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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Shank muscle strength training changes foot behaviour during a sudden ankle supinationIn: PLoS ONE Jg. 10 (2015) Nr. 6, S. e0130290Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Angewandte Biomechanik für den Sport und die Industrie : Universitäre Forschung zur ProduktoptimierungIn: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2014) Nr. 46: Patente : Motivation für die Wissenschaft?, S. 32 - 41Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Biomechanical and functional indicators in male semiprofessional soccer players with increased hip alpha angles vs. amateur soccer playersIn: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jg. 15 (2014) S. 88Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Criteria for gender-specific soccer shoe developmentIn: Footwear Science Jg. 6 (2014) Nr. 2: Special Issue: Soccer shoes: enhancing fit and performance, S. 89 - 96Online Volltext:
Plantar pressure measurements for the evaluation of shoe comfort, overuse injuries and performance in soccerIn: Footwear Science Jg. 6 (2014) Nr. 2, S. 119 - 127Online Volltext:
Effects of textured insoles on balance in people with Parkinson's diseaseIn: PLoS ONE Jg. 8 (2013) Nr. 12, S. e83309Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Performance differences between female and male soccer players : recommendations for shoe designs
Eleventh Footwear Biomechanics Symposium, 31.07.-02.08.2013, Natal, Brazil,In: Footwear Science Jg. 5 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1: Special Issue: Proceedings of the Eleventh Footwear Biomechanics Symposium, S. S5 - S6Online Volltext: -
The influence of instability shoes on the balance performance of elderly womenIn: Footwear Science Jg. 5 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 51 - S52Online Volltext:
Enhanced somatosensory information decreases postural sway in older peopleIn: Gait & Posture Jg. 35 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 630 - 635Online Volltext:
The influence of two unstable shoe modifications on lower extremity kinetics during walking and postural balance in elderly menIn: Footwear Science Jg. 4 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 83 - 91Online Volltext:
Whole-Body Vibration Improves the Accuracy of Motor PerformanceIn: Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies Jg. S7 (2012) S. 001Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
A comparison of futsal and outdoor soccer : consequences for footwear design
Tenth Footwear Biomechanics Symposium, 29.06.-01.07.2011, Tübingen,In: Footwear Science Jg. 3 (2011) Nr. Suppl.1: Special Issue: Proceedings of the Tenth Footwear Biomechanics Symposium (Tübingen, Germany 2011), S. S1 - S2Online Volltext: -
Comfort and stability ratings of different shoe lacing patterns depend on the runners' level of performanceIn: Footwear Science Jg. 3 (2011) Nr. Suppl.1, S. 64 - S66Online Volltext:
Eighteen years of running shoe testing in Germany - a series of biomechanical studiesIn: Footwear Science Jg. 3 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 71 - 81Online Volltext:
Lower and upper extremity loading in nordic walking in comparison with walking and runningIn: Journal of Applied Biomechanics Jg. 27 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 22 - 31Online Volltext:
Relationships between impact variables from running in 20 different footwear conditionsIn: Footwear Science Jg. 3 (2011) Nr. Suppl.1, S. 50 - S51Online Volltext:
Subjective evaluation of biomechanical shoe properties during blinded and non-blinded runningIn: Footwear Science Jg. 3 (2011) Nr. Suppl.1, S. 75 - S76Online Volltext:
The influence of soccer shoe design on player performance and injuriesIn: Research in Sports Medicine Jg. 19 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 186 - 201Online Volltext:
The influence of unstable shoe constructions on walking and balance performance in elderly menIn: Footwear Science Jg. 3 (2011) Nr. Suppl.1, S. 76 - S77Online Volltext:
A comparison of lower limb EMG and ground reaction forces between barefoot and shod gait in participants with diabetic neuropathic and healthy controlsIn: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jg. 11 (2010) 24Online Volltext: (Open Access)
