Research Projects

Actual Projects



Abgeschlossene Projekte

  • 2009-2012 collaborative project technical capacities in gasnetzworks, subproject: "Study of the stochastical infeed" (BMWI)
  • discrete optimization in shipyard problems, aided from HDW Kiel
  • optimal planing under uncertainty for gas economay, BMBF-program "new mathematical procedures in industry and service".
  • longterm planning for power plant systems, BMBF-program "mathematical procedures for solutions in industry and economy problems".
  • optimal  load distribution under uncertain data for real-time planning , DFG-program "real-time optimization for large systems".
  • online optimization for procedural multiproduct plants, DFG-program "real-time optimization for large systems".
  • future NRW-logistics, project funded by WestLB Stiftung "future NRW".
  • optimal block sampling for resource scheduling in power plants, BMBF-program for application-oriented mathematical projects.