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Klinik für Endokrinologie am Universitätsklinikum Essen
Hufelandstraße 55
45122 Essen
45122 Essen
Direktor/in, Klinik für Endokrinologie
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen
2024 WS
- Pathophysiologie (WA)
- Klinischer Untersuchungskurs (1. Semester des zweiten Abschnittes) (PV)
- Aktuelle Forschungsthemen
- Neurochirurgisch-endokrinologische Konferenz / Endokrines Tumorzentrum am WTZ
- Wahlfach Klinische Endokrinologie und Diabetologie
- Kolloquium Hypophysenerkrankungen (*)
- Kurs der allgemeinen klinischen Untersuchungen (PV)
- Kolloquium Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel (*)
- Endokrines Tumorzentrum am WTZ und ENETS-Center of Excellence
- Klinische Chemie, Laboratoriumsdiagnostik (WA)
- Differentialdiagnose Innere Krankheiten
- Blockpraktikum Innere Medizin (PV)
- Innere Medizin für Studierende im Praktischen Jahr (*)
- Wiss. Arbeiten, Klinik für Endokrinologie, Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel
- Klinische Chemie, Laboratoriumsdiagnostik (PV)
- Klinische Visite Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel
- Seminare für Doktoranden in der Endokrinologie und Diabetologie
Vergangene Veranstaltungen (max. 10)
2024 SS
- Wahlfach Klinische Endokrinologie und Diabetologie
- Neurochirurgisch-endokrinologische Konferenz / Endokrines Tumorzentrum am WTZ
- Endokrines Tumorzentrum am WTZ und ENETS-Center of Excellence
- Klinischer Untersuchungskurs (1. Semester des zweiten Abschnittes) (PV)
- Innere Medizin Vorlesung, Teil 1 (WA)
- Kolloquium Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel (*)
- Aktuelle Forschungsthemen
- Kolloquium Hypophysenerkrankungen (*)
- Kurs der allgemeinen klinischen Untersuchungen (PV)
- Seminare für Doktoranden in der Endokrinologie und Diabetologie
Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Canonical and Noncanonical Contribution of Thyroid Hormone Receptor Isoforms Alpha and Beta to Cardiac Hypertrophy and Heart Rate in Male MiceIn: Thyroid Jg. 34 (2024) Nr. 6, S. 785 - 795Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Cardiac recovery from pressure overload is not altered by thyroid hormone status in old miceIn: Frontiers in Endocrinology Jg. 15 (2024) 1339741Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Comparative Phenotyping of Mice Reveals Canonical and Noncanonical Physiological Functions of TRα and TRβIn: Endocrinology Jg. 165 (2024) Nr. 8, bqae067Online Volltext:; Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Continuous Glucose Monitoring of Steroid-Induced Hyperglycemia in Patients With Dermatologic DiseasesIn: Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology (JDST) Jg. 18 (2024) Nr. 4, S. 904 - 910Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Endokrine Nebenwirkungen von TumortherapienIn: Die Innere Medizin Jg. 65 (2024) Nr. 7, S. 681 - 689Online Volltext:
Genotype-specific development of MEN 2 constituent components in 683 RET carriersIn: Endocrine-Related Cancer Jg. 31 (2024) Nr. 7, e240038Online Volltext:
Hormonal Hypersecretion and Pain : Rare But Not To Be ForgottenIn: The American Journal of Medicine Jg. 137 (2024) Nr. 4, S. 311 - 314Online Volltext:
Hormone and Metabolic Research: Thyroid Inflammation and Immunity During the COVID-19 Pandemic : A Comprehensive Review and Case StudyIn: Hormone and Metabolic Research Jg. 56 (2024) Nr. 02, S. 111 - 117Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Lack of canonical thyroid hormone receptor α signaling changes regulatory T cell phenotype in female miceIn: iScience Jg. 27 (2024) Nr. 8, 110547Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Latest Progress in Risk-Adapted Surgery for Medullary Thyroid CancerIn: Cancers Jg. 16 (2024) Nr. 5, 917Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Partial Resistance to Thyroid Hormone-Induced Tachycardia and Cardiac Hypertrophy in Mice Lacking Thyroid Hormone Receptor βIn: Thyroid Jg. 34 (2024) Nr. 6, S. 796 - 805Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Patients' Persistent Symptoms, Clinician Demographics, and Geo-Economic Factors Are Associated with Choice of Therapy for Hypothyroidism by European Thyroid Specialists : The “THESIS” CollaborationIn: Thyroid Jg. 34 (2024) Nr. 4, S. 429 - 441Online Volltext:
Presentation of Graves' orbitopathy within European Group On Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) centres from 2012 to 2019 (PREGO III)In: British Journal of Ophthalmology (BJO) Jg. 108 (2024) Nr. 2, S. 294 - 300Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Präzisionsmedizin in der Endokrinologie am Beispiel des medullären SchilddrüsenkarzinomsIn: Die Innere Medizin Jg. 65 (2024) Nr. 3, S. 202 - 210Online Volltext:
Risk and Incidence of Endocrine Immune-Related Adverse Effects under Checkpoint Inhibitor Mono- or Combination Therapy in Solid Tumors : A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled TrialsIn: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM) Jg. 109 (2024) Nr. 4, S. 1132 - 1144Online Volltext:
Systemtherapien bei metastasierten Schilddrüsenkarzinomen : ein UpdateIn: Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie Jg. 103 (2024) Nr. 9, S. 637 - 642Online Volltext:
The Cancer-Specific Health Economic Measure QLU-C10D is Valid and Responsive for Assessing Health Utility in Patients with Thyroid CancerIn: Thyroid Jg. 34 (2024) Nr. 11, S. 1356 - 1370Online Volltext:
Thyroid hormones for euthyroid patients with simple goiter growing over time : A survey of European thyroid specialistsIn: Endocrine (2024) in pressOnline Volltext:
Transition from Paediatric to Adult Care in CAH : 20 Years of Experience at a Tertiary Referral CenterIn: Hormone and Metabolic Research Jg. 56 (2024) Nr. 1, S. 45 - 50Online Volltext:
Treatment of Obesity with Thyroid hormones in Europe : Data from the THESIS* CollaborationIn: Journal of Endocrinological Investigation (2024) in pressOnline Volltext: (Open Access)
Use of levothyroxine for euthyroid, thyroid antibody positive women with infertility : Analyses of aggregate data from a survey of European thyroid specialists (Treatment of Hypothyroidism in Europe by Specialists: An International Survey)In: Clinical Endocrinology Jg. 101 (2024) Nr. 2, S. 180 - 190Online Volltext:
Vandetanib in locally advanced or metastatic differentiated thyroid cancer refractory to radioiodine therapyIn: Endocrine-Related Cancer Jg. 31 (2024) Nr. 8,Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Aktuelle Therapieansätze der endokrinen Orbitopathie - sind die zielgerichteten Therapien die Zukunft?In: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde Jg. 241 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 48 - 68Online Volltext:
Bone Metastases in Patients with Pancreatic NETs : Prevalence and PrognosisIn: Hormone and Metabolic Research Jg. 28 (2023) Nr. 4,Online Volltext:
Characteristics of specialists treating hypothyroid patients : the “THESIS” collaborativeIn: Frontiers in Endocrinology Jg. 14 (2023) 1225202Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Clinical presentation of MEN 2A in index vs. non-index patientsIn: Endocrine Jg. 82 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 450 - 455Online Volltext:
Endokrine Orbitopathie : Aktueller Stand der medikamentösen TherapieIn: Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie Jg. 102 (2023) Nr. 3, S. 177 - 185Online Volltext:
Fettstoffwechselstörungen und metabolisches SyndromIn: Die Innere Medizin Jg. 64 (2023) Nr. 7, S. 609 - 610Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Hemithyreoidektomie oder totale Thyreoidektomie beim papillären Niedrigrisikokarzinom der Schilddrüse? : Chirurgische Kriterien der primären und sekundären Therapiewahl im interdisziplinären BehandlungskonzeptIn: Die Chirurgie Jg. 94 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 79 - 92Online Volltext:
Hypoparathyroidism – management, information needs, and impact on daily living from the patients’ perspective : results from a population-based surveyIn: Hormones Jg. 22 (2023) Nr. 3, S. 467 - 476Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Implications of an HbA1c-based Diabetes Screening on Prevalence and Effect of Dysglycemia in Patients With COVID-19In: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM) Jg. 108 (2023) Nr. 3, S. 697 - 705Online Volltext: (Open Access)
International phase IV field study for the reliability and validity of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Thyroid Cancer Module EORTC QLQ-THY34In: Thyroid Jg. 33 (2023) Nr. 9, S. 1078 - 1089Online Volltext:
Lipocalin 2 - mutation screen and serum levels in patients with anorexia nervosa or obesity and in lean individualsIn: Frontiers in Endocrinology Jg. 14 (2023) 1137308Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Modification of TSH-related genetic effects by indicators of socioeconomic positionIn: Endocrine Connections Jg. 12 (2023) Nr. 2, e220127Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Molecular Markers Are Associated with Onset of Radioiodine Refractoriness in Patients with Papillary Thyroid CarcinomaIn: Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) Jg. 64 (2023) Nr. 12, S. 1865 - 1868Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Phase 3 Trial of Selpercatinib in Advanced RET-Mutant Medullary Thyroid CancerIn: The New England Journal of Medicine Jg. 389 (2023) Nr. 20, S. 1851 - 1861Online Volltext:
Regionale Unterschiede von Schilddrüsenfunktionsparametern : ein Vergleich europäischer KohortenstudienIn: Das Gesundheitswesen Jg. 85 (2023) Nr. 03, S. 175 - 180Online Volltext:
Schilddrüsenerkrankungen bei Frauen und Männern : Status quo und neuer ForschungsbedarfIn: Die Innere Medizin Jg. 64 (2023) Nr. 8, S. 758 - 765Online Volltext:
Sporadic noninvasive medullary thyroid neoplasm : A desmoplasia-negative unifocal nonmetastatic tumor cured by hemithyroidectomyIn: Surgery Jg. 174 (2023) Nr. 6, S. 1356 - 1362Online Volltext:
Systemtherapien bei metastasierten Schilddrüsenkarzinomen : Ein UpdateIn: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift - DMW Jg. 148 (2023) Nr. 22, S. 1412 - 1418Online Volltext:
The Changing Face of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 2A : From Symptom-Based to Preventative MedicineIn: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM) Jg. 108 (2023) Nr. 9, S. e734 - e742Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The highly and perpetually upregulated thyroglobulin gene is a hallmark of functional thyrocytesIn: Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology Jg. 11 (2023) 1265407Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The optimal healthy ranges of thyroid function defined by the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality : systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysisIn: The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology Jg. 11 (2023) Nr. 10, S. 743 - 754Online Volltext:
2022 ETA Consensus Statement : What are the indications for post-surgical radioiodine therapy in differentiated thyroid cancer?In: European Thyroid Journal Jg. 11 (2022) Nr. 1, e210046Online Volltext: (Open Access)
A High‐Protein and Low‐Glycemic Formula Diet Improves Blood Pressure and Other Hemodynamic Parameters in High‐Risk IndividualsIn: Nutrients Jg. 14 (2022) Nr. 7, 1443Online Volltext: (Open Access)
A Questionnaire Survey of German Thyroidologists on the Use of Thyroid Hormones in Hypothyroid and Euthyroid Patients : The THESIS (Treatment of Hypothyroidism in Europe by Specialists: An International Survey) CollaborativeIn: Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes Jg. 130 (2022) Nr. 9, S. 577 - 586Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Artificial Sepsis : Think Twice Before Pausing TherapyIn: The American Journal of Medicine Jg. 135 (2022) Nr. 3, S. e73 - e74Online Volltext:
CT-derived body composition analysis could possibly replace DXA and BIA to monitor NET-patientsIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 1, 13419Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Canonical Thyroid Hormone Receptor β Action Stimulates Hepatocyte Proliferation in Male MiceIn: Endocrinology Jg. 163 (2022) Nr. 3, bqac003Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Cardioprotection by Hypothyroidism Is Not Mediated by Favorable Hemodynamics : Role of Canonical Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha SignalingIn: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) Jg. 23 (2022) Nr. 21, 13340Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Cell-Specific Transport and Thyroid Hormone Receptor Isoform Selectivity Account for Hepatocyte-Targeted Thyromimetic Action of MGL-3196In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) Jg. 23 (2022) Nr. 22, 13714Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Clonidine suppression test for a reliable diagnosis of pheochromocytoma : When to useIn: Clinical Endocrinology Jg. 97 (2022) Nr. 5, S. 541 - 550Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Enhancing Radioiodine Incorporation into Radioiodine-Refractory Thyroid Cancer with MAPK Inhibition (ERRITI) : A Single-Center Prospective Two-Arm StudyIn: Clinical Cancer Research Jg. 28 (2022) Nr. 19, S. 4194 - 4202Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Hepatobiliary Thyroid Hormone Deficiency Impacts Bile Acid Hydrophilicity and Aquaporins in Cholestatic C57BL/6J MiceIn: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) Jg. 23 (2022) Nr. 20, 12355Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Molecular diagnosis and targeted treatment of advanced follicular cell-derived thyroid cancer in the precision medicine eraIn: Cancer Treatment Reviews Jg. 106 (2022) 102380Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Streptozocin/5-fluorouracil chemotherapy of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours in the era of targeted therapyIn: Endocrine Jg. 75 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 293 - 302Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Tackling Thyroid Cancer in Europe : The Challenges and OpportunitiesIn: Healthcare Jg. 10 (2022) Nr. 9, 1621Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Tentative Application of a Streamlined Protocol to Determine Organ-Specific Regulations of Deiodinase 1 and Dehalogenase Activities as Readouts of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid-Periphery-AxisIn: Frontiers in Toxicology Jg. 4 (2022) 822993Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Teprotumumab Efficacy, Safety, and Durability in Longer-Duration Thyroid Eye Disease and Re-treatment : OPTIC-X StudyIn: Ophthalmology Jg. 129 (2022) Nr. 4, S. 438 - 449Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The interplay of thyroid hormones and the immune system : where we stand and why we need to know about itIn: European Journal of Endocrinology (EJE) Jg. 168 (2022) Nr. 5, S. R65 - R77Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
A Novel Double RET E768D/L790F Mutation Associated with a MEN2B-Like PhenotypeIn: Thyroid Jg. 31 (2021) Nr. 2, S. 327 - 329Online Volltext:
Age-dependent response to T4 overtreatment and recovery on systemic and organ levelIn: Journal of Molecular Endocrinology Jg. 67 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 161 - 172Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Analysis of risk factors and prognosis in differentiated thyroid cancer with focus on minimal extrathyroidal extensionIn: BMC Endocrine Disorders Jg. 21 (2021) Nr. 1, 161Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Association between albuminuria and thyroid function in patients with chronic kidney diseaseIn: Endocrine Jg. 73 (2021) S. 367 - 373Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Continued Discontinuation of TKI Treatment in Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma : Lessons From Individual Cases With Long-Term Follow-UpIn: Frontiers in Endocrinology Jg. 12 (2021) 718418Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Diagnostic accuracy of routine calcitonin measurement for the detection of medullary thyroid carcinoma in the management of patients with nodular thyroid disease : A meta-analysisIn: Endocrine Connections Jg. 10 (2021) Nr. 3, S. 358 - 370Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Diagnostik und Management endokriner Nebenwirkungen von Immuncheckpoint-InhibitorenIn: Deutsches Ärzteblatt international Jg. 118 (2021) Nr. 23, S. 389 - 396Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Distinct Late-Night Salivary Cortisol Cut-Off Values for the Diagnosis of HypercortisolismIn: Hormone and Metabolic Research Jg. 53 (2021) Nr. 10, S. 662 - 671Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Dll3 (Delta-like protein 3) expression correlates with stromal desmoplasia and lymph node metastases in medullary thyroid carcinomasIn: Endocrine Connections Jg. 10 (2021) Nr. 3, S. 283 - 289Online Volltext: (Open Access)
EditorialIn: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2021) Nr. 56 : "Junge Wilde" - Die nächste Generation, S. 6 - 7Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Effects of a protein-rich, low-glycaemic meal replacement on changes in dietary intake and body weight following a weight-management intervention-the ACOORH trialIn: Nutrients Jg. 13 (2021) Nr. 2, S. 376Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Fabry Cardiomyopathy : Current Treatment and Future OptionsIn: Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM) Jg. 10 (2021) Nr. 14, 3026Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Functional Characterization of Olfactory Receptors in the Thyroid GlandIn: Frontiers in Physiology Jg. 12 (2021) 676907Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Graves' orbitopathyIn: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift - DMW Jg. 146 (2021) Nr. 20, S. 1344 - 1351Online Volltext:
Graves' orbitopathy : Current concepts for medical treatmentIn: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde Jg. 238 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 24 - 31Online Volltext:
Hyperoxia Leads to Transient Endocrine Alterations in the Neonatal Rat During Postnatal DevelopmentIn: Frontiers in Pediatrics Jg. 9 (2021) 723928Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Hypothyroidism Increases Cholesterol Gallstone Prevalence in Mice by Elevated Hydrophobicity of Primary Bile AcidsIn: Thyroid Jg. 31 (2021) Nr. 6, S. 973 - 984Online Volltext:
Increased COVID-19-related fear and subjective risk perception regarding COVID-19 affects behavior in individuals with internal high-risk diseasesIn: Journal of Primary Care and Community Health Jg. 12 (2021) 2150132721996898Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Increased Prevalence of Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Thyroid Autoimmunity in Depressed AdolescentsIn: The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Jg. 82 (2021) Nr. 2, 20m13511Online Volltext:
Licogliflozin versus placebo in women with polycystic ovary syndrome : A randomized, double-blind, phase 2 trialIn: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Jg. 23 (2021) Nr. 11, S. 2595 - 2599Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Meal replacement by formula diet reduces weight more than a lifestyle intervention alone in patients with overweight or obesity and accompanied cardiovascular risk factors : The ACOORH trialIn: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (EJCN) Jg. 75 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 661 - 669Online Volltext: (Open Access)
More than a decade of real-world experience of pegvisomant for acromegaly : ACROSTUDYIn: European Journal of Endocrinology (EJE) Jg. 185 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 525 - 538Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Noncanonical Thyroid Hormone Receptor α Action Mediates Arterial VasodilationIn: Endocrinology Jg. 162 (2021) Nr. 7, bqab099Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Predicting the Course of Graves’ Orbitopathy Using Serially Measured TSH-Receptor Autoantibodies by Automated Binding Immunoassays and the Functional BioassayIn: Hormone and Metabolic Research Jg. 53 (2021) Nr. 07, S. 435 - 443Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Predicting the Relapse of Hyperthyroidism in Treated Graves’ Disease with Orbitopathy by Serial Measurements of TSH-Receptor AutoantibodiesIn: Hormone and Metabolic Research Jg. 53 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 235 - 244Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Predictive Factors for RAI-Refractory Disease and Short Overall Survival in PDTCIn: Cancers Jg. 13 (2021) Nr. 7, S. 1728Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Protective Effects of Thyroid Hormone Deprivation on Progression of Maladaptive Cardiac Hypertrophy and Heart FailureIn: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine Jg. 8 (2021) 683522Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Sunitinib-Induced Hypothyroidism and Survival in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine TumorsIn: Hormone and Metabolic Research Jg. 53 (2021) Nr. 12, S. 794 - 800Online Volltext: (Open Access)
TSH concentrations in parents and their offspring : A cross-sectional family-based analysisIn: European Journal of Endocrinology (EJE) Jg. 185 (2021) Nr. 6, S. 855 - 862Online Volltext:
Therapeutic Effect of Combined Dabrafenib and Trametinib Treatment of BRAF V600E-Mutated Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Thyroid : A Case ReportIn: European Thyroid Journal Jg. 10 (2021) Nr. 6, S. 511 - 516Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Thyroid Hormone Deficiency Modifies Hepatic Lipid Droplet Morphology and Molecular Properties in Lithogenic-Diet Supplemented MiceIn: Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes Jg. 129 (2021) Nr. 12, S. 926 - 930Online Volltext:
Vitamin D level trajectories of adolescent patients with anorexia nervosa at inpatient admission, during treatment, and at one year follow up : Association with depressive symptomsIn: Nutrients Jg. 13 (2021) Nr. 7, 2356Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Age and Sex Influence Thyroid Hormone Effects in Target Tissues with Organ-Specific ResponsesIn: Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes Jg. 128 (2020) Nr. 6-7, S. 469 - 472Online Volltext:
Constitutive TSH receptor activation as a hallmark of thyroid autonomyIn: Endocrine Jg. 68 (2020) S. 274 - 278Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Das polyzystische Ovarsyndrom : Aktuelle Evidenz und praktische EmpfehlungenIn: Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel Jg. 15 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 37 - 47Online Volltext:
Effect of vitamin D deficiency on depressive symptoms in child and adolescent psychiatric patients : results of a randomized controlled trialIn: European Journal of Nutrition Jg. 59 (2020) Nr. 8, S. 3415 - 3424Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Function of Cathepsin K in the Central Nervous System of Male Mice is Independent of Its Role in the Thyroid GlandIn: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology Jg. 40 (2020) Nr. 5, S. 695 - 710Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
HDAC Inhibition Induces PD-L1 Expression in a Novel Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Cell LineIn: Pathology & Oncology Research Jg. 26 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 2523 - 2535Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Neuroendokrine Neoplasien des GastrointestinaltraktsIn: Der Gastroenterologe Jg. 15 (2020) Nr. 2, S. 129 - 141Online Volltext:
Neuroendokrine Neoplasien des VerdauungstraktsIn: Best Practice Onkologie Jg. 15 (2020) Nr. 7-8, S. 320 - 333Online Volltext:
Non-Surgