Panalytical EMPYREAN

powder x-ray diffraction

- Measurement in reflection (Bragg-Brentano geometry) and transmission (Debye-Scherrer geometry with PreFIX-focusing X-ray mirror)
- Cu-anode (wave length λ = 1.54 Å, LFF 0.4 mm × 12 mm)
- Sample changer for 15 samples (with/without rotation) in Bragg-Brentano geometry, PreFIX-PDS and PASS (programmable divergence slit with programmable anti-scatter slit)
- PIXcel3D detector with active window 14.1 mm × 14.1 mm (256 × 256 pixel with resolution 55 × 55 µm)
- Goniometer for theta/theta geometry (R=240 mm), max. angular range 0-168° 2Θ, smallest step width 0.0001°
- Thin-film application (GI-XRD) under grazing incidence (multilayer x-ray mirror MPD), measurement of residual stress and texture with PreFIX 3-axes-Eulerean-cradle
- High-temperature chamber Anton Paar HTK 16N for measurement up to 1600 °C in vacuum
- Small (SAXS) and wide angle scattering (WAXS) with PreFIX stage ScatterX78 (preadjusted capillary holder)
- Generator: Umax=60 kV, Imax=60 mA


powder x-ray diffraction

- Measurement in reflection (Bragg-Brentano geometry) at ambient temperature
- Cu-anode (wave length λ = 1.54 Å, LFF 0.4 mm × 12 mm)
- FLIP-STICK sample stage for 9 samples (with/without rotation)
- LYNXEYE XE-T detector with active window 14.4 mm x 16 mm (192 strips of 75 µm width) und energy resolution < 380 eV (suitable for suppression of Fe (α + β) X-ray fluorescence)
- Goniometer for theta/theta geometry (R=250 mm), max. angular range 0-168° 2Θ, smallest step width 0.0001°
- Generator: Umax=50 kV, Imax=60 mA

STOE transmission- diffractometer STADI P (STOE Automated Diffractometer for Powder)

powder x-ray diffraction

- Measurement in transmission (Debye-Scherrer geometry) at ambient temperature
- Mo-anode (Kα1-radiation, curved Ge crystal monochromator, wave length λ = 0.7093 Å, LFF 0.4 mm × 12 mm)
- Capillary sample holder (0.2-1.0 mm Ø), foil sample holder
- Curved IP-PSD detector (Image-Plate Position Sensitive Detector, R=150 mm), data capture range 2×70° 2Θ, angular accuracy 0.001°
- Generator: Umax=60 kV, Imax=35 mA





single-crystal x-ray diffraction

- 4-circle-diffractometer with Kappa Geometry
- Mo-anode (Kα-radiation, wave length λ = 0.71 Å, KFF 0.4 x 0.8 mm, Mo 2K-90)
- APEX2 (CCD area detector)
- Low-temperature measurement to 100 K (nitrogen as a cooling medium), also programmable temperature sequence
- Generator: Umax=50 kV, Imax=40 mA


Bruker D8 VENTURE with PHOTON II area detector

single-crystal x-ray diffraction

- 4-circle-diffractometer with Kappa Geometry
- Cu-anode (Kα-radiation, micro focus INCOATEC IµS 3.0, wave length λ = 1.54 Å, focal size 100 µm),
- PHOTON II (CPAD area detector)
- Low-temperature measurement to 100 K (nitrogen as a cooling medium), also programmable temperature sequence
- Generator: Umax=50 kV, Imax=1.1 mA