
We live in the information age. Digitization and automation are two predominant strategies that we now encounter in all areas of life. Their use actually makes sense to simplify complicated technological processes. These include the synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles. The small particles are a key resource in tackling our current health and energy problems.

The synthesis method of laser ablation of solids in liquid media is ideally suited for automation, as it provides colloidal nanoparticles of high quality at comparatively low experimental effort. We are currently working on a compact, fully automated colloid production machine for R&D laboratories, which will provide researchers and developers with the fastest, easiest, and most reliable access to colloidal nanoparticles.

We mainly focus on the integration of measurement and control technology into the laser-based nanoparticle synthesis. However, this also involves the understanding of fundamental processes during the synthesis and their respond to synthesis times. Accumulation effects potentially affect the productivity of particle generation as well as the particle size distribution.

Please visit the web presentation of the Automation Group or contact Dr. Friedrich Waag for further information.