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  • Direktor/in, Institut für Pathophysiologie

  • Professorinnen/Professoren, Fachbereichsrat

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    The spleen in ischaemic heart disease
    In: Nature Reviews Cardiology (2025) 16487 in press
  • Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Cardioprotection research has left its comfort zone
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 45 (2024) Nr. 17, S. 1568 - 1570
  • Braczko, Felix; Skyschally, Andreas; Lieder, Helmut; Kather, Jakob Nikolas; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd
    Deep learning segmentation model for quantification of infarct size in pigs with myocardial ischemia/reperfusion
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology (2024) in press
  • Eickelmann, Chantal; Lieder, Helmut; Sturek, Michael; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Differences in vasomotor function of mesenteric arteries between Ossabaw minipigs with predisposition to metabolic syndrome and Göttingen minipigs
    In: American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jg. 326 (2024) Nr. 2, S. H408 - H417
  • Erkens, Ralf; Duse, Dragos Andrei; Brum, Amanda; Chadt, Alexandra; Becher, Stefanie; Siragusa, Mauro; Quast, Christine; Müssig, Johanna; Roden, Michael; Cortese-Krott, Miriam; Ibáñez, Borja; Lammert, Eckhard; Fleming, Ingrid; Jung, Christian; Al-Hasani, Hadi; Heusch, Gerd; Kelm, Malte
    Inhibition of proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 restores cardioprotection by remote ischaemic preconditioning in type 2 diabetes
    In: British Journal of Pharmacology (BJP) Jg. 181 (2024) Nr. 21, S. 4174 - 4194
  • Pearce, L.; Galán-Arriola, C.; Bell, R.M.; Carr, R.D.; Cunningham, J.; Davidson, S.M.; Ghosh, A.K.; Giesz, S.; Golforoush, P.; Gourine, A.V.; Hermann, Dirk M.; Heusch, Gerd; Ibanez, B.; Kalkhoran, S. Beikoghli; Lecour, S.; Lukhna, K.; Ntsekhe, M.; Sack, M.N.; Unwin, R.J.; Vilahur, G.; Walker, J.M.; Yellon, D.M.
    Inter-organ communication : pathways and targets to cardioprotection and neuro-protection. A report from the 12th Hatter Cardiovascular Institute workshop
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology (2024) in press
  • Bellofatto, Ilaria Anna; Nikolaou, Panagiota Efstathia; Andreadou, Ioanna; Canepa, Marco; Carbone, Federico; Ghigo, Alessandra; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra; Maack, Christoph; Podesser, Bruno K.; Stamatelopoulos, Kimon; Stellos, Konstantinos; Vilahur, Gemma; Montecucco, Fabrizio; Liberale, Luca
    Mechanisms of damage and therapies for cardiac amyloidosis : A role for inflammation?
    In: Clinical Research in Cardiology (2024) in press
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion : Translational pathophysiology of ischemic heart disease
    In: Med Jg. 5 (2024) Nr. 1, S. 10 - 31
  • Dalkara, Turgay; Østergaard, Leif; Heusch, Gerd; Attwell, David
    Pericytes in the brain and heart : Functional roles and response to ischaemia and reperfusion
    In: Cardiovascular Research (2024) cvae147 in press
  • Buske, Maria; Desch, Steffen; Heusch, Gerd; Rassaf, Tienush; Eitel, Ingo; Thiele, Holger; Feistritzer, Hans-Josef
    Reperfusion Injury : How Can We Reduce It by Pre-, Per-, and Postconditioning
    In: Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM) Jg. 13 (2024) Nr. 1, 159
  • Benyó, Zoltan; Clementi, Emilio; Cremers, Serge; Dávid, Beáta; Guzik, Tomasz; Heusch, Gerd; Jarvis, Michael; Orhan, Kaan; Seifert, Roland; Tímár, József; Ungvari, Zoltan; Ferdinandy, Péter
    Scientific integrity in the era of predatory journals : Insights from an editors in chief symposium
    In: British Journal of Pharmacology (BJP) Jg. 181 (2024) Nr. 15, S. 2387 - 2390
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Arriola, Carlos Galán; Badimon, Lina; Crisostomo, Veronica; Giricz, Zoltán; Gyöngyösi, Mariann; Heusch, Gerd; Ibanez, Borja; Kiss, Attila; de Kleijn, Dominique P. V.; Podesser, Bruno K.; Carracedo, Rafael Ramírez; Rodríguez-Sinovas, Antonio; Ruiz-Meana, Marisol; Sanchez Margallo, Francisco M.; Vilahur, Gemma; Zamorano, José Luis; Zaragoza, Carlos; Ferdinandy, Peter; Hausenloy, Derek J.
    The IMproving Preclinical Assessment of Cardioprotective Therapies (IMPACT) : Multicenter pig study on the effect of ischemic preconditioning
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 119 (2024) Nr. 6, S. 893 - 909
  • Lieder, Helmut; Paket, Umut; Skyschally, Andreas; Rink, Andreas D.; Baars, Theodor; Neuhäuser, Markus; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd
    Vago-splenic signal transduction of cardioprotection in humans
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 45 (2024) Nr. 34, S. 3164 - 3177
  • Skyschally, Andreas; Kleinbongard, Petra; Neuhäuser, Markus; Heusch, Gerd
    “Expression of concern” : Publication bias for positive preclinical cardioprotection studies
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 119 (2024) Nr. 3, S. 397 - 402
  • Lieder, Helmut Raphael; Adam, Virginie; Skyschally, Andreas; Sturek, Michael; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd
    Attenuation of ST-segment elevation by ischemic preconditioning : Reflection of cardioprotection in Göttingen but not in Ossabaw minipigs
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 386 (2023) S. 109 - 117
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Cardioprotection and its Translation : A Need for New Paradigms? Or for New Pragmatism? An Opinionated Retro- and Perspective
    In: Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Jg. 28 (2023) in press
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Cardioprotection in cardio-oncology : A case for concern?
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 119 (2023) Nr. 12, S. e144 - e145
  • Lévy, Bernard; Camici, Paolo G.; Heusch, Gerd
    Coronaropathies à coronaires saines
    In: Sang Thrombose Vaisseaux Jg. 35 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 63 - 74
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Lieder, Helmut; Skyschally, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd
    Diazoxide is a powerful cardioprotectant but is not feasible in a realistic infarct scenario
    In: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine Jg. 10 (2023) 1173462
  • Heusch, Gerd; Andreadou, Ioanna; Bell, Robert; Bertero, Edoardo; Botker, Hans-Erik; Davidson, Sean M.; Downey, James; Eaton, Philip; Ferdinandy, Peter; Gersh, Bernard J.; Giacca, Mauro; Hausenloy, Derek J.; Ibanez, Borja; Krieg, Thomas; Maack, Christoph; Schulz, Rainer; Sellke, Frank; Shah, Ajay M.; Thiele, Holger; Yellon, Derek M.; Di Lisa, Fabio
    Health position paper and redox perspectives on reactive oxygen species as signals and targets of cardioprotection
    In: Redox Biology Jg. 67 (2023) 102894
  • Ferdinandy, Péter; Andreadou, Ioanna; Baxter, Gary F.; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Davidson, Sean M.; Dobrev, Dobromir; Gersh, Bernard J.; Heusch, Gerd; Lecour, Sandrine; Ruiz-Meana, Marisol; Zuurbier, Coert J.; Hausenloy, Derek J.; Schulz, Rainer
    Interaction of Cardiovascular Nonmodifiable Risk Factors, Comorbidities and Comedications With Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury and Cardioprotection by Pharmacological Treatments and Ischemic Conditioning
    In: Pharmacological Reviews Jg. 75 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 159 - 216
  • Eickelmann, Chantal; Lieder, Helmut Raphael; Shehada, Sharaf-Eldin; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Mitochondrial respiration analysis in permeabilized porcine left ventricular and human right atrial specimens with ischemia-reperfusion
    In: American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jg. 325 (2023) Nr. 1, S. H125 - H135
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Lieder, Helmut Raphael; Skyschally, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd
    No robust reduction of infarct size and no-reflow by metoprolol pretreatment in adult Göttingen minipigs
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 118 (2023) Nr. 1, 23
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Lieder, Helmut; Skyschally, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd
    No sex-related differences in infarct size, no-reflow, and protection by ischaemic pre-conditioning in Göttingen minipigs
    In: Cardiovascular Research (2023)
  • Lieder, Helmut; Tsoumani, Maria; Andreadou, Ioanna; Schrör, Karsten; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Platelet-Mediated Transfer of Cardioprotection by Remote Ischemic Conditioning and Its Abrogation by Aspirin But Not by Ticagrelor
    In: Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy Jg. 37 (2023) Nr. 5, S. 865 - 876
  • Heusch, Gerd; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Ferdinandy, Péter; Schulz, Rainer
    Primordial non-responsiveness : a neglected obstacle to cardioprotection
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 44 (2023) Nr. 19, S. 1687 - 1689
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd
    A fresh look at coronary microembolization
    In: Nature Reviews Cardiology Jg. 19 (2022) Nr. 4, S. 265 - 280
  • Lieder, Helmut Raphael; Tüller, Pia; Braczko, Felix; Zandi, Afsaneh; Kamler, Markus; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Bioassays of Humoral Cardioprotective Factors Released by Remote Ischemic Conditioning in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
    In: Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Jg. 27 (2022)
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Coronary blood flow in heart failure : Cause, consequence and bystander
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 117 (2022) Nr. 1, 1
  • Fischer, Jens; Gödecke, Axel; Kelm, Malte; Heusch, Gerd
    Master switches in cardiac ischaemia : The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1116 of the German Research Foundation
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 43 (2022) Nr. 25, S. 2350 - 2351
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Lieder, Helmut Raphael; Skyschally, Andreas; Alloosh, Mouhamad; Gödecke, Axel; Rahmann, Sven; Sturek, Michael; Heusch, Gerd
    Non-responsiveness to cardioprotection by ischaemic preconditioning in Ossabaw minipigs with genetic predisposition to, but without the phenotype of the metabolic syndrome
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 117 (2022) Nr. 1, 58
  • Bönner, Florian; Gastl, Mareike; Nienhaus, Fabian; Rothe, Maik; Jahn, Annika; Pfeiler, Susanne; Gross, U.; Schultheiss, Heinz-Peter; Ibanez, Borja; Kozerke, Sebastian; Szendroedi, Julia; Roden, Michael W.; Westenfeld, Ralf; Schrader, Jürgen; Flögel, Ulrich; Heusch, Gerd; Kelm, Malte K.M.
    Regional analysis of inflammation and contractile function in reperfused acute myocardial infarction by in vivo ¹⁹F cardiovascular magnetic resonance in pigs
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 117 (2022) Nr. 1, 21
  • Bell, R.M.; Basalay, M.; Bøtker, H.E.; Beikoghli Kalkhoran, S.; Carr, R.D.; Cunningham, J.; Davidson, S.M.; England, T.J.; Giesz, S.; Ghosh, A.K.; Golforoush, P.; Gourine, A.V.; Hausenloy, D.J.; Heusch, Gerd; Ibanez, B.; Kleinbongard, Petra; Lecour, S.; Lukhna, K.; Ntsekhe, M.; Ovize, M.; Salama, A.D.; Vilahur, G.; Walker, J.M.; Yellon, D.M.
    Remote ischaemic conditioning: defining critical criteria for success : Report from the 11th Hatter Cardiovascular Workshop
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 117 (2022) Nr. 1, 39
  • Lieder, Helmut Raphael; Skyschally, Andreas; Sturek, Michael; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Remote ischemic conditioning in Ossabaw minipigs induces the release of humoral cardioprotective triggers, but the myocardium does not respond with reduced infarct size
    In: American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jg. 323 (2022) Nr. 6, S. H1365 - H1375
  • Schulz, Rainer; Heusch, Gerd
    Targeted Mito- and Cardioprotection by Malonate
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 131 (2022) Nr. 6, S. 542 - 544
  • Lüdike, Peter; Heusch, Gerd; Rassaf, Tienush
    The RUHR Heart Failure Network : Improved heart failure care in a metropolitan area
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 43 (2022) Nr. 45, S. 4675 - 4676
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Kuthan, Philipp; Eickelmann, Chantal; Jakobs, Philipp; Altschmied, Joachim; Haendeler, Judith; Ruhparwar, Arjang; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Heusch, Gerd
    Triiodothyronine improves contractile recovery of human atrial trabeculae after hypoxia/reoxygenation
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 363 (2022) S. 159 - 162
  • Fischer, Jens W.; Kelm, Malte; Gödecke, Axel; Krüger, Martina; Klöcker, Nikolaj; Heusch, Gerd
    „Master switches“ bei kardialer Ischämie : Sonderforschungsbereich 1116 (SFB 1116)
    In: Der Kardiologe Jg. 16 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 115 - 122
  • Bertero, Edoardo; Heusch, Gerd; Münzel, Thomas; Maack, Christoph
    A pathophysiological compass to personalize antianginal drug treatment
    In: Nature Reviews Cardiology (2021)
  • Lieder, Helmut Raphael; Braczko, Felix; Gedik, Nilgün; Stroetges, Merlin; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Cardioprotection by post-conditioning with exogenous triiodothyronine in isolated perfused rat hearts and isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 116 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 27
  • Lecour, Sandrine; Andreadou, Ioanna; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Davidson, Sean M.; Heusch, Gerd; Ruiz-Meana, Marisol; Schulz, Rainer; Zuurbier, Coert J.; Ferdinandy, Péter; Hausenloy, Derek J.; Adamovski, Pavle; Batirel, Saime; Barteková, Monika; Bertrand, Luc; Beauloye, Christophe; Biedermann, David; Borutaite, Vilmante; Chlopicki, Stefan; Dambrova, Maija; Devaux, Yvan; Di Lisa, Fabio; Djuric, Dragan; Erlinge, David; Falcao-Pires, Ines; Galatou, Eleftheria; Garcia-Sosa, Alfonso; Girao, Henrique; Giricz, Zoltan; Gyongyosi, Mariann; Healy, Donagh; Jakovljevic, Vladimir; Jovanic, Jelena; Kararigas, George; Kerkal, Risto; Kolar, Frantisek; Kwak, Brenda; Leszek, Przemysław; Liepinsh, Edgars; Lonborg, Jacob; Longnus, Sarah; Marinovic, Jasna; Muntean, Danina Mirela; Nezic, Lana; Ovize, Michel; Pagliaro, Pasquale; Da Costa Gomes, Clarissa Pedrosa; Pernow, John; Persidis, Andreas; Pischke, Søren Erik; Podesser, Bruno; Potočnjak, Ines; Prunier, Fabrice; Ravingerova, Tanya; Serban, Alina; Slagsvold, Katrine; van Royen, Niels; Turan, Belma; Vendelin, Marko; Walsh, Stewart; Zidar, Nace; Yellon, Derek
    IMproving Preclinical Assessment of Cardioprotective Therapies (IMPACT) criteria : Guidelines of the EU-CARDIOPROTECTION COST Action
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 116 (2021) Nr. 1, 52
  • Ale-Agha, Niloofar; Jakobs, Philipp; Goy, Christine; Zurek, Mark; Rosen, Julia; Dyballa-Rukes, Nadine; Metzger, Sabine; Greulich, Jan; von Ameln, Florian; Eckermann, Olaf; Unfried, Klaus; Brack, Fedor; Grandoch, Maria; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Kamler, Markus; Gedik, Nilgün; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heinen, Andre; Heusch, Gerd; Gödecke, Axel; Altschmied, Joachim; Haendeler, Judith
    Mitochondrial Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Protects From Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Improving Complex I Composition and Function
    In: Circulation Jg. 144 (2021) Nr. 23, S. 1876 - 1890
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Myocardial stunning and hibernation revisited
    In: Nature Reviews Cardiology Jg. 18 (2021) Nr. 7, S. 522 - 536
  • Geist, Daniela; Hönes, G. Sebastian; Gassen, Janina; Kerp, Helena; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd; Führer, Dagmar; Möller, Lars
    Noncanonical Thyroid Hormone Receptor α Action Mediates Arterial Vasodilation
    In: Endocrinology Jg. 162 (2021) Nr. 7, bqab099
  • Burnap, Sean A.; Sattler, Katherine; Pechlaner, Raimund; Duregotti, Elisa; Lu, Ruifang; Theofilatos, Konstantinos; Takov, Kaloyan; Heusch, Gerd; Tsimikas, Sotirios; Fernández-Hernando, Carlos; Berry, Sarah E.; Hall, Wendy L.; Notdurfter, Marlene; Rungger, Gregorio; Paulweber, Bernhard; Willeit, Johann; Kiechl, Stefan; Levkau, Bodo; Mayr, Manuel
    PCSK9 Activity Is Potentiated Through HDL Binding
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 129 (2021) Nr. 11, S. 1039 - 1053
  • Rassaf, Tienush; Heusch, Gerd
    The West German heart and vascular center at university medicine Essen
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 42 (2021) Nr. 10, S. 963 - 964
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Lieder, Helmut; Braczko, Felix; Skyschally, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd
    Activation of a non‐neuronal cholinergic system in rat cardiomyocytes by cardioprotective humoral factors from pigs with remote ischemic conditioning
    In: The FASEB Journal Jg. 34 (2020) Nr. S1, S. 1 - 1
  • Wischmann, Patricia; Kuhn, Viktoria; Suvorava, Tatsiana; Muessig, Johanna M.; Fischer, Jens W.; Isakson, Brant E.; Haberkorn, Sebastian M.; Flögel, Ulrich; Schrader, Jürgen; Jung, Christian; Cortese-Krott, Miriam M.; Heusch, Gerd; Kelm, Malte
    Anaemia is associated with severe RBC dysfunction and a reduced circulating NO pool : vascular and cardiac eNOS are crucial for the adaptation to anaemia
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 115 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 43
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Ovize, Michel; Hausenloy, Derek J.; Heusch, Gerd
    Co-morbidities and co-medications as confounders of cardioprotection—Does it matter in the clinical setting?
