Research Needs in Education (ReNeEd)

Research Needs in Education (ReNeEd)

Research Needs from the perspective of immigrant pedagogic professionals in education

ReNeEd – Research Needs in Education – aims to evaluate and systemize the research needs in education from the perspective of pedagogic professionals from the formal and non-formal sector of the education system. The project focusses on professionals that have either some form of immigration experience themselves or via their parents and that have earned an educational qualification in Germany, or have received their professional qualification before they immigrated to Germany.

The leading questions of the project are the following:

  1. To what extent are professional practitioners familiar with existing research, and in how far do they believe it to be relevant?
  2. What issues are necessary to be explored via research from their perspective in order to enhance the potential for integration in the educational sector?
  3. Which positive resources for and obstacles to integration in the education sector have not yet received sufficient attention from research?
  4. What are criteria for research to conceived as relevant and trustworthy?
  5. In how far do the perspectives of interviewees differ with regard to their qualification (qualification in Germany vs. qualification in emigration country) and with regard to the subsector of education (formal vs. non-formal)?

Research motivation

The motivation for ReNeEd is based on scientific sociological considerations. Political conjunctures and the resulting skepticism about science and research have increased the pressure on socio-scientific research to legitimize the consumption of state resources. On the one hand, »science« reacted to this development by referring to research-inherent logics, methodological constraints and temporal structures, and on the other hand by its own research on the use of science. Corresponding research on "Research Utilization" (e.g., Caral Weiss 1980) has, in particular, worked out the estimation of trustworthiness and relevance estimation among potential users as conditions for the use of research. Research Needs in Education (ReNeEd) aims to contribute to the validation and differentiation of research concerns and their connectivity.

Work plan/Method

  • Development of design and key questions for interviews.
  • Theory-based sampling of interview participants.
  • Conducting interviews; Transcription; qualitative evaluation for the identification of research topics.
  • Online survey on the weighting of research topics from the interviews; statistical evaluation.


  • Recording of research needs of pedagogical professionals with an immigration history as an approach / starting point.
  • Providing a transferable methodology that allows professionals to be considered in the formulation of research programs.
  • Validation and differentiation of research-related and political perspectives on research.

Funding & support

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and DeZIM-Community.


Prof. Dr. Herrmann Josef Abs (Coordination)
Vera Späth
Igor B. Batista
