self-learning general fuzzy basis function networks. 2nd World Automation Congress 1996: First Int. Symposium on Soft Computing for Industry. Montpellier/Frankreich, 28.-30.05.1996.

Lemmen, M. and M. Schleuter. 1996. Relational Control Structures. Results in Mathematics. Vol. 29. 100-110.

Lemmen, M., M. Schleuter 1996. Relational Control Structures and reachibility/contrallibility of nonlinear systems. Proc. MTNS-Mathematical theory of Networks and Systems, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Lemmen, R., E. Vier 1996. The Method of Energy- and Phase-Frequency Characteristics EPFC - a merhod to describe non-linearity in automated modeling. 35th IEEE Conference on decision and Control, Kobe, Japan.

Riege, B., W. Bernzen, H. Schwarz. 1996. Controllability and observability of a one-link flexible robot. Circuits, Systems and Computers CSC'96, Athens, Greece. 239-242. 

Schwarz, H. 1996. Kompensation der instabilen Nulldynamik nichtlinearer Systeme. Automatisierungstechnik.44. 180-183. 

Schwarz, H. 1996. Changing the unstable zero dynamics of nonlinear systems via parallel compensation. UKACC International Conference on Control '96. Exeter, England. 1226-1231.

Schwarz, H., R. Ingenbleek, M. Jelali 1996. Application of bilinear system models and design methods to hydrostatic drives. 13th IFAC World Congress, San Francisco, USA.

Spielmann, M., T. Wey, H. Schwarz. 1996. Transformation of nonlinear systems into Isidori-Byrnes normal form via graph-theoretical methods. Proc. MTNS - Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Spielmann, M., H. Schwarz. 1996. A graph theoretical method for analyzing the observability of nonlinear systems. Proc. CSC - Circuits, Systems and Computers, Athens, Greece.

Vier, E., R. Lemmen, H. Schwarz. 1996. Support for hydraulic control system design - an approach with applications in marine technology. Proc. CSC - Circuits, Systems and Computers, Athens, Greece.

Wey, T. 1996. A structural approach to noninteracting control of nonlinear systems. Proc. MTNS - Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Wey, T. 1996. A new approach for the determination of the structure at infinity of nonlinear systems. Proc. 13th IFAC World Congress. Vol. E, San Francisco, USA. 215-220.


Berger, M., H. Schwarz. 1995. Logical valuation of connectives for fuzzy control by partial differential equations. Appl. Math. and Comp. Sci.5. 597-614. 

Berger, M., H. Schwarz. 1995. Logische Bewertung von t-Normen in der Fuzzy-Regelung. 5. Workshop "Fuzzy-Control", GMA-Fachausschuß 1.4.2.

Berger, M., T. Bertram, H. Schwarz, Chr. Behmenburg. 1995. Heuristical Optimized Fuzzy Controllers for Classes os Systems. IFIP System Modelling and Optimization, Prague, Czech Republic.

Berger, M., H. Schwarz. 1995. Application of a systematic design procedure for fuzzy controllers to a rotating oscillator. EUFIT '95.

Berger, M., T. Bertram, Chr. Behmenburg, H. Schwarz. 1995. Anwendung eines systematischen Entwurfsverfahrens für Fuzzy-Regler am Beispiel eines translatorischen hydraulischen Antriebes. Symposium zu Neuro-Fuzzy Technologien, Lutherstadt-Wittenberg.

Jelali, M., H. Schwarz. 1995. Nonlinear Identification of Hydraulic Servo-Drive Systems. IEEE Control Systems.15. 17-22. 

Jelali, M., H. Schwarz. 1995. Continuous-time identification of hydraulic servo-drive nonlinear systems. European Control Conference ECC 95.

Jelali, M., H. Schwarz. 1995. On the quadratic modelling of nonlinear plants with application to an electro-hydraulic drive. IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Sysmposium NOLCOS '95, Tahoe City, California, USA.

Kroll, A., H. Reuter und H. Hebisch. 1995. Zur experimentellen Fuzzy-Modellbildung eines pneumatischen Translationsantriebes. Forschungsbericht 13/95 MSRT. Universität Duisburg.

Kroll, A., W. Gerke. 1995. Modellierung eines pneumatischen Feststoffördersystems mit relationalen Fuzzy-Modellen. Automatisierungstechnik.43. 525-530. 

Kroll, A. 1995. Hybride Regelungskonzepte mit Fuzzy-Modulen für ein pneumatisches Feststoffördersystem. GMA-Fachausschuß "Fuzzy Control", Dortmund.225-238.

Kroll, A. 1995. Partition Identification of Fuzzy Models using Objective Function Clustering Algorithms. IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver, Canada.