    In: British Journal of Pharmacology (BJP) Jg. 177 (2020) Nr. 23, S. 5252 - 5269
  • Vafaie, Mehrshad; Hochadel, Matthias; Münzel, Thomas; Hailer, Birgit; Schumacher, Burghard; Heusch, Gerd; Voigtländer, Thomas; Mudra, Harald; Haude, Michael; Barth, Sebastian; Schmitt, Claus; Darius, Harald; Maier, Lars S; Katus, Hugo A; Senges, Jochen; Giannitsis, Evangelos
    Guideline-adherence regarding critical time intervals in the German Chest Pain Unit registry
    In: European Heart Journal - Acute Cardiovascular Care Jg. 9 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 52 - 61
  • Andreadou, Ioanna; Schulz, Rainer; Badimon, Lina; Adameová, Adriana; Kleinbongard, Petra; Lecour, Sandrine; Nikolaou, Panagiota-Efstathia; Falcão-Pires, Ines; Vilahur, Gemma; Woudberg, Nicholas; Heusch, Gerd; Ferdinandy, Péter
    Hyperlipidaemia and cardioprotection : Animal models for translational studies
    In: British Journal of Pharmacology (BJP) Jg. 177 (2020) Nr. 23, S. 5287 - 5311
  • Heusch, Gerd; Gersh, Bernard J.
    Is Cardioprotection Salvageable?
    In: Circulation Jg. 141 (2020) Nr. 6, S. 415 - 417
  • Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Is metoprolol more cardioprotective than other beta-blockers?
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 41 (2020) Nr. 46, S. 4441 - 4443
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Myocardial ischaemia–reperfusion injury and cardioprotection in perspective
    In: Nature Reviews Cardiology Jg. 17 (2020) Nr. 12, S. 773 - 789
  • Al-Rashid, Fadi; Totzeck, Matthias; Mahabadi, Amir Abbas; Johannsen, Laura; Lüdike, Peter; Lind, Alexander; Krueger, Andrea; Kamler, Markus; Kahlert, Philipp; Janosi, Rolf Alexander; Heusch, Gerd; Rassaf, Tienush
    Safety and efficacy of a novel algorithm to guide decision-making in high-risk interventional coronary procedures
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 299 (2020) S. 87 - 92
  • Bock, D.; Senges, Jochen; Pohlmann, Christiane; Hochadel, Matthias; Münzel, Thomas F.; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Schmitt, Claus G.; Heusch, Gerd; Voigtländer, Thomas; Mudra, Harald G.; Schumacher, Burghard; Darius, Harald; Maier, Lars Siegfried; Hailer, Birgit; Haude, Michael; Gohlke, Helmut; Hink, Ulrich
    The German CPU registry : Comparison of smokers and nonsmokers
    In: Herz: Cardiovascular Diseases Jg. 45 (2020) S. 293 - 298
  • Bøtker, Hans Erik; Cabrera-Fuentes, Hector Alejandro; Ruiz-Meana, Marisol; Heusch, Gerd; Ovize, Michel
    Translational issues for mitoprotective agents as adjunct to reperfusion therapy in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
    In: Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Jg. 24 (2020) Nr. 5, S. 2717 - 2729
  • Weske, Sarah; Vaidya, Mithila; von Wnuck Lipinski, Karin; Keul, Petra; Manthe, Kristina; Burkhart, Christoph; Haberhauer, Gebhard; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Agonist-induced activation of the S1P receptor 2 constitutes a novel osteoanabolic therapy for the treatment of osteoporosis in mice
    In: Bone: Official Journal of the International Bone and Mineral Society (IBMS) Jg. 125 (2019) S. 1 - 7
  • Amanakis, Georgios; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd; Skyschally, Andreas
    Attenuation of ST-segment elevation after ischemic conditioning maneuvers reflects cardioprotection online
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 114 (2019) Nr. 3, S. 22
  • Alfonso, Fernando; Zelveian, Parounak; Monsuez, Jean-Jacques; Aschermann, Michael; Böhm, Michael; Hernandez, Alfonso Buendia; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Cohen, Ariel; Izetbegovic, Sebija; Doubell, Anton; Echeverri, Dario; Enç, Nuray; Ferreira-González, Ignacio; Undas, Anetta; Fortmüller, Ulrike; Gatzov, Plamen; Ginghina, Carmen; Goncalves, Lino; Addad, Faouzi; Hassanein, Mahmoud; Heusch, Gerd; Huber, Kurt; Hatala, Robert; Ivanusa, Mario; Lau, Chu-Pak; Marinskis, Germanas; Dei Cas, Livio; Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo; Nikus, Kjell; Fleck, Eckart; Pierard, Luc; Obradović, Slobodan; Aguilar Passano, María Del Pilar; Jang, Yangsoo; Rødevand, Olaf; Sander, Mikael; Shlyakhto, Evgeny; Erol, Çetin; Tousoulis, Dimitris; Ural, Dilek; Piek, Jan J.; Varga, Albert; Flammer, Andreas J.; Mach, François; DIbra, Alban; Guliyev, Faiq; Mrochek, Alexander; Rogava, Mamanti; Melgar, Ismael Guzman; DI Pasquale, Giuseppe; Kabdrakhmanov, Kanat; Haddour, Laila; Fras, Zlatko; Held, Claes; Shumakov, Valentyn
    Authorship : From credit to accountability reflections from the editors' network
    In: Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Arşivi = Türk Kardiyoloji Derneğinin yayın organıdır Jg. 47 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 337 - 344
  • Alfonso, Fernando; Zelveian, Parounak; Monsuez, Jean-Jacques; Aschermann, Michael; Böhm, Michael; Hernandez, Alfonso Buendia; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Cohen, Ariel; Izetbegovic, Sebija; Doubell, Anton; Echeverri, Dario; Enç, Nuray; Ferreira-González, Ignacio; Undas, Anetta; Fortmüller, Ulrike; Gatzov, Plamen; Ginghina, Carmen; Goncalves, Lino; Addad, Faouzi; Hassanein, Mahmoud; Heusch, Gerd; Huber, Kurt; Hatala, Robert; Ivanusa, Mario; Lau, Chu-Pak; Marinskis, Germanas; Cas, Livio Dei; Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo; Nikus, Kjell; Fleck, Eckart; Pierard, Luc; Obradović, Slobodan; del Pilar Aguilar Passano, María; Jang, Yangsoo; Rødevand, Olaf; Sander, Mikael; Shlyakhto, Evgeny; Erol, Çetin; Tousoulis, Dimitris; Ural, Dilek; Piek, Jan J.; Varga, Albert; Flammer, Andreas J.; Mach, François; Dibra, Alban; Guliyev, Faiq; Mrochek, Alexander; Rogava, Mamanti; Guzman Melgar, Ismael; Di Pasquale, Giuseppe; Kabdrakhmanov, Kanat; Haddour, Laila; Fras, Zlatko; Held, Claes; Shumakov, Valentyn
    Authorship : from credit to accountability. Reflections from the Editors’ Network
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 114 (2019) Nr. 3, S. 23
  • Alfonso, Fernando; Zelveian, Parounak; Monsuez, Jean-Jacques; Aschermann, Michael; Böhm, Michael; Buendía-Hernández, Alfonso; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Cohen, Ariel; Izetbegovic, Sebija; Doubell, Anton; Echeverri, Dario; Enç, Nuray; Ferreira-González, Ignacio; Undas, Anetta; Fortmüller, Ulrike; Gatzov, Plamen; Ginghina, Carmen; Goncalves, Lino; Addad, Faouzi; Hassanein, Mahmoud; Heusch, Gerd; Huber, Kurt; Hatala, Robert; Ivanusa, Mario; Lau, Chu-Pak; Marinskis, Germanas; Dei-Cas, Livio; Rochitte, Carlos E.; Nikus, Kjell; Fleck, Eckart; Pierard, Luc; Obradović, Slobodan; Aguilar-Passano, María Del P; Jang, Yangsoo; Rødevand, Olaf; Sander, Mikael; Shlyakhto, Evgeny; Erol, Çetin; Tousoulis, Dimitris; Ural, Dilek; Piek, Jan J.; Varga, Albert; Mach, Andreas J Flammer/François; Dibra, Alban; Guliyev, Faiq; Mrochek, Alexander; Rogava, Mamanti; Guzmán-Melgar, Ismael; Pasquale, Giuseppe Di; Kabdrakhmanov, Kanat; Haddour, Laila; Fras, Zlatko; Held, Claes; Shumakov, Valentyn
    Authorship : From credit to accountability - Reflections from the Editors' network
    In: Archivos de Cardiologia de Mexico Jg. 89 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 105 - 111
  • Alfonso, Fernando; Zelveian, Parounak; Monsuez, Jean-Jacques; Aschermann, Michael; Böhm, Michael; Hernandez, Alfonso Buendia; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Cohen, Ariel; Izetbegovic, Sebija; Doubell, Anton; Echeverri, Dario; Enç, Nuray; Ferreira-González, Ignacio; Undas, Anetta; Fortmüller, Ulrike; Gatzov, Plamen; Ginghina, Carmen; Goncalves, Lino; Addad, Faouzi; Hassanein, Mahmoud; Heusch, Gerd; Huber, Kurt; Hatala, Robert; Ivanusa, Mario; Lau, Chu-Pak; Marinskis, Germanas; Cas, Livio Dei; Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo; Nikus, Kjell; Fleck, Eckart; Pierard, Luc; Obradovic, Slobodan; Passano, María del Pilar Aguilar; Jang, Yangsoo; Rødevand, Olaf; Sander, Mikael; Shlyakhto, Evgeny; Erol, Çetin; Tousoulis, Dimitris; Ural, Dilek; Piek, Jan J.; Varga, Albert; Flammer, Andreas J.; Mach, François; Dibra, Alban; Guliyev, Faiq; Mrochek, Alexander; Rogava, Mamanti; Melgar, Ismael Guzman; Di Pasquale, Giuseppe; Kabdrakhmanov, Kanat; Haddour, Laila; Fras, Zlatko; Held, Claes; Shumakov, Valentyn
    Authorship : From credit to accountability reflections from the editors’ network
    In: Anatolian Journal of Cardiology Jg. 21 (2019) Nr. 5, S. 281 - 286
  • Alfonso, Fernando; Zelveian, Parounak; Monsuez, Jean-Jacques; Aschermann, Michael; Böhm, Michael; Buendía-Hernández, Alfonso; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Cohen, Ariel; Izetbegovic, Sebija; Doubell, Anton; Echeverri, Dario; Enç, Nuray; Ferreira-González, Ignacio; Undas, Anetta; Fortmüller, Ulrike; Gatzov, Plamen; Ginghina, Carmen; Goncalves, Lino; Addad, Faouzi; Hassanein, Mahmoud; Heusch, Gerd; Huber, Kurt; Hatala, Robert; Ivanusa, Mario; Lau, Chu-Pak; Marinskis, Germanas; Dei-Cas, Livio; Rochitte, Carlos E.; Nikus, Kjell; Fleck, Eckart; Pierard, Luc; Obradović, Slobodan; Del Aguilar-Passano, María P.; Jang, Yangsoo; Rødevand, Olaf; Sander, Mikael; Shlyakhto, Evgeny; Erol, Çetin; Tousoulis, Dimitris; Ural, Dilek; Piek, Jan J.; Varga, Albert; Flammer, Andreas J.; Mach, François; Dibra, Alban; Guliyev, Faiq; Mrochek, Alexander; Rogava, Mamanti; Guzmán-Melgar, Ismael; Di Pasquale, Giuseppe; Kabdrakhmanov, Kanat; Haddour, Laila; Fras, Zlatko; Held, Claes; Shumakov, Valentyn
    Authorship : From credit to accountability – reflections from the editors’ network
    In: Archivos de Cardiologia de Mexico Jg. 89 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 93 - 99
  • Alfonso, Fernando; Zelveian, Parounak; Monsuez, Jean-Jacques; Aschermann, Michael; Böhm, Michael; Hernandez, Alfonso Buendia; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Cohen, Ariel; Izetbegovic, Sebija; Doubell, Anton; Echeverri, Dario; Enç, Nuray; Ferreira-González, Ignacio; Undas, Anetta; Fortmüller, Ulrike; Gatzov, Plamen; Ginghina, Carmen; Goncalves, Lino; Addad, Faouzi; Hassanein, Mahmoud; Heusch, Gerd; Huber, Kurt; Hatala, Robert; Ivanusa, Mario; Lau, Chu-Pak; Marinskis, Germanas; Cas, Livio Dei; Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo; Nikus, Kjell; Fleck, Eckart; Pierard, Luc; Obradović, Slobodan; del Pilar Aguilar Passano, María; Jang, Yangsoo; Rødevand, Olaf; Sander, Mikael; Shlyakhto, Evgeny; Erol, Çetin; Tousoulis, Dimitris; Ural, Dilek; Piek, Jan J.; Varga, Albert; Flammer, Andreas J.; Mach, François; Dibra, Alban; Guliyev, Faiq; Mrochek, Alexander; Rogava, Mamanti; Guzman Melgar, Ismael; Di Pasquale, Giuseppe; Kabdrakhmanov, Kanat; Haddour, Laila; Fras, Zlatko; Held, Claes; Shumakov, Valentyn
    Authorship: from credit to accountability : Reflections from the Editors’ Network
    In: Clinical Research in Cardiology Jg. 108 (2019) Nr. 7, S. 723 - 729
  • Rischpler, Christoph; Nekolla, S.G.; Heusch, Gerd; Umutlu, Lale; Rassaf, Tienush; Heusch, P.; Herrmann, Ken; Nensa, Felix
    Cardiac PET/MRI—an update
    In: European Journal of Hybrid Imaging: EJNMMI Multimodality Journal Jg. 3 (2019) Nr. 1, 2
  • Hausenloy, Derek J.; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Ferdinandy, Peter; Heusch, Gerd; Ng, G André; Redington, Andrew; Garcia-Dorado, David
    Cardiac innervation in acute myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury and cardioprotection
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 115 (2019) Nr. 7, S. 1167 - 1177
  • Totzeck, Matthias; Schuler, Martin; Stuschke, Martin; Heusch, Gerd; Rassaf, Tienush
    Cardio-oncology - strategies for management of cancer-therapy related cardiovascular disease
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 280 (2019) S. 163 - 175
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Coronary microvascular obstruction : the new frontier in cardioprotection
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 114 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 45
  • Condorelli, Gianluigi; Heusch, Gerd
    Dr. John Ross Jr. : Following a long, successful career in which he invented retrograde needle catheterization of the left ventricle and mentored many physicians John Ross Jr departed this world in April 2019
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 40 (2019) Nr. 25, S. 2004 - 2005
  • Totzeck, Matthias; Mincu, Raluca I.; Heusch, Gerd; Rassaf, Tienush
    Heart failure from cancer therapy: can we prevent it?
    In: ESC Heart Failure Jg. 6 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 856 - 862
  • Condorelli, Gianluigi; Heusch, Gerd
    In Memoriam : John Ross, Jr
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 114 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 31
  • Skyschally, Andreas; Hagelschuer, Helene; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd
    Larger infarct size but equal protection by ischemic conditioning in septum and anterior free wall of pigs with LAD occlusion
    In: Physiological Reports Jg. 7 (2019) Nr. 19, e14236
  • Davidson, Sean M.; Ferdinandy, Péter; Andreadou, Ioanna; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Heusch, Gerd; Ibáñez, Borja; Ovize, Michel; Schulz, Rainer; Yellon, Derek M.; Hausenloy, Derek J.; Garcia-Dorado, David
    Multitarget Strategies to Reduce Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 73 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 89 - 99
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Myocardial ischemia : Lack of coronary blood flow, myocardial oxygen supply-demand imbalance, or what?
    In: American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jg. 316 (2019) Nr. 6, S. H1439 - H1446
  • Niccoli, Giampaolo; Montone, Rocco A.; Ibanez, Borja; Thiele, Holger; Crea, Filippo; Heusch, Gerd; Bulluck, Heerajnarain; Hausenloy, Derek J.; Berry, Colin; Stiermaier, Thomas; Camici, Paolo G.; Eitel, Ingo
    Optimized Treatment of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 125 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 245 - 258
  • Lieder, Helmut Raphael; Skyschally, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Plasma from remotely conditioned pigs reduces infarct size when given before or after ischemia to isolated perfused rat hearts
    In: Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology Jg. 471 (2019) Nr. 11/12, S. 1371 - 1379
  • Keul, Petra; Polzin, Amin; Kaiser, Klaus; Gräler, Markus; Dannenberg, Lisa; Daum, Günter; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Potent anti-inflammatory properties of HDL in vascular smooth muscle cells mediated by HDL-S1P and their impairment in coronary artery disease due to lower HDL-S1P : A new aspect of HDL dysfunction and its therapy
    In: The FASEB Journal Jg. 33 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 1482 - 1495
  • Vaidya, Mithila; Jentsch, Julian A.; Peters, Susann; Keul, Petra; Weske, Sarah; Gräler, Markus H.; Mladenov, Emil; Iliakis, George; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Regulation of ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux by sphingosine-1-phosphate signaling in macrophages
    In: Journal of Lipid Research Jg. 60 (2019) Nr. 3, S. 506 - 515
  • Frey, Ulrich; Klaassen, Marina; Ochsenfarth, Crista; Murke, Florian; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Kottenberg, Eva; Kleinbongard, Petra; Klenke, Stefanie; Engler, Andrea; Heusch, Gerd; Giebel, Bernd; Peters, Jürgen
    Remote ischaemic preconditioning increases serum extracellular vesicle concentrations with altered micro-RNA signature in CABG patients
    In: Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Jg. 63 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 483 - 492
  • Lieder, Helmut R.; Irmert, Amelie; Kamler, Markus; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Sex is no determinant of cardioprotection by ischemic preconditioning in rats, but ischemic/reperfused tissue mass is for remote ischemic preconditioning
    In: Physiological Reports Jg. 7 (2019) Nr. 12, e14146
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Shahbudin H. Rahimtoola : the scientific legacy: We have lost a giant in cardiology. Shahbudin Rahimtoola was the father of the “Hibernating myocardium”
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 40 (2019) Nr. 11, S. 866
  • Heusch, Gerd
    The Spleen in Myocardial Infarction
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 124 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 26 - 28
  • Hausenloy, Derek J.; Chilian, William; Crea, Filippo; Davidson, Sean M.; Ferdinandy, Peter; Garcia-Dorado, David; van Royen, Niels; Schulz, Rainer; Heusch, Gerd
    The coronary circulation in acute myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury : a target for cardioprotection
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 115 (2019) Nr. 7, S. 1143 - 1155
  • Levy, Bernard I.; Heusch, Gerd; Camici, Paolo G.
    The many faces of myocardial ischaemia and angina
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 115 (2019) Nr. 10, S. 1460 - 1470
  • Heusch, Gerd
    25 years of remote ischemic conditioning : from laboratory curiosity to clinical outcome
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 113 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 15
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Cardioprotection research must leave its comfort zone
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 39 (2018) Nr. 36, S. 3393 - 3395
  • Mahabadi, Amir Abbas; Kahlert, Philipp; Kahlert, Heike; Dykun, Iryna; Balcer, Bastian; Forsting, Michael; Heusch, Gerd; Rassaf, Tienush
    Comparison of Lipoprotein(a)-Levels in Patients ≥70 Years of Age With Versus Without Aortic Valve Stenosis
    In: The American Journal of Cardiology Jg. 122 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 645 - 649
  • Heusch, Gerd; Skyschally, Andreas; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Coronary microembolization and microvascular dysfunction
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 258 (2018) S. 17 - 23
  • Joos, J.P.; Saadatmand, A.R.; Schnabel, C.; Viktorinová, I.; Brand, T.; Kramer, M.; Nattel, S.; Dobrev, Dobromir; Tomancak, P.; Backs, J.; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd; Lorenz, Kristina; Koch, E.; Weber, S.; El-Armouche, A.
    Ectopic expression of S28A-mutated Histone H3 modulates longevity, stress resistance and cardiac function in Drosophila
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 2940
  • Lieder, Helmut; Breithardt, Günter; Heusch, Gerd
    Fatal attraction — A brief pathophysiology of the interaction between atrial fibrillation and myocardial ischemia
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 254 (2018) S. 132 - 135
  • Lindsey, Merry L.; Bolli, Roberto; Canty, John M.; Du, Xiao-Jun; Frangogiannis, Nikolaos G.; Frantz, Stefan; Gourdie, Robert G.; Holmes, Jeffrey W.; Jones, Steven P.; Kloner, Robert A.; Lefer, David J.; Liao, Ronglih; Murphy, Elizabeth; Ping, Peipei; Przyklenk, Karin; Recchia, Fabio A.; Longacre, Lisa Schwartz; Ripplinger, Crystal M.; Van Eyk, Jennifer E.; Heusch, Gerd
    Guidelines for experimental models of myocardial ischemia and infarction
    In: American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jg. 314 (2018) Nr. 4, S. H812 - H838
  • Skyschally, Andreas; Kleinbongard, Petra; Lieder, Helmut; Gedik, Nilgün; Stoian, Leanda; Amanakis, Georgios; Elbers, Etienne; Heusch, Gerd
    Humoral transfer and intramyocardial signal transduction of protection by remote ischemic perconditioning in pigs, rats, and mice
    In: American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jg. 315 (2018) Nr. 1, S. H159 - H172
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Gedik, N.; Kirca, M.; Stoian, L.; Frey, Ulrich; Zandi, A.; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Peters, Jürgen; Kamler, Markus; Heusch, Gerd
    Impact of remote ischemic preconditioning in cardiosurgical patients on contractile and mitochondrial function of right atrial tissue
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 39 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 453
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Gedik, N.; Frey, Ulrich; Zandi, A.; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Peters, Jürgen; Kamler, Markus; Heusch, Gerd
    Improvement of mitochondrial function in human atrial tissue by remote ischemic conditioning
    In: The FASEB Journal Jg. 32 (2018) Nr. S1, S. 580.1
  • Hauerslev, Marie; Mørk, Sivagowry Rasalingam; Pryds, Kasper; Contractor, Hussain; Hansen, Jan; Jespersen, Nichlas Riise; Johnsen, Jacob; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra; Kharbanda, Rajesh; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Schmidt, Michael Rahbek
    Influence of long-term treatment with glyceryl trinitrate on remote ischemic conditioning
    In: American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jg. 315 (2018) Nr. 1, S. H150 - H158
  • Schmidt, Frank P.; Schmitt, Claus; Hochadel, Matthias; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Darius, Harald; Maier, Lars S.; Heusch, Gerd; Voigtländer, Thomas; Mudra, Harald; Gori, Tommaso; Senges, Jochen; Münzel, Thomas
    Invasive treatment of NSTEMI patients in German Chest Pain Units – Evidence for a treatment paradox
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 255 (2018) S. 15 - 19
  • Helfritz, Fabian A.; Bojkova, Denisa; Wanders, Verena; Kuklinski, Nina; Westhaus, Sandra; von Horn, Charlotte; Rauen, Ursula; Gallinat, Anja; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Skyschally, Andreas; Swoboda, Sandra; Kinast, Volker; Steinmann, Eike; Heusch, Gerd; Minor, Thomas; Meuleman, Philip; Paul, Andreas; Ciesek, Sandra
    Methylene Blue Treatment of Grafts During Cold Ischemia Time Reduces the Risk of Hepatitis C Virus Transmission
    In: The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID) Jg. 218 (2018) Nr. 11, S. 1711 - 1721
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Gedik, Nilguen; Kirca, Mücella; Stoian, Leanda; Frey, Ulrich; Zandi, Afsaneh; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Peters, Jürgen; Kamler, Markus; Heusch, Gerd
    Mitochondrial and contractile function of human right atrial tissue in response to remote ischemic conditioning
    In: Journal of the American Heart Association Jg. 7 (2018) Nr. 15, S. e009540
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Peters, Jürgen; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heusch, Gerd; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus
    Persistent Survival Benefit From Remote Ischemic Pre-Conditioning in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 71 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 252 - 254
  • Bøtker, Hans Erik; Hausenloy, Derek; Andreadou, Ioanna; Antonucci, Salvatore; Boengler, Kerstin; Davidson, Sean M.; Deshwal, Soni; Devaux, Yvan; Di Lisa, Fabio; Di Sante, Moises; Efentakis, Panagiotis; Femminò, Saveria; García-Dorado, David; Giricz, Zoltán; Ibanez, Borja; Iliodromitis, Efstathios; Kaludercic, Nina; Kleinbongard, Petra; Neuhäuser, Markus; Ovize, Michel; Pagliaro, Pasquale; Rahbek-Schmidt, Michael; Ruiz-Meana, Marisol; Schlüter, Klaus-Dieter; Schulz, Rainer; Skyschally, Andreas; Wilder, Catherine; Yellon, Derek M.; Ferdinandy, Peter; Heusch, Gerd
    Practical guidelines for rigor and reproducibility in preclinical and clinical studies on cardioprotection
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 113 (2018) Nr. 5, S. 39
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Amanakis, Georgios; Skyschally, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd
    Reflection of Cardioprotection by Remote Ischemic Perconditioning in Attenuated ST-Segment Elevation During Ongoing Coronary Occlusion in Pigs : Evidence for Cardioprotection From Ischemic Injury
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 122 (2018) Nr. 8, S. 1102 - 1108
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Skyschally, Andreas; Gent, Sabine; Pesch, Marion; Heusch, Gerd
    STAT3 as a common signal of ischemic conditioning : a lesson on "rigor and reproducibility" in preclinical studies on cardioprotection
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 113 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 3
  • Weske, Sarah; Vaidya, Mithila; Reese, Alina; Von Wnuck Lipinski, Karin; Keul, Petra; Bayer, Julia K; Fischer, Jens W; Flögel, Ulrich; Nelsen, Jens; Epple, Matthias; Scatena, Marta; Schwedhelm, Edzard; Dörr, Marcus; Völzke, Henry; Moritz, Eileen; Hannemann, Anke; Rauch, Bernhard H; Gräler, Markus H; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Targeting sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase as an anabolic therapy for bone loss
    In: Nature Medicine Jg. 24 (2018) Nr. 5, S. 667 - 678
  • Davidson, Sean M.; Arjun, Sapna; Basalay, Maryna V.; Bell, Robert M.; Bromage, Daniel I.; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Carr, Richard D.; Cunningham, John; Ghosh, Arjun K.; Heusch, Gerd; Ibanez, Borja; Kleinbongard, Petra; Lecour, Sandrine; Maddock, Helen; Ovize, Michel; Walker, Malcolm; Wiart, Marlene; Yellon, Derek M.
    The 10th Biennial Hatter Cardiovascular Institute workshop : cellular protection - evaluating new directions in the setting of myocardial infarction, ischaemic stroke, and cardio-oncology
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 113 (2018) Nr. 6, S. 43
  • Heusch, Gerd; Skyschally, Andreas; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Translation, Translation, Translation
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 123 (2018) Nr. 8, S. 931 - 933
  • Lieder, Helmut Raphael; Kleinbongard, Petra; Skyschally, Andreas; Hagelschuer, Helene; Chilian, William M.; Heusch, Gerd
    Vago-splenic axis in signal transduction of remote ischemic preconditioning in pigs and rats
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 123 (2018) Nr. 10, S. 1152 - 1163
  • Mahabadi, Amir Abbas; Balcer, Bastian; Dykun, Iryna; Forsting, Michael; Schlosser, Thomas Wilfried; Heusch, Gerd; Rassaf, Tienush
    Cardiac computed tomography-derived epicardial fat volume and attenuation independently distinguish patients with and without myocardial infarction
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 12 (2017) Nr. 8, S. e0183514
  • Gedik, Nilguen; Maciel, Leonardo; Schulte, Christiane; Skyschally, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Cardiomyocyte mitochondria as targets of humoral factors released by remote ischemic preconditioning
    In: Archives of Medical Science Jg. 13 (2017) Nr. 2, S. 448 - 458
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Gedik, N.; Stoian, L.; Frey, Ulrich; Zandi, A.; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Peters, Jürgen; Kamler, Markus; Heusch, Gerd
    Cardioprotection by Remote Ischemic Conditioning in Humans : Improved Contractile Function and Mitochondrial Respiration of Atrial Trabeculae
    In: Circulation Jg. 136 (2017) Nr. Suppl. 1,
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Skyschally, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd
    Cardioprotection by remote ischemic conditioning and its signal transduction
    In: Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology Jg. 469 (2017) Nr. 2, S. 159 - 181
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Cardioprotection is alive but remains enigmatic the nitric oxide–Protein kinases–Mitochondria signaling axis
    In: Circulation Jg. 136 (2017) Nr. 24, S. 2356 - 2358
  • Heusch, Gerd; Eschenhagen, Thomas; Dimmeler, Stefanie
    Cardiovascular research in Germany
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 121 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 492 - 495
  • Schmidt, Frank P; Perne, Andrea; Hochadel, Matthias; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Darius, Harald; Maier, Lars S; Schmitt, Claus; Heusch, Gerd; Voigtländer, Thomas; Mudra, Harald; Gori, Tommaso; Senges, Jochen; Münzel, Thomas; German Chest Pain Unit Registry
    Characterization and referral patterns of ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients admitted to chest pain units rather than directly to catherization laboratories : Data from the German Chest Pain Unit Registry
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 231 (2017) S. 31 - 35
  • Münzel, Thomas; Heusch, Gerd
    Chest Pain Unit Network in Germany : Its Effect on Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 69 (2017) Nr. 19, S. 2459 - 2460
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Critical Issues for the Translation of Cardioprotection
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 120 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 1477 - 1486
  • Alfonso, Fernando; Adamyan, Karlen; Artigou, Jean-Yves; Aschermann, Michael; Boehm, Michael; Buendia, Alfonso; Chu, Pao-Hsien; Cohen, Ariel; Cas, Livio Dei; Dilic, Mirza; Doubell, Anton; Echeverri, Dario; Enç, Nuray; Ferreira-González, Ignacio; Filipiak, Krzysztof J; Flammer, Andreas; Fleck, Eckart; Gatzov, Plamen; Ginghina, Carmen; Goncalves, Lino; Haouala, Habib; Hassanein, Mahmoud; Heusch, Gerd; Huber, Kurt; Hulín, Ivan; Ivanusa, Mario; Krittayaphong, Rungroj; Lau, Chu-Pak; Marinskis, Germanas; Mach, François; Moreira, Luiz Felipe; Nieminen, Tuomo; Oukerraj, Latifa; Perings, Stefan; Pierard, Luc; Potpara, Tatjana; Reyes-Caorsi, Walter; Rim, Se-Joong; Rødevand, Olaf; Saade, Georges; Sander, Mikael; Shlyakhto, Evgeny; Timuralp, Bilgin; Tousoulis, Dimitris; Ural, Dilek; Piek, J J; Varga, Albert; Lüscher, Thomas F
    Data Sharing : A New Editorial Initiative of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Implications for the Editors´ Network
    In: Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia Jg. 108 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 390 - 395
  • Alfonso, Fernando; Adamyan, Karlen; Artigou, Jean-Yves; Aschermann, Michael; Boehm, Michael; Buendia, Alfonso; Chu, Pao-Hsien; Cohen, Ariel; Dei Cas, Livio; Dilic, Mirza; Doubell, Anton; Echeverri, Dario; Enç, Nuray; Ferreira-González, Ignacio; Filipiak, Krzysztof J; Flammer, Andreas; Fleck, Eckart; Gatzov, Plamen; Ginghina, Carmen; Goncalves, Lino; Haouala, Habib; Hassanein, Mahmoud; Heusch, Gerd; Huber, Kurt; Hulín, Ivan; Ivanusa, Mario; Krittayaphong, Rungroj; Lau, Chu-Pak; Marinskis, Germanas; Mach, François; Moreira, Luiz Felipe; Nieminen, Tuomo; Oukerraj, Latifa; Perings, Stefan; Pierard, Luc; Potpara, Tatjana; Reyes-Caorsi, Walter; Rim, Se-Joong; Rødevand, Olaf; Saade, Georges; Sander, Mikael; Shlyakhto, Evgeny; Timuralp, Bilgin; Tousoulis, Dimitris; Ural, Dilek; Piek, J J; Varga, Albert; Lüscher, Thomas F; Editors' Network European Society of Cardiology Task Force
    Data Sharing : A New Editorial Initiative of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Implications for the Editors' Network
    In: Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia = Portuguese Journal of Cardiology Jg. 36 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 397 - 403
  • Alfonso, Fernando; Adamyan, Karlen; Artigou, Jean Yves; Aschermann, Michael; Boehm, Michael; Buendia, Alfonso; Chu, Pao Hsien; Cohen, Ariel; Cas, Livio Dei; Dilic, Mirza; Doubell, Anton; Echeverri, Dario; Enç, Nuray; Ferreira-González, Ignacio; Filipiak, Krzysztof J; Flammer, Andreas; Fleck, Eckart; Gatzov, Plamen; Ginghina, Carmen; Goncalves, Lino; Haouala, Habib; Hassanein, Mahmoud; Heusch, Gerd; Huber, Kurt; Hulín, Ivan; Ivanusa, Mario; Krittayaphong, Rungroj; Lau, Chu Pak; Marinskis, Germanas; Mach, François; Moreira, Luiz Felipe; Nieminen, Tuomo; Oukerraj, Latifa; Perings, Stefan; Pierard, Luc; Potpara, Tatjana; Reyes-Caorsi, Walter; Rim, Se Joong; Rødevand, Olaf; Saade, Georges; Sander, Mikael; Shlyakhto, Evgeny; Timuralp, Bilgin; Tousoulis, Dimitris; Ural, Dilek; Piek, J J; Varga, Albert; Lüscher, Thomas F
    Data Sharing : A New Editorial Initiative of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Implications for the Editors´ Network
    In: Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Arşivi = Türk Kardiyoloji Derneğinin yayın organıdır Jg. 45 (2017) Nr. 4, S. 377 - 384
  • Alfonso, Fernando; Adamyan, Karlen; Artigou, Jean-Yves; Aschermann, Michael; Boehm, Michael; Buendia, Alfonso; Chu, Pao-Hsien; Cohen, Ariel; Cas, Livio Dei; Dilic, Mirza; Doubell, Anton; Echeverri, Dario; Enç, Nuray; Ferreira-González, Ignacio; Filipiak, Krzysztof J; Flammer, Andreas; Fleck, Eckart; Gatzov, Plamen; Ginghina, Carmen; Goncalves, Lino; Haouala, Habib; Hassanein, Mahmoud; Heusch, Gerd; Huber, Kurt; Hulín, Ivan; Ivanusa, Mario; Krittayaphong, Rungroj; Lau, Chu-Pak; Marinskis, Germanas; Mach, François; Moreira, Luiz Felipe; Nieminen, Tuomo; Oukerraj, Latifa; Perings, Stefan; Pierard, Luc; Potpara, Tatjana; Reyes-Caorsi, Walter; Rim, Se-Joong; Rødevand, Olaf; Saade, Georges; Sander, Mikael; Shlyakhto, Evgeny; Timuralp, Bilgin; Tousoulis, Dimitris; Ural, Dilek; Piek, J J; Varga, Albert; Lüscher, Thomas F; Editors' Network European Society of Cardiology Task Force
    Data Sharing : A New Editorial Initiative of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Implications for the Editors' Network
    In: Archivos de Cardiologia de Mexico Jg. 87 (2017) Nr. 2, S. 101 - 107
  • Alfonso, Fernando; Adamyan, Karlen; Artigou, Jean-Yves; Aschermann, Michael; Boehm, Michael; Buendia, Alfonso; Chu, Pao-Hsien; Cohen, Ariel; Dei Cas, Livio; Dilic, Mirza; Doubell, Anton; Echeverri, Dario; Enç, Nuray; Ferreira-González, Ignacio; Filipiak, Krzysztof J; Flammer, Andreas; Fleck, Eckart; Gatzov, Plamen; Ginghina, Carmen; Goncalves, Lino; Haouala, Habib; Hassanein, Mahmoud; Heusch, Gerd; Huber, Kurt; Hulín, Ivan; Ivanusa, Mario; Krittayaphong, Rungroj; Lau, Chu-Pak; Marinskis, Germanas; Mach, François; Moreira, Luiz Felipe; Nieminen, Tuomo; Oukerraj, Latifa; Perings, Stefan; Pierard, Luc; Potpara, Tatjana; Reyes-Caorsi, Walter; Rim, Se-Joong; Rødevand, Olaf; Saade, Georges; Sander, Mikael; Shlyakhto, Evgeny; Timuralp, Bilgin; Tousoulis, Dimitris; Ural, Dilek; Piek, J J; Varga, Albert; Lüscher, Thomas F
    Data Sharing : A New Editorial Initiative of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Implications for the Editors' Network
    In: Kardiologia Polska / Polish Heart Journal Jg. 75 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 512 - 517
  • Alfonso, F.; Adamyan, K.; Artigou, J. Y.; Aschermann, M.; Boehm, M.; Buendia, A.; Chu, P. H.; Cohen, A.; Cas, L. D.; Dilic, M.; Doubell, A.; Echeverri, D.; Enc, N.; Ferreira-Gonzalez, I.; Filipiak, K. J.; Flammer, A.; Fleck, E.; Gatzov, P.; Ginghina, C.; Goncalves, L.; Haouala, H.; Hassanein, M.; Heusch, Gerd; Huber, K.; Hulin, I.; Ivanusa, M.; Krittayaphong, R.; Lau, C. P.; Marinskis, G.; Mach, F.; Moreira, L. F.; Nieminen, T.; Oukerraj, L.; Perings, S.; Pierard, L.; Potpara, T.; Reyes-Caorsi, W.; Rim, S. J.; Rodevand, O.; Saade, G.; Sander, M.; Shlyakhto, E.; Timuralp, B.; Tousoulis, D.; Ural, D.; Piek, J.; Varga, A.; Luscher, T. F.; Editors Network European Soc
    Data sharing : A new editorial initiative of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Implications for the editors' network
    In: The Egyptian Heart Journal Jg. 69 (2017) Nr. 2, S. 89 - 94
  • Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Sharma, Vikram; Al-Attar, Nawwar; Bulluck, Heerajnarain; Bisleri, Gianluigi; Bunge, Jeroen J.H.; Czerny, Martin; Ferdinandy, Peter; Frey, Ulrich; Heusch, Gerd; Holfeld, Johannes; Kleinbongard, Petra; Kunst, Gudrun; Lang, Irene; Lentini, Salvatore; Madonna, Rosalinda; Meybohm, Patrick; Muneretto, Claudio; Obadia, Jean-Francois; Perrino, Cinzia; Prunier, Fabrice; Sluijter, Joost P.G.; Van Laake, Linda W.; Sousa-Uva, Miguel; Hausenloy, Derek J.
    ESC Joint Working Groups on Cardiovascular Surgery and the Cellular Biology of the Heart Position Paper : Peri-operativemyocardial injury and infarction in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 38 (2017) Nr. 31, S. 2392 - 2411
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Skyschally, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd
    Erratum to: Cardioprotection by remote ischemic conditioning and its signal transduction
    In: Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology Jg. 469 (2017) Nr. 5-6, S. 843
  • Wnuck-Lipinski, Karin; Weske, Sarah; Keul, Petra; Peters, Susann; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Heusch, Gerd; Gräler, Markus H.; Levkau, Bodo
    Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1A deficiency causes hemolytic anemia in mice by altering erythrocyte sphingolipid homeostasis
    In: Blood Jg. 130 (2017) Nr. 25, S. 2786 - 2798
  • Skyschally, Andreas; Amanakis, Georgios; Neuhäuser, Markus; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd
    Impact of electrical defibrillation on infarct size and no-reflow in pigs subjected to myocardial ischemia-reperfusion without and with ischemic conditioning
    In: American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jg. 313 (2017) Nr. 5, S. H871 - H878
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Improving the outcome of primary PCI : Protection from reperfusion injury
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 113 (2017) Nr. 10, S. e33 - e34
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Lieder, H.; Gent, S.; Skyschally, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd
    Infarct size reduction by remote ischemic perconditioning and humoral transfer of protection across species
    In: The FASEB Journal Jg. 31 (2017) Nr. Suppl. 1,
  • Gent, Sabine; Skyschally, Andreas; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd
    Lschemic preconditioning in pigs : A causal role for signal transducer and activator of transcription 3
    In: American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jg. 312 (2017) Nr. 3, S. H478 - H484
  • Hausenloy, Derek J.; Garcia-Dorado, David; Erik Bøtker, Hans; Davidson, Sean M.; Downey, James; Engel, Felix B.; Jennings, Robert; Lecour, Sandrine; Leor, Jonathan; Madonna, Rosalinda; Ovize, Michel; Perrino, Cinzia; Prunier, Fabrice; Schulz, Rainer; Sluijter, Joost P. G.; Van Laake, Linda W.; Vinten-Johansen, Jakob; Yellon, Derek M.; Ytrehus, Kirsti; Heusch, Gerd; Ferdinandy, Péter
    Melatonin as a cardioprotective therapy following ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction : is it really promising? Reply
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 113 (2017) Nr. 11, S. 1418 - 1419
  • Kahlert, Philipp; Hildebrandt, Heike A.; Patsalis, Polykarpos Christos; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Janosi, Rolf Alexander; Nensa, Felix; Schlosser, Thomas Wilfried; Schlamann, Marc; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Kottenberg, Eva; Frey, Ulrich; Neuhäuser, Markus; Forsting, Michael; Jakob, Heinz G.; Rassaf, Tienush; Peters, Jürgen; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    No protection of heart, kidneys and brain by remote ischemic preconditioning before transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve implantation : Interim-analysis of a randomized single-blinded, placebo-controlled, single-center trial
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 231 (2017) S. 248 - 254
  • Hausenloy, Derek J.; Garcia-Dorado, David; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Davidson, Sean M.; Downey, James; Engel, Felix B.; Jennings, Robert; Lecour, Sandrine; Leor, Jonathan; Madonna, Rosalinda; Ovize, Michel; Perrino, Cinzia; Prunier, Fabrice; Schulz, Rainer; Sluijter, Joost P.G.; Van Laake, Linda W.; Vinten-Johansen, Jakob; Yellon, Derek M.; Ytrehus, Kirsti; Heusch, Gerd; Ferdinandy, Péter
    Novel targets and future strategies for acute cardioprotection : Position Paper of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cellular Biology of the Heart
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 113 (2017) Nr. 6, S. 564 - 585
  • Breuckmann, Frank; Hochadel, Matthias; Voigtländer, Thomas; Haude, Michael; Schmitt, Claus; Münzel, Thomas; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Mudra, Harald; Heusch, Gerd; Schumacher, Burghard; Barth, Sebastian; Schuler, Gerhard; Hailer, Birgit; Walther, Dirk; Senges, Jochen
    On versus off-hour care of patients with acute coronary syndrome and persistent ST-segment elevation in certified German chest pain units
    In: European Heart Journal - Acute Cardiovascular Care Jg. 6 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 3 - 9
  • Gedik, Nilgün; Kottenberg, Eva; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Frey, Ulrich; Jakob, Heinz G.; Peters, Jürgen; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Potential humoral mediators of remote ischemic preconditioning in patients undergoing surgical coronary revascularization
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 7 (2017) S. 12660
  • Gedik, Nilgün; Krüger, Marcus; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Kottenberg, Eva; Skyschally, Andreas; Frey, Ulrich; Cario, Elke; Peters, Jürgen; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Proteomics/phosphoproteomics of left ventricular biopsies from patients with surgical coronary revascularization and pigs with coronary occlusion/reperfusion : Remote ischemic preconditioning
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 7 (2017) Nr. 1,
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Remote Ischemic Conditioning in Cardiovascular Surgery
    In: Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Jg. 22 (2017) Nr. 4, S. 297 - 301
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Remote ischemic conditioning : the enigmatic transfer of protection
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 113 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 1 - 2
  • Hausenloy, Derek J; Botker, Hans Erik; Engstrom, Thomas; Erlinge, David; Heusch, Gerd; Ibanez, Borja; Kloner, Robert A; Ovize, Michel; Yellon, Derek M; Garcia-Dorado, David
    Targeting reperfusion injury in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction : trials and tribulations
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 38 (2017) Nr. 13, S. 935 - 941
  • Heusch, Gerd; Gersh, Bernard J.
    The pathophysiology of acute myocardial infarction and strategies of protection beyond reperfusion : A continual challenge
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 38 (2017) Nr. 11, S. 774 - 784
  • Heusch, Gerd
    There Is More to β-Blockade Than Just Blockade of β-Receptors : A Case for Cardioprotective Cross-Signaling
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 70 (2017) Nr. 2, S. 193 - 195
  • Bell, Robert M.; Bøtker, Hans Erik Rik; Carr, Richard David; Davidson, Sean Michael; Downey, James M.; Dutka, David Paul; Heusch, Gerd; Ibáñez, Borja; MacAllister, Raymond J.; Stoppe, Christian; Ovize, Michel; Redington, Andrew N.; Walker, John Malcolm; Yellon, Derek Miles
    9th Hatter Biannual Meeting: position document on ischaemia/reperfusion injury, conditioning and the ten commandments of cardioprotection
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 111 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 41 13 Seiten
  • Perne, A; Schmidt, F P; Hochadel, M; Giannitsis, E; Darius, H; Maier, L S; Schmitt, C; Heusch, Gerd; Voigtländer, T; Mudra, H; Gori, T; Senges, J; Münzel, T
    Admission heart rate in relation to presentation and prognosis in patients with acute myocardial infarction : Treatment regimens in German chest pain units
    In: Herz: Cardiovascular Diseases Jg. 41 (2016) Nr. 3, S. 233 - 240
  • Breuckmann, Frank; Senges, Jochen; Walther, Dirk; Hailer, Birgit; Schuler, Gerhard; Barth, Sebastian; Schumacher, Burghard; Heusch, Gerd; Mudra, Harald; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Münzel, Thomas; Schmitt, Claus; Haude, Michael; Voigtländer, Thomas; Hochadel, Matthias
    Cardiac Computed Tomography in Certified German Chest Pain Units
    In: Critical Pathways in Cardiology Jg. 15 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 11 - 15
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd; Jakob, Heinz G.; Peters, Jürgen; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Neuhäuser, Markus; Kottenberg, Eva
    Confounders of cardioprotection by remote ischemic preconditioning in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting
    In: Cardiology Jg. 133 (2016) Nr. 2, S. 128 - 133
  • Holzhey, David; Mohr, Friedrich W; Walther, Thomas; Möllmann, Helge; Beckmann, Andreas; Kötting, Joachim; Figulla, Hans Reiner; Cremer, Jochen; Kuck, Karl-Heinz; Lange, Rüdiger; Sack, Stefan; Schuler, Gerhard; Beyersdorf, Friedhelm; Böhm, Michael; Heusch, Gerd; Meinertz, Thomas; Neumann, Till; Papoutsis, Konstantinos; Schneider, Steffen; Welz, Armin; Hamm, Christian W
    Current Results of Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement : Insights From the German Aortic Valve Registry
    In: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Jg. 101 (2016) Nr. 2, S. 658 - 666
  • Heusch, Gerd; Gersh, Bernard J
    ERICCA and RIPHeart : two nails in the coffin for cardioprotection by remote ischemic conditioning? Probably not!
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 37 (2016) Nr. 2, S. 200 - 202
  • Wnuck-Lipinski, Karin; Sattler, K.; Peters, S.; Weske, S.; Keul, P.; Klump, Hannes; Heusch, Gerd; Gothert, J. R.; Levkau, Bodo
    Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1A Is a Cell-Intrinsic Transcription Factor Required for B Cell Differentiation and Development in Mice
    In: The Journal of Immunology (JI) Jg. 196 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 1655 - 1665
  • Baars, Theodor; Kahlert, Philipp; Baars, Albert; Preibsch, Heike; Rassaf, Tienush; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Influence of stent implantation on erythrocyte aggregation in human native coronary arteries and saphenous vein grafts
    In: Microcirculation Jg. 23 (2016) Nr. 8, S. 637 - 645
  • Hausenloy, Derek J; Barrabes, Jose A; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Davidson, Sean M; Di Lisa, Fabio; Downey, James; Engstrom, Thomas; Ferdinandy, Péter; Carbrera-Fuentes, Hector A; Heusch, Gerd; Ibanez, Borja; Iliodromitis, Efstathios K; Inserte, Javier; Jennings, Robert; Kalia, Neena; Kharbanda, Rajesh; Lecour, Sandrine; Marber, Michael; Miura, Tetsuji; Ovize, Michel; Perez-Pinzon, Miguel A; Piper, Hans Michael; Przyklenk, Karin; Schmidt, Michael Rahbek; Redington, Andrew; Ruiz-Meana, Marisol; Vilahur, Gemma; Vinten-Johansen, Jakob; Yellon, Derek M; Garcia-Dorado, David
    Ischaemic conditioning and targeting reperfusion injury : a 30 year voyage of discovery
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 111 (2016) Nr. 6, S. 70
  • Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Ivabradine : Cardioprotection By and Beyond Heart Rate Reduction
    In: Drugs Jg. 76 (2016) Nr. 7, S. 733 - 740
  • Camici, Paolo G.; Heusch, Gerd; Tagliamonte, Ercole; Skalidis, Emmanouil; Gloekler, Steffen; Levy, Bernard I.
    Ivabradine in chronic stable angina : Effects by and beyond heart rate reduction
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 2015 (2016) S. 1 - 6
  • Hildebrandt, Heike A.; Kreienkamp, Vincent; Gent, Sabine; Kahlert, Philipp; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Kinetics and Signal Activation Properties of Circulating Factor(s) From Healthy Volunteers Undergoing Remote Ischemic Pre-Conditioning
    In: JACC: Basic to Translational Science Jg. 1 (2016) Nr. 1-2, S. 3 - 13
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Myocardial Ischemia : Lack of Coronary Blood Flow or Myocardial Oxygen Supply/Demand Imbalance?
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 119 (2016) Nr. 2, S. 194 - 196
  • Kahlert, Philipp; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund; Peters, Jürgen; Kottenberg, Eva; Jakob, Heinz G.; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Wendt, Daniel; Naßenstein, Kai; Nensa, Felix; Neumann, Till; Baars, Theodor; Hildebrandt, Heike; Westhölter, Dirk; Wild, Carolin; Plicht, Björn; Fadi, Al-Rashid
    Myocardial injury during transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve implantation : an intracoronary Doppler and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging study
    In: EuroIntervention Jg. 11 (2016) Nr. 12, S. 1401 - 1408
  • Lange, Rüdiger; Beckmann, Andreas; Neumann, Till; Krane, Markus; Deutsch, Marcus-André; Landwehr, Sandra; Kötting, Joachim; Welz, Armin; Zahn, Ralf; Cremer, Jochen; Figulla, Hans R; Schuler, Gerhard; Holzhey, David M; Funkat, Anne-Kathrin; Heusch, Gerd; Sack, Stefan; Pasic, Miralem; Meinertz, Thomas; Walther, Thomas; Kuck, Karl-Heinz; Beyersdorf, Friedhelm; Böhm, Michael; Möllmann, Helge; Hamm, Christian W; Mohr, Friedrich W
    Quality of Life After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement : Prospective Data From GARY (German Aortic Valve Registry)
    In: JACC Cardiovascular Interventions Jg. 9 (2016) Nr. 24, S. 2541 - 2554
  • Hildebrandt, Heike A.; Patsalis, Polykarpos Christos; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Neuhäuser, Markus; Rassaf, Tienush; Heusch, Gerd; Kahlert, Philipp; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Quantification and characterisation of released plaque material during bioresorbable vascular scaffold implantation into right coronary artery lesions by multimodality intracoronary imaging
    In: EuroIntervention Jg. 12 (2016) Nr. 12, S. 1481 - 1489
  • Sardar, Partha; Chatterjee, Saurav; Kundu, Amartya; Samady, Habib; Owan, Theophilus; Giri, Jay; Nairooz, Ramez; Selzman, Craig H.; Heusch, Gerd; Gersh, Bernard J.; Abbott, J. Dawn; Mukherjee, Debabrata; Fang, James C.
    Remote ischemic preconditioning in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery : Evidence from a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 221 (2016) S. 34 - 41
  • Custodis, Florian; Roggenbuck, Ulla; Lehmann, Nils; Moebus, Susanne; Laufs, Ulrich; Mahabadi, Amir Abbas; Heusch, Gerd; Mann, Klaus; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Erbel, Raimund; Böhm, Michael; Möhlenkamp, Stefan
    Resting heart rate is an independent predictor of all-cause mortality in the middle aged general population
    In: Clinical Research in Cardiology Jg. 105 (2016) Nr. 7, S. 601 - 612
  • Keul, Petra; van Borren, Marcel M. G. J.; Ghanem, Alexander; Müller, Frank Ulrich; Baartscheer, Antonius; Verkerk, Arie O.; Stümpel, Frank; Schulte, Jan Sebastian; Hamdani, Nazha; Linke, Wolfgang A.; van Loenen, Pieter; Matus, Marek; Schmitz, Wilhelm; Stypmann, Jörg; Tiemann, Klaus; Ravesloot, Jan‐Hindrik; Alewijnse, Astrid E.; Hermann, Sven; Spijkers, Léon J. A.; Hiller, Karl‐Heinz; Herr, Deron; Heusch, Gerd; Schäfers, Michael; Peters, Stephan; Chun, Jerold; Levkau, Bodo
    Sphingosine‐1‐Phosphate Receptor 1 Regulates Cardiac Function by Modulating Ca2+ Sensitivity and Na+/H+ Exchange and Mediates Protection by Ischemic Preconditioning
    In: Journal of the American Heart Association Jg. 5 (2016) S. e003393
  • Heusch, Gerd
    The Coronary Circulation as a Target of Cardioprotection
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 118 (2016) Nr. 10, S. 1643 - 1658
  • Breuckmann, Frank; Senges, Jochen; Walther, Dirk; Hailer, Birgit; Schuler, Gerhard; Barth, Sebastian; Schumacher, Burghard; Heusch, Gerd; Mudra, Harald; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Münzel, Thomas F.; Schmitt, Claus; Haude, Michael; Voigtl̊ånder, Thomas; Hochadel, Matthias
    The Use of Echocardiography in Certified Chest Pain Units : Results from the German Chest Pain Unit Registry
    In: Cardiology Jg. 134 (2016) Nr. 2, S. 75 - 83
  • Heusch, Gerd; Rassaf, Tienush
    Time to Give Up on Cardioprotection? : A Critical Appraisal of Clinical Studies on Ischemic Pre-, Post-, and Remote Conditioning
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 119 (2016) Nr. 5, S. 676 - 695
  • Skyschally, Andreas; Gent, Sabine; Amanakis, Georgios; Schulte, Christiane; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd
    Across-Species Transfer of Protection by Remote Ischemic Preconditioning With Species-Specific Myocardial Signal Transduction by Reperfusion Injury Salvage Kinase and Survival Activating Factor Enhancement Pathways
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 117 (2015) Nr. 3, S. 279 - 288
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Lieder, H.; Kahlert, Philipp; Heusch, Gerd
    Aspirate from stented aortocoronary saphenous vein grafts reduces coronary flow and left ventricular pressure in an isolated perfused rat hearts
    In: The FASEB Journal Jg. 29 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 1,
  • Antel, Jochen; Albayrak, Özgür; Heusch, Gerd; Banaschewski, Tobias; Hebebrand, Johannes
    Assessment of potential cardiovascular risks of methylphenidate in comparison with sibutramine : do we need a SCOUT (trial)?
    In: European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience Jg. 265 (2015) Nr. 3, S. 233 - 247
  • Heusch, Gerd
    CIRCUS : a kiss of death for cardioprotection?
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 108 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 215 - 216
  • Breuckmann, Frank; Burt, David R.; Melching, Kay; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Senges, Jochen; Garvey, J. Lee
    Chest pain centers : a comparison of accreditation programs in Germany and the United States
    In: Critical Pathways in Cardiology Jg. 14 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 67 - 73
  • Gorressen, Simone; Stern, Manuel; van de Sandt, Annette M; Cortese-Krott, Miriam M; Ohlig, Jan; Rassaf, Tienush; Gödecke, Axel; Fischer, Jens W; Heusch, Gerd; Merx, Marc W; Kelm, Malte
    Circulating NOS3 Modulates Left Ventricular Remodeling following Reperfused Myocardial Infarction
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 10 (2015) Nr. 4, S. e0120961
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Coronary artery calcification : predictor or player in the no-reflow phenomenon?
    In: Coronary Artery Disease Jg. 26 (2015) Nr. 7, S. 553 - 554
  • Sattler, Katherine; Gräler, Markus; Keul, Petra; Weske, Sarah; Reimann, Christina-Maria; Jindrová, Helena; Kleinbongard, Petra; Sabbadini, Roger; Bröcker-Preuß, Martina; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Defects of high-density lipoproteins in coronary artery disease caused by low sphingosine-1-phosphate content : correction by sphingosine-1-phosphate -loading
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 66 (2015) Nr. 13, S. 1470 - 1485
  • Ibáñez, Borja; Heusch, Gerd; Ovize, Michel; Van de Werf, Frans
    Evolving therapies for myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 65 (2015) Nr. 14, S. 1454 - 1471
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd
    Extracellular signalling molecules in the ischaemic/reperfused heart : Druggable and translatable for cardioprotection?
    In: British Journal of Pharmacology (BJP) Jg. 172 (2015) Nr. 8, S. 2010 - 2025
  • Breuckmann, Frank; Hochadel, Matthias; Darius, Harald; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Münzel, Thomas; Maier, Lars S.; Schmitt, Claus G.; Schumacher, Burghard; Heusch, Gerd; Voigtländer, Thomas; Mudra, Harald; Senges, Jochen
    Guideline-adherence and perspectives in the acute management of unstable angina - Initial results from the German chest pain unit registry
    In: Journal of Cardiology Jg. 66 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 108 - 113
  • Gent, Sabine; Kleinbongard, Petra; Dammann, Philip; Neuhäuser, Markus; Heusch, Gerd
    Heart rate reduction and longevity in mice
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 110 (2015) Nr. 2, 2
  • Nensa, Felix; Pöppel, Thorsten; Tezgah, Ercan; Heusch, Philipp; Naßenstein, Kai; Mahabadi, Amir Abbas; Forsting, Michael; Bockisch, Andreas; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Schlosser, Thomas Wilfried
    Integrated FDG PET/MR Imaging for the Assessment of Myocardial Salvage in Reperfused Acute Myocardial Infarction
    In: Radiology Jg. 276 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 400 - 407
  • Wendt, Daniel; Kleinbongard, Petra; Knipp, Stephan; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Gedik, Nilgün; El Chilali, Karim; Schweter, Sebastian; Schlamann, Marc; Kahlert, Philipp; Neuhäuser, Markus; Forsting, Michael; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Jakob, Heinz G.; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus
    Intraaortic protection from embolization in patients undergoing transaortic transcatheter aortic valve implantation
    In: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Jg. 100 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 686 - 691
  • Heusch, Philipp; Nensa, Felix; Heusch, Gerd
    Is MRI Really the Gold Standard for the Quantification of Salvage From Myocardial Infarction?
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 117 (2015) Nr. 3, S. 222 - 224
  • Möhlenkamp, Stefan; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund
    Letter by Möhlenkamp et al Regarding Articles, “Can Intensive Exercise Harm the Heart? : The Benefits of Competitive Endurance Training for Cardiovascular Structure and Function” and “Can Intensive Exercise Harm the Heart? You Can Get Too Much of a Good Thing”
    In: Circulation Jg. 131 (2015) Nr. 23, S. e524
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Mitochondria at the heart of cardiovascular protection : P66shc-friend or foe
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 36 (2015) Nr. 8, S. 469 - 471
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Molecular basis of cardioprotection signal transduction in ischemic pre-, post-, and remote conditioning
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 116 (2015) Nr. 4, S. 674 - 699
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Gedik, N.; Witting, P.; Freedman, B.; Klöcker, N.; Heusch, Gerd
    Pleiotropic, heart rate-independent cardioprotection by ivabradine
    In: British Journal of Pharmacology (BJP) Jg. 172 (2015) Nr. 17, S. 4380 - 4390
  • Horn, Patrick; Baars, Theodor; Kahlert, Philipp; Heiss, Christian; Westenfeld, Ralf; Kelm, Malte; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Release of Intracoronary Microparticles during Stent Implantation into Stable Atherosclerotic Lesions under Protection with an Aspiration Device
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 10 (2015) Nr. 4, S. e0124904
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Baars, Theodor; Horn, Peter; Kahlert, Philipp; Heiss, C.; Westenfeld, R.; Kelm, M.; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd
    Release of microparticles from native coronary arteries and saphenous vein grafts in patients with elective stent implantation under protection with an aspiration device
    In: The FASEB Journal Jg. 29 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 1,
  • Heusch, Gerd; Bøtker, Hans Erik Rik; Przyklenk, Karin; Redington, Andrew N.; Yellon, Derek Miles
    Remote ischemic conditioning
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 65 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 177 - 195
  • Pickard, Jack M. J.; Bötker, Hans Erik; Crimi, Gabriele; Davidson, Brian; Davidson, Sean M.; Dutka, David; Ferdinandy, Peter; Ganske, Rocky; Garcia-Dorado, David; Giricz, Zoltan; Gourine, Alexander V.; Heusch, Gerd; Kharbanda, Rajesh; Kleinbongard, Petra; MacAllister, Raymond; McIntyre, Christopher; Meybohm, Patrick; Prunier, Fabrice; Redington, Andrew; Robertson, Nicola J.; Suleiman, M. Saadeh; Vanezis, Andrew; Walsh, Stewart; Yellon, Derek M.; Hausenloy, Derek J.
    Remote ischemic conditioning : from experimental observation to clinical application: report from the 8th Biennial Hatter Cardiovascular Institute Workshop
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 110 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 453
  • Custodis, F.; Roggenbuck, U.; Lehmann, Nils; Moebus, Susanne; Laufs, U.; Mahabadi, Amir Abbas; Heusch, Gerd; Mann, Klaus; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Erbel, Raimund; Bohm, M.; Möhlenkamp, Stefan
    Resting heart rate is an independent predictor of all-cause mortality and myocardial infarction in the middle-aged general population
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 65 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 10, S. A1498
  • Keul, P.; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) inhibits TNFA-induced MMP-9 expression (TIME) through S1P2-mediated activation of PTEN
    In: Atherosclerosis Jg. 241 (2015) Nr. 1, S. E76 - E77
  • Nussbaum, Claudia; Bannenberg, Sarah; Keul, Petra; Gräler, Markus H; Gonçalves-de-Albuquerque, Cassiano F; Korhonen, Hanna; von Wnuck Lipinski, Karin; Heusch, Gerd; de Castro Faria Neto, Hugo C; Rohwedder, Ina; Göthert, Joachim Rudolf; Prasad, Vysakh Pushpa; Haufe, Günter; Lange-Sperandio, Baerbel; Offermanns, Stefan; Sperandio, Markus; Levkau, Bodo
    Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 3 promotes leukocyte rolling by mobilizing endothelial P-selectin
    In: Nature Communications Jg. 6 (2015) S. 6416
  • Hellenkamp, Kristian; Darius, Harald; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Erbel, Raimund; Haude, Michael; Hamm, Christian; Hasenfuss, Gerd; Heusch, Gerd; Mudra, Harald; Münzel, Thomas; Schmitt, Klaus; Schumacher, Burghard; Senges, Jochen; Voigtländer, Thomas; Maier, Lars S.
    The German CPU Registry : Dyspnea independently predicts negative short-term outcome in patients admitted to German Chest Pain Units
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 181 (2015) S. 88 - 95
  • Heijman, Jordi; Heusch, Gerd; Dobrev, Dobromir
    Tools to Keep the Clock Ticking : Molecular approaches to treat Sinus Node Dysfunction
    In: Cardiology Jg. 132 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 45 - 48
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Treatment of Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Ischemic and Pharmacological Postconditioning
    In: Comprehensive Physiology Jg. 5 (2015) Nr. 3, S. 1123 - 1145
  • Mahabadi, Amir Abbas; Lehmann, Nils; Möhlenkamp, Stefan; Kälsch, Hagen; Bauer, Marcus; Schulz, Rainer; Moebus, Susanne; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd
    Association of bilirubin with coronary artery calcification and cardiovascular events in the general population without known liver disease : the Heinz Nixdorf Recall study
    In: Clinical Research in Cardiology Jg. 103 (2014) Nr. 8, S. 647 - 653
  • Heusch, Gerd; Libby, Peter; Gersh, Bernard; Yellon, Derek; Böhm, Michael; Lopaschuk, Gary; Opie, Lionel
    Cardiovascular remodelling in coronary artery disease and heart failure
    In: Lancet Jg. 383 (2014) Nr. 9932, S. 1933 - 1943
  • Rassaf, Tienush; Totzeck, Matthias; Hendgen-Cotta, Ulrike B.; Shiva, Sruti; Heusch, Gerd; Kelm, Malte
    Circulating nitrite contributes to cardioprotection by remote ischemic preconditioning
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 114 (2014) Nr. 10, S. 1601 - 1610
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Coronary Microcirculation : A Neglected Target of Cardioprotection
    In: Circulation Journal Jg. 78 (2014) Nr. 8, S. 1830 - 1831
  • Möhlenkamp, Stefan; Leineweber, Kirsten; Lehmann, Nils; Braun, Siegmund; Roggenbuck, Ulla; Perrey, Mareike; Bröcker-Preuß, Martina; Budde, Thomas; Halle, Martin; Mann, Klaus; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd
    Coronary atherosclerosis burden, but not transient troponin elevation, predicts long-term outcome in recreational marathon runners
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 109 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 391
  • Illmann, Alexander; Riemer, Thomas; Erbel, Raimund; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Hamm, Christian; Haude, Michael; Heusch, Gerd; Maier, Lars S.; Münzel, Thomas; Schmitt, Claus; Schumacher, Burghard; Senges, Jochen; Voigtländer, Thomas; Mudra, Harald
    Disease distribution and outcome in troponin-positive patients with or without revascularization in a chest pain unit : Results of the German CPU-Registry
    In: Clinical Research in Cardiology Jg. 103 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 29 - 40
  • Hildebrandt, Heike A.; Kahlert, Philipp; Konorza, Thomas; Plicht, Björn; Baars, Theodor; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund
    Fingerprints of periprocedural coronary microembolization on multimodality intravascular imaging
    In: Herz: Cardiovascular Diseases Jg. 39 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 115 - 118
  • Sattler, K.; Lehmann, I.; Gräler, M.; Bröcker-Preuß, Martina; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    HDL-Bound Sphingosine 1-Phosphate (S1P) Predicts the Severity of Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis
    In: Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry Jg. 34 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 172 - 184
  • Ferdinandy, Péter; Hausenloy, Derek J; Heusch, Gerd; Baxter, Gary F; Schulz, Rainer
    Interaction of risk factors, comorbidities, and comedications with ischemia/reperfusion injury and cardioprotection by preconditioning, postconditioning, and remote conditioning
    In: Pharmacological Reviews Jg. 66 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 1142 - 1174
  • Kottenberg, Eva; Musiolik, Judith; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Peters, Jürgen; Heusch, Gerd
    Interference of propofol with signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 activation and cardioprotection by remote ischemic preconditioning during coronary artery bypass grafting
    In: The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Jg. 147 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 376 - 382
  • Müller, Julia; Gorressen, Simone; Grandoch, Maria; Feldmann, Kathrin; Kretschmer, Inga; Lehr, Stefan; Ding, Zhaoping; Schmitt, Joachim P; Schrader, Jürgen; Garbers, Christoph; Heusch, Gerd; Kelm, Malte; Scheller, Jürgen; Fischer, Jens W
    Interleukin-6-dependent phenotypic modulation of cardiac fibroblasts after acute myocardial infarction
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 109 (2014) Nr. 6, S. 440
  • Hildebrandt, Heike A.; Kahlert, Philipp; Baars, Theodor; Kleinbongard, Petra; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd
    Is there a need for distal protection during native vessel percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with stable coronary artery disease?
    In: Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. 2, S. 170 - 172
  • Skyschally, Andreas; Amanakis, G.; Heusch, Gerd
    Myocardial protection by ischemic preconditioning is already evident during early index ischemia : analysis of ST-segment deviation during ischemia/reperfusion in pigs
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 103 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 118
  • Kottenberg, Eva; Peters, Jürgen; Heusch, Gerd; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heine, Torsten; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Kleinbongard, Petra; Frey, Ulrich
    Myocardial protection by remote ischaemic pre-conditioning is abolished in sulphonylurea-treated diabetics undergoing coronary revascularisation
    In: Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Jg. 58 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 453 - 462
  • Gedik, N.; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Kottenberg, Eva; Peters, J.; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    No evidence for activated autophagy in left ventricular myocardium with protection by remote ischemic preconditioning in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 103 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 77 - S78
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Gedik, N.; Heusch, Gerd
    Pleiotropic heart rate-independent cardioprotection by ivabradine : reduction of reactive oxygen species formation and improved viability in cardiomyocytes
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 103 1 (2014) S. 121
  • Healy, D. A.; Khan, W. A.; Wong, C. S.; Moloney, M. C.; Grace, P. A.; Coffey, J. C.; Dunne, C.; Walsh, S. R.; Sadat, U.; Gaunt, M. E.; Chen, S.; Tehrani, S.; Hausenloy, D. J.; Yellon, D. M.; Kramer, R. S.; Zimmerman, R. F.; Lomivorotov, V. V.; Shmyrev, V. A.; Ponomarev, D. N.; Rahman, I. A.; Mascaro, J. G.; Bonser, R. S.; Jeon, Y.; Hong, D. M.; Wagner, R.; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Heusch, Gerd; Zacharowski, K.; Meybohm, P.; Bein, B.; Tang, T. Y.
    Remote preconditioning and major clinical complications following adult cardiovascular surgery : Systematic review and meta-analysis
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 176 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 20 - 31
  • Kahlert, Philipp; Eggebrecht, Holger; Janosi, Rolf Alexander; Hildebrandt, Heike A.; Plicht, Björn; Tsagakis, Konstantinos; Mönninghoff, Christoph; Nensa, Felix; Mummel, Petra; Heusch, Gerd; Jakob, Heinz G.; Forsting, Michael; Erbel, Raimund; Schlamann, Marc
    Silent Cerebral Ischemia After Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair : A Neuroimaging Study
    In: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Jg. 98 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 53 - 58
  • Keul, P.; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Sphingosine-1-phosphate (s1p) affects neointima formation and remodeling through s1p2-induced inhibition of matrix-metalloproteinase 9
    In: Atherosclerosis Jg. 235 (2014) Nr. 2, S. E158
  • Lauten, Alexander; Figulla, Hans R; Möllmann, Helge; Holzhey, David; Kötting, Joachim; Beckmann, Andreas; Veit, Christof; Cremer, Jochen; Kuck, Karl-Heinz; Lange, Rüdiger; Zahn, Ralf; Sack, Stefan; Schuler, Gerhard; Walther, Thomas; Beyersdorf, Friedhelm; Böhm, Michael; Heusch, Gerd; Meinertz, Thomas; Neumann, Till; Welz, Armin; Mohr, Friedrich W; Hamm, Christian W; GARY Executive Board
    TAVI for low-flow, low-gradient severe aortic stenosis with preserved or reduced ejection fraction : a subgroup analysis from the German Aortic Valve Registry (GARY)
    In: EuroIntervention Jg. 10 (2014) Nr. 7, S. 850 - 859
  • Mohr, Friedrich W; Holzhey, David; Möllmann, Helge; Beckmann, Andreas; Veit, Christof; Figulla, Hans Reiner; Cremer, Jochen; Kuck, Karl-Heinz; Lange, Rüdiger; Zahn, Ralf; Sack, Stefan; Schuler, Gerhard; Walther, Thomas; Beyersdorf, Friedhelm; Böhm, Michael; Heusch, Gerd; Funkat, Anne-Kathrin; Meinertz, Thomas; Neumann, Till; Papoutsis, Konstantinos; Schneider, Steffen; Welz, Armin; Hamm, Christian W; GARY Executive Board
    The German Aortic Valve Registry : 1-year results from 13,680 patients with aortic valve disease
    In: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Jg. 46 (2014) Nr. 5, S. 808 - 816
  • Hamm, Christian W; Möllmann, Helge; Holzhey, David; Beckmann, Andreas; Veit, Christof; Figulla, Hans-Reiner; Cremer, J; Kuck, Karl-Heinz; Lange, Rüdiger; Zahn, Ralf; Sack, Stefan; Schuler, Gerhard; Walther, Thomas; Beyersdorf, Friedhelm; Böhm, Michael; Heusch, Gerd; Funkat, Anne-Kathrin; Meinertz, Thomas; Neumann, Till; Papoutsis, Konstantinos; Schneider, Steffen; Welz, Armin; Mohr, Friedrich W; for the GARY-Executive Board
    The German Aortic Valve Registry (GARY) : in-hospital outcome
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 35 (2014) Nr. 24, S. 1588 - 1598
  • Bøtker, Hans E.; Schmidt, Michael R.; Heusch, Gerd
    What is the role of remote ischemic conditioning for acute myocardial infarction?
    In: Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine Jg. 19 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 257 - 265
  • Baars, Theodor; Skyschally, Andreas; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Cario, Elke; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    microRNA expression and its potential role in cardioprotection by ischemic postconditioning in pigs
    In: Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology Jg. 466 (2014) Nr. 10, S. 1953 - 1961
  • Bergmann, Lars; Großwendt, Thorsten; Kahlert, Philipp; Konorza, Thomas; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Heusch, Gerd; Peters, Jürgen; Kottenberg, Eva
    Arrhythmogenic risk of pulmonary artery catheterisation in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation
    In: Anaesthesia Jg. 68 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 46 - 51
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Baars, Theodor; Möhlenkamp, Stefan; Kahlert, Philipp; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd
    Aspirate from human stented native coronary arteries vs. saphenous vein grafts : More endothelin but less particulate debris
    In: American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jg. 305 (2013) Nr. 8, S. H1222 - H1229
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Cardioprotection : Chances and challenges of its translation to the clinic
    In: Lancet Jg. 381 (2013) Nr. 9861, S. 166 - 175
  • Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Kottenberg, Eva; Kleinbongard, Petra; Wendt, Daniel; Gedik, Nilgün; Pasa, Susanne; Price, Vivien; Tsagakis, Konstantinos; Neuhäuser, Markus; Peters, Jürgen; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heusch, Gerd
    Cardioprotective and prognostic effects of remote ischaemic preconditioning in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery : A single-centre randomised, double-blind, controlled trial
    In: Lancet Jg. 382 (2013) Nr. 9892, S. 597 - 604
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Schleiger, Anastasia; Heusch, Gerd
    Characterization of vasomotor responses in different vascular territories of C57BL/6J mice
    In: Experimental Biology and Medicine Jg. 238 (2013) Nr. 10, S. 1180 - 1191
  • Boengler, Kerstin; Ungefug, Elvira; Heusch, Gerd; Leybaert, Luc; Schulz, Rainer
    Connexin 43 impacts on mitochondrial potassium uptake
    In: Frontiers in Pharmacology (2013) Nr. 4, S. 73
  • Baars, Theodor; Konorza, Thomas; Kahlert, Philipp; Möhlenkamp, Stefan; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Coronary aspirate TNFα reflects saphenous vein bypass graft restenosis risk in diabetic patients
    In: Cardiovascular Diabetology Jg. 12 (2013) Nr. 1,
  • Skyschally, Andreas; Walter, Barbara; Heusch, Gerd
    Coronary microembolization during early reperfusion: Infarct extension, but protection by ischaemic postconditioning
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 34 (2013) Nr. 42, S. 3314 - 3321
  • Patsalis, Polykarpos Christos; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Neumann, Till; Plicht, Björn; Hildebrandt, Heike A.; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund; Kahlert, Philipp
    Correction: Preparatory Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty During Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation for Improved Valve Sizing
    In: JACC Cardiovascular Interventions Jg. 6 (2013) Nr. 10, S. 1110
  • Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd
    Der Herzinfarkt ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs : Koronare Mikroembolisation
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2013) Nr. 44: Medizin : 50 Jahre Universitätsklinikum Essen, S. 66 - 75
  • Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Evidence for pleiotropic cardioprotection by the bradycardic agent ivabradine
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 61 (2013) Nr. 10 Suppl., S. E1177
  • Patsalis, Polykarpos Christos; Konorza, Thomas; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Plicht, Björn; Hildebrandt, Heike A.; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Eggebrecht, Holger; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund; Kahlert, Philipp
    Hemodynamic assessment of paravalvular aortic regurgitation after TAVI : Estimated myocardial supply-demand ratio and cardiovascular mortality
    In: American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jg. 304 (2013) Nr. 7, S. H1023 - H1028
  • Heusch, Gerd; Jakob, Heinz; Peters, Jürgen
    Herzschutz auf Distanz : Herzferne Konditionierung durch wiederholtes Aufblasen einer Blutdruckmanschette verringert Herzmuskelschäden
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2013) Nr. 44: Medizin : 50 Jahre Universitätsklinikum Essen, S. 76 - 83
  • Patsalis, Polykarpos C.; Konorza, Thomas; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Plicht, Björn; Riebisch, Matthias; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Eggebrecht, Holger; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund; Kahlert, Philipp
    Incidence, outcome and correlates of residual paravalvular aortic regurgitation after transcatheter aortic valve implantation and importance of haemodynamic assessment
    In: EuroIntervention Jg. 8 (2013) Nr. 12, S. 1398 - 1406
  • Kahlert, Philipp; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Plicht, Björn; Hildebrandt, Heike; Patsalis, Polykarpos Christos; Chilali, K. E.; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Bergmann, Lars; Kottenberg, Eva; Schlamann, Marc; Eggebrecht, Holger; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heusch, Gerd; Konorza, Thomas; Erbel, Raimund
    Incidence, predictors, origin and prevention of early and late neurological events after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) : a comprehensive review of current data
    In: Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis Jg. 35 (2013) Nr. 4, S. 436 - 449
  • Gedik, Nilguen; Heusch, Gerd; Skyschally, Andreas
    Infarct size reduction by cyclosporine A at reperfusion involves inhibition of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore but does not improve mitochondrial respiration
    In: Archives of Medical Science Jg. 9 (2013) Nr. 6, S. 968 - 975
  • Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra; Skyschally, Andreas
    Myocardial infarction and coronary microvascular obstruction: an intimate, but complicated relationship
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 108 (2013) Nr. 6, S. 380
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Peters, Jürgen; Heusch, Gerd; Kottenberg, Eva
    Nitroglycerin does not interfere with protection by remote ischemic preconditioning in patients with surgical coronary revascularization under isoflurane anesthesia
    In: Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy Jg. 27 (2013) Nr. 4, S. 359 - 361
  • Heijman, Jordi; Heusch, Gerd; Dobrev, Dobromir
    Pleiotropic effects of antiarrhythmic agents : dronedarone in the treatment of atrial fibrillation
    In: Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology Jg. 7 (2013) S. 127 - 140
  • Patsalis, Polykarpos Christos; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Neumann, Till; Plicht, Björn; Hildebrandt, Heike A.; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund; Kahlert, Philipp
    Preparatory balloon aortic valvuloplasty during transcatheter aortic valve implantation for improved valve sizing
    In: JACC Cardiovascular Interventions Jg. 6 (2013) Nr. 9, S. 965 - 971
  • Kottenberg, Eva; Peters, Jürgen; Heusch, Gerd
    Reply to the Editor [Gender Disparity May Contribute to the Quasi Preservation of Cardioprotection by Remote Preconditioning with Isoflurane but not Propofol in CABG]
    In: The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Jg. 146 (2013) Nr. 3, S. 733 - 734
  • Kahlert, Philipp; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Döttger, Philipp; Mori, Kathrine; Plicht, Björn; Wendt, Daniel; Bergmann, Lars; Kottenberg, Eva; Schlamann, Marc; Mummel, Petra; Holle, Dagny; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund; Eggebrecht, Holger
    Response to Letters Regarding Article, "Cerebral Embolization During Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: A Transcranial Doppler Study"
    In: Circulation Jg. 127 (2013) Nr. 18, S. e591 - e592
  • Plicht, Björn; Konorza, Thomas; Kahlert, Philipp; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Kälsch, Hagen; Janosi, Rolf Alexander; Buck, Thomas; Bachmann, Hagen Sjard; Siffert, Winfried; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund
    Risk factors for thrombus formation on the amplatzer cardiac plug after left atrial appendage occlusion
    In: JACC Cardiovascular Interventions Jg. 6 (2013) Nr. 6, S. 606 - 613
  • Wang, Nan; De Vuyst, Elke; Ponsaerts, Raf; Boengler, Kerstin; Palacios-Prado, Nicolás; Wauman, Joris; Lai, Charles P.; De Bock, Marijke; Decrock, Elke; Bol, Mélissa; Vinken, Mathieu; Rogiers, Vera; Tavernier, Jan; Evans, W. Howard; Naus, Christian C.; Bukauskas, Feliksas F.; Sipido, Karin R.; Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer; Bultynck, Geert; Leybaert, Luc
    Selective inhibition of Cx43 hemichannels by Gap19 and its impact on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 108 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 309
  • Maier, Lars S.; Darius, Harald; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Erbel, Raimund; Haude, Michael; Hamm, Christian; Hasenfuss, Gerd; Heusch, Gerd; Mudra, Harald; Münzel, Thomas; Schmitt, Claus; Schumacher, Burghard; Senges, Jochen; Voigtländer, Thomas; Schüttert, Jan B.
    The German CPU registry : Comparison of troponin positive to troponin negative patients
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 168 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 1651 - 1653
  • Boengler, Kerstin; Ungefug, Elvira; Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer
    The STAT3 inhibitor stattic impairs cardiomyocyte mitochondrial function through increased reactive oxygen species formation
    In: Current Pharmaceutical Design Jg. 19 (2013) Nr. 39, S. 6890 - 6895
  • Skyschally, Andreas; Walter, Barbara; Heusch, Gerd; Hansen, Rie Schultz
    The anti-arrhythmic di-peptide ZP1609 (Danegaptide) when given at reperfusion reduces myocardial infarct size in pigs
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 61 (2013) Nr. 10 Suppl., S. E67
  • Skyschally, Andreas; Walter, Barbara; Schultz Hansen, Rie; Heusch, Gerd
    The antiarrhythmic dipeptide ZP1609 (danegaptide) when given at reperfusion reduces myocardial infarct size in pigs
    In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology Jg. 386 (2013) Nr. 5, S. 383 - 391
  • Heusch, Gerd
    The regional myocardial flow-function relationship : A framework for an understanding of acute ischemia, hibernation, stunning and coronary microembolization
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 112 (2013) Nr. 12, S. 1535 - 1537
  • Dickmann, Boris; Baars, Theodor; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund
    Transcoronary septal ablation in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy by embolizing microspheres
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 34 (2013) Nr. 31, S. 2489
  • Hausenloy, Derek J.; Erik Botker, Hans; Condorelli, Gianluigi; Ferdinandy, Peter; Garcia-Dorado, David; Heusch, Gerd; Lecour, Sandrine; Van Laake, Linda W.; Madonna, Rosalinda; Ruiz-Meana, Marisol; Schulz, Rainer; Sluijter, Joost P.G.; Yellon, Derek M.; Ovize, Michel; Bøtker, Hans Erik
    Translating cardioprotection for patient benefit : Position paper from the Working Group of Cellular Biology of the Heart of the European Society of Cardiology
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 98 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 7 - 27
  • Hildebrandt, H.; Kahlert, Philipp; Konorza, T.; Plicht, Björn; Baars, Theodor; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund
    Visualization of plaque vulnerability and periinterventional coronary microembolization using near-infrared spectroscopy and optical coherence tomography
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 34 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 703
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Baars, Theodor; Heusch, Gerd
    Calcium antagonists in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion : update 2012
    In: Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift Jg. 162 (2012) Nr. 13-14, S. 302 - 310
  • Schrickel, Jan Wilko; Lickfett, Lars; Lewalter, Thorsten; Tiemann, Klaus; Nickenig, Georg; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer; Levkau, Bodo
    Cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of survivin causes global cardiac conduction defects
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 107 (2012) Nr. 6, S. 299
  • Kahlert, Philipp; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Döttger, Philipp; Mori, Kathrine; Plicht, Björn; Wendt, Daniel; Bergmann, Lars; Kottenberg, Eva; Schlamann, Marc; Mummel, Petra; Holle, Dagny; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Konorza, Thomas; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund; Eggebrecht, Holger
    Cerebral embolization during transcatheter aortic valve implantation : A transcranial doppler study
    In: Circulation Jg. 126 (2012) Nr. 10, S. 1245 - 1255
  • Rottlaender, Dennis; Böngler, Kerstin; Wolny, Martin; Schwaiger, Astrid; Motloch, Lukas J.; Ovize, Michel; Schulz, Rainer; Heusch, Gerd; Hoppe, Uta C.
    Glycogen synthase kinase 3β transfers cytoprotective signaling through connexin 43 onto mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channels
    In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) Jg. 109 (2012) Nr. 5,
  • Patsalis, Polykarpos Christos; Konorza, TFM; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Plicht, Björn; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund; Kahlert, Philipp
    Hemodynamic assessment of residual paravalvular aortic regurgitation after TAVI : impact of pressure difference (Diastolic Aortic Pressure-LVEDP) and myocardial supply-demand ratio on survival
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 33 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 194
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Konorza, Thomas; Böse, Dirk; Baars, Theodor; Haude, Michael; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd
    Lessons from human coronary aspirate
    In: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Jg. 52 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 890 - 896
  • Böngler, Kerstin; Ruiz-Meana, Marisol; Gent, Sabine; Ungefug, Elvira; Soetkamp, Daniel; Miro-Casas, Elisabet; Cabestrero, Alberto; Fernandez-Sanz, Celia; Semenzato, Martina; Lisa, Fabio Di; Rohrbach, Susanne; Garcia-Dorado, David; Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer
    Mitochondrial connexin 43 impacts on respiratory complex i activity and mitochondrial oxygen consumption
    In: Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Jg. 16 (2012) Nr. 8, S. 1649 - 1655
  • Gregorini, Luisa; Marco, Jean; Heusch, Gerd
    Peri-interventional coronary vasomotion
    In: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Jg. 52 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 883 - 889
  • Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer
    Pleiotropic effects of dronedarone on ischemia/reperfusion injury in heart and brain
    In: Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy Jg. 26 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 257 - 263
  • Post, Felix; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Riemer, Thomas; Maier, Lars S.; Schmitt, Claus; Schumacher, Burghard; Heusch, Gerd; Mudra, Harald; Voigtländer, Thomas; Erbel, Rainer; Darius, Harald; Katus, Hugo; Hamm, Christian; Senges, Jochen; Gori, Tommaso; Münzel, Thomas
    Pre- and early in-hospital procedures in patients with acute coronary syndromes : First Results of the "German chest pain unit registry"
    In: Clinical Research in Cardiology Jg. 101 (2012) Nr. 12, S. 983 - 991
  • Kottenberg, Eva; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Bergmann, Lars; Heine, Torsten; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heusch, Gerd; Peters, Jürgen
    Protection by remote ischemic preconditioning during coronary artery bypass graft surgery with isoflurane but not propofol : a clinical trial
    In: Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Jg. 56 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 30 - 38
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Reprint of : The paradox of α-adrenergic coronary vasoconstriction revisited
    In: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Jg. 52 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 832 - 839
  • Peters, Jürgen; Kottenberg, Eva; Heusch, Gerd; Musiolik, Judith; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.
    Response to Letter by Zaugg et al: STAT5 Activation and Cardioprotection By Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in Patients Undergoing Coronary Revascularization During Isoflurane Anesthesia
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 110 (2012) S. e44 - e45
  • Heusch, Gerd; Musiolik, Judith; Kottenberg, Eva; Peters, Jürgen; Jakob, Heinz G.; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus
    STAT5 Activation and Cardioprotection by Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in Humans
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 110 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 111 - 115
  • Boars, T.; Kleinbongard, Petra; Konorza, T.; Möhlenkamp, Stefan; Böse, Dirk; Degen, H.; Hippler, J; Haude, Michael; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd
    Saphenous vein aorto-coronary bypass graft atherosclerosis in patients with chronic kidney disease : more clacification, but less vasoconstrictor potential
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 33 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 746 - 746
  • Baars, Theodor; Kleinbongard, Petra; Böse, Dirk; Konorza, Thomas; Möhlenkamp, Stefan; Hippler, Jörg; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd
    Saphenous vein aorto-coronary graft atherosclerosis in patients with chronic kidney disease : More plaque calcification and necrosis, but less vasoconstrictor potential
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 107 (2012) S. 303
  • Kehmeier, Eva S.; Lepper, Wolfgang; Kropp, Martina; Heiss, Christian; Hendgen-Cotta, Ulrike B.; Balzer, Jan; Neizel, Mirja; Meyer, Christian; Merx, Marc W.; Verde, Pablo E.; Ohmann, Christian; Heusch, Gerd; Kelm, Malte; Rassaf, Tienush
    TNF-α, myocardial perfusion and function in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and primary percutaneous coronary intervention
    In: Clinical Research in Cardiology Jg. 101 (2012) Nr. 10, S. 815 - 827
  • Beckmann, Andreas; Hamm, Christian Wilhelm; Figulla, Hans Reiner; Cremer, Jochen Thomas; Kück, Karl Heinz; Lange, Rüdiger S.; Zahn, Ralf; Sack, Stefan; Schüler, Gerhard C.; Walther, Thomas; Beyersdorf, Friedhelm; Böhm, Michael; Heusch, Gerd; Funkat, Anne Kathrin; Meinertz, Thomas H.; Neumann, Till; Papoutsis, Konstantinos; Schneider, Steffen P.; Welz, Armin Georg; Mohr, Friedrich Wilhelm; for the GARY Executive Board
    The German Aortic Valve Registry (GARY) : A Nationwide Registry for Patients Undergoing Invasive Therapy for Severe Aortic Valve Stenosis
    In: The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon Jg. 60 (2012) Nr. 5, S. 319 - 325
  • Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra; Skyschally, Andreas; Levkau, Bodo; Schulz, Rainer; Erbel, Raimund
    The coronary circulation in cardioprotection : More than just one confounder
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 94 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 237 - 245
  • Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer
    A Radical View on the Contractile Machinery in Human Heart Failure
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 57 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 310 - 312
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Böse, Dirk; Konorza, Thomas; Steinhilber, Florian; Möhlenkamp, Stefan; Eggebrecht, Holger; Baars, Theodor; Degen, Hubertus; Haude, Michael; Levkau, Bodo; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd
    Acute vasomotor paralysis and potential downstream effects of paclitaxel from stents implanted for saphenous vein aorto-coronary bypass stenosis
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 106 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 681 - 689
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Bose, D.; Konorza, T.; Steinhilber, F.; Mohlenkamp, S.; Eggebrecht, Holger; Baars, Theodor; Degen, H.; Haude, Michael; Levkau, Bodo; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd
    Attenuated vasoconstrictor responses to coronary arterial aspirate from patients with paclitaxel eluting stent versus bare metal stent implantation for saphenous implantation for saphenous vein aorto-coronary bypass stenosis
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 57 (2011) Nr. 14, S. E1092
  • Schulz, Rainer; Heusch, Gerd
    C-Reactive Protein : Just a Biomarker of Inflammation or a Pathophysiological Player in Myocardial Function and Morphology?
    In: Hypertension Jg. 57 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 151 - 153
  • Heusch, Gerd; Skyschally, Andreas; Schulz, Rainer
    Cardioprotection by Ivabradine Through Heart Rate Reduction and Beyond
    In: Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Jg. 16 (2011) Nr. 3-4, S. 281 - 284
  • Kröger, Knut; Lehmann, Nils; Rappaport, Lisa; Perrey, Mareike; Sorokin, Alexey; Budde, Thomas; Heusch, Gerd; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Thompson, Paul D.; Erbel, Raimund; Möhlenkamp, Stefan
    Carotid and peripheral atherosclerosis in male marathon runners
    In: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Jg. 43 (2011) Nr. 7, S. 1142 - 1147
  • Heusch, Gerd
    European perspectives in cardiology
    In: Circulation Jg. 123 (2011) Nr. 2,
  • Gerullis, H.; Georgas, E.; Eimer, C.; Goretzki, P. E.; Lammers, B. J.; Klosterhalfen, B.; Boros, M.; Wishahi, M.; Heusch, Gerd; Otto, Thomas
    Evaluation of Biocompatibility of Alloplastic Materials : Development of a Tissue Culture In Vitro Test System
    In: Surgical Technology International Jg. 21 (2011) S. 21 - 27
  • Frey, Ulrich; Kottenberg, Eva; Kamler, Markus; Leineweber, Kirsten; Manthey, I.; Heusch, Gerd; Siffert, Winfried; Peters, Jürgen
    Genetic interactions in the β-adrenoceptor/G-protein signal transduction pathway and survival after coronary artery bypass grafting : a pilot study
    In: British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA) Jg. 107 (2011) Nr. 6, S. 869 - 878
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Heart Rate and Heart Failure : Not a Simple Relationship
    In: Circulation Journal Jg. 75 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 229 - 236
  • Böngler, Kerstin; Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer
    Mitochondria in Postconditioning
    In: Antioxidants and Redox Signaling Jg. 14 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 863 - 880
  • Heusch, Gerd; Musiolik, Judith; Gedik, Nilguen; Skyschally, Andreas
    Mitochondrial STAT3 Activation and Cardioprotection by Ischemic Postconditioning in Pigs With Regional Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 109 (2011) Nr. 11, S. 1302 - 1308
  • Schwartz Longacre, Lisa; Kloner, Robert A.; Arai, Andrew E.; Baines, Christopher P.; Bolli, Roberto; Braunwald, Eugene; Downey, James; Gibbons, Raymond J.; Gottlieb, Roberta A.; Heusch, Gerd; Jennings, Robert B.; Lefer, David J.; Mentzer, Robert M.; Murphy, Elizabeth; Ovize, Michel; Ping, Peipei; Przyklenk, Karin; Sack, Michael N.; Vander Heide, Richard S.; Vinten-Johansen, Jakob; Yellon, Derek M.
    New horizons in cardioprotection : Recommendations from the 2010 national heart, lung, and blood institute workshop
    In: Circulation Jg. 124 (2011) Nr. 10, S. 1172 - 1179
  • Böngler, Kerstin; Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer
    Nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins and their role in cardioprotection
    In: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research Jg. 1813 (2011) Nr. 7, S. 1286 - 1294
  • Heusch, Gerd; Shurlock, B.
    Pioneer in Cardiology : Gerd Heusch, MD, PhD, FACC, FAHA, FESC, FISHR, FRCP
    In: Circulation Jg. 123 (2011) Nr. 2, S. F7 - F12
  • Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer
    Preservation of peripheral vasodilation as a surrogate of cardioprotection? : The mechanistic role of ATP-dependent potassium channels and the mitochondrial permeability transition pore
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 32 (2011) Nr. 10, S. 1184 - 1186
  • Skyschally, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd
    Reduction of Myocardial Infarct Size by Dronedarone in Pigs—A Pleiotropic Action?
    In: Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy Jg. 25 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 197 - 201
  • Engelhorn, T.; Schwarz, M. A.; Heusch, Gerd; Doerfler, A.; Schulz, Rainer
    Reduction of cerebral infarct size by dronedarone
    In: Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy Jg. 25 (2011) Nr. 6, S. 523 - 529
  • Heusch, Gerd
    SCIPIO brings new momentum to cardiac cell therapy
    In: Lancet Jg. 378 (2011) Nr. 9806, S. 1827 - 1828
  • Keul, Petra; Lucke, Susann; Von Wnuck Lipinski, Karin; Bode, Constantin; Gräler, Markus; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 3 Promotes Recruitment of Monocyte/Macrophages in Inflammation and Atherosclerosis
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 108 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 314 - 323
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Schulz, Rainer; Heusch, Gerd
    TNFα in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion, remodeling and heart failure
    In: Heart Failure Reviews Jg. 16 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 49 - 69
  • Heusch, Gerd; Skyschally, Andreas; Schulz, Rainer
    The in-situ pig heart with regional ischemia/reperfusion - Ready for translation
    In: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Jg. 50 (2011) Nr. 6, S. 951 - 963
  • Heusch, Gerd
    The paradox of α-adrenergic coronary vasoconstriction revisited
    In: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Jg. 51 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 16 - 23
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Böse, Dirk; Baars, Theodor; Möhlenkamp, Stefan; Konorza, Thomas; Schöner, Sandra; Elter-Schulz, Miriam; Eggebrecht, Holger; Degen, Hubertus; Haude, Michael; Levkau, Bodo; Schulz, Rainer; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd
    Vasoconstrictor Potential of Coronary Aspirate From Patients Undergoing Stenting of Saphenous Vein Aortocoronary Bypass Grafts and Its Pharmacological Attenuation
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 108 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 344 - 352
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Alpha-adrenergic Coronary Vasoconstriction in Humans
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology Jg. 55 (2010) Nr. 12, S. 1278
  • Rottlaender, Dennis; Böngler, Kerstin; Wolny, Martin; Michels, Guido; Endres-Becker, Jeannette; Motloch, Lukas J.; Schwaiger, Astrid; Buechert, Astrid; Schulz, Rainer; Heusch, Gerd; Hoppe, Uta C.
    Connexin 43 acts as a cytoprotective mediator of signal transduction by stimulating mitochondrial KATP channels in mouse cardiomyocytes
    In: The Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI) Jg. 120 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 1441 - 1453
  • Skyschally, Andreas; Schulz, Rainer; Heusch, Gerd
    Cyclosporine a at reperfusion reduces infarct size in pigs : Letter to the Editor
    In: Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy Jg. 24 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 85 - 87
  • Heusch, Philipp; Aker, Stephanie; Böngler, Kerstin; Deindl, Elisabeth; Van De Sand, Anita; Klein, Kristina; Rassaf, Tienush; Konietzka, Ina; Sewell, Adrian; Menazza, Sara; Canton, Marcella; Heusch, Gerd; Di Lisa, Fabio; Schulz, Rainer
    Increased inducible nitric oxide synthase and arginase II expression in heart failure : No net nitrite/nitrate production and protein S-nitrosylation
    In: American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology Jg. 299 (2010) Nr. 2, S. H446 - H453
  • Böngler, Kerstin; Hilfiker-Kleiner, Denise; Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer
    Inhibition of permeability transition pore opening by mitochondrial STAT3 and its role in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 105 (2010) Nr. 6, S. 771 - 785
  • Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer
    Kardioprotektive Konditionierung : Schutz des Herzens vor Schaden durch Ischämie und Reperfusion
    In: Der Kardiologe Jg. 4 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 157 - 162
  • Ovize, Michel; Baxter, Gary F.; Di Lisa, Fabio; Ferdinandy, Péter; Garcia-Dorado, David; Hausenloy, Derek J.; Heusch, Gerd; Vinten-Johansen, Jakob; Yellon, Derek M.; Schulz, Rainer
    Postconditioning and protection from reperfusion injury: where do we stand? : Position Paper from the Working Group of Cellular Biology of the Heart of the European Society of Cardiology
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 87 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 406 - 423
  • Musiolik, Judith; Van Caster, Patrick; Skyschally, Andreas; Böngler, Kerstin; Gres, Petra; Schulz, Rainer; Heusch, Gerd
    Reduction of infarct size by gentle reperfusion without activation of reperfusion injury salvage kinases in pigs
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 85 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 110 - 117
  • Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Kottenberg, Eva; Böngler, Kerstin; Raffelsieper, Christoph; Neuhäuser, Markus; Peters, Jürgen; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heusch, Gerd
    Remote ischemic preconditioning reduces myocardial injury after coronary artery bypass surgery with crystalloid cardioplegic arrest
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 105 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 657 - 664
  • Sattler, Katherine J. E.; Elbasan, Sehriban; Keul, Petra; Elter-Schulz, Miriam; Bode, Constantin; Gräler, Markus H.; Bröcker-Preuß, Martina; Budde, Thomas; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Sphingosine 1-phosphate levels in plasma and HDL are altered in coronary artery disease
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 105 (2010) Nr. 6, S. 821 - 832
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer
    TNFα in atherosclerosis, myocardial ischemia/reperfusion and heart failure
    In: Pharmacology & Therapeutics Jg. 127 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 295 - 314
  • Leineweber, Kirsten; Frey, Ulrich; Tenderich, Gero; Toliat, Mohammad Reza; Zittermann, Armin; Nürnberg, Peter; Körfer, Reiner; Siffert, Winfried; Heusch, Gerd
    The Arg16Gly-β2-adrenoceptor single nucleotide polymorphism : exercise capacity and survival in patients with end-stage heart failure
    In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology Jg. 382 (2010) Nr. 4, S. 357 - 365
  • Heusch, Philipp; Canton, Marcella; Aker, Stephanie; Sand, Anita van de; Konietzka, Ina; Rassaf, Tienush; Menazza, Sara; Brodde, Otto E.; Di Lisa, Fabio; Heusch, Gerd; Schulz, Rainer
    The contribution of reactive oxygen species and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase to myofilament oxidation and progression of heart failure in rabbits
    In: British Journal of Pharmacology (BJP) Jg. 160 (2010) Nr. 6, S. 1408 - 1416
  • Hausenloy, Derek J.; Baxter, Gary; Bell, Robert; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Davidson, Sean M.; Downey, James; Heusch, Gerd; Kitakaze, Masafumi; Lecour, Sandrine; Mentzer, Robert; Mocanu, Mihaela M.; Ovize, Michel; Schulz, Rainer; Shannon, Richard; Walker, Malcolm; Walkinshaw, Gail; Yellon, Derek M.
    Translating novel strategies for cardioprotection: the Hatter Workshop Recommendations
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 105 (2010) Nr. 6, S. 677 - 686
  • Custodis, Florian; Schirmer, Stephan H.; Baumhäkel, Magnus; Heusch, Gerd; Böhm, Michael; Laufs, Ulrich
    Vascular pathophysiology in response to increased heart rate
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology Jg. 56 (2010) Nr. 24, S. 1973 - 1983
  • Adamzik, Michael; Frey, Ulrich; Bitzer, Kathrin; Jakob, Heinz G.; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Schmieder, Roland E.; Schneider, Markus P.; Heusch, Gerd; Peters, Jürgen; Siffert, Winfried
    A novel-1364A/C aquaporin 5 gene promoter polymorphism influences the responses to salt loading of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and of blood pressure in young healthy men
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 103 (2008) Nr. 6, S. 598 - 610
  • Möhlenkamp, Stefan; Lehmann, Nils; Breuckmann, Frank; Bröcker-Preuß, Martina; Naßenstein, Kai; Halle, Martin; Budde, Thomas; Mann, Klaus; Barkhausen, Jörg; Heusch, Gerd; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Erbel, Raimund; Jockel, K.-H.
    Running : The risk of coronary events - Prevalence and prognostic relevance of coronary atherosclerosis in marathon runners
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 29 (2008) Nr. 15, S. 1903 - 1910
  • Levkau, Bodo; Schäfers, Michael; Wohlschläger, Jeremias; Heusch, Gerd; Ghanem, Alexander; Schmid, Kurt Werner; Conway, Edward M.; Neumann, Joachimg; von Wnuck Lipinski, K.; Matus, Marek; Mehrhof, Felix; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Tiemann, Klaus; Hsieh, Patrick; Ou, Yen-Ling; Fischer, Jens W.; Flögel, Ulrich; Schrader, Jürgen; Keul, Petra; Hermann, Sven; Stypmann, Jörg; Stegger, Lars; Kawaguchi, Naomasa; Kirchhof, Paulus; Fabritz, Larissa
    Survivin determines cardiac function by controlling total cardiomyocyte number
    In: Circulation Jg. 117 (2008) Nr. 12, S. 1583 - 1593
  • Von Wnuck Lipinski, Karin; Keul, Petra; Lucke, Susann; Heusch, Gerd; Wohlschläger, Jeremias; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Levkau, Bodo
    Degraded collagen induces calpain-mediated apoptosis and destruction of the X-chromosome-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (xIAP) in human vascular smooth muscle cells
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 69 (2006) Nr. 3, S. 697 - 705
  • Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Massoudy-Touiserkan, Parwis; Schmermund, Axel; Neuhäuser, Markus; Marggraf, Günter; Kamler, Markus; Herold, Ulf-Peter; Aleksic, Ivan; Mann, Klaus; Haude, Michael; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund; Jakob, Heinz G.
    Diagnostic discrimination between graft-related and non-graft-related perioperative myocardial infarction with cardiac troponin I after coronary artery bypass surgery
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 26 (2005) Nr. 22, S. 2440 - 2447
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Dynamik der Atherosklerose : Koronare Mikroembolisation
    In: Essener Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2003) Nr. 20 : Herz-Kreislaufmedizin – Experimentelle und klinische Kardiologie, S. 30 - 41
  • Schwanke, U.; Schulz, R.; Hilken, Gero; Heusch, G.
    No ischemic preconditioning in heterozygous connexin 43 – knockout mice.
    In: (J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol.) Jg. 34 (2002) Nr. 6, S. 56
  • Neumann, Till; Vollmer, A.; Schaffner, T.; Hess, Om.; Heusch, Gerd
    Diastolic Dysfunction and Collagen Structure in Canine Pacing-Induced Heart Failure
    In: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Jg. 31 (1999) Nr. 1, S. 179 - 192
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Commentaries on this month's cardiovascular controversy : The merits and demerits of animal experimentation from G Heusch
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 28 (1994) Nr. 7, S. 1108 - 1110
  • Baumgart, Dietrich; Ehring, Thomas; Heusch, Gerd
    A proischaemic action of nisoldipine : Relationship to a decrease in perfusion pressure and comparison to dipyridamole
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 27 (1993) Nr. 7, S. 1254 - 1259
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Heusch, Gerd; Rassaf, Tienush
    Protection from cardiotoxicity of cancer chemotherapy : A novel target for remote ischaemic conditioning?
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 117 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 985 - 986
  • Heusch, Gerd; Rassaf, Tienush
    Left Ventricular Unloading in Myocardial Infarction : Gentle Reperfusion Through the Backdoor?
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 76 (2020) Nr. 6, S. 700 - 702
  • Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra; Rassaf, Tienush
    Cardioprotection beyond Infarct Size Reduction
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 124 (2019) Nr. 5, S. 679 - 680
  • Hausenloy, Derek J.; Heusch, Gerd
    Translating Cardioprotection for Patient Benefit : The EU-CARDIOPROTECTION COST Action
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 73 (2019) Nr. 15, S. 2001 - 2003
  • Heusch, Gerd
    EURO-CRIPS : Another piece of evidence for systemic cardiovascular protection by remote ischemic conditioning
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 257 (2018) S. 30 - 31
  • Hamm, Christian W.; Mohr, Friedrich; Heusch, Gerd
    Lessons Learned From the German Aortic Valve Registry
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 72 (2018) Nr. 6, S. 689 - 692
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Protection of the human coronary circulation by remote ischemic conditioning
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 252 (2018) S. 35 - 36
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Vagal cardioprotection in reperfused acute myocardial infarction
    In: JACC Cardiovascular Interventions Jg. 10 (2017) Nr. 15, S. 1521 - 1522
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Remote conditioning : The future of cardioprotection?
    In: Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. 3, S. 176 - 179
  • Hasenfuß, G.; Heusch, Gerd
    Special Issue “Novel Perspectives on Heart Failure”
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 108 (2013) Nr. 4, S. 355
  • Heusch, Gerd
    HIF-1  and paradoxical phenomena in cardioprotection: : EXPERT'S PERSPECTIVE
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 96 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 214 - 215
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Reduction of infarct size by ischaemic post-conditioning in humans: fact or fiction?
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 33 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 13 - 15
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Beta3-Adrenoceptor Activation Just Says NO to Myocardial Reperfusion Injury
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 58 (2011) Nr. 25, S. 2692 - 2694
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Obesity and Inflammatory Vasculopathy : A Surgical Solution as Ultima Ratio?
    In: Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Jg. 31 (2011) Nr. 9, S. 1953 - 1954
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Adenosine and maximum coronary vasodilation in humans : myth and misconceptions in the assessment of coronary reserve
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 105 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 1 - 5
  • Heusch, Gerd; Böngler, Kerstin; Schulz, Rainer
    Inhibition of mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening : The holy grail of cardioprotection
    In: Basic Research in Cardiology Jg. 105 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 151 - 154
  • Abstracts

  • Lieder, Helmut R.; Tsounami, Maria; Schrör, Karsten; Andreadou, Ioanna; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra;
    Human platelet-mediated transfer of cardioprotection by remote ischemic conditioning is abrogated by aspirin, but not by ticagrelor
    The Polycystic Kidney Disease Conference: Hurdles and Advances in Molecular Mechanisms and Therapies, 24.-29.07.2022, Lisbon,
    In: The FASEB Journal Jg. 36 (2022) Nr. s1,
  • Sattler, K.; Heusch, Gerd
    HDL compartmentalisation regulates PCSK9 activity
    In: Atherosclerosis Jg. 331 (2021) S. E39
  • Heusch, Gerd
    Challenges and chances in the translation of cardioprotection
    In: European Journal of Clinical Investigation Jg. 48 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 35 - 36
  • Hauerslev, M.; Mork, S. R.; Pryds, K.; Contractor, H.; Hansen, J.; Jespersen, M. R.; Johnsen, J.; Schmidt, M. R.; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd; Kharbanda, R.; Botker, H. E.
    Long-term glyceryl trinitrate treatment attenuates protection against ischemia-reperfusion injury from remote ischemic conditioning
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 37 (2016) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 371 - 371
  • Schmidt, F. P.; Perne, A.; Hochadel, M.; Giannitsis, E.; Darius, H.; Maier, L. S.; Schmitt, C.; Heusch, Gerd; Voigtlaender, T.; Mudra, H.; Gori, T.; Senges, J.; Munzel, T.
    Patients with STEMI admitted to German chest pain units represent a lower risk cohort
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 37 (2016) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 1177
  • Kleinbongard, Petra; Gent, Sabine; Dammann, Philip; Neuhäuser, Markus; Heusch, Gerd;
    Heart Rate Reduction and Longevity in Mice
    Experimental Biology 2015, March 28 – April 1, 2015, Boston, Mass., USA,
    In: The FASEB Journal Jg. 29 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 954.4
  • Hildebrandt, Heike; Kahlert, Philipp; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra;
    Kinetics of cardioprotection by plasma dialysate from healthy volunteers undergoing remote ischemic preconditioning
    ESC Congress 2015, 29 August – 2 September 2015, London, UK,
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 36 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 580
  • Gedik, N.; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd;
    Mitochondria are a target of cardioprotection by ivabradine
    94th Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society, 5‐7 March 2015, Magdeburg, Germany,
    In: Acta Physiologica Jg. 213 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 699, S. 173
  • Ai-Rashid, F.; Kahlert, Philipp; Hildebrandt, Heike; Selge, F.; Patsalis, Polykarpos Christos; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, R.; Janosi, Rolf Alexander;
    Outcomes in Patients Treated With Transfemoral Aortic Valve Implantation After Admission to the Intensive Care Unit
    American Heart Association's 2015 Scientific Sessions and Resuscitation Science Symposium, November 7-11, 2015, Orlando, FL, USA,
    In: Circulation Jg. 132 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. A12281
  • Hildebrandt, Heike; Kahlert, Philipp; Patsalis, Polykarpos Christos; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Baars, Theodor; Erbel, Raimund; Kleinbongard, Petra; Heusch, Gerd;
    Quantification and characterization of released plaque material during implantation of bioabsorbable vascular scaffolds into right coronary artery lesions - a multimodality intracoronary imaging study
    Twenty-Seventh Annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Symposium, October 11-15, 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA,
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 66 (2015) Nr. 15, Supplement, S. B145
  • Baars, Theodor; Kahlert, Philipp; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra;
    Red blood cell aggregation in stented human culprit native coronary arteries and saphenous vein grafts
    94th Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society, 5‐7 March 2015, Magdeburg, Germany,
    In: Acta Physiologica Jg. 213 (2015) Nr. S699, S. 155
  • Hildebrandt, Heike A.; Kahlert, Philipp; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra;
    Temporal Kinetics of Remote Ischemic Preconditioning : Transfer of Protection With Plasma Dialysate From Healthy Volunteers to an Isolated Mouse Heart
    American Heart Association's 2015 Scientific Sessions and Resuscitation Science Symposium, November 7-11, 2015, Orlando, FL, USA,
    In: Circulation Jg. 132 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. A18010
  • Tezgah, Ercan; Nensa, Felix; Pöppel, Thorsten; Heusch, P.; Naßenstein, Kai; Forsting, Michael; Bockisch, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd; Schlosser, Thomas Wilfried; Erbel, Raimund; Essens Working Grp Cardiovasc;
    Cardiac 18F-FDG PET/MRI for simultaneous quantification of myocardial injury in patients with acute myocardial infarction : initial results and further perspective
    ESC Congress 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 30 August – 3 September 2014,
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 35 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 520
  • Gorressen, S.; Stern, M.; Van de Sandt, A. M.; Cortese-Krott, M. M.; Rassaf, Tienush; Goedecke, A.; Fischer, J. W.; Heusch, Gerd; Merx, M. W.; Kelm, M.;
    Circulating NOS3 affects adverse left ventricular remodeling post myocardial infarction
    ESC Congress 2016, 27 - 31 August, Rome, Italy,
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 35 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 6
  • Al-Rashid, Fadi; Hildebrandt, Heike; Baars, Theodor; El Chilali, Karim; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Kottenberg, Eva; Peters, Jürgen; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Kahlert, Philipp;
    Coronary Microcirculation during Transfemoral Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
    Twenty-Sixth Annual Symposium Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), TCT2014, 13-17 September 2014, Washington, DC, USA,
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 64 (2014) Nr. 11, Supplement, S. B210 - B211
  • Al-Rashid, Fadi; Hildebrandt, Heike; Baars, Theodor; Neumann, Till; Nensa, Felix; Naßenstein, Kai; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Kottenberg, Eva; Peters, Jürgen; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Kahlert, Philipp;
    Coronary Microembolization during Transfemoral Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation : An Intracoronary Doppler Study
    Twenty-Sixth Annual Symposium Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), TCT2014, 13-17 September 2014, Washington, DC, USA,
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 64 (2014) Nr. 11, Supplement, S. B226
  • Schulte, C.; Skyschally, Andreas; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra;
    Humoral transfer of remote ischemic preconditionings protection from donor pigs in vivo to an in in vitro bioassay of isolated perfused recipient rat hearts
    93rd Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society, 13‐15 March 2014, Mainz, Germany,
    In: Acta Physiologica Jg. 210 (2014) Nr. S695, S. 93 - 94
  • Hildebrandt, Heike; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Wendt, Daniel; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Kottenberg, Eva; Peters, Jürgen; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund; Kahlert, Philipp;
    Mobile aortic valve deposits - a risk factor for periprocedural stroke during transfemoral TAVI?
    ESC Congress 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 30 August – 3 September 2014,
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 35 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 891
  • Kotter, S.; Andresen, C.; Albrecht, J.; Godecke, A.; Kuhlmann, M.; Heusch, Gerd; Kruger, M.;
    Myocardial ischemia acutely affects titin phosphorylation and cardiac myocyte stiffness
    93rd Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society, 13‐15 March 2014, Mainz, Germany,
    In: Acta Physiologica Jg. 210 (2014) Nr. S695, S. 94
  • Gedik, N.; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra;
    No evidence for autophagy in left ventricular myocardium with protection by remote ischemic preconditioning in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting
    93rd Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society, 13‐15 March 2014, Mainz, Germany,
    In: Acta Physiologica Jg. 210 (2014) Nr. S695, S. 96
  • Skyschally, Andreas; Schulte, C.; Heusch, Gerd; Kleinbongard, Petra
    P157: Humoral transfer of remote ischemic preconditioning′s protection from donor pigs in vivo to an in in vitro bioassay of isolated perfused recipient rat hearts
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 103 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S27
  • Rottlaender, Dennis; Motloch, Lukas; Reda, Sara; Wolny, Martin; Schwaiger, Astrid; Böngler, Kerstin; Schulz, Rainer; Heusch, Gerd; Hoppe, Uta
    GSK3β transfers cytoprotective signaling through connexin 43 onto mitochondrial ATP-Sensitive K+ channels
    In: Biophysical Journal Jg. 102 (2012) Nr. 3, Supplement 1, S. 162a
  • Patsalis, Polykarpos Christos; Erbel, Raimund; Plicht, Björn; Riebisch, Matthias; Heusch, Gerd; Thielmann, Matthias Klaus; Jakob, Heinz G.; Wendt, Daniel; Kahlert, Philipp; Konorza, Thomas; Al-Rashid, Fadi
    Leveraging Preparatory Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty (BAV) During TAVI for Improved Valve Sizing : A simple way to reduce Paravalvular Aortic Regurgitation (PAR)?!
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 60 (2012) S. B252
  • Plicht, Björn; Riebisch, Matthias; Thielmann, Matthias; Jakob, Heinz G.; Konorza, Thomas; Wendt, Daniel; Al-Rashid, Fadi; Kahlert, Philipp; Heusch, Gerd; Erbel, Raimund; Patsalis, Polykarpos Christos
    TCT-874 Hemodynamic Assessment of Residual Paravalvular Aortic Regurgitation (PAR) after TAVI : Impact of Myocardial Supply-Demand Ratio (DPTI:SPTI) on Survival
    In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Jg. 60 (2012) Nr. 17, Supplement, S. B253
  • Keul, P.; Lucke, S.; Wnuck-Lipinski, Karin; Graeler, M.; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Deletion of the S1P receptor S1P3 attenuates macrophage-driven inflammation in atherosclerotic lesions of S1P3-/-/ApoE-/- double knockout mice
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 31 (2010) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 159
  • Sattler, K.; Keul, P.; Elter-Schulz, M.; Bode, C.; Graeler, M.; Bröcker-Preuß, Martina; Budde, Thomas; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Increased plasma levels of non-high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-bound sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) in coronary artery disease are caused by alterations of S1P uptake into HDL
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 31 (2010) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 103
  • Sattler, Katherine; Elbasan, Sehriban; Keul, Petra; Elter-Schulz, Miriam; Bode, Cornelius; Gräler, Markus; Bröcker-Preuß, Martina; Budde, Thomas; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    MS528 Increased plasma levels of non-HDL-bound Sphingosine-1-Phosphate (S1P) in coronary artery disease are caused by alterations of S1P uptake by HDL
    In: Atherosclerosis Supplements Jg. 11 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 216
  • Voigtlaender, T.; Darius, H.; Giannitsis, E.; Miritz, G.; Maier, L. E.; Haude, Michael; Muenzel, T.; Erbel, Raimund; Heusch, Gerd; Senges, J.
    Self-referral to the chest pain unit : incidence of acute coronary syndrome
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 31 (2010) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 191
  • Keul, P.; Lucke, S. L.; Graeler, M.; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor 3 promotes macrophage recruitment to atherosclerotic lesions
    In: Cardiovascular Research Jg. 87 (2010) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S90
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Heusch, Gerd; Skyschally, Andreas; Kleinbongard, Petra
    Coronary microembolization and microvascular dysfunction
    In: Coronary Microvascular Obstruction in Acute Myocardial Infarction: From Mechanisms to Treatment / Niccoli, Giampaolo; Eitel, Ingo (Hrsg.) 2018, S. 83 - 96
  • Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • Gent, S.; Kleinbongard, Petra; Dammann, Philip; Neuhäuser, Markus; Heusch, Gerd;
    Heart rate reduction and longevity in mice
    94th Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society, 5‐7 March 2015, Magdeburg, Germany,
    In: Acta Physiologica Jg. 213 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 699, S. 117