Wiebke Engel, M.A.

Wiebke Engel, M.A.
University of Duisburg-Essen
Institut für Anglophone Studien
R12 S04 H17
Universitätsstr. 12
45141 Essen
Room R12 S04 H17
E-mail wiebke.engel [at] uni-due.de
Phone +49 201 183-2925
Office hours
- 19.7.2022 11-13 Uhr
nicht erreichbar 23.7. bis 31.7.2022
- 11.8,18.8., 25.8. 2022 11-13 Uhr
- 1.9.,5.9., 12.9 2022 10-13 Uhr
sowie nach Vereinbarung per Zoom
Curriculum Vitae
Wiebke Engel decided to study English after an au-pair year in the United States, where she also attended a community college. She received her M.A. in American Studies, Sociology, and Political Sciences in 2008, after studying at the University of Duisburg-Essen. After working as a "studentische Hilfskraft" for Professor Raab, she started teaching at the Institute of Anglophone Studies (American Studies) and is currently working on her PhD thesis.
Research Interests
- American Culture
- Contemporary American Literature
- American Film and Popular Music
- American Foreign Politics and Society
Essay "Anti-Bush Agit-Prop: Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11" (in preparation)
Courses Taught at the UDE
- "I too Sing America" - A Survey of African American History and Culture
- A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - A Different Approach to American Presidents
- A Survey of American Literature
- Cornerstones of 20th Century U.S.-American Drama
- Depictions of U.S. American Society in Michael Moore's Documentaries
- Dream Country or Country of Dreamers? Reflections of the American Dream in U.S. History
- Introduction to 20th-Century American Drama
- Popular Music as a Mirror of American History
- September 11, 2001 - Between Mediated Catastrophe and Cultural Trauma
- The Big (Bad) Apple: New York City in Film
- The Eternal Marlboro Man? - Changing Images of Cowboys in American Culture
- The Road to Perdition? - The Impact of the War on Terrorism on U.S.-American Culture