Svaricek, F. 1995. A nonlinear controller for the optimal running of a non-minimum-phase CSTR. European Control Conference ECC 95.

Svaricek, F. 1995. Entwurf einer nichtlinearen dynamischen Regelung mit Hilfe algebraischer Methoden am Beispiel eines Rührkesselreaktors. Automatisierungstechnik.43. 194-203. 

Svaricek, F. 1995. Nonlinear Dynamic Control of a Non-Minimum-Phase CSTR. IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Sysmposium NOLCOS '95, Tahoe City, California, USA.

Svaricek, F., T. Wey. 1995. Algebraische Analyse- und Synthesemethoden für nichtlineare Systeme. Entwurf nichtlinearer Regelungen, hg. S. Engell. 352--379. München: Oldenbourg. 

Wey, T., F. Svaricek. 1995. Disturbance decoupling for non-linear structured systems. Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.5 (3). 547-559. 

Wey T. 1995. A graph-theoretic approach for the regular decoupling of nonlinear systems. European Control Conference ECC 95, Rome, Italy.1045-1050. 

Wey, T., F. Svaricek. 1995. Analyse und Synthese nichtlinearer Regelungssysteme mittels Differentialalgebra. Automatisierungstechnik. 43. 163-173.


Svaricek, F. 1994. Bemerkungen zu "Unscharf oder einfach? - Fuzzy-Regelung im Vergleich". Automatisierungstechnik.42. 517-518. 

Gerke, W., A. Kroll. 1994. Kostenminimale Regelung einer Roheisenentschwefelungsanlage. Automatisierungstechnische Praxis.42(10). 48-56. 

Küpper, K. 1994. Identifikation eines Fuzzy-Modells für ein hydraulisches System. 4. Workshop "Fuzzy-Control" des GMA-Ausschusses 1.42, Dortmund.

Bertram, T., F. Svaricek, T. Bindel, R. Böhm, H. Kiendl, B.-M. Pfeiffer, M. Weber. 1994. Fuzzy Control. Zusammenstellung und Beschreibung wichtiger Begriffe. Automatisierungstechnik.42. 322-326. 

Küpper, K. 1994. Self learning fuzzy models using stochastic approximation. IEEE 3rd Conference on Control Appl. CCA'94.1723-1728. 

Lemmen, R. and F. Svaricek. 1994. Multistage diagnosis of hydraulic systems. IEEE SICE'94, Tokyo, Japan.

Lemmen, R., B. Stein. 1994. Wissensbasierte Konfigurationsprüfung hydraulischer Anlagen. Automatisierungstechnik.42. 113-117. 

Reuter, H. 1994. State space identification of bilinear canonical forms. IEE Control'94 Conference, Coventry, Great Britain.

Schwarz, H., F. Svaricek, T. Wey. 1994. Some new methods for the algebraic analysis of nonlinear sysdtems. MTNS'93, Regensburg, Germany.

Wey, T., F. Svaricek, H. Schwarz. 1994. A graph-theoretic characterization for the rank of nonlinear systems. IEE Control'94 Conference, Coventry, Great Britain.

Bertram, T., F. Svaricek. 1994. Eine robuste adaptive Fuzzy-Kaskadenregelung für ein inverses Pendel. VDI/VDE-GMA Aussprachetag "Fuzzy Control", Langen.

Svaricek, F. 1994. Computation of zeros: A decomposition algorithm for large scale systems. IEEE/IFAC Symposium Computer-Aided Control System Design, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

Svaricek, F. 1994. Zur Stasbilität von Zustandsregelungen zur Störentkopplung. Automatisierungstechnik.42. 76-77. 

Schwarz, H., R. Ingenbleek. 1994. Observing the state of hydraulic drives via bilinear approximated models. Control Engineering Practice. 2(1). 61-68.


Behmenburg, C. 1993. Model reference adaptive systems with fuzzy logic controllers. 2nd IEEE Conference on Control Applications.

Behmenburg, C., T. Bertram. 1993. Analytische Beschreibung eines Fuzzy-Systems in ihre Anwendung. 3. Dortmunder Fuzzy-Tage.Berlin: Springer. 

Bertram, T., C. Behmenburg. 1993. Fuzzy-Logik in der Automobiltechnik - Grunglagen und Anwendungen. Aktive Fahrwerkstechnik.Vieweg. 

Bertram, T., F. Svaricek. 1993. Eine adaptive Fuzzy-Regelung für ein aufrechtstehendes Pendel. 3. Workshop "Fuzzy Control", GMA-Fachausschuß 1.4.2.

Bertram, T. 1993. Design of a fuzzy controller for a rotating oscillator. International Journal of Systems Science.24 (10).1923-1934. 

Bertram, T., K. Küpper, H. Schwarz. 1993. Fuzzy modeling for the control of mechatroniv systems. 2nd Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics, Duisburg/Moers, Germany.

Bertram, T., H. Schwarz. 1993. Fuzzy identification of hydraulic systems. 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, Australia.

Bertram, T., F. Svaricek. 1993. Fuzzy versus konventionelle Regelung eines inversen Pendels. VDI-Berichte 1026: Nichtlineare Regelung - Methoden, Werkzeuge, Anwendungen.

Bertram, T., F. Svaricek. 1993. Zur Kompensation der trockenen Reibung mit Hilfe der Fuzzy-Logik. Automatisierungstechnik.41.180- 

Clemens, D. 1993. Optimal nonlinear control for Power systems. 2nd IEEE Conference on Control Applications.

Clemens, D. 1993. Parallele Simulation mit Transputern. 4. Transputer-Anwender-Treffen, Aachen, Germany.

Clemens, D. 1993. Echtzeitsimulation mechatronischer Systeme mit Transputern. 5. Transputer-Anwender-Treffen, Aachen, Germany.

Clemens, D. 1993. Parallele Echtzeitsimulation mechatronischer Systeme. 8. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Berlin, Germany.

Ingenbleek, R., H. Schwarz. 1993. Observer canonical forms for bilinear systems and an application to translatory hydraulic drives via parameter identification. SAMS.12.11-19. 

Svaricek, F. 1993. Algebraische Methoden zur Analyse und Synthese nichtlinearer Regelungssysteme. VDI/VDE-GMA Aussprachetag "Nichtlineare Regelung", Langen, Germany.

Ingenbleek, R. 1993. Transformation of nonlinear discrete-time systems into observer canonical form. 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, Australia.

Ingenbleek, R. 1993. A nonlinear discrete-time observer based control scheme and its application to hydraulic drives. 2nd European Control Conference ECC, Groningen, Netherlands.

Schwarz, H., R. Ingenbleek. 1993. State observers for hydraulic drives via bilinear approximated models. 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, Australia.

Svaricek, F., H. Schwarz. 1993. Graph-theoretic determination of the nonlinear zeros at infinity: computational results. 2nd European Control Conference ECC, Groningen, Netherlands.

Svaricek, F. 1993. A graph-theoretic approach for the investigation of the observability of bilinear systems. 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, Australia.


Bertram, T. 1992. Entwurf einer Fuzzy-Regelung am physikalischen Modell eines Drehschwingers. 6. IAR Kolloquium "Fuzzy Signal Processing and Lean Production".

Bertram, T., F. Svaricek. 1992. Zur Haftreibungskompensation mit Fuzzy-Logik am Beispiel des inversen Pendels. 2. Workshop "Fuzzy Control", Dortmund, Germany.

Bertram, T., F. Svaricek. 1992. Zur Fuzzy-Regelung eines aufrecht stehenden Pendels. Automatisierungstechnik.40. 308-310. 

Dorissen, H. T., F. Svaricek. 1992. A graph-theoretic application for the stability analysis of bilinear systems. Control-Theory and Advanced Technology.8 (1). 187-195. 

Ingenbleek, R., H. Schwarz. 1992. Global observability and state estimation for bilinear systems. Canadian Conference adn Exhibition on Industrial Automation, Montreal, Canada.

Mindel, K. 1992. EIS An Expert-system for the identification of dynamik systems. IEE Conference on Intelligent Systems Engineering, Edinburgh, UK.

Reinschke, K. J., F. Svaricek, H.-D. Wend. 1992. On strong structural controllability of linear systems. 31st Conference on Decision and Control, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

Stein, B., M. Hoffmann, R. Lemmen. 1992. Art Deco: a system which assists the checking of hydraulic circuits. 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Wien, Austria.

Svaricek F. 1992. A graph-theoretic approach for the determination of the structure at infinity of nonlinear systems. Nonlinear Control System Design Symposium NOLCOS, Bordeaux, France.

Svaricek F. 1992. Zur numerischen Berechnung der konsistenten Steuerbarkeitsmaße linearer zeitinvarianter Systeme. Automatisierungstechnik.40.39-40. 

Yin, X. 1992. Bilinear modeling and state-feedback control of an electro-hydraulic servo drive. IFAC/IMACS/IEEE/IUTAM Workshop on Motion Control, Perugia, Italy.

Yin, X., H. Schwarz. 1992. A hybrid method for real-time simulation of continous-time bilinear systems. 2nd IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Archtectures for Real-Time Control, Seoul, Korea.

Yin, X., R. Ingenbleek, H. Schwarz. 1992. Observer design for translatory hydraulic drives via parameter identification of a bilinear observer canonical form. 4th International Symposium on Systems Analysis and Simulation, Berlin, Germany.


Andrei, N., F. Svaricek, H. D. Wend. 1991. DACS - An interactive package for the qualitative analysis of large-scale control systems. 5th IFAC-IMACS Symposium on Computer Aided Design in Control Systems, Swansea, United Kingdom.

Dorissen, H. T., H. Schwarz. 1991. On system identification of stochastic excited bilinear systems. 1st European Control Conference ECC, Grenoble, France.

Dorissen, H. T. 1991. Deterministic and stochastic methods for the identification of bilinear systems. IMACS-IFAC Symposium on Modeling and Control of Technological Systems MCTS, Casablanca.

Fink, B., H.-D. Wend. 1991. Schnelle Bahnplanung für Industrieroboter mit veränderlichem Arbeitsraum. Automatisierungstechnik.39. 197-204. 

Hovestädt, E. 1991. Multirate control algorithms for time-variable sampling periods. 1st IFAC Symposium on Design Methods of Control Systems, Zürich, Switzerland.

Hovestädt, E. 1991. A method for multirate prdictive control. 1st European Control Conference ECC, Grenoble, France.

Hovestädt, E. 1991. State space analysis of sampled-data systems - extension of Kalman and Bertram's Method. IMACS-IFAC Symposium on Modeling and Control of Technological Systems MCTS, Casablanca.

Ingenbleek, R., H. Schwarz. 1991. Response computation for discrete-time nonlinear systems with random inputs. International Signal Processing Workshop on Higher Order Statistics, Chamrousse.

Köckemann, A., J. Kronertz, H. Lausch. 1991. Regelung elektrohydraulischer Antriebe unter Berücksichtigung industrieller Randbedingungen. Automatisierungstechnik.39. 187-196. 

Konik, D. 1991. Berechnung unbekannter Eingangssignale aus Meßsignalen am Beispiel der Unebenheitsermittlung. Automatisierungstechnik.39. 205-210. 

Svaricek, F. 1991. Ein numerisch stabiles Verfahren zur Überprüfung der Entkoppelbarkeit linearer Systeme. Automatisierungstechnik.39. 217-219. 

Svaricek, F. 1991. Computation of the generic structure at infinity of linear systems: a Toeplitz-matrix approach. 13th IMACS World Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics, Dublin.


Dorissen, H. T. 1990 A method for bilinear system identification. 11th IFAC World Congress, Tallinn, Estonia, USSR.186-191. 

Fink, B., H.-D. Wend. 1990 Ein hierarchisches Verfahren zur schnellen und kollisionsfreien Bahnplanung für Manipulatoren und mobile Roboter. 6. Fachgespräch "Autonome mobile Systeme", Karlsruhe.

Fink, B., H.-D. Wend. 1990 Parallelisierung eines hierarchischen Planungsverfahrens für kollisionsfreie Roboterbewegungen. Bergisches Seminar für Robotik, Wuppertal.

Guo, L., H. Schwarz. 1990 Beobachterauslegung fü bilineare Systeme und Anwendung an einem sekundärgeregelten hydraulischen Rotationsantrieb. Automatisierungstechnik.38. 92-97. 

Guo, L., H. Schwarz. 1990 Zustandsreglerauslegung fü bilineare Systeme und Anwendung an einem sekundärgeregelten hydraulischen Rotationsantrieb. Automatisierungstechnik.38. 258-263. 

Lausch, H., K. Lierschaft, H. Schwarz. 1990 Structure-variable model-following control for hydraulic drives. 11th IFAC World Congress, Tallinn, Estonia, USSR.Vol. 8. 254-259. 

Schwarz, H., L. Guo. 1990 Multivariable control of electrohydraulic drives. Applications of Multivariable System Techniques, Bradford.

Svaricek, F. 1990 Zur numerischen Zuverlässigkeit regelungstechnischer Analyse- und Syntheseprogramme. Automatisierungstechnik.38. 447-453. 

Svaricek, F. 1990 An improved graph-theoretic algorithm for computing the structure at infinity of linear systems. 29th Conference on Decision and Control, Honululu, Hawaii, USA.2923-2924. 

Tschiesche, T. 1990 Die Generierung glatter Bahnen und optimaler Trajektorien für Roboter. Bergisches Seminar für Robotik, Wuppertal.

Tschiesche, T. L. 1990 Path and trajectory generation for robots. 28th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois,USA.

Tschiesche, T. L. 1990 Bahn- und Trajektoriengenerierung für Roboter. 4. IAR-Kolloquium, Duisburg.