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  • , Klinik für Thorax- und Kardiovaskuläre Chirurgie

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Haidari, Zaki; Ahmad, Shehla Ufaq; Knipp, Stephan; Turaev, Iskandar; El Gabry, Mohamed
    Aortic Valve Infective Endocarditis Complicated by Annular Abscess : Antibiotics in the Abscess Cavity
    In: Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease Jg. 11 (2024) Nr. 7, 189
  • Knipp, Stephan; Holst, Torulv; Bilbilis, Konstantinos; von Velsen, Otgonzul; Ose, Claudia; Diener, Hans Christoph; Jakob, Heinz G.; Ruhparwar, Arjang; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Weimar, Christian
    Five-Year Results of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting With or Without Carotid Endarterectomy in Patients With Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis: CABACS RCT
    In: Stroke Jg. 53 (2022) Nr. 11, S. 3270 - 3277
  • Knipp, Stephan; Jakob, Heinz G.; Weimar, Christian
    Extrakranielle Karotisstenose beim herzchirurgischen Patienten : Diagnostik und Therapie
    In: Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie (ZHTG) Jg. 32 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 271 - 285
  • Knipp, Stephan; Weimar, Christian; Schlamann, Marc; Schweter, Sebastian; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Benedik, Jaroslav; Jakob, Heinz G.
    Early and long-term cognitive outcome after conventional cardiac valve surgery
    In: Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Jg. 24 (2017) Nr. 4, S. 534 - 540
  • Wendt, Daniel; Kahlert, Philipp; Canbay, Aliekber; Knipp, Stephan; Thoenes, Martin; Cremer, Gordina; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Janosi, Rolf Alexander; El-Chilali, Karim; Kamler, Markus; El Gabry, Mohamed; Marx, Philipp; Dohle, Daniel Sebastian; Tsagakis, Konstantinos; Benedik, Jaroslav; Gerken, Guido; Rassaf, Tienush; Jakob, Heinz G.; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus
    Impact of liver indicators on clinical outcome in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation
    In: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Jg. 104 (2017) Nr. 4, S. 1357 - 1364
  • Weimar, Christian; Bilbilis, Konstantinos; Rekowski, Jan; Holst, Torulv; Beyersdorf, Friedhelm; Breuer, Martin; Dahm, Manfred; Diegeler, Anno; Kowalski, Arne; Martens, Sven; Mohr, Friedrich W.; Ondrášek, Jiri; Reiter, Beate; Roth, Peter; Seipelt, Ralf; Siggelkow, Markus; Steinhoff, Gustav; Moritz, Anton; Wilhelmi, Mathias; Wimmer-Greinecker, Gerhard; Diener, Hans Christoph; Jakob, Heinz G.; Ose, Claudia; Scherag, Andre; Knipp, Stephan
    Safety of Simultaneous Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and Carotid Endarterectomy Versus Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting : A Randomized Clinical Trial
    In: Stroke Jg. 48 (2017) Nr. 10, S. 2769 - 2775
  • Wendt, Daniel; Kleinbongard, Petra; Knipp, Stephan; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Gedik, Nilgün; El Chilali, Karim; Schweter, Sebastian; Schlamann, Marc; Kahlert, Philipp; Neuhäuser, Markus; Forsting, Michael; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Jakob, Heinz G.; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus
    Intraaortic protection from embolization in patients undergoing transaortic transcatheter aortic valve implantation
    In: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Jg. 100 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 686 - 691
  • Holst, Torulv; Reichert, Josef; Haldenwang, Peter; Moustafine, Vadim; Bechtel, Matthias; Strauch, Justus; Knipp, Stephan
    Special Report : 26-Year Durability of a Bioprosthesis Implanted in a 21-Year-Old Patient
    In: The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon Reports Jg. 3 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 3 - 5
  • Knipp, Stephan; Kahlert, Philipp; Jokisch, Daniel; Schlamann, Marc; Wendt, Daniel; Weimar, Christian; Jakob, Heinz G.; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus
    Cognitive function after transapical aortic valve implantation : a single-centre study with 3-month follow-up
    In: Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Jg. 16 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 116 - 122
  • Weimar, Christian; Holst, T.; Scherag, Andre; Diener, Hans Christoph; Jakob, Heinz G.; Knipp, Stephan
    Die Coronary Artery Bypass graft surgery in patients with Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis (CABACS) RCT Studie : Rationale, Stand und Perspektiven
    In: Gefäßchirurgie Jg. 18 (2013) Nr. 7, S. 638 - 643
  • Weimar, Christian; Knipp, Stephan
    Letter by Weimar and Knipp regarding article, "Patients with severe asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis do not have a higher risk of stroke and mortality after coronary artery bypass surgery".
    In: Stroke Jg. 43 (2012) Nr. 1, S. e12
  • Knipp, Stephan; Scherag, Andre; Beyersdorf, Friedhelm; Cremer, Jochen Thomas; Diener, Hans Christoph; Haverich, J.A.; Jakob, Heinz G.; Mohr, W.; Ose, Claudia; Reichenspurner, Hermann C.K.; Walterbusch, Gerhard; Welz, Armin Georg; Weimar, Christian
    Randomized comparison of synchronous CABG and carotid endarterectomy vs. isolated CABG in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis : the CABACS trial
    In: International Journal of Stroke Jg. 7 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 354 - 360
  • Wagner, Sören; Knipp, Stephan; Weber, Cornelia; Hein, Selina; Schinkel, Stefanie; Walther, Andreas; Bekeredjian, Raffi; Müller, Oliver J; Friedrich, Oliver
    The heart in Duchenne muscular dystrophy : Early detection of contractile performance alteration
    In: Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Jg. 16 (2012) Nr. 12, S. 3028 - 3036
  • Kahlert, Philipp; Knipp, Stephan; Schlamann, Marc; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Weber, Marcel; Johansson, Uwe; Wendt, Daniel; Jakob, Heinz G.; Forsting, Michael; Sack, Stefan; Erbel, Raimund; Eggebrecht, Holger
    Silent and apparent cerebral ischemia after percutaneous transfemoral aortic valve implantation : A diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging study
    In: Circulation Jg. 121 (2010) Nr. 7, S. 870 - 878
  • Knipp, Stephan; Matatko, Nadine; Wilhelm, Hans; Schlamann, Marc; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Lösch, Christian; Diener, Hans Christoph; Jakob, Heinz G.
    Cognitive Outcomes Three Years After Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery : Relation to Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    In: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Jg. 85 (2008) Nr. 3, S. 872 - 879
  • Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Massoudy-Touiserkan, Parwis; Neuhäuser, Markus; Knipp, Stephan; Kamler, Markus; Piotrowski, Jarowit Adam; Mann, Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Marggraf, Günter; Jaeger, Beate; Sack, Stefan; Erbel, Raimund
    Prognostic value of preoperative cardiac troponin I in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery
    In: Chest Jg. 128 (2005) Nr. 5, S. 3526 - 3536
  • Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Massoudy-Touiserkan, Parwis; Neuhäuser, Markus; Knipp, Stephan; Kamler, Markus; Marggraf, Günter; Piotrowski, Jarowit Adam; Jakob, Heinz G.
    Risk stratification with cardiac troponin I in patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass surgery☆
    In: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Jg. 27 (2005) Nr. 5, S. 861 - 869
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Jakob, Heinz G.; Knipp, Stephan
    Combined procedures in cardiac and vascular surgery
    In: Cardiac Surgery: Operations on the Heart and Great Vessels in Adults and Children 2017, S. 1017 - 1031