Current Directions in Research on Political Support - Conference 2024

Conference at the University of Duisburg-Essen
21 - 22 November 2024
With a Keynote Speech by
Sofia Vasilopoulou
Professor of European Politics | King’s College London

Call for Abstracts
Traditional accounts to political support (e.g., Easton’s seminal works) suggest that citizens’ governmental and democratic support plays a pivotal role for the stability of political systems. Crises such as the COVID19 pandemic and rapid societal change, but also increasing social inequality, political polarization, and an uprising of populist right-wing populism have fueled concerns of eroding democratic political support around the globe.
The conference aims to bring together scholars who work on various aspects of political support – broadly conceived as political attitudes and behavior related to incumbent governments and implemented policies (“specific support”) and – more broadly – views on democracy and democratic functioning, as well as populist and anti-democratic perspectives (“general support”). Possible topics cover, but are not limited to, research on emotions and political support, populist and extremist attitudes, democratic satisfaction and trust in politics, studies on the impact of social cohesion and democracy, research on minority groups and political support, and inquiries into methodological innovations in studying political support. The organizers invite advanced scholars and researchers in the early stages of their careers.
Conference Program
Download the conference program here.
Please submit an abstract of max. 250 words with a paper title and the name and affiliation of all authors to
Deadline for abstract submission: 12/07/2024
Notification of acceptance: 02/08/2024
Deadline for paper submission: 14/11/2024
There will be no registration fee. Travel and accommodation support for early career researchers (Ph.D. students and PostDocs within three years of Ph.D.) will be offered on a competitive basis for presenting authors without access to funding and in line with university regulations. Please indicate in your submission if you would like to apply for early career researcher support and how many years have passed since you received your Ph.D. or if you are an active Ph.D. student. Refreshments and conference meals, including lunch on both days and a conference dinner on the first day, will be covered.
Further information
Please direct any questions concerning the workshop, abstract submissions, and/or funding to: