Welcome to Ko[Gloss]

The project devises tests and documents a language teaching method. The method puts into practice the didactical concept of interactive teaching, with the goal of learning through teaching. This enables learners from higher educational establishments and further vocational training to analyse authentic text material using professional language software, to structure the results by working together and in response to requirements, and to make these results

Accessible to other learners and vocational users. Teachers guarantee the quality and sustainability of the results. Analysis of the texts focuses on verbal constructions such as 'to commission an investigation', 'to discuss a problem', on which the argumentative coherence of a text depends. Knowledge of these constructions is required both for the production of academic and vocational texts and when reading them for the purposes of information analysis. The virtual learning environment Moodle, whose glossary module will be adapted accordingly, will be used for structuring and assessment and for the subsequent use of the results for teaching purposes.

The methodological objective of the project is independent of the target languages and of the specialist fields of the text material. Examples are being produced using Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and German languages. The requirements are the same in the case of all four languages: improving vocational and academic writing and text interpretation skills through greater language awareness among native speakers. Four interconnected construction glossaries will also be used during the initial and further training of translators. The translators will learn a method of speedy and targeted analysis of new technical language fields in foreign target languages.

We anticipate a significant improvement in the ability of learners to analyse their own and foreign languages and to apply these languages directly within communication professions.

Financing: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

Projekt-Nr. 511437-LLP-1- 2010-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP

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