Talks and Conferences - Dr. Nantke Pecht

Talks and Conferences


(with E. Ziegler). Praktiken der Kommodifizierung und Re-Indexikalisierung von Bergbausprache im Ruhrgebiet. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL), Mainz, September 20-22, 2023.

Sprachliche Praktiken als „Immaterielles Kulturerbe“? Eine erste Bestandsaufnahme musealer Interaktionen im Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum. Kolloquium Linguistik und Sprachdidaktik, University of Duisburg-Essen, April 25, 2023.

(with N. Braber, J. Bellamy & E. Ziegler). Ground-breaking language: The linguistic practices of mining communities as cultural heritage (Midlands/UK – Ruhr from a comparative perspective). Workshop „Sprachliche Praktiken in Bergarbeitergemeinschaften als kulturelles Erbe“ (Linguistic practices in mining communities as cultural heritage). University of Duisburg-Essen, April 3, 2023.


Constructing group membership: Variation in the use of the first-person plural pronoun . I Simposio Internacional sobre Variación Gramatical y Construcción del Significado (1st International Symposium on Grammatical Variation and the Construction of Meaning). Universidad de La Laguna, November 22 & 23, 2022.

(with Yue Zhou) „Ich bin (am) arbeiten:“ Eine semantisch-funktionale Analyse von „Absentiv“ und am-Progressiv in der Kurznachrichtenkommunikation. Online-Conference "Grammatik, Interaktion und Sprachvergleich" (Grammar, Interaction and language Contrast). University of Münster, September 8- 9,  2022.

(with M. Rocker). Variation in progressive constructions in two Germanic contact varieties. Poster Presentation. iClave 11 – International Conference on Language Variation in Europe. Vienna, Online Conference, April 11-14, 2022.

Dutch-German Language Contact in a Mining Community, iClave 11 – International Conference on Language Variation in Europe. Vienna, Online Conference, April 11-14, 2022.

(with M. Rocker). Methodological Challenges in Corpus Research: Untangling Morphosyntactic Variation in Contact Settings of Closely-related Varieties, German Language Minorities Worldwide in Contrast: Case Studies, Methods and Corpora/Deutsche Sprachminderheiten weltweit kontrastiv: Fallstudien, Methoden und Korpora. Bamberg, March 3.-4.

(with Hasse et al.). Panel discussion on Germanic dialect contact, GURT 2022: Dialect Contact, Online Panel, March 10-13, 2022.

(with L. Cornips, D. Hovens, M. Rickert & S. Atwater). Old and new boundary lines in the Belgian-Dutch-German borderland (panel), Border Renaissance: Recent Developments in Territorial, Cultural, and Linguistic Border Studies. Saarland University, February 4-5, 2022.



(with M. Rocker). ‘Der hund war am nei gucke gwest’: Towards a variationist analysis of progressive aspect in Pennsylvania Dutch and Cité Duits, Poster Presentation, New Ways of Analyzing Variation 49 (NWAV), Austin, Texas, 19. – 24 October.



Progressive aspect in a Dutch-German-Limburgish contact variety, SLE 2020 (Societas Linguistica Europaea), Online Conference, 26. August – 1. September 2020.

Analyzing mixed-language data: A methodological perspective on variation, International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XVII), Mainz, 3.-7. August 2020 [postponed due to COVID 19 pandemic].

(with L. Cornips). Meertaligheid in de mijnen. Meertaligheid op laaggeschoolde werkplekken in grensregio’s. Heerlen, 12 March 2020. CBS [canceled due to COVID 19 pandemic].



Progressive aspect in Cité Duits, German(ic) in Language Contact: Grammatical and sociolinguistic dynamics, Freie Universität Berlin, 5. July 2019.

The use of personal pronouns in Cité Duits, a moribund Dutch-German-Limburgian contact variety, iClave, Leeuwarden, 27. June 2019.

The pronominal paradigm in Cité Duits: Systematic patterns and variation, Anéla-TIN-dag 2019 (Taalkunde in Nederland-dag), Utrecht, 2. February 2019.



The pronominal paradigm in Cité Duits: Systematic patterns and variation, Meertens Instituut Amsterdam/KNAW, 19. November 2018.

Exploring the limits of variability: The pronominal system in two language contact settings, Short-term fellow talk, Universität Potsdam, 26. October 2018.



A mixed variety? Grammatical features and sociolinguistic aspects of Cité Duits in Belgian-Limburg, Symposium on Mixed Languages, Bremen, 28.-29. September 2017.

Emergence and social meaning of an in-group variety in a multilingual coalmining community, Multilingualism as Migration, Luxemburg, 1.-2. July 2017.

Language contact in a Belgian mining neighborhood: Morphosyntactic features of Cité Duits, 24th LIPP-Symposium Language in Contact: Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, Munich, 21.-23. June, 2017.

A mixed variety? Grammatical features and sociolinguistic aspects of Cité Duits in Belgian-Limburg, Contact-Driven Multilingual Practices, Helsinki, 1.-2. June 2017.

Grammatical features of a moribund coalminers variety, poster presentation, Sociolinguistics Circle 2017, Tilburg, 31. March 2017.

Socio-historical development and grammatical features of a miners variety, Anéla-TIN-dag 2017 (Taalkunde in Nederland-dag), Utrecht, 4. February 2017.



Language practices and attitudes in a cité, Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, Murcia, 15.-18. June 2016.

(with L. Cornips und P. Auer). (Socio)linguistic aspects of Cité Duits in Eisden (Limburg-Belgium), Spoken Language in the Mines: Euregion and beyond, Symposium, Maastricht, 25.-26. April 2016.



The postfield in Cité Duits: Syntactic variation in in-group speech, Anéla (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Toegepaste Taalwetenschap) Applied Linguistics Conference 2015, Egmond aan Zee, 22.-23. May 2015.

Speaking Cité Duits in a Limburgian coalminers neighborhood: The use of the postfield, Anéla Junior Conference, Nijmegen, 6. March 2015.

Syntactic variation among speakers of a multilingual coal miners neighbourhood in Limburg (B), TIN-dag 2015, Utrecht, 7. February 2015.


Organized Conferences

Sociolinguistics Circle 2018, Maastricht, 6. April 2018.