A soccer game analysis of two World Cups : playing behavior between elite female and male soccer playersIn: Footwear Science Jg. 2 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 51 - 56Online Volltext:
Effects of different shoe-lacing patterns on dorsal pressure distribution during running and perceived comfortIn: Research in Sports Medicine Jg. 18 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 176 - 187Online Volltext:
The influence of soccer shoe design on playing performance : A series of biomechanical studiesIn: Footwear Science Jg. 2 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 3 - 11Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Analysis of slip events during soccer specific movements
IX Footwear Biomechanics Symposium, 10.-12.07.2009, Cape Town,In: Footwear Science: official journal of the Footwear Biomechanics Group Jg. 1 (2009) Nr. Suppl.1: Special Issue: Proceedings of the Ninth Footwear Biomechanics Symposium, S. 13 - 14Online Volltext: -
Effects of different shoe-lacing patterns on the biomechanics of running shoesIn: Journal of Sports Sciences Jg. 27 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 267 - 275Online Volltext:
Soccer footwear and ball kicking accuracy
IX Footwear Biomechanics Symposium, 10.-12.07.2009, Cape Town,In: Footwear Science: official journal of the Footwear Biomechanics Group Jg. 1 (2009) Nr. Suppl.1: Special Issue: Proceedings of the Ninth Footwear Biomechanics Symposium, S. 85 - 87Online Volltext: -
Biomechanical evaluation of running and soccer shoes : methodology and testing proceduresIn: ISBS - conference proceedings archive (2008)
Ground reaction forces, rearfoot motion and wrist acceleration in nordic walkingIn: ISBS - conference proceedings archive (2006)
The arch index : a measure of flat or fat feet?In: Foot & ankle international Jg. 25 (2004) Nr. 8, S. 575 - 581Online Volltext:
The biomechanics of adiposity--structural and functional limitations of obesity and implications for movementIn: Obesity Reviews Jg. 3 (2002) Nr. 1, S. 35 - 43Online Volltext:
Heel to toe motion characteristics in Parkinson patients during free walkingIn: Clinical Biomechanics Jg. 16 (2001) Nr. 9, S. 806 - 812Online Volltext:
Plantar Pressure Distribution in Children : Movement Patterns and Footwear InfluenceIn: Brazilian Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 2 (2001) Nr. 2, S. 19 - 25
Plantar pressure differences between obese and non-obese adults : a biomechanical analysisIn: International Journal of Obesity Jg. 25 (2001) Nr. 11, S. 1674 - 1679
Tennis racket biomechanics : an empirical approachIn: ISBS - conference proceedings archive (2001) S. 21 - 24
Game analysis by GPS satellite tracking of soccer playersIn: Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry Jg. 108 (2000) Nr. 1-2, S. 44
Measurements of rearfoot motion during runningIn: Sportverletzung - Sportschaden Jg. 14 (2000) Nr. 3, S. 115 - 120Online Volltext:
Pressure Distribution Measurements for Evaluation of Running Shoe PropertiesIn: Sportverletzung - Sportschaden Jg. 14 (2000) Nr. 3, S. 90 - 97Online Volltext:
Pressure changes under the feet of obese adults after a weight reduction programIn: Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry Jg. 108 (2000) Nr. 1-2, S. 70
The influence of cadence and power output on force application and in-shoe pressure distribution during cycling by competitive and recreational cyclistsIn: Journal of Sports Sciences Jg. 18 (2000) Nr. 3, S. 173 - 181
The influence of vision and proprioception perturbations on the balance control in Parkinson patientsIn: Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry Jg. 108 (2000) Nr. 1-2, S. 222
The relationship of barefoot to inshoe pressure distributonIn: Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry Jg. 108 (2000) Nr. 1-2, S. 13
A method to determine ball impact location and its movement across the strings of a tennis racketIn: ISBS - conference proceedings archive (1998) S. 178 - 181
Ball impact location on a tennis racket and its influence on ball speed, arm shock and vibrationIn: ISBS - conference proceedings archive (1998) S. 229 - 232
Children's plantar pressure distribution measurements : influence of footwearIn: ISBS - conference proceedings archive (1998)
Measurement and evaluation of loads on the human body during sports activitiesIn: ISBS - conference proceedings archive (1998) S. 399 - 402
Dynamic plantar pressure distribution measurements in hemiparetic patientsIn: Clinical Biomechanics Jg. 12 (1997) Nr. 1, S. 60 - 65Online Volltext:
Perceptual and biomechanical variables for running in identical shoe constructions with varying midsole hardnessIn: Clinical Biomechanics Jg. 12 (1997) Nr. 5, S. 294 - 300Online Volltext:
Restriction of foot supination by ankle braces in sudden fall situationsIn: Clinical Biomechanics Jg. 12 (1997) Nr. 4, S. 253 - 258Online Volltext:
Veränderung der Reaktionszeit und Explosivkraftentfaltung nach einem passiven Stretchingprogramm und 10-minütigem AufwärmenIn: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin Jg. 48 (1997) Nr. 3, S. 95 - 99
Biomechanical variables and the perception of cushioning for running in various types of footwearIn: Journal of applied biomechanics Jg. 12 (1996) Nr. 2, S. 143 - 150
Differential shock transmission response of the human body to impact severity and lower limb postureIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 29 (1996) Nr. 12, S. 1531 - 1537Online Volltext:
Dominant role of interface over knee angle for cushioning impact loading and regulating initial leg stiffnessIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 29 (1996) Nr. 12, S. 1523 - 1529Online Volltext:
Druckverteilungsmuster unter dem Fuß beim Absprung zum Fosbury-Flop HochsprungIn: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin Jg. 47 (1996) Nr. 6, S. 371 - 376
Testmethoden zur Beurteilung von LaufschuhenIn: Dynamed : Zeitschrift für Technik in Medizin und Sport Jg. 1 (1996) Nr. 1, S. 33 - 35
Die Auswirkungen der Haltekraft am Tennisschläger auf Ballgeschwindigkeit und die Vibrationsbelastungen des UnterarmsIn: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin Jg. 43 (1995) Nr. 3, S. 169 - 173
In-shoe pressure distribution for running in various types of footwearIn: Journal of applied biomechanics Jg. 11 (1995) Nr. 3, S. 299 - 310
In-shoe pressure distributions for cycling with two types of footwear at different mechanical loadsIn: Journal of applied biomechanics Jg. 11 (1995) Nr. 1, S. 68 - 80
Rearfoot motion and pressure distribution patterns during running in shoes with varus and valgus wedgesIn: Journal of applied biomechanics Jg. 11 (1995) Nr. 2, S. 177 - 187
The influence of stretching and warm-up exercises on Achilles tendon reflex activityIn: Journal of sports sciences Jg. 13 (1995) Nr. 6, S. 481 - 490Online Volltext:
The role of external nonrigid ankle bracing in limiting ankle inversionIn: Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine Jg. 5 (1995) Nr. 1, S. 18 - 24
Tibial shock measured with bone and skin mounted transducersIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 28 (1995) Nr. 8, S. 989 - 993Online Volltext:
Transfer function between tibial acceleration and ground reaction forceIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 28 (1995) Nr. 1, S. 113 - 117Online Volltext:
Die Auswirkungen von Dehn- und Aufwärmübungen auf die VertikalsprungleistungIn: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin Jg. 45 (1994) Nr. 6, S. 253 - 260
Druckverteilungsanalysen im Sportschuh beim Weitsprung unterschiedlicher LeistungsklassenIn: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin Jg. 45 (1994) Nr. 1, S. 371 - 376
Druckverteilungsanalysen in SportschuhenIn: Medizinisch-Orthopädische Technik Jg. 114 (1994) Nr. 1, S. 22 - 25
Foot pressure patterns of patients with neuromotor disordersIn: Gait & Posture Jg. 2 (1994) Nr. 4, S. 246 - 247Online Volltext:
Kinematic and kinetic changes during an incremental exercise test on a bicycle ergometerIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 27 (1994) Nr. 6, S. 656Online Volltext:
Plantar pressure distribution patterns of young school children in comparison to adultsIn: Foot & ankle international Jg. 15 (1994) Nr. 1, S. 35 - 40Online Volltext:
Relationships between perception of cushioning and pressure distribution parameters in running shoesIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 27 (1994) Nr. 6, S. 669Online Volltext:
Biomechanische Testkriterien für SportschuheIn: Sportverletzung - Sportschaden Jg. 7 (1993) Nr. 4, S. 191 - 195Online Volltext:
Die Dreipunktunterstützung des Fußes : eine Druckverteilungsanalyse bei statischer und dynamischer BelastungIn: Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und ihre Grenzgebiete Jg. 131 (1993) Nr. 3, S. 279 - 284Online Volltext:
In-shoe pressure distribution for cycling at different cadencesIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 26 (1993) Nr. 3, S. 318Online Volltext:
Relating subjective measures of running shoe cushioning to physical measuresIn: Medicine and science in sports and exercise Jg. 25 (1993) Nr. 5 (Supplement), S. 68
Skin and bone mounted acceleration signalsIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 26 (1993) Nr. 3, S. 299Online Volltext:
The influence of run-up distance onto ground reaction force and pressure distribution parametersIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 26 (1993) Nr. 3, S. 306Online Volltext:
The use of ground reaction force parameters for the prediction of peak tibial accelerations in running with different footwear.In: Journal of applied biomechanics Jg. 9 (1993) Nr. 4, S. 306 - 314
Cushioning properties of footwear during walking: accelerometer and force platform measurementsIn: Clinical Biomechanics Jg. 7 (1992) Nr. 3, S. 181 - 184Online Volltext:
In-shoe pressure distribution in the triple jumpIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 26 (1992) Nr. 3, S. 324Online Volltext:
Transfer of tennis racket vibrations onto the human forearmIn: Medicine and science in sports and exercise Jg. 24 (1992) Nr. 10, S. 1134 - 1140
Pressure distribution patterns under the feet of children in comparison with adultsIn: Foot & ankle Jg. 11 (1991) Nr. 5, S. 306 - 311Online Volltext:
Relationships between ground reaction force- and tibial bone acceleration parametersIn: International journal of sport biomechanics Jg. 7 (1991) Nr. 3, S. 303 - 309
Druckverteilungsmuster in Abhängigkeit von der Fußstruktur bei muskulär aktiven und passiven BelastungsformenIn: Sportverletzung - Sportschaden Jg. 4 (1990) Nr. 3, S. 109 - 116Online Volltext:
Kinetic and kinematic characteristics of 10-m platform performances of elite diversIn: International journal of sport biomechanics Jg. 6 (1990) Nr. 3, S. 283 - 308
Contribution of angular motion and gravity to tibial accelerationIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 22 (1989) Nr. 10, S. 1043Online Volltext:
Measurements of muscle fiber conduction velocity at the M. Biceps and M. Triceps brachii under isometric loadIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 22 (1989) Nr. 10, S. 1021Online Volltext:
Pressure distribution patterns inside of a running shoe during up- and downhill runningIn: Journal of Biomechanics Jg. 22 (1989) Nr. 10, S. 1056Online Volltext:
An approach to biomechanical profiling of elite distance runnersIn: International journal of sport biomechanics Jg. 1 (1985) Nr. 1, S. 36 - 62
Druckverteilung unter dem belasteten FußIn: Orthopädie Technik Jg. 36 (1985) Nr. 12, S. 793 - 797
A new device for the measurement of pressure distribution on a rigid surfaceIn: Medicine and science in sports and exercise Jg. 14 (1982) Nr. 2,
A piezoelectric method of measuring the vertical contact stress beneath the human footIn: Journal of Biomedical Engineering Jg. 4 (1982) Nr. 3, S. 213 - 222Online Volltext:
A capacitance-type measuring system for exterior biomechanicsIn: Journal of human movement studies (1981) S. 63 - 86
A new method for the calculation of jumping height of jumps onto or off a force platformIn: Medicine and science in sports and exercise Jg. 13 (1981) Nr. 2, S. 136
Druckverteilung in ProthesenschäftenIn: Orthopädie Technik Jg. 30 (1979) Nr. 1, S. 1 - 4
Meßverfahren zur Erfassung von Vertikalkräften und zeitabhängigen DruckverteilungenIn: Orthopädie-Technik Jg. 29 (1978) Nr. 8, S. 93 - 97
Laserdiode als Sender einer batteriebetriebenen Lichtschranke mit großer ReichweiteIn: Laser & Elektrooptik Jg. 7 (1975) Nr. 1, S. 22 - 24
Entwicklungen im Frauenfußball : eine Videoanalyse der Frauenfußball WM 2003 und 2011In: Sportwissenschaft grenzenlos?!: Abstracts / 21. dvs-Hochschultag, 25.-27.09.2013, Konstanz / Mess, Filip; Gruber, Markus; Woll, Alexander (Hrsg.) (2013) S. 71
Plantar Pressure distribution patterns during soccer specific movements in different footwear constructions
Eleventh Footwear Biomechanics Symposium, 31.07.-02.08.2013, Natal, Brazil,In: Footwear Science Jg. 5 (2013) Nr. Heft Suppl. 1: Special Issue: Proceedings of the Eleventh Footwear Biomechanics Symposium, S. S3 - S5Online Volltext: -
Untersuchung der Schussgenauigkeit von männlichen und weiblichen FußballspielernIn: Neue Ansätze der Bewegungsforschung: Tagung der dvs Sektion Biomechanik 13. - 15. März 2013 ; Abstractband / Tagung der dvs Sektion Biomechanik, 13.-15.03.2013, Chemnitz (2013) S. 27
The influence of soccer shoe construction on player performance : a comparison of perceived against measured speed performanceIn: 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, 14-16 May 2012, Ghent, Belgium: Abstract book / 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, 04-16.05.2012, Ghent, Belgium (2012) S. 92
What female and male soccer players expect from their shoesIn: 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, 14-16 May 2012, Ghent, Belgium: Abstract book / 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, 04-16.05.2012, Ghent, Belgium (2012) S. 82
Day to day reliability of kicking accuracy in soccerIn: The Proceedings of the 16th Biannual Conference of The Canadian Society for Biomechanics: Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada June 9-12, 2010 / 16th Biannual Conference of The Canadian Society for BiomechanicsQueen’s University, Kingston, 09.-12.06.2010, Ontario, 2010 (2010) S. 51
Men vs. women's soccer : a comparative game analysis of two world championshipIn: Abstracts of the Proceedings of the XXII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Cape Town, South Africa, July 5-9, 2009 / Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, 05.-09.07.2009, Kapstadt (2009)Online Volltext (Open Access)
Prediction of ball sensing by skin sensation measurementsIn: Abstracts of the Proceedings of the XXII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Cape Town, South Africa, July 5-9, 2009 / Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, 05.-09.07.2009, Kapstadt (2009)Online Volltext (Open Access)
Video analysis of slip events in soccer during men's world cup 2006In: Abstracts of the Proceedings of the XXII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Cape Town, South Africa, July 5-9, 2009 / Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, 05.-09.07.2009, Kapstadt (2009)Online Volltext (Open Access)
The Influence of orthotics on pronation, impact loads and plantar pressure distribution during runningIn: Proceedings 11th emed Scientific Meeting / 11th emed Scientific Meeting, July 28 - 31, 2008, Dundee (2008)
Kicking accuracy can be influenced by soccer shoe designIn: Football Biomechanics / Nunome, Hiroyuki; Hennig, Ewald; Smith, Neal (Hrsg.) 2017, S. 91 - 100
Influence of soccer shoe construction on performance and injuriesIn: Routledge handbook of ergonomics in sport and exercise / Hong, Youlian (Hrsg.) 2014, S. 364 - 375Online Volltext:
Soccer shoe design and its influence on player's performanceIn: The science of footwear / Goonetilleke, Ravindra S. (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 561 - 575
Foot pressure measurementsIn: The Science of Footwear 2012, S. 359 - 375Online Volltext:
Der Einfluss von Schuhkonstruktion auf das Traktionsverhalten bei fußballspezifischen Bewegungen : eine dynamometrische und kinematographische AnalyseIn: Biomechanik - Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung: Symposium der dvs-Sektion Biomechanik vom 3. - 4. April 2009 in Tübingen / Symposium der dvs-Sektion Biomechanik, 03.-04.04.2009, Tübingen / Wank, Veit; Heger, Hendrik (Hrsg.) 2010
Der Einsatz von Satelliten - Navigationssystemen (GPS, DGPS) im SportIn: Biomechanik als Anwendungsforschung: Transfer zwischen Theorie und Praxis : vom 22. - 24. März 2001 in Konstanz / Riehle, Hartmut J. (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 111 - 118
DruckverteilungsmessungenIn: Funktionsdiagnostik des Bewegungssystems in der Sportmedizin: mit 20 Tabellen / Banzer, Winfried; Pfeifer, Klaus; Vogt, Lutz (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 149 - 163
Eigenschaften und Schutzfunktion des Fersenfettpolsters in Abhängigkeit vom KörpergewichtIn: Biomechanik als Anwendungsforschung: Transfer zwischen Theorie und Praxis : 6. Symposium der dvs-Sektion Biomechanik vom 22. - 24. März 2001 in Konstanz / Riehle, Hartmut J. (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 227 - 233
Biomechanische Forschungsergebnisse zu Eigenschaften und Konstruktionsmerkmalen von TennisschlägernIn: Workshop Sporttechnologie: 6-7 June. Chemnitz 2002
Pedobarograph Assessment in Gait AnalysisIn: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation: State of the Art Reviews, Pm&R Stars in Gait Analysis / Esquenazi, Alberto (Hrsg.) 2002, S. 215 - 229
Plantar pressures, shock and rearfoot motion during running : are these meaningful quantities for the prediction of running injuries?In: Fourth World Congress of Biomechanics: 3 - 8 August 2002, University of Calgary 2002
Pressure patterns under the feet of children, adults and overweight persons : the influence of genderIn: Fourth World Congress of Biomechanics: 3 - 8 August 2002, University of Calgary 2002
Sportspezifische Biomechanik - : Anforderungen an die FußballschuhkonstruktionIn: 51. Jahrestagung Orthopädieschuhtechnik: 28. April. Hannover 2002
A comprehensive approach of running shoe testingIn: First Brazilian Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics 2001, S. 3
Gender differences for running in athletic footwearIn: Fifth Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics 2001, S. 44 - 45
Neuromuscular fatigue of athletes engaged in endurance and explosive contraction type sportsIn: Perspectives and profiles: 6th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science ; 15th congress of the German Society of Sport Science, Cologne, 24 - 28 July 2001 ; book of abstracts / Mester, Joachim (Hrsg.) 2001, S. 296
Biomechanical methods for the evaluation of athletic footwearIn: Pre-Olympic Congress: International Congress on Sport Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education 2000, S. 285 - 286
Biomechanics of the foot and ankleIn: 4th International Conference in Orthopedics, Biomechanics and Sports Rehabilitation 2000, S. 125
Biomechanik der Sprunggelenke - Primäre und sekundäre Prävention von BandinstabilitätenIn: 10. Internationales Sportmedizinisches Symposium 2000
Satellite tracking of elite level soccer playersIn: 4th International Conference in Orthopedics, Biomechanics and Sports Rehabilitation 2000, S. 69 - 71
Analisa da influencia do calcado na distribuicao de pressaro plantar de uma populacao infantil durante atvidades locomotorasIn: VIII Congresso Brasiliero de Biomecanica 1999, S. 573 - 578
Defining the loads applied to the body and the bodies reactionIn: 3rd International Course "Sports Rehabilitation and Biomechanics" 1999
Gait analysis and the biomechanics of human locomotionIn: VIII Congresso Brasiliero de Biomecanica. Florianapolis 1999, S. 19 - 26
Measurement of plantar pressures, rearfoot motion, and tibial shock during running 10 km on a 400 m trackIn: Fourth Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics / Hennig, Ewald; Stefanyshin, D. (Hrsg.) 1999, S. 88 - 89
The influence of soccer boot construction on ball velocity and shock to the bodyIn: Fourth Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics 1999, S. 52 - 53
The influence of daily activity movement patterns on the in-shoe plantar pressure distribution of childrenIn: Fourth Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics 1999, S. 28 - 29
The use of global positioning systems (GPS and DGPS) for the tracking of human motionIn: XVIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics 1999
Measurement of rearfoot motion during running with an in-shoe goniometer deviceIn: Third North American Congress on Biomechanics 1998, S. 323 - 324
Measuring methods for the evaluation of soccer shoe propertiesIn: Soccer Player Oriented Science and Technology Congress 1998, S. 1 - 8
Pressures under the feet of overweight adultsIn: VI Emed Scientific Meeting / Dinh, Brian (Hrsg.) 1998
The influence of impact location on the racket head on ball speed and load transfer to the arm during tennis servesIn: Third North American Congress on Biomechanics 1998, S. 323 - 324
The relationship between body mass and plantar pressure distribution : a review (Keynote Lecture)In: VI Emed Scientific Meeting / Dinh, Brian (Hrsg.) 1998
Der Einsatz von Druckverteilungsmessungen in der SportmedizinIn: Biokinetische Meßverfahren: Einsatzmöglichkeiten in Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie : Dokumentation zum Interdisziplinären Münsteraner Symposium am 23./24. Juni 1995 / Thorwesten, Lothar (Hrsg.) 1997, S. 75 - 84
Technology and application of force and pressure distribution measurements in BiomechanicsIn: Three-dimensional analysis of human locomotion / Allard, Paul (Hrsg.) 1997, S. 109 - 128
Technology and application of force, acceleration and pressure distribution measurements in biomechanicsIn: Three-dimensional analysis of human locomotion / Allard, Paul (Hrsg.) 1997, S. 109 - 127
Biomechanical analysis of the tennis serve for casual and expert playersIn: 9 th Biennial Conference if the Canadian Society for Biomechanics 1996, S. 186 - 187
Biomechanische Betrachtungen zur Entstehung und Prävention von TennisarmbeschwerdenIn: Tennis im höheren Lebensalter aus interdisziplinärer Sicht: vom 15. - 17.11.1994 in Frankfurt/Main / Hölting, Norbert (Hrsg.) 1995, S. 158 - 165
Cushioning role of initial knee angle upon impact loadingIn: XVth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics 1995
Die Bedeutung der Konstruktionsmerkmale von Tennisschlägern für das Spielverhalten und die mechanische Belastung des KörpersIn: Tennisvermittlung als Interpretation und Auswertung sportwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse / Koch, Peter (Hrsg.) 1995, S. 81 - 92
Perception of biomechanical variables for running in footwear of varying midsole stiffnessIn: ISB - Footwear Symposium 1995
Präventivmaßnahmen zur Reduktion von Tennisellbogenbeschwerden aus biomechanisch-technischer SichtIn: Tennis im höheren Lebensalter aus interdisziplinärer Sicht: vom 15. - 17.11.1994 in Frankfurt/Main / Hölting, Norbert (Hrsg.) 1995
Restriction of foot supination by ankle braces in sudden fall situationsIn: ISB - Footwear Symposium 1995
The effect of skin mounting technique on tibial acceleration measurements during runningIn: ISB - Footwear Symposium 1995
The influence of midsole material and knee flexion on energy return in simulated running impactsIn: ISB - Footwear Symposium 1995
The influence of tennis racket characteristics and grip strength on the magnitude of arm vibrationIn: Tennis: sports medicine and science / Krahl, Hartmut (Hrsg.) 1995, S. 22 - 27
The measurement of pressure distribution on the plantar surface of diabetic feetIn: Biomechanical Measurement in Orthopaedic Practice / Whittle, Michael (Hrsg.) 1995, S. 159 - 166
The perception of cushioning during impacts from running and unexpected fallsIn: ISB - Footwear Symposium 1995
Anwendungsbereiche biomechanischer Diagnostikverfahren für die präventive OrthopädieIn: Regulations- und Repairmechanismen / Liesen, Heinz (Hrsg.) 1994, S. 413 - 417
Plantar pressure measurements and applications to footwearIn: 8th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics: proceedings / Herzog, W. (Hrsg.) 1994, S. 6 - 7
The effect of tennis racket grip force on ball rebound velocity and vibration transfer to the armIn: Second International Conference of Sports Medicine and Science in Tennis 1994, S. 60
Belastungsanalysen des VorfußesIn: Vorfußdeformitäten / Wirth, Carl-Joachim (Hrsg.) 1993, S. 31 - 35
Force and EMG measurements at the quadriceps femoris of marathon runners against sprinters and volleyball players under isometric explosive conditionsIn: Biomechanics XIV / International Society of Biomechanics (Hrsg.) 1993, S. 568 - 569
Kinematic and kinetic changes in cycling resulting from fatigueIn: Biomechanics XIV 1993, S. 94 - 95
Pressure distribution under the foot at the take off in volleyball jumps and fosbury flop high jumpsIn: Biomechanics XIV 1993, S. 874 - 875
Reaction time and explosive force development following stretching and warming-upIn: Biomechanics XIV / International Society of Biomechanics (Hrsg.) 1993, S. 1146 - 1147
The influence of tennis racket design on impact induced arm oscillationsIn: Biomechanics XIV 1993, S. 562 - 563
In-shoe pressure distribution for cycling at different power outputsIn: NACOB II: 2nd North American Congress on Biomechanics / Draganich, L. (Hrsg.) 1992, S. 251 - 252
In-shoe pressure distribution in cycling and running shoes during steady-rate cyclingIn: NACOB II: 2nd North American Congress on Biomechanics / Draganich, L. (Hrsg.) 1992, S. 247 - 248
The influence of run-up distance on ground reaction force and pressure distribution parametersIn: Nacob II: 2nd North American Congress on Biomechanics / Draganich, L. (Hrsg.) 1992, S. 163 - 164
Day to day-variability of pressure distribution measurements during walking and runningIn: Human Locomotion VI 1990, S. 57 - 58
Evaluation of different methods for the determination of jumping height as parameter for judging athletic performanceIn: Biomechanics of human movement / Berme, Necip (Hrsg.) 1990, S. 423 - 426
Pressure distribution measurements in comparative shoe testingIn: Human Locomotion VI 1990, S. 105 - 106
Prevention of athletic injuries in triple jumpIn: Techniques in athletics: the first international conference : abstracts : June 7-9, 1990, Cologne / Brüggemann, Gert-Peter (Hrsg.) 1990, S. 753 - 760
The assessment of lower extremity loads for different foot types during running on various track surfacesIn: Biomechanics of human movement: applications in rehabilitation, sports and ergonomics / Berme, Necip (Hrsg.) 1990, S. 487 - 490
The behavior of anatomical foot structures on various sport floors at high mechanical loadsIn: Biomechanics of human movement: applications in rehabilitation, sports and ergonomics 1990, S. 491 - 494
The influence of a ten minute warm-up run on muscle fiber conduction velocity of the vastus lateralis muscleIn: 8th International Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology / University of Maryland (Hrsg.) 1990, S. 34
The influence of passive and contract-relax stretching on muscle fiber conduction velocity of the vastus lateralis muscleIn: Human Locomotion VI / Canadian Society of Biomechanics (Hrsg.) 1990, S. 149 - 150
Biomechanische Untersuchungsmethoden in der Sportorthopädie zur Verletzungsprophylaxe und LeistungsdiagnostikIn: Jahbruch der Orthopädie 1989, S. 73 - 81
Pressure distribution measurement techniques for the prevention of athletic injuriesIn: irst IOC World Congress on Sport Sciences 1989, S. 183 - 184
Effects of velocity and uphill slope on tibial shock during runningIn: Vth. Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics 1988, S. 94 - 95
Loads on the human body during trampoline exercisesIn: Biomechanics / Groot, Gert de (Hrsg.) 1988, S. 736 - 739
Piezoelectric sensorsIn: Encyclopedia of medical devices and instrumentation / Webster, John G. (Hrsg.) 1988, S. 2310 - 2319
Reproducibility of IEMG measurements on the M.Triceps BrachiiIn: Biomechanics / Groot, Gert de (Hrsg.) 1988, S. 148 - 152
Tibial bone and skin accelerations during runningIn: Vth. Biennial Conference of Canadian Society of Biomechanics 1988, S. 74 - 75
Pressure distribution under the impacting human footIn: Biomechanics X / Jonsson, Bengt (Hrsg.) 1987, S. 375 - 380
Piezoelectric and capacitive pressure distribution techniques and their application in rehabilitation and industryIn: Application of Biomechanics / Örtengren, R. (Hrsg.) 1985, S. 25 - 27
Ultrasonic quantification of the arch of the weight bearing footIn: Biomechanics IX-B / Winter, David A. (Hrsg.) 1985, S. 211 - 216
A new device for the measurement of pressure distribution inside the shoeIn: Biomechanics VIII-B / Matsui, Hideji; Kobayashi, Kando (Hrsg.) 1983, S. 1089 - 1096
Pressure distribution measurement - a review and some observations on the effect of shoe foam materials during runningIn: Biomechanical aspects of sport shoes and playing surfaces: proceedings of the Internat. Symposium on Biomechan. Aspects of Sport Shoes and Playing Surfaces / Nigg, Benno (Hrsg.) 1983, S. 187 - 190
Piezoelectric and capacitive pressure distribution techniques and their specific advantages for biomechanical applicationsIn: Human Locomotion II / Reid, J.G. (Hrsg.) 1982, S. 92 - 93
Ultrasonic devices for kinemetric movement analysisIn: Biomechanics VII-A / Morecki, A.; Hellmann, H.; Binder, S. (Hrsg.) 1981, S. 483 - 488
High resolution in shoe pressure distribution measurements by piezoelectric transducersIn: Human Locomotion I 1980, S. 120 - 121
Pressure distribution under the impacting human foot during expected and unexpected fallsIn: XII, 203 S. : Ill. (1984)
Traktionsverhalten von Fußballschuhen bei spielspezifischen Bewegungen
6. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomechanik (DGfB), 14.-16.05.2009, Münster,(2009)