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31.08.2022 - 12:55:53

Hybrid Travelling Conference between Ruhrgebiet and Rust Belt

Open Registration for the Next Travelling Conference on Urban Transformations in Industrial Regions in Cincinnati

From September 19th to 20th the fourth edition on the Travelling Conference on Urban Transformations in Industrial Regions will take place in Cincinnati, USA being accompanied by delegates from the Competence Field Metropolitan Research of the University Alliance Ruhr. Apply now for joining the event online!

Travelling Conferences (TCs) are a format designed to promote and foster international exchange about specific current issues. More specifically, given the significant interest in questions of current urban transformation and comparable challenges in many metropolitan regions around the world (e.g. post-industrial transformation, demographic change, urban strategies of climate change mitigation and adaptation, waterfront development) as well as an interest in the ways in which policies, strategies, blueprints for such transformations are exchanged globally (e.g. research on policy diffusion, policy mobility, travelling concepts), the series of TCs on “Urban Transformations in Industrial Regions” aims to combine a theoretical and conceptual approach along with an empirical section on selected current policies.
To date, four thematically and structurally similar events are planned to take place in Japan, South Korea, Germany and the United States, with the Osaka edition kicking off the TC series in November 2019. Representatives of KoMet, the University Alliance Ruhr and the Ruhrgebiet will be travelling to all foreign locations accompanied by delegates from the partner regions. To address and elaborate on the above-mentioned issues as well as to identify relevant topics of reciprocal interest and potential research tracks, several presentations will be given at each conference, supplemented by panel and round-table discussions.

Originally scheduled for 2020 and postponed due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the fourth event of the TC series will take place in a hybrid format at the Max Kade Center of the University of Cincinnati on September 19-20, 2022. Organisation-related activities will be carried out by the host institution in tandem with KoMet, with the latter being also responsible for project management tasks. This edition, promoted by the Emschergenossenschaft, will bring the focus of the comparative perspective on the Ruhrgebiet and the Rust Belt, with research findings and topics from previous events laying the foundation.

Click here for registration (virtual participation):

To learn more about the programme and the participating delegations, please see the preliminary brochure of the event: