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45147 Essen


  • , Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

  • Professor/in, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie des Kindes und Jugenalters

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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Vainieri, Isabella; Martin, Joanna; Rommel, Anna-Sophie; Asherson, Philip; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan; Cormand, Bru; Crosbie, Jennifer; Faraone, Stephen V.; Franke, Barbara; Loo, Sandra K.; Miranda, Ana; Manor, Iris; Oades, Robert D.; Purves, Kirstin L.; Ramos-Quiroga, J. Antoni; Ribasés, Marta; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Schachar, Russell; Sergeant, Joseph; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Vuijk, Pieter J.; Doyle, Alysa E.; Kuntsi, Jonna
    Polygenic association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder liability and cognitive impairments
    In: Psychological Medicine Jg. 52 (2022) Nr. 14, S. 3150 - 3158
  • Demontis, Ditte; Walters, Raymond K.; Rajagopal, Veera M.; Waldman, Irwin D.; Grove, Jakob; Als, Thomas D.; Dalsgaard, Søren; Ribasés, Marta; Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas; Bækvad-Hansen, Maria; Werge, Thomas; Nordentoft, Merete; Mors, Ole; Mortensen, Preben Bo; Andreassen, Ole A.; Arranz, Maria Jesús; Banaschewski, Tobias; Bau, Claiton; Bellgrove, Mark; Biederman, Joseph; Brikell, Isabell; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Burton, Christie L.; Casas, Miguel; Crosbie, Jennifer; Doyle, Alysa E.; Ebstein, Richard P.; Elia, Josephine; Elizabeth, Corfield C.; Grevet, Eugenio; Grizenko, Natalie; Havdahl, Alexandra; Hawi, Ziarih; Hebebrand, Johannes; Hervas, Amaia; Hohmann, Sarah; Haavik, Jan; Joober, Ridha; Kent, Lindsey; Kuntsi, Jonna; Langley, Kate; Larsson, Henrik; Lesch, Klaus-Peter; Leung, Patrick W. L.; Liao, Calwing; Loo, Sandra K.; Martin, Joanna; Martin, Nicholas G.; Medland, Sarah E.; Miranda, Ana; Mota, Nina Roth; Oades, Robert D.; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; Reif, Andreas; Rietschel, Marcella; Roeyers, Herbert; Rohde, Luis Augusto; Rothenberger, Aribert; Rovira, Paula; Sánchez-Mora, Cristina; Schachar, Russell James; Sengupta, Sarojini; Artigas, Maria Soler; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Thapar, Anita; Witt, Stephanie H.; Yang, Li; Zayats, Tetyana; Zhang-James, Yanli; Cormand, Bru; Hougaard, David M.; Neale, Benjamin M.; Franke, Barbara; Faraone, Stephen V.; Børglum, Anders D.
    Author Correction: Risk variants and polygenic architecture of disruptive behavior disorders in the context of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Nature Communications, (2021), 12, 1, (576), 10.1038/s41467-020-20443-2)
    In: Nature Communications Jg. 12 (2021) Nr. 1, 1166
  • Garcia-Rosales, Alexandra; Vitoratou, Silia; Faraone, Stephen V.; Rudaizky, Daniel; Banaschewski, Tobias; Asherson, Philip; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Buitelaar, Jan; Oades, Robert D.; Rothenberger, Aribert; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Taylor, Eric; Chen, Wai
    Differential utility of teacher and parent–teacher combined information in the assessment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms
    In: European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Jg. 30 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 143 - 153
  • Demontis, Ditte; Walters, Raymond K.; Rajagopal, Veera M.; Waldman, Irwin D.; Grove, Jakob; Als, Thomas D.; Dalsgaard, Søren; Ribasas, Marta; Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas; Bækvad-Hansen, Maria; Werge, Thomas; Nordentoft, Merete; Mors, Ole; Mortensen, Preben Bo; Andreassen, Ole A.; Arranz, Maria Jesús; Banaschewski, Tobias; Bau, Claiton; Bellgrove, Mark; Biederman, Joseph; Brikell, Isabell; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Burton, Christie L.; Casas, Miguel; Crosbie, Jennifer; Doyle, Alysa E.; Ebstein, Richard P.; Elia, Josephine; Elizabeth, Corfield C.; Grevet, Eugenio; Grizenko, Natalie; Havdahl, Alexandra; Hawi, Ziarih; Hebebrand, Johannes; Hervas, Amaia; Hohmann, Sarah; Haavik, Jan; Joober, Ridha; Kent, Lindsey; Kuntsi, Jonna; Langley, Kate; Larsson, Henrik; Lesch, Klaus-Peter; Leung, Patrick W. L.; Liao, Calwing; Loo, Sandra K.; Martin, Joanna; Martin, Nicholas G.; Medland, Sarah E.; Miranda, Ana; Mota, Nina Roth; Oades, Robert D.; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; Reif, Andreas; Rietschel, Marcella; Roeyers, Herbert; Rohde, Luis Augusto; Rothenberger, Aribert; Rovira, Paula; Sánchez-Mora, Cristina; Schachar, Russell James; Sengupta, Sarojini; Artigas, Maria Soler; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Thapar, Anita; Witt, Stephanie H.; Yang, Li; Zayats, Tetyana; Zhang-James, Yanli; Cormand, Bru; Hougaard, David M.; Neale, Benjamin M.; Franke, Barbara; Faraone, Stephen V.; Børglum, Anders D.
    Risk variants and polygenic architecture of disruptive behavior disorders in the context of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
    In: Nature Communications Jg. 12 (2021) Nr. 1, 576
  • Schoenmacker, G.H.; Groenman, A.P.; Sokolova, E.; Oosterlaan, J.; Rommelse, N.; Roeyers, H.; Oades, Robert D.; Faraone, S.V.; Franke, B.; Heskes, T.; Arias Vasquez, A.; Claassen, T.; Buitelaar, J.K.
    Role of conduct problems in the relation between Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity disorder, substance use, and gaming
    In: European Neuropsychopharmacology Jg. 30 (2020) S. 102 - 113
  • Vitoratou, Silia; Garcia-Rosales, Alexandra; Banaschewski, Tobias; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Buitelaar, Jan; Oades, Robert D.; Rothenberger, Aribert; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Taylor, Eric; Faraone, Stephen V.; Chen, Wai
    Is the endorsement of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder symptom criteria ratings influenced by informant assessment, gender, age, and co-occurring disorders? : A measurement invariance study
    In: International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research Jg. 28 (2019) Nr. 4, S. e1794
  • Schürks, Markus; Oades, Robert D.; The Brainstorm Consortium
    Analysis of shared heritability in common disorders of the brain
    In: Science Jg. 360 (2018) Nr. 6395, eaap8757
  • Naaijen, J.; Bralten, J.; Poelmans, G.; Glennon, J.C.; Franke, B.; Buitelaar, J.K.; Faraone, Stephen; Asherson, Philip; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan; Ebstein, Richard P.; Gill, Michael; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Anney, Richard; Mulas, Fernando; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph
    Glutamatergic and GABAergic gene sets in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder : association to overlapping traits in ADHD and autism
    In: Translational Psychiatry Jg. 7 (2017) Nr. 1, art. no. 273
  • Roessner, Veit; Banaschewski, Tobias; Becker, Andreas; Buse, Judith; Wanderer, Sina; Buitelaar, Jan K; Sergeant, Joseph A; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J; Gill, Michael; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Steven V; Asherson, Philip; Rothenberger, Aribert
    Familiality of Co-existing ADHD and Tic Disorders : Evidence from a Large Sibling Study
    In: Frontiers in Psychology Jg. 7 (2016) S. 1060
  • Rosales, Alexandra Garcia; Vitoratou, Silia; Banaschewski, Tobias; Asherson, Philip; Buitelaar, Jan; Oades, Robert D.; Rothenberger, Aribert; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.; Chen, Wai
    Are all the 18 DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria equally useful for diagnosing ADHD and predicting comorbid conduct problems?
    In: European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Jg. 24 (2015) Nr. 11, S. 1325 - 1337
  • Smith, Taylor F; Anastopoulos, Arthur D; Garrett, Melanie E; Arias-Vasquez, Alejandro; Franke, Barbara; Oades, Robert D.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Asherson, Philip; Gill, Michael; Buitelaar, Jan K; Sergeant, Joseph A; Kollins, Scott H; Faraone, Stephen V; Ashley-Koch, Allison; IMAGE Consortium; Christiansen, Hanna
    Angiogenic, neurotrophic, and inflammatory system SNPs moderate the association between birth weight and ADHD symptom severity
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 165 (2014) Nr. 8, S. 691 - 704
  • Hart, Amy B.; Gamazon, Eric R.; Engelhardt, Barbara E.; Sklar, Pamela; Kähler, Anna K.; Hultman, Christina M.; Sullivan, Patrick F.; Neale, Benjamin M.; Faraone, Stephen V.; Subgroup, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium: ADHD; Oades, Robert D.; Wit, Harriet de; Cox, Nancy J.; Palmer, Abraham A.
    Genetic variation associated with euphorigenic effects of d-amphetamine is associated with diminished risk for schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
    In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) Jg. 111 (2014) Nr. 16, S. 5968 - 5973
  • Wölfle, Sebastian; Jost, Diana; Oades, Robert D.; Schlack, Robert; Hölling, Heike; Hebebrand, Johannes
    Somatic and mental health service use of children and adolescents in Germany (KiGGS-study)
    In: European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Jg. 23 (2014) Nr. 9, S. 753 - 764
  • Groenman, Annabeth P.; Oosterlaan, Jaap; Rommelse, Nanda N. J.; Franke, Barbara; Greven, Corina U.; Hoekstra, Pieter J.; Hartman, Catharina A.; Luman, Marjolein; Roeyers, Herbert; Oades, Robert D.; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Stimulant treatment for ADHD : Authors' reply
    In: The British Journal of Psychiatry (BJPsych) Jg. 204 (2014) Nr. 6, S. 490 - 491
  • Mota, Nina R.; Bau, Claiton H.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard P.; Franke, Barbara; Gill, Michael; Kuntsi, Jonna; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.; Asherson, Philip
    Association between DRD2/DRD4 Interaction and Conduct Disorder : A Potential Developmental Pathway to Alcohol Dependence
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 162 (2013) Nr. 6, S. 546 - 549
  • Bralten, Janita; Franke, Barbara; Waldman, Irwin; Rommelse, Nanda N.J.; Hartman, Catharina; Asherson, Philip; Banaschewski, Tobias; Ebstein, Richard P.; Gill, Michael; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Oosterlaan, Jaap; Sonuga - Barke, Edmund; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Vasquez, Alejandro Arias
    Candidate Genetic Pathways for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Show Association to Hyperactive/Impulsive Symptoms in Children with ADHD
    In: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Jg. 52 (2013) Nr. 11, S. 1204 - 1212
  • Kuntsi, Jonna; Frazier-Wood, Alexis C.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Gill, Michael; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Meere, Jaap van der; Faraone, Stephen V.; Asherson, Philip; Rijsdijk, Frühling
    Genetic analysis of reaction time variability : room for improvement?
    In: Psychological Medicine Jg. 43 (2013) Nr. 6, S. 1323 - 1333
  • Cross - Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Oades, Robert D.; Weitere Verfasser aus Institutionen ausserhalb der Universität Duisburg-Essen
    Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs
    In: Nature Genetics Jg. 45 (2013) Nr. 9, S. 984 - 994
  • Christiansen, Hanna; Hirsch, Oliver; Philipsen, Alexandra; Oades, Robert D.; Matthies, Swantje; Hebebrand, Johannes; Ueckermann, Jennifer; Abdel-Hamid, Mona; Kraemer, Marcus; Wiltfang, Jens; Graf, Erika; Colla, Michael; Sobanski, Esther; Alm, Barbara; Rösler, Michael; Jacob, Christian; Jans, Thomas; Huss, Michael; von Schimmelmann, Benno; Kis, Bernhard
    German Validation of the Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scale–Self-Report : Confirmation of Factor Structure in a Large Sample of Participants with ADHD
    In: Journal of Attention Disorders Jg. 17 (2013) Nr. 8, S. 690 - 698
  • Hamshere, Marian L.; Langley, Kate; Martin, Joanna; Agha, Sharifah Shameem; Stergiakouli, Evangelia; Anney, Richard J.L.; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Faraone, Stephen V.; Lesch, Klaus-Peter; Neale, Benjamin M.; Franke, Barbara; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Asherson, Philip; Merwood, Andrew; Kuntsi, Jonna; Medland, Sarah E.; Ripke, Stephan; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Freitag, Christine; Reif, Andreas; Renner, Tobias J.; Romanos, Marcel; Romanos, Jasmin; Warnke, Andreas; Meyer, Jobst; Palmason, Haukur; Vasquez, Alejandro Arias; Lambregts-Rommelse, Nanda; Roeyers, Herbert; Biederman, Joseph; Doyle, Alysa E.; Hakonarson, Hakon; Rothenberger, Aribert; Banaschewski, Tobias; Oades, Robert D.; McGough, James J.; Kent, Lindsey; Williams, Nigel; Owen, Michael J.; Holmans, Peter; O'Donovan, Michael C.; Thapar, Anita
    High loading of polygenic risk for ADHD in children with comorbid aggression
    In: The American Journal of Psychiatry Jg. 170 (2013) Nr. 8, S. 909 - 916
  • Yang, Li; Neale, Benjamin M.; Liu, Lu; Li, S. Hong; Wray, Naomi R.; Ji, Ning; Li, Haimei; Qian, Qiujin; Wang, Dongliang; Li, Jun; Faraone, Stephen V.; Wang, Yufeng; Doyle, Alysa; Reif, Andreas; Rothenberger, Aribert; Franke, Barbara; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Kuntsi, Jonna; Biederman, Joseph; Lesch, Klaus Peter; Kent, Lindsey; Asherson, Philip; Oades, Robert D.; Loo, Sandra K.; Neslon, Stanley F.; Smalley, Susan L.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Vasquez, Alejandro Arias; Todorov, Alexandre; Charach, A.; Miranda, Ana; Warnke, Andreas; Thapar, Anita; Cormand, B.; Freitag, Christine; Mick, Eric; Mulas, Fernando; Middleton, Frank; Hakonarson, Hakon; Pálmason, Haukur; Schäfer, Helmut; Roeyers, Herbert; McGough, James J.; Romanos, Jasmin; Crosbie, J.; Meyer, Jobst; Ramos-Qiroga, J.A.; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Elia, Josephine; Langely, Kate; Nisenbaum, Laura; Romanos, Marcel; Daly, Mark; Ribases, M.; Gill, Michael; O’Donovan, Michael; Owen, Michael; Casas, M.; Bayes, M.; Lambregts-Rommelse, Nanda; Williams, Nigel; Holmans, Peter; Anney, Richard J.L.; Ebstein, Richard P.; Schachar, R.; Medland, Sarah E.; Ripke, Stephan; Walitza, Susanne; Nguyen, Thuy Trang; Renner, Tobias J.; Hu, Xiaolan
    Polygenic transmission and complex neurodevelopmental network for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : Genome-wide association study of both common and rare variants
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 162 (2013) Nr. 5, S. 419 - 430
  • Dirige, Ofelia V; Carlson, Jordan A; Alcaraz, John; Moy, Karen L; Rock, Cheryl L; Oades, Robert D.; Sallis, James F
    Siglang Buhay : nutrition and physical activity promotion in Filipino-Americans through community organizations
    In: Journal of Public Health Management and Practice Jg. 19 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 162 - 168
  • Groenman, Annameth P.; Oosterlaan, Jaap; Rommelse, Nanda N.J.; Franke, Barbara; Greven, Corina U.; Hoekstra, Pieter J.; Hartman, Catharina A.; Luman, Marjolein; Roeyers, Herbert; Oades, Robert D.; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Stimulant treatment for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and risk of developing substance use disorder
    In: The British Journal of Psychiatry (BJPsych) Jg. 203 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 112 - 119
  • Groenman, Annameth P.; Oosterlaan, Jaap; Rommelse, Nanda N.J.; Franke, Barbara; Roeyers, Herbert; Oades, Robert D.; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Substance use disorders in adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : a 4-year follow-up study
    In: Addiction Jg. 108 (2013) Nr. 8, S. 1503 - 1511
  • Sullivan, P.; Andreassen, Ole A; Anney, Richard J L; Asherson, Philip; Ashley-Koch, Allison; Blackwood, Douglas; Boomsma, Dorret I; Breen, Gerome; Buitelaar, Jan; Bulik, Cynthia M; Cichon, Sven; Collier, David; Corvin, Aiden; Craddock, Nicholas; DeLisi, Lynn E; Ebstein, Richard; Edenberg, Howard J; Estivill, Xavier; Faraone, Stephen V; Farmer, Anne E; Fernandez-Aranda, Fernando; Flint, Jonathan; Foroud, Tatiana; Franke, Barbara; Gelernter, Joel; Gill, Michael; Grabe, Hans J; Hamilton, Steven P; Hickie, Ian B; Hoogendijk, Witte; Jablensky, Assen; Kalaydjieva, Luba; Kaprio, Jaakko; Kas, Martien; Keller, Matthew; Kelsoe, John; Kendler, Kenneth S; Kennedy, Martin; Kent, Lindsey; Klump, Kelly; Knowles, James A; Levinson, Douglas F; Lewis, Cathryn M; Lichtenstein, Paul; Lucae, Susanne; Martin, Nicholas G; McCarroll, Steve; McGough, James; McGrath, John J; McGuffin, Peter; Mitchell, Philip; Mowry, Bryan; Muglia, Pierandrea; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Neale, Benjamin; Nöthen, Markus; Nurnberger, John I; Oades, Robert D.; O'Donovan, Michael; Ophoff, Roel; Owen, Michael; Pato, Carlos N; Pato, Michele T; Penninx, Brenda W; Perlis, Roy H; Porjesz, Bernice; Posthuma, Danielle; Potash, James B; Preisig, Martin; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Ted; Rice, John P; Rietschel, Marcella; Riley, Brien; Ripke, Stephan; Rothenberger, Aribert; Rujescu, Dan; Santangelo, Susan L; Schachar, Russell; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Scherer, Stephen W; Schofield, Peter; Schulze, Thomas G; Sklar, Pamela; Smoller, Jordan W; Stefansson, Hreinn; Stefansson, Kari; Todorov, Alexandre; Tozzi, Federica; Tzeng, Jung-Ying; van den Oord, Edwin J. C. G.; Vorstman, Jacob A S; Wang, Kai; Weissman, Myrna M; Werge, Thomas; Wray, Naomi R; Zeggini, Eleftheria
    Don't give up on GWAS
    In: Molecular Psychiatry Jg. 17 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 2 - 3
  • Fliers, Ellen A.; Vasquez, Alejandro Arias; Poelmans, Geert; Rommelse, Nanda; Altink, Marieke; Buschgens, Cathelijne; Asherson, Philip; Banaschewski, Tobias; Ebstein, Richard; Gill, Michael; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Franke, Barbara
    Genome-wide association study of motor coordination problems in ADHD identifies genes for brain and muscle function
    In: The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry Jg. 13 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 211 - 222
  • Elia, Josephine; Glessner, Joseph T.; Wang, Kai; Takahashi, Nagahide; Shtir, Corina J.; Hadley, Dexter; Sleiman, Patrick M A; Zhang, Haitao; Kim, Cecilia E; Robison, Reid; Lyon, Gholson J; Flory, James H.; Bradfield, Jonathan P.; Imielinski, Marcin; Hou, Cuiping; Frackelton, Edward C.; Chiavacci, Rosetta M.; Sakurai, Takeshi; Rabin, Karina; Middleton, Frank; Thomas, Kelly A.; Garris, Maria; Mentch, Frank; Freitag, Christine; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Todorov, Alexandre; Reif, Andreas; Rothenberger, Aribert; Franke, Barbara; Mick, Eric; Roeyers, Herbert; Buitelaar, Jan; Lesch, Klaus Peter; Banaschewski, Tobias; Ebstein, Richard; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Renner, Tobias; Romanos, Marcel; Romanos, Jasmin; Warnke, Andreas; Walitza, Susanne; Meyer, Jobst; Pálmason, Haukur; Seitz, Christiane; Loo, Sandra K.; Smalley, Susan L.; Biederman, Joseph; Kent, Lindsey; Asherson, Philip; Anney, Richard J.L.; Gaynor, J. William; Shaw, Philip; Devoto, Marcella; White, Peter S.; Grant, Struant F.A.; Buxbaum, Joseph D.; Rapoport, Judith L.; Williams, Nigel; Nelson, Stanley F.; Faraone, Stephen V.; Hakonarson, Hakon
    Genome-wide copy number variation study associates metabotropic glutamate receptor gene networks with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
    In: Nature Genetics Jg. 44 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 78 - 86
  • Stergiakouli, Evangelia; Hamshere, Marian; Holmans, Peter; Langley, Kate; Zaharieva, Irina; Hawi, Ziarah; Kent, Lindsey; Gill, Michael; Williams, Nigel; Owen, Michael J.; O'Donovan, Michael; Thapar, Anita; Faraone, Stephen V.; Neale, Benjamin M.; Ripke, Stephan; Daly, Mark; Medland, Sarah E.; Asherson, Philip; Franke, Barbara; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Lesch, Klaus-Peter; Freitag, Christine; Reif, Andreas; Renner, Tobias J.; Nguyen, Thuy Trang; Romanos, Marcel; Romanos, Jasmin; Walitza, Susanne; Schäfer, Helmut; Warnke, Andreas; Meyer, Jobst; Palmason, Haukur; Buitelaar, Jan; Vasquez, Alejandro Arias; Lambregts-Rommelse, Nanda; Anney, Richard J. L.; Sergeant, Joseph; Roeyers, Herbert; Mick, Eric; Biederman, Joseph; Doyle, Alysa; Smalley, Susan; Loo, Sandra; Hakonarson, Hakon; Elia, Josephine; Todorov, Alexandre; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Ebstein, Richard; Rothenberger, Aribert; Banaschewski, Tobias; Oades, Robert D.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; McGough, James; Nisenbaum, Laura; Middleton, Frank; Hu, Xiaolan; Nelson, Stan
    Investigating the contribution of common genetic variants to the risk and pathogenesis of ADHD
    In: The American Journal of Psychiatry Jg. 169 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 186 - 194
  • Banaschewski, Tobias; Jennen-Steinmetz, Christine; Brandeis, Daniel; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Kuntsi, Jonna; Poustka, Luise; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J. S.; Frazier-Wood, Alexis C.; Albrecht, Björn; Chen, Wai; Uebel, Henrik; Schlotz, Wolff; van der Meere, Jaap; Gill, Michael; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.; Asherson, Philip
    Neuropsychological correlates of emotional lability in children with ADHD
    In: The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (and Allied Disciplines) Jg. 53 (2012) Nr. 11, Special Issue: Mood dysregulation in child and adolescent psychopathology issue, S. 1139 - 1148
  • Toplak, Maggie E.; Sorge, Geoff Brian; Flora, David B.; Chen, Wai; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard P.; Eisenberg, Jacques; Franke, Barbara; Gill, Michael; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Thompson, Margaret Jane J.; Tannock, Rosemary; Asherson, Philip J. E.; Faraone, Stephen V.
    The hierarchical factor model of ADHD invariant across age and national groupings?
    In: The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (and Allied Disciplines) Jg. 53 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 292 - 303
  • Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J. S.; Kumsta, Robert; Schlotz, Wolff; Lasky-Su, Jessica; Marco, Rafaela; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Mulligan, Aisling; Mueller, Ueli; Andreou, Penny; Christiansen, Hanna; Gabriels, Isabel; Uebel, Henrik; Kuntsi, Jonna; Franke, Barbara; Buitelaar, Jan; Ebstein, Richard; Gill, Michael; Anney, Richard; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph; Steinhausen, Christoph; Asherson, Philip; Faraone, Stephen V.
    A Functional Variant of the Serotonin Transporter Gene (SLC6A4) Moderates Impulsive Choice in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Boys and Siblings
    In: Biological Psychiatry Jg. 70 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 230 - 236
  • Oades, Robert D.
    An exploration of the associations of pregnancy and perinatal features with cytokines and tryptophan/kynurenine metabolism in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    In: ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders Jg. 3 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 301 - 318
  • Oades, Robert D.; Rizzi, T.S.; Vasquez, A.A.; Rommelse, N.N.J.; Kuntsi, J.; Anney, R.J.L.; Asherson, Philip; Buitelaar, J.K.; Banaschewski, T.; Epstein, R.P.; Ruano, D.; van der Sluis, S.; Markunas, C.A.; Garrett, M.E.; Ashley-Koch, A.E.; Kollins, S.H.; Anastopoulos, A.D.; Hansell, N.K.; Wright, M.J.; Montgomery, G.W.; Martin, N.G.; Harris, S.E.; Davies, G.; Tenesa, A.; Porteous, D.J.; Starr, J.M.; Deary, I.J.; Pourcain, B.; Smith, G.D.; Timpson, N.J.
    The ATXN1 and TRIM31 genes are related to intelligence in an ADHD background: Evidence from a large collaborative study totalling 4963 subjects
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 156 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 145 - 157
  • Müller, Ueli C.; Asherson, Philip; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard P.; Eisenberg, Jacques; Gill, Michael; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Thompson, Margaret; Faraone, Stephen V.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph
    The impact of study design and diagnostic approach in a large multi-centre ADHD study. : Part 2: Dimensional measures of psychopathology and intelligence.
    In: BMC Psychiatry Jg. 11 (2011) S. 55
  • Müller, Ueli C.; Asherson, Philip; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Epstein, Richard P.; Eisenberg, Jacques; Gill, Michael; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Thompson, Margaret; Faraone, Stephen V.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph
    The impact of study design and diagnostic approach in a large multi-centre ADHD study. : Part 1: ADHD symptom patterns.
    In: BMC Psychiatry Jg. 11 (2011) Nr. 54,
  • Wood, A.C.; Rijsdijk, Frühling; Johnson, K. A.; Andreou, Penny; Albrecht, B.; Vasquez, Alejandro Arias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; McLoughlin, G.; Rommelse, Nanda N.J.; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Uebel, Henrik; van der Meere, Jaap; Banaschewski, Tobias; Gill, Michael; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.; Asherson, Philip; Kuntsi, Jonna
    The relationship between ADHD and key cognitive phenotypes is not mediated by shared familial effects with IQ
    In: Psychological Medicine Jg. 41 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 861 - 871
  • Hawi, Ziarih; Kent, L.; Hill, M.; Anney, Richard J.L.; Brookes, Keeley J.; Barry, B.; Franke, Barbara; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christian; Faraone, Stephen V.; Asherson, Philip; Gill, Michael
    ADHD and DAT1: further evidence of paternal over transmission of risk alleles and haplotype.
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 153 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 97 - 102
  • Oades, Robert D.; Dauvermann, Maria R,; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Schwarz, Marcus J.; Myint, Aye-Mu
    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and glial integrity: S100B, cytokines and kynurenine metabolism – effects of medication
    In: Behavioral and Brain Functions Jg. 6 (2010) S. 29
  • Oades, Robert D.; Myint, A-M.; Dauvermann, M.R.; Schimmelmann, B.G.; Schwarz, M.J.
    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and glial integrity: an exploration of associations of cytokines and kynurenine metabolites with symptoms and attention.
    In: Behavioral and Brain Functions Jg. 6 (2010) S. 32
  • Christiansen, Hanna; Oades, Robert D.; Psychogiou, Lamprini; Hauffa, Berthold; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.
    Does the cortisol response to stress mediate the link between expressed emotion and oppositional behavior in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity-Disorder (ADHD)?
    In: Behavioral and Brain Functions Jg. 6 (2010) S. 45
  • Sobanski, Esther; Banaschewski, Tobias; Chen, Wai; Holtmann, Martin; Asherson, Philip; Stringaris, Argyris; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Franke, Barbara; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Taylor, Eric; Ebstein, Richard; Gill, Michael; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Mulas, Fernando; Anney, Richard; Krumm, Bertram; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Emotional lability in children and adolescents with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Clinical correlates and familial prevalence
    In: The journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Jg. 51 (2010) Nr. 8, S. 915 - 923
  • Hemmerle, Michael J.; Röpcke, Bernd; Eggers, Christian; Oades, Robert D.
    Evaluation einer zweijährigen Intensivbetreuung von jungen Menschen mit Schizophrenie
    In: Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie Jg. 38 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 361 - 369
  • Nijmejer, Judith S.; Arias-Vasquez, Alejandro; Rommelse, Nanda N.J.; Altink, Marieke E.; Anney, Richard J.L.; Asherson, Philip; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buschgens, Cathelijne J.M.; Fliers, Ellen A.; Gill, Michael; Minderaa, Ruud B.; Poustka, Luise; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Franke, Barbara; Ebstein, Richard P.; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.; Hartmann, Catharina A.; Hoekstra, Pieter J.
    Identifying Loci for the Overlap Between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactvity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder Using a Genome-wide QTL Linkage Approach
    In: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Jg. 49 (2010) Nr. 7, S. 675 - 685
  • Neale, Benjamin M; Medland, Sarah E.; Ripke, Stephan; Asherson, Philip; Franke, Barbara; Lesch, Klaus-Peter; Faraone, Stephen V.; Nguyen, Thuy Trang; Schäfer, Helmut; Holmans, Peter; Daly, Mark; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Freitag, Christine; Reif, Andreas; Renner, Tobias J.; Romanos, Marcel; Romanos, Jasmin; Walitza, Susanne; Warnke, Andreas; Meyer, Jobst; Palmason, Haukur; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Vasquez, Alejandro Arias; Lambregts-Rommelse, Nanda; Gill, Michael; Anney, Richard J.L.; Langley, Kate; O´Donovan, Michael; Williams, Nigel; Owen, Michael; Thapar, Anita; Lindsey, Kent; Sergeant, Joseph; Roeyers, Herbert; Mick, Eric; Biederman, Joseph; Doyle, Alysa; Smalley, Susan; Loo, Sandra; Hakonarson, Hakon; Elia, Josephine; Todorov, Alexandre; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Ebstein, Richard P.; Rothenberger, Aribert; Banaschewski, Tobias; Oades, Robert D.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; McGough, James; Nisenbaum, Laura; Hu, Xiaolan; Nelson, Stan
    Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
    In: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Jg. 49 (2010) Nr. 9, S. 884 - 897
  • Christiansen, Hanna; Oades, Robert D.
    Negative priming within a Stroop task in children and adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, their siblings and independent controls
    In: Journal of Attention Disorders Jg. 13 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 497 - 504
  • Uebel, Henrik; Albrecht, Björn; Asherson, Philip; Börger, Norbert A.; Butler, Louise; Chen, Wai; Christiansen, Hanna; Heise, Alexander; Kuntsi, Jonna; Schäfer, Ulrike; Andreou, Penny; Manor, Iris; Marco, Rafaela; Meidad, Sheera; Miranda, Ana; Mulligan, Aisling; Oades, Robert D.; van der Meere, Jaap; Faraone, Stephen V.; Rothenberger, Aribert; Banaschewski, Tobias
    Performance variability, impulsivity errors and the impact of incentives as gender- independent endophenotypes for ADHD
    In: The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (and Allied Disciplines) Jg. 51 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 210 - 218
  • Aebi, M.; Müller, Ueli C.; Asherson, Philip; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard; Eisenberg, Jacques; Gill, Michael; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Thompson, Margaret; Taylor, Eric A.; Faraone, Stephen V.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph
    Predictability and construct validity of oppositional defiant disorder in children and adolescents with ADHD combined types
    In: Psychological Medicine Jg. 40 (2010) Nr. 12, S. 2089 - 2100
  • Kuntsi, Jonna; Wood, Alexis C.; Rijsdijk, Fruehling; Johnson, Katherine A.; Andreou, Penelope; Albrecht, Bjoern; Arias-Vasquez, Alejandro; Buitelaar, Jan K.; McLoughlin, Grainne; Rommelse, Nanda N.; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.; Uebel, Henrik; van der Meere, Jaap J.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Gill, Michael; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.; Asherson, Philip
    Separation of cognitive impairments in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder into 2 familial factors
    In: Archives of General Psychiatry Jg. 67 (2010) Nr. 11, S. 1159 - 1167
  • Oades, Robert D.
    The Role of Serotonin in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    In: Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience Jg. 21 (2010) Nr. C, S. 565 - 584
  • Mulligan, Aisling; Anney, Richard J.L.; O´Reagan, Myra; Chen, Wai; Butler, Louise; Fitzgerald, Michael; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Rothenberger, Aribert; Minderaa, Ruud; Nijmeijer, Judith; Hoekstra, Pieter J.; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Buschgens, Cathelijne; Christiansen, Hanna; Franke, Barbara; Gabriels, Isabel; Hartman, Catharina; Kuntsi, Jonna; Marco, Rafaela; Meidad, Sheera; Müller, Ueli; Psychogiou, Lamprini; Rommelse, Nanda N.J.; Thompson, Margaret; Uebel, Henrik; Banaschewski, Tobias; Ebstein, Richard; Eisenberg, Jacques; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Asherson, Philip; Faraone, Stephen V.; Gill, Michael
    Autism symptoms in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: a familial trait which correlates with conduct, oppositional defiant, language and motor disorders
    In: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders: devoted to all severe psychopathologies in childhood. Jg. 39 (2009) Nr. 2, S. 197 - 211
  • Marco, Rafaela; Miranda, Ana; Schlotz, Wolff; Melia, Amanda; Mulligan, Aisling; Müller, Ueli; Andreou, Penny; Butler, Louise; Christiansen, Hanna; Grabiels, Isabel; Medad, Sheera; Albrecht, Bjorn; Uebel, Henrik; Asherson, Philip; Banaschewski, Tobias; Gill, Michael; Kuntsi, Jonna; Manor, Iris; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyer, Herbert; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Rothenberger, Aribert; Faraone, Stephen V.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.
    Delay and reward choice in ADHD: an experimental test of the role of delay aversion.
    In: Neuropsychology : publ. quarterly by the American Psychological Association Jg. 23 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 367 - 380
  • Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Oades, Robert D.; Psychogiou, Lamprini; Chen, Wai; Franke, Barbara; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Epstein, Richard; Gill, Michael; Anney, Richard J.L.; Miranda, Ana; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christian; Thompson, Margaret; Asherson, Philip; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Dopamine and serotonin transporter genotypes moderate sensitivity to maternal expressed emotion : The case of conduct and emotional problems in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    In: The journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry: official organ of the Association of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Jg. 50 (2009) Nr. 9, S. 1052 - 1063
  • Wild-Wall, Nele; Oades, Robert D.; Schmidt-Wessels, Marion; Christiansen, Hanna; Falkenstein, Michael
    Neural activity associated with executive functions in adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    In: International Journal of Psychophysiology Jg. 74 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 19 - 27
  • Asherson, Philip; Zhou, Kaixin; Anney, Richard JL; Franke, Barbara; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard P.; Gill, Michael; Sham, Pak; Altink, Marieke; Arnold, Renée; Boer, Frits; Brookes, Keeley-J.; Buschgens, Cathelijne; Butler, Louise; Cambell, Desmond; Chen, Wai; Christiansen, Hanna; Feldmann, Liat; Fleischmann, Karin; Fliers, Ellen; Howe-Forbes, Raoul; Goldfarb, Abigail; Heise, Alexander; Gabriels, Isabel; Johansson, Lena; Lubetzki, Isabelle; Marco, Rafaela; Medad, She'era; Minderaa, Ruud; Oades, Robert D.
    A high density SNP linkage scan with 142 combined subtype ADHD sib pairs identifies replicated linkage regions on chromosomes 9 and 16
    In: Molecular Psychiatry Jg. 13 (2008) S. 514 - 552
  • Brookes, Keeley J.; Xu, Xiaohui; Anney, Richard J.L.; Franke, Barbara; Zhou, Kaixin; Chen, Wai; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard; Eisenberg, Jacques; Gill, Michael; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Taylor, Eric A.; Faraone, Stephen V.; Asherson, Philip
    Association of ADHD with genetic variants in the 5'-region of the dopamine transporter gene: evidence for allelic heterogeneity
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1519 - 1523
  • Christiansen, Hanna; Chen, Wai; Oades, Robert D.; Asherson, Philip; Taylor, Eric A.; Lasky-Su, Jessica; Zhou, Kaixin; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buschgens, Cathelijne; Franke, Barbara; Gabriëls, Isabel; Manor, Iris; Marco, Rafaela; Müller, Ueli C.; Mulligan, Aisling; Psychogiou, Lamprini; Rommelse, Nanda N.J.; Uebel, Henrik; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard; Eisenberg, Jacques; Gill, Michael; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Co-transmission of Conduct Problems with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder : familial evidence for a distinct disorder
    In: Journal of Neural Transmission Jg. 115 (2008) Nr. 2, S. 163 - 175
  • Oades, Robert D.; Christiansen, Hanna
    Cognitive switching processes in young people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
    In: Archives of Clinincal Neuropsychology Jg. 23 (2008) S. 31 - 32
  • Anney, Richard J.L.; Lasky-Su, Jessica; O´Dushlaine, Colm; Kenny, Elaine; Neale, Benjamin M.; Mulligan, Aisling; Franke, Barbara; Zhou, Kaixin; Chen, Wai; Christiansen, Hanna; Arias-Vásquez, Alejandro; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan; Ebstein, Richard; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Asherson, Philip; Faraone, Stephen V.; Gill, Michael
    Conduct Disorder and ADHD: Evaluation of Conduct Problems as a Categorical and Quantitative Trait in the International Multicentre ADHD Genetics Study
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1369 - 1378
  • Chen, Wai; Zhou, Kaixin; Sham, Pak; Kuntsi, Jonna; Campbell, Desmond; Fleischmann, Karin; Knight, Jo; Andreou, Penny; Arnold, Renée; Altink, Mareike; Boer, Frits; Boholst, Mary Jane; Buschgens, Cathelijne; Butler, Louise; Christiansen, Hanna; Fliers, Ellen; Howe-Forbes, Raoul; Gabriëls, Isabel; Heise, Alexander; Korn-Lubetzki, Isabelle; Marco, Rafaela; Medad, She’era; Minderaa, Ruud; Müller, Ueli C.; Mulligan, Aisling; Psychogiou, Lamprini; Sethna, Vaheshta; Uebel, Henrik; McGuffin, Peter; Plomin, Robert; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard; Eisenberg, Jacques; Gill, Michael; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Taylor, Eric; Thompson, Margaret; Faraone, Stephan V.; Asherson, Philip
    DSM-IV combined type ADHD shows familial association with sibling trait scores: : a sampling strategy for QTL linkage
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1450 - 1460
  • Brookes, K.-J.; Neale, B.; Xu, Xiaohui; Thapar, A.; Gill, Michael; Langley, K.; Mill, J.; Taylor, Eric A; Franke, Barbara; Chen, Wai; Ebstein, Richard; Banaschewski, Tobias; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Eisenberg, Jacques; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.; Asherson, Philip
    Differential dopamine receptor D4 allele association with ADHD dependent on proband season of birth
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 1, S. 94 - 99
  • Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J. S.; Lasky-Su, Jessica; Neale, Benjamin M.; Oades, Robert D.; Chen, Wai; Franke, Barbara; Buitelaar, Jan; Banaschewski, Tobias; Ebstein, Richard; Gill, Michael; Anney, Richard; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph; Steinhausen, Hans Christoph; Thompson, Margaret; Asherson, Philip; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Does parental expressed emotion moderate genetic effects in ADHD? An exploration using a genome wide association scan
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1359 - 1368
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Dopamine-serotonin interactions in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    In: Progress in Brain Research Jg. 172 (2008) S. 543 - 565
  • Zhou, Kaixin; Chen, Wai; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Oades, Robert D.; Franke, Barbara; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Ebstein, Richard; Eisenberg, Jacques; Gill, Michael; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Lasky-Su, Jessica; Taylor, Eric A; Brookes, Keeley J.; Xu, Xiaohui; Neale, Benjamin M.; Rijsdijk, Frühling; Thompson, Margaret; Asherson, Philip; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Genetic heterogeneity in ADHD: DAT1 gene only affects probands without CD
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1481 - 1487
  • Neale, Benjamin M.; Su, Jessica; Anney, Richard J.L.; Franke, Barbara; Zhou, Kaixin; Maller, Julian B.; Vasquez, Alejandro A.; Asherson, Philip; Chen, Wai; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan; Ebstein, Richard; Gill, Michael; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Mulas, Fernando; Taylor, Eric A.; Laird, Nan; Lange, Christoph; Daly, Mark; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Genome-wide association scan of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1337 - 1344
  • Lasky-Su, Jessic; Neale, Benjamin M.; Franke, Barbara; Anney, Richard J.L.; Zhou, Kaixin; Maller, Julian B.; Vasquez, Alejandro Arias; Chen, Wai; Asherson, Philip; Buitelaar, Jan; Banaschewski, Tobias; Ebstein, Richard; Gill, Michael; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Taylor, Eric; Daly, Mark; Laird, Nan; Lange, Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Genome-wide association scan of quantitative traits for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder identifies novel associations and confirms candidate gene associations
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1345 - 1354
  • Lasky-Su, Jessica; Anney, Richard J.L.; Neale, Benjamin M.; Franke, Barbara; Zhou, Kaixin; Maller, Julian B.; Vasquez, Alejandro Arias; Chen, Wai; Asherson, Philip; Buitelaar, Jan; Banaschewski, Tobias; Ebstein, Richard; Gill, Richard; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Taylor, Eric; Daly, Mark; Laird, Nan; Lange, Christroph; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Genome-wide association scan of the time to onset of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147 (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1355 - 1358
  • Oades, Robert D.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Brookes, K-J.; Buitelaar, Jan; Anney, Richard J.L.; Bitsakou, P.; Baeyens, D.; Buschgens, C.; Chen, Wai; Christiansen, Hanna
    Intelligence in DSM-IV combined type attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is not predicted by either dopamine receptor/transporter genes or any other previously identified risk alleles for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 3, S. 316 - 319
  • Zhou, Kaixin; Asherson, Philip; Sham, Pak C.; Anney, Richard J.L.; Franke, Barbara; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard; Gill, Michael; Brookes, Keeley J.; Buschgens, Cathelijne; Cambell, Desmond; Chen, Wai; Christiansen, Hanna; Fliers, Ellen; Gabriëls, Isabel; Johansson, Lena; Marco, Rafaela; Mulas, Fernando; Müller, Ueli C.; Mulligan, Aisling; Neale, Benjamin M.; Rijsdijk, Frühling; Rommelse, Nanda N.J.; Uebel, Henrik; Psychogiou, Lamprini; Xu, Xiaohui; Banaschewski, Tobias; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J. S.; Eisenberg, Jacques; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Taylor, Eric A.; Thompson, Margaret; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Linkage to Chromosome 1p36 for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Traits in School and Home Settings
    In: Biological Psychiatry Jg. 64 (2008) Nr. 7, S. 571 - 576
  • Zhou, Kaixin; Dempfle, Astrid; Arcos-Burgos, Mauricio; Bakker, Steven C.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Biedermann, Joseph; Buitelaar, Jan; Castellanos, F. Xavier; Doyle, Alysa; Ebstein, Richard; Ekholm, Jenny; Forabosco, Paola; Franke, Barbara; Freitag, Christine; Friedel, Susann; Gill, Michael; Hebebrand, Johannes; Hinney, Anke; Jacob, Christian; Lesch, Klaus Peter; Loo, Sandra K.; Lopera, Francisco; McCracken, James T.; McGough, James J.; Meyer, Jobst; Mick, Eric; Miranda, Ana; Muenke, Maximilian; Mulas, Fernando; Nelson, Stanley F.; Nguyen, T. Trang; Oades, Robert D.; Ogdie, Matthew N.; Palacio, Juan David; Pineda, David; Reif, Andreas; Renner, Tobias J.; Roeyers, Herbert; Romanos, Marcel; Rothenberger, Aribert; Schäfer, Helmut; Sergeant, Joseph; Sinke, Richard; Smalley, Susan. L.; Sonuga- Barke, Edmund; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; van der Meulen, Emma; Walitza, Susanne; Warnke, Andreas; Lewis, Cathryn M.; Faraone, Stephen V.; Asherson, Philip
    Meta-analysis of Genome-Wide Linkage Scans of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1392 - 1398
  • Xu, Xiaohui; Aysimi, E.; Anney, Richard J.L.; Brookes, Keeley J.; Franke, Barbara; Zhou, Kaixin; Buschgens, Cathelijne; Chen, Wai; Christiansen, Hanna; Eisenberg, Jacques; Gabriëls, Isabel; Manor, Iris; Marco, Rafaela; Muller, Ueli C.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard; Gill, Michael; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Taylor, Eric A.; Faraone, Stephen V.; Asherson, Philip
    No association between two polymorphisms of the serotonin transporter gene and combined type attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 7, S. 1306 - 1309
  • Anney, Richard J. L.; Hawi, Ziarih; Sheehan, Karen; Mulligan, Aisling; Pinto, Carlos; Brookes, Keeley J.; Xu, Xiaohui; Zhou, Kaixin; Franke, Barbara; Buitelaar, Jan; Vermeulen, Sita H.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund; Ebstein, Richard; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rommelse, Nanda; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Taylor, Eric; Thompson, Margaret; Asherson, Philip; Faraone, Stephen V.; Gill, Michael
    Parent of origin effects in attention/deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) : Analysis of data from the international multicenter ADHD genetics (IMAGE) program
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1495 - 1500
  • Anney, R.; Hawi, Z.; Sheehan, K.; Mulligan, A.; Pinto, C.; Brookes, Keeley J.; Xu, Xiaohui; Zhou, Kaixin; Franke, Barbara; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Vermeulen, S.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Ebstein, Richard; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rommelse, N.; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Taylor, Eric .A; Thompson, Margaret; Asherson, Philip; Faraone, Stephen V.; Gill, Michael
    Parent of origin effects in attention/deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) : analysis of data from the International Multicentre ADHD Genetics (IMAGE) program
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1495 - 1500
  • Neale, B.M.; Sham, P.C.; Purcell, S.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan; Franke, Barbara; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Ebstein, Richard; Eisenberg, Jacques; Mulligan, A,; Gill, Michael; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Steinhausen, H.-C.; Taylor, Eric A; Thompson, Margaret; Zhou, Kaixin; Asherson, Philip; Faraone, S. V.
    Population Differences in the International Multi-Centre ADHD Gene Project
    In: Genetic Epidemiology Jg. 32 (2008) Nr. 2, S. 98 - 107
  • Xu, Xiaohui; Hawi, Ziarih; Brookes, Keeley J.; Anney, Richard J. L.; Bellgrove, M.; Franke, Barbara; Barry, E.; Chen, Wai; Kuntsi, Jonna; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard; Fitzgerald, M.; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A,; Sonuga- Barke, Edmund J. S.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.; Gill, Michael; Asherson, Philip
    Replication of a rare protective allele in the noradrenaline transporter gene and ADHD
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 147B (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1564 - 1567
  • Oades, Robert D.; Lasky-Su, Jessica; Christiansen, Hanna; Faraone, Stephen V.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Chen, Wai; Anney, Richard J.L.; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Ebstein, Richard; Franke, Barbara; Gill, Michael; Miranda, Ana; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Taylor, Eric A.; Thompson, Margaret; Asherson, Philip
    The influence of serotonin and other genes on impulsive behavioral aggression and cognitive impulsivity in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) : Findings from a family-based association test (FBAT) analysis
    In: Behavioral and Brain Functions Jg. 4 (2008) S. 48
  • Asherson, Philip; Brookes, Keeley J.; Franke, Barbara; Chen, Wai; Gill, Michael; Ebstein, Richard P.; Buitelaar, Jan; Banaschewski, Tobias; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J. B.; Eisenberg, Jacques; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Ari; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Confirmation that a specific haplotype of the dopamine transporter gene is associated with combined type ADHD
    In: American Journal of Psychiatry Jg. 164 (2007) Nr. 4, S. 674 - 677
  • Lasky-Su, Jessica; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan; Franke, Barbara; Brookes, K.-J.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J.S.; Ebstein, Richard; Eisenberg, Jacques; Gill, Michael; Manor, Iris; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Steinhausen, H.-C.; Taylor, Eric A; Thompson, Margaret; Asherson, Philip; Faraone, Stephen V.
    Partial replication of a DRD4 association in ADHD individuals using a statistically derived quantitative trait for ADHD in a family-based association test.
    In: Biological Psychiatry Jg. 62 (2007) Nr. 9, S. 985 - 990
  • Andreou, Penny; Neale, Ben M.; Chen, Wai; Christiansen, Hanna; Gabriels, Isabel; Heise, Alexander; Meidad, Sheera; Müller, Ueli C.; Uebel, Henrik; Banaschewski, Tobias; Manor, Iris; Oades, Robert D.; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Ari; Sham, Pak; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Asherson, Philip; Kuntsi, Jonna
    Reaction time performance in ADHD : improvement under fast-incentive condition and familial effects
    In: Psychological Medicine Jg. 37 (2007) Nr. 12, S. 1703 - 1716
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Role of the serotonin system in ADHD: treatment implications
    In: Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics Jg. 7 (2007) Nr. 10, S. 1357 - 1374
  • Oades, Robert D.; Wild-Wall, Nele; Juran, Stephanie A.; Sachsse, Jan; Oknina, Ljubov B.; Röpcke, Bernd
    Auditory change detection in schizophrenia : sources of activity, related neuropsychological function and symptoms in patients with a first episode in adolescence and patients 14 years after an adolescent illness-onset
    In: BMC Psychiatry Jg. 6 (2006) Nr. 7, S. 1 - 14
  • Russell, Vivienne A.; Oades, Robert D.; Tannock, Rosemary; Auerbach, Judy; Killeen, Peter R.; Johansen, Espen B.; Sagvolden, Terje
    Response variability in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A neuronal and glial energetics hypothesis
    In: Behavioral and Brain Functions Jg. 2 (2006) S. 30
  • Brookes, Keeley J.; Xu, Xiaohui; Chen, Wai; Zhou, Kaixin; Neale, Benjamin M.; Lowe, N.; Aneey, R.; Franke, Barbara; Gill, Michael; Ebstein, Richard; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Sham, Pak C.; Campbell, Desmond; Knight, Jo; Andreou, Penny; Altink, Mareike; Arnold, Renée; Boer, Frits; Buschgens, Cathelijne; Butler, Louise; Christiansen, Hanna; Feldman, Liat; Fleischman, Karin; Fliers, Ellen; Howe-Forbes, Raoul; Goldfarb, Abigail; Heise, Alexander; Gabriëls, Isabel; Korn-Lubetzki, Isabelle; Marco, Rafeala; Medad, She'era; Minderaa, Ruud; Mulas, Fernando; Müller, Ueli C.; Mulligan, Aisling; Rabin, Karina; Rommelse, Nanda N.J.; Sethna, Vaheshta; Sorohan, Jean; Uebel, Henrik; Psychogiou, Lamprini; Weeks, Anne; Barret, Rebecca; Craig, I.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J. S.; Eisenberg, Jacques; Kuntsi, Jonna; Manor, Iris; McGuffin, Peter; Miranda, Ana; Oades, Robert D.; Plomin, Robert; Roeyers, Herbert; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Taylor, Eric A.; Thompson, Margaret; Faraone, Stephen V.; Asherson, Philip; Johansson, Lena
    The analysis of 51 genes in DSM-IV combined type attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : association signals in DRD4, DAT1 and 16 other genes
    In: Molecular Psychiatry Jg. 11 (2006) S. 934 - 953
  • Oades, Robert D.; Christiansen, Hanna
    ADHD theories still need to take more on board: : Serotonin and pre-executive variablity. : A commentary on "A dynamic developmental theory of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) predominantly hyperactive/ impulsive and combined subtypes"
    In: Behavioral and Brain Sciences Jg. 28 (2005) Nr. 3, S. 438
  • Oknina, L.B.; Wild-Wall, N.; Oades, Robert D.; Juran, S.A.; Röpcke, Bernd; Pfueller, U.; Weisbrod, M.; Chan, E.; Chen, E.Y.H.
    Frontal and temporal lobe sources of mismatch negativity (MMN) in schizophrenia
    In: Schizophrenia Research Jg. 76 (2005) Nr. 1, S. 25 - 41
  • Oknina, Ljubov B.; Wild-Wall, Nele; Oades, Robert D.; Juran, Stephanie A.; Röpcke, Bernd; Pfueller, Ute; Weisbrod, Matthias; Chan, E.; Chen, Eric Y.H.
    Frontal and temporal sources of mismatch negativity in healthy controls, patients at onset of schizophrenia in adolesence and others at 15 years after onset
    In: Schizophrenia Research Jg. 76 (2005) S. 25 - 41
  • Wild-Wall, Nele; Oades, Robert D.; Juran, Stephanie A.
    Maturation processes in automatic change detection as revealed by event-related brain potentials and dipole source localization: significance for adult AD/HD.
    In: International Journal of Psychophysiology Jg. 58 (2005) Nr. 1, S. 34 - 46
  • Oades, Robert D.; Röpcke, Bernd; Henning, Uwe; Klimke, Uwe
    Neuropsychological measures of attention and memory function in schizophrenia : relationships with symptom dimensions and serum monoamine activity
    In: Behavioral and Brain Functions Jg. 1 (2005) Nr. 1, 14
  • Oades, Robert D.; Sadile, Adolfo G.; Sagvolden, Terje; Viggiano, Davide; Zuddas, Alessandro; Devoto, Paula; Aase, Heidi; Johansen, Espen B.; Ruocco, Lucia A.; Russell, Vivienne A.
    The control of responsiveness in ADHD by catecholamines : evidence for dopaminergic, noradrenergic, and interactive roles
    In: Developmental Science Jg. 8 (2005) Nr. 2, S. 122 - 131
  • Asherson, Philip; Antrop, I.; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Buschgens, Cathelijne; Chen, Wai; Craig, I.; Doyle, Alysa; Ebstein, Richard; Eisenberg, Jacques; Faraone, Stephen V.; Gill, Michael; Knight, Jo; Manor, Iris; McGuffin, Peter; Miranda, Ana; Mulas, Fernando; Müller, Ueli; Mulligan, Aisling; Oades, Robert D.; Plomin, Robert; Roeyers, Herbert; Rommelse, Nanda N.J.; Rothenberger, Aribert; Sham, Pak C.; Schebaum-Stein, T.; Sergeant, Joseph A.; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J. S.; Steinhausen, Hans-Christooph; Taylor, Eric A.; Uebel, Henrik
    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in the post genomic era
    In: European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Jg. 13 (2004) Nr. Suppl.1, S. i50 - i70
  • Oades, Robert D.; Röpcke, Bernd; Oknina, Ljubov
    Context, connection, and co-ordination: The need to switch : Commentary on Phillips and Silverstein "Convergence of biological and psychological perspectives on cognitive coordination in schizophrenia"
    In: Behavioral and Brain Sciences Jg. 26 (2003) Nr. 1, 65-(97)-138
  • Jemel, Boutheina; Oades, Robert D.; Oknina, Ljubov; Achenbach, Christiane; Röpcke, Bernd
    Frontal and temporal lobe sources for a marker of controlled auditory attention: the negative difference (Nd) event-related potential
    In: Brain Topography Jg. 15 (2003) Nr. 4, S. 249 - 262
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Dopamine may be ‘hyper’ with respect to noradrenaline (NA) metabolism, but ‘hypo’ with respect to serotonin (5-HT) metabolism in ADHD children
    In: Behavioural Brain Research Jg. 130 (2002) S. 97 - 101
  • Jemel, Boutheina; Achenbach, Christiane; Müller, Bernhard; Röpcke, Bernd; Oades, Robert D.
    Mismatch negativity results from bilateral asymmetric dipole sources in the frontal and temporal lobes.
    In: Brain Topography Jg. 15 (2002) Nr. 1, S. 13 - 27
  • Müller, Bernhard; Achenbach, Christiane; Oades, Robert D.; Bender, Stefan; Schall, Ulrich
    Modulation of mismatch negativity by stimulus deviance and modality of attention.
    In: Neuroreport Jg. 13 (2002) Nr. 10, S. 1317 - 1320
  • Oades, Robert D.; Klimke, Ansgard; Henning, Uwe; Rao, Marie-Luise
    Relations of clinical features, subgroups and medication to serum monoamines in schizophrenia
    In: Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental Jg. 17 (2002) Nr. 1, S. 15 - 27
  • Oades, Robert D.; Slusarek, Michael; Velling, Silke; Bondy, Brigitte
    Serotonin platelet-transporter measures in childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) : clinical versus experimental measures of impulsivity
    In: The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry Jg. 3 (2002) Nr. 2, S. 96 - 100
  • Oades, Robert D.; Kreul, Katja
    Anomalous processing in schizophrenia suggests adaptive event-action coding requires multiple executive brain mechanisms. : A commentary on "The theory of event coding (TEC): A framework for perception and action planning"
    In: Behavioral and Brain Sciences Jg. 24 (2001) Nr. 5, S. 895 - 896
  • Oades, Robert D.; Bender, Stefan; Müller, Bernhard; Sartory, Gudrun
    Conditioned blocking and schizophrenia: a replication and study of the role of symptoms, age, onset-age of psychosis and illness-duration
    In: Schizophrenia Research Jg. 49 (2001) Nr. 1-2, S. 157 - 170
  • Dmitrieva, T.N.; Oades, Robert D.; Hauffa, Berthold; Eggers, Christian
    Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate and corticotropin levels are high in young male patients with conduct disorder: : comparisons with growth factors, thyroid and gonadal hormones
    In: Neuropsychobiology Jg. 43 (2001) Nr. 3, S. 134 - 140
  • Oades, Robert D.; Müller, Bernhard; Bender, Stefan; Sartory, Gudrun
    Neuropsychological indicators of heteromodal cortex (dys)function relevant to the expression and impairment of conditioned blocking measures of selective attention in schizophrenia
    In: Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Jg. 6 (2001) Nr. 1, S. 41 - 61
  • Grzella, Ina; Müller, Bernhard; Oades, Robert D.; Bender, Stefan; Schall, Ulrich; Zerbin, Dieter; Wolstein, Jorg; Sartory, Gudrun
    Novelty-elicited mismatch negativity (MMN) in patients with schizophrenia on admission and discharge
    In: Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience Jg. 26 (2001) Nr. 3, S. 236 - 246
  • Oades, Robert D.; Jemel, B.
    Where the magic breaks down: boundaries and the “focus-of-attention” in schizophrenia. : Commentary on “The magical number 4 in short-term memory: a reconsideration of mental storage capacity”
    In: Behavioral and Brain Sciences Jg. 24 (2001) Nr. 1, S. 135 - 136
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Differential measures of ‘sustained-attention’ in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity or tic disorders: relationship to monoamine metabolism.
    In: Psychiatry Research Jg. 93 (2000) Nr. 2, S. 165 - 178
  • Oades, Robert D.; Röpcke, Bernd
    Neurobiologische Grundlagen der Aufmerksamkeit: "Über die Freiheit der Wahl"
    In: Sprache, Stimme, Gehör Jg. 24 (2000) S. 49 - 56
  • Oades, Robert D.; Rao, Marie-Luise; Bender, Stefan; Sartory, Gudrun; Müller, Bernhard
    Neuropsychological and conditioned blocking performance in patients with schizophrenia : assessment of the contribution of neuroleptic dose, serum levels and dopamine D2-receptor occupancy
    In: Behavioural Pharmacology Jg. 11 (2000) Nr. 3, S. 317 - 330
  • Bender, Stefan; Schall, Ulrich; Wolstein, Jorg; Grzella, Ina; Zerbin, Dieter; Oades, Robert D.
    A topographic event-related potential follow-up study on 'prepulse inhibition' in first and second episode patients with schizophrenia
    In: Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Jg. 90 (1999) Nr. 1, S. 41 - 53
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Dopamine: Go/No-Go motivation versus switching. : Commentary on “Neurobiology of the structure of personality: dopamine, facilitation of incentive motivation, and extraversion”
    In: Behavioral and Brain Sciences Jg. 22 (1999) Nr. 3, S. 532 - 533
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Subclinical polydipsia and polyuria in young patients with schizophrenia or obsessive-compulsive disorder vs. normal controls
    In: Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry Jg. 23 (1999) Nr. 8, S. 1329 - 1344
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Frontal, temporal and lateralized brain function in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder : a psychophysiological and neuropsychological viewpoint on development.
    In: Behavioural Brain Research Jg. 94 (1998) S. 83 - 86
  • Oades, Robert D.; Daniels, Rainer; Rascher, Wolfgang
    Plasma neuropeptide Y levels, monoamine metabolism, electrolyte excretion, and drinking behavior in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
    In: Psychiatry Research Jg. 80 (1998) Nr. 2, S. 177 - 186
  • Schall, Ulrich; Schön, A.; Zerbin, Dieter; Eggers, Christian; Oades, Robert D.
    A left temporal lobe impairment of auditory information processing in schizophrenia: an event-related potential study
    In: Neuroscience Letters Jg. 229 (1997) Nr. 1, S. 25 - 28
  • Oades, Robert D.; Dittmann-Balcar, Alexandra; Zerbin, Dieter
    Development and topography of auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) : Mismatch and processing negativity in individuals 8-22 years of age
    In: Psychophysiology Jg. 34 (1997) Nr. 6, S. 677 - 693
  • Oades, Robert D.; Dittmann-Balcar, Alexandra; Zerbin, Dieter; Grzella, Ina
    Impaired attention-dependent augmentation of MMN in nonparanoid vs. paranoid schizophrenic patients: a comparison with obsessive-compulsive disorder and healthy subjects
    In: Biological Psychiatry Jg. 41 (1997) Nr. 12, S. 1196 - 1210
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Stimulus dimension shifts in patients with schizophrenia, with and without paranoid hallucinatory symptoms, or obsessive compulsive disorder : strategies, blocking and monoamine status
    In: Behavioural Brain Research Jg. 88 (1997) Nr. 1, S. 115 - 131
  • Oades, Robert D.; Sartory, Gudrun
    The Psychobiology of Learned Inattention : Comparative and Clinical Studies
    In: Behavioural Brain Research Jg. 88 (1997) S. 1 - 132
  • Oades, Robert D.; Müller, Bernhard
    The development of conditioned blocking and monoamine metabolism in children with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder or complex tics and healthy controls : an exploratory analysis
    In: Behavioral Brain Research Jg. 88 (1997) Nr. 1, S. 95 - 102
  • Oades, Robert D.; Röpcke, Bernd; Schepker, R.
    A test of conditioned blocking and its development in childhood and adolescence : relationship to personality and monoamine metabolism
    In: Developmental Neuropsychology Jg. 12 (1996) Nr. 2, S. 207 - 230
  • Oades, Robert D.; Zerbin, Dieter; Dittmann-Balcar, Alexandra; Eggers, Christian
    Auditory event-related potential (ERP) and difference-wave topography in schizophrenic patients with/without active hallucinations and deluisions : a comparison with young obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and healthy subjects
    In: International Journal of Psychophysiology Jg. 22 (1996) Nr. 3, S. 185 - 214
  • Oades, Robert D.; Dittmann-Balcar, Alexandra; Schepker, Renate; Eggers, Christian; Zerbin, Dieter
    Auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) and mismatch negativity (MMN) in healthy children and those with attention-deficit or Tourette/tic symptoms
    In: Biological Psychology Jg. 43 (1996) Nr. 2, S. 163 - 185
  • Oades, Robert D.; Zimmermann, B.; Eggers, Christian
    Conditioned blocking in patients with paranoid, non-paranoid psychosis or obsessive compulsive disorder : associations with symptoms, personality and monoamine metabolism.
    In: Journal of Psychiatric Research Jg. 30 (1996) Nr. 5, S. 369 - 390
  • Schall, Ulrich; Schön, Anja; Zerbin, Dieter; Eggers, Christian; Oades, Robert D.
    Event-related potentials during an auditory discrimination with prepulse inhibition in patients with schizophrenia or obsessive-compulsive disorder and healthy subjects
    In: International Journal of Neuroscience Jg. 84 (1996) Nr. 1, S. 15 - 33
  • Oades, Robert D.; Dittmann-Balcar, Alexandra
    Mismatch negativity (MMN) is altered by directing attention
    In: Neuroreport Jg. 6 (1995) Nr. 8, S. 1187 - 1190
  • Oades, Robert D.; Dittmann-Balcar, Alexandra; Zerbin, Dieter
    The topography of 4 subtraction ERP-waveforms derived from a 3-tone auditory oddball task in healthy young adults
    In: International Journal of Neuroscience Jg. 81 (1995) Nr. 1-2, S. 265 - 281
  • Oades, Robert D.; Zerbin, Dieter; Dittmann-Balcar, Alexandra
    The topography of event-related potentials in passive and active conditions of a 3-tone auditory oddball test
    In: International Journal of Neuroscience Jg. 81 (1995) Nr. 3-4, S. 249 - 264
  • Oades, Robert D.; Eggers, Christian
    Childhood Autism : an appeal for an integrative and psychobiological approach
    In: European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Jg. 3 (1994) Nr. 3, S. 159 - 175
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Cognitive remediation in schizophrenia: is it time yet?
    In: American Journal of Psychiatry Jg. 151 (1994) Nr. 1, S. 155
  • Oades, Robert D.; Röpcke, Bernd; Eggers, Christian
    Monoamine activity reflected in urine of young patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, psychosis with and without reality distortion and healthy subjects : an explorative analysis
    In: Journal of Neural Transmission Jg. 96 (1994) Nr. 2, S. 143 - 159
  • Oades, Robert D.; Zerbin, Dieter; Eggers, Christian
    Negative difference (Nd), an ERP-marker of stimulus relevance : different lateral asymmetries for paranoid and non-paranoid schizophrenics
    In: Pharmacopsychiatry Jg. 27 (1994) Nr. 2, S. 65 - 67
  • Oades, Robert D.; Schepker, Renate
    Serum gonadal steroid hormones in young schizophrenic patients
    In: Psychoneuroendocrinology Jg. 19 (1994) Nr. 4, S. 373 - 385
  • Eggers, Christian; Schepker, Renate; Oades, Robert D.
    Case report: Exacerbation and provocation of tics by imipramine and sulpiride
    In: European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Jg. 2 (1993) Nr. 3, S. 169 - 176
  • Oades, Robert D.; Bunk, D.; Eggers, Christian
    Paranoid schizophrenics may not use irrelevant signals: use of measures of blocking and urinary dopamine
    In: Acta Paedopsychiatrica Jg. 55 (1992) S. 183 - 184
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Bases for irrelevant information processing in schizophrenia: : room for manoeuvre. : Commentary on "The Neuropsychology of Schizophrenia"
    In: Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1991) Nr. 14, 1-(38-39)-84
  • Stern, L. M.; Walker, M. K.; Sawyer, M. G.; Oades, Robert D.; Badcock, N. R.; Spence, J. G.
    A controlled crossover trial of fenfluramine in autism
    In: The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (and Allied Disciplines) Jg. 31 (1990) Nr. 4, S. 569 - 587
  • Oades, Robert D.; Stern, L. M.; Walker, M. K.; Clark, C. R.; Kapoor, V.
    Event-related potentials and monoamines in autistic children on a clinical trial of fenfluramine
    In: International Journal of Psychophysiology Jg. 8 (1990) Nr. 3, S. 197 - 212
  • Oades, Robert D.; Walker, M. K.; Geffen, L. B.; Stern, L. M.
    Event-related potentials in autistic and healthy children on an auditory reaction time task
    In: International Journal of Psychophysiology Jg. 6 (1988) Nr. 4, S. 25 - 37
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADDH) : the contribution of central catecholaminergic activity
    In: Progress in Neurobiology Jg. 29 (1987) S. 365 - 391
  • Oades, Robert D.; Rivet, J.-M.; Taghzouti, K.; Kharouby, M.; Simon, H.; Le Moal, M.
    Catecholamines and conditioned blocking : effects of ventral tegmental, septal and frontal 6-hydroxydopamine lesions in rats
    In: Brain Research Jg. 406 (1987) Nr. 1-2, S. 136 - 146
  • Oades, Robert D.; Halliday, G. M.
    Ventral tegmental (A 10) system: neurobiology. 1. Anatomy and connectivity
    In: Brain Research Reviews Jg. 12 (1987) S. 117 - 165
  • Oades, Robert D.; Taghzouti, Khalid; Rivet, Jean-Marie; Simon, Herve; Le Moa, Michel
    Locomotor activity in relation to dopamine and noradrenaline in the nucleus accumbens, septal and frontalk areas: a 6-hydroxydopamine study
    In: Neuropsychobiology Jg. 16 (1986) Nr. 1, S. 37 - 42
  • Oades, Robert D.; Taghzouti, K.; Simon, H.; Le Moal, M.
    Dopamine sensitive alternation and collateral behaviour in a Y-maze: effects of d-amphetamine and haloperidol
    In: Psychopharmacology Jg. 85 (1985) Nr. 4, S. 123 - 128
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    Modulation by dopamin­ergic neurons of neurobiological systems processing strat­eg­ies of adaptive behaviour and learning
    In: Behavioural Processes Jg. 10 (1985) Nr. 1-2, S. 180 - 181
  • Oades, Robert D.
    The role of noradrenaline in tuning and dopamine in switching between signals in the CNS
    In: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews Jg. 9 (1985) S. 261 - 283
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Search strategies on a holeboard are impaired in rats with ventral tegmental damage : animal model for tests of thought disorder
    In: Biological Psychiatry Jg. 17 (1982) S. 243 - 258
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    Dopaminergic agonistic and antagonistic drugs in the ventral tegmentum of rats inhibit and facilitate changes of food search behaviour
    In: Neuroscience Letters Jg. 27 (1981) Nr. 1, S. 75 - 80
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    Impairments of search behaviour in rats after haloperidol treatment or hippocampal damage suggest a mesocortical role in cognition
    In: Biological Psychology Jg. 12 (1981) Nr. 1, S. 77 - 85
  • Oades, Robert D.; Messent, P. R.
    Testosterone administration in chicks affects responding in the presence of task irrelevant stimulus changes
    In: Behavioral and Neural Biology Jg. 33 (1981) Nr. 1, S. 93 - 100
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Types of memory or attention? : Impairments after lesions of the hippocampus and limbic ventral tegmentum
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  • Oades, Robert D.
    Discriminatory approach to auditory stimuli in Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) after hyperstriatal/hippocampal brain damage
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  • Oades, Robert D.
    Search and attention : Interactions of the hippocampal-septal axis, adrenocortical and gonadal hormones.
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  • Oades, Robert D.; Isaacson, R. L.
    The development of food search behavior by rats : the effects of hippocampal damage and haloperidol
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  • Oades, Robert D.
    More persistence during task acquisition by intact vs. castrated Japanese Quail
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  • Oades, Robert D.
    The effects of unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions in the substantia nigra on hippocampal noradrenaline-induced feeding and other behaviour in the rat
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  • Oades, Robert D.; Isaacson, R. L.
    p-Chlorophenylalanine-produced effects on behavior in intact and brain-damaged rats
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  • Oades, Robert D.
    A persistence of responding in hyperstriatal chicks
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  • Oades, Robert D.
    Persistence of the pattern of feeding of chicks with hyperstriatal lesions
    In: Brain Behavior and Evolution Jg. 13 (1976) Nr. 2, S. 69 - 91
  • Oades, Robert D.; Andrew, Richard J.
    Escape, hiding and freezing behaviour elicited by electrical stimulation of the chick diencephalon
    In: Brain Behavior and Evolution Jg. 8 (1973) Nr. 3, S. 191 - 210
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Barry, Robert J.; Clarke, Adam R.; Johnstone, Stuart J.; Oades, Robert D.
    Electrophysiology in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Editorial)
    In: International Journal of Psychophysiology Jg. 58 (2005) Nr. 1, S. 1 - 3
  • Oades, Robert D.; Sartory, Gudrun
    The problems of inattention : methods and interpretations
    In: Behavioural Brain Research Jg. 88 (1997) Nr. 1, S. 3 - 10
  • Abstracts

  • Oades, Robert D.
    Epigenetic effects in ADHD : Parent-of-origin effects in image sample
    In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics Jg. 141B (2006) Nr. 7, S. 683 - 824
  • Oades, Robert D.; Wild-Wall, N.; Juran, S.
    Fronto-cingular mechanisms, development and mismatch processes in normal subjects and patients with ADHD growing up: Cognitive ERPs and anatomy
    In: Australian Journal of Psychology Jg. 57 (2005) Nr. S1, S. 32
  • Oades, Robert D.; Wild-Wall, N.; Juran, S.; Ropcke, B.
    Mismatch negativity (MMN) sources in the frontal and temporal lobes of adolescent patients with schizophrenia at onset and 14 years later
    In: Australian Journal of Psychology Jg. 57 (2005) Nr. S1, S. 32 - 33
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Oades, Robert D.
    The role of serotonin in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    In: The Handbook of Behavioral Neurobiology of Serotonin / Müller, Christian; Jacobs, Barry (Hrsg.) 2010 565-584, Chapter 4.5,
  • Oades, Robert D.
    AD/HD - On thirteen ways forward (foreword)
    In: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the Hyperkinetic Syndrome (HKS): Current Ideas and Ways Forward / Oades, Robert D. (Hrsg.) 2006, S. vii - xix
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Function and dysfunction of monoamine interactions in children and adolescents with AD/HD
    In: Neurotransmitter Interactions and Cognitive Function. - (Experientia Supplementum ; 98) / Levin, Edward D. (Hrsg.) 2006, S. 2007 - 2244
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Brain maturation - It covers three decades : Considerations of the development of ADHD
    In: Convergence: Interdisciplinary Communications / Ostreng, Willi (Hrsg.) 2005, S. 147 - 151
  • Oades, Robert D.
    The Role of Norepinephrine and Serotonin in ADHD
    In: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: from genes to animal models to patients : Aufsatz erschienen u.d.T.: The roles of norepinephrine and serotonin in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder / Gozal, David; Molfese, Dennis L. (Hrsg.) 2005, S. 97 - 130
  • Rao, Marie-Luise; Oades, Robert D.; Bagli, Metin
    Prolaktinantwort und psychophysiologische Reaktion auf Neuroleptika bei Frauen und Männern
    In: Psychische Erkrankungen bei Frauen: für eine geschlechtersensible Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie / Riecher-Rösler, Anita; Rohde, A.; Bagli, Metin (Hrsg.) 2001, S. 170 - 182
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Connections between the neurobiology of attention, psychotic processes and event-related potentials
    In: Perspectives of Event-Related Potential Research / International Conference on Event Related Potentials of the Brain, 10, 1992, Eger, Komitat Heves / Karmos, G. (Hrsg.) 1995, S. 428 - 438
  • Straube, E. R.; Oades, Robert D.; Lewontin, R. C.; Rose, S.; Kamin,, L. J.
    Does Schizophrenia have a substantial genetic component?
    In: Seeing both sides: classic controversies in abnormal psychology / Lilienfeld, Scott O. (Hrsg.) 1995, S. 85 - 115
  • Schall, Ulrich; Zerbin, Dieter; Oades, Robert D.
    Prepulse-Inhibition-Defizite in der akustischen Signalverarbeitung bei jungen schizophrenen Patienten
    In: Biologische Psychiatrie der Gegenwart / Baumann, Pierre (Hrsg.) 1993, S. 59 - 64
  • Oades, Robert D.; Zerbin, Dieter; Eggers, Christian
    Stimulus-Vergleichsprozesse bei psychotischen Jugendlichen mit paranoiden und nicht-paranoiden Symptomen : "Mismatch Negativity" deutet auf differenzierte Beeinträchtigungen
    In: Biologische Psychiatrie der Gegenwart / Baumann, Pierre (Hrsg.) 1993, S. 69 - 74
  • Oades, Robert D.; Zerbin, Dieter
    Signs of differential stimulus processing problems : a comment on event-related potentials in young schizophrenic and autistic subjects
    In: Schizophrenia in Youth: Etiology and Therapeutic Consequences / Eggers, Christian (Hrsg.) 1991, S. 119 - 123
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Attention deficit disorder and hyperkinetic syndrome : biological perspectives
    In: Attention deficit disorder and hyperkinetic syndrome / Sagvolden, Terje; Archer, Trevor (Hrsg.) 1989, S. 353 - 368
  • Oades, Robert D.; Rea, Michael; Taghzouti, Khalid
    The modulation of selective processes in learning by neocortical and limbic dopamine
    In: Brain Plasticity, Learning and Memory / Will, Bruno E.; Schmitt, P.; Dalrymple-Alford, J. C. (Hrsg.) 1985, S. 241 - 251
  • Bücher/Sammelwerke/Tagungsbände

  • Oades, Robert D. (Hrsg.)
    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the hyperkinetic syndrome: Current ideas and ways forward
    Hauppauge, New York (2006) 280
  • Straube, Eckart R.; Oades, Robert D.
    Schizophrenia : empirical research and findings
    In: Personality, psychopathology, and psychotherapy San Diego Jg. 19 (1992) 637 S.
  • Oades, Robert D.
    Attention and Schizophrenia : Neurobiological Bases
    Boston (1982) 343 S.