Junior Research Group Leader

Dr. rer. nat.Lisa Voskuhl
Interests: Environmental Microbiology | Microbial Life in Oil | Microbial Dynamics at Water/Oil Interface, Hydrocarbon-Producing Algae, Algae-Bacteria Interactions in Context of Hydrocarbon Degradation | Microbial Community Assembly and Structure | Biodiversity
Faculty of Chemistry - EMB
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Universitätsstr. 5
45141 Essen
Office: S05 V07 E08
Phone: +49 201 183 6612
Team Assistant
Clarissa Gründler

Bachelor Student Hilal Kaya
Topic: Isolation and characterisation of new Algae-Bacteria consortia

Student Assistant Lea Willemsen
Topic: Algae and Bacteria | Molecular work | Laboratory support

Interested in a thesis project? Please do not hesitate to contact us
Research Interns
Jana Knaup, B. Sc. (2024)
Julia Banholzer, B. Sc. (2023)
Bachelor Students
Michelle Kulbatzki, B. Sc. (2024)
Master students
Rudolf Walter, M. Sc. (2024)
Tobias Urbansky, M. Sc. (2024)