LGBTQIA+ at the University of Duisburg-Essen


The Trans*Inter*SchwuBiLe (Gay, Bisexual and Lesbian) represents the interests of trans*, inter* people, gays, lesbians and bisexuals in autonomy at our university. It is the autonomous department for trans*, inter* people, gays, bisexuals and lesbians and their friends.

Go to Trans*Inter*SchwuBiLe


The LGBTIQ* network was founded in 2021 and is for all employees at UDE.

You are LGBTIQ* (lesbian, gay, bi, trans, inter and/or queer*)? - So are we!
You want to promote LGBTIQ* issues at UDE? - So do we!
You are looking for like-minded people at UDE and want to network? - Then come and join us!

The group currently meets every second month at 18:30.

Contact us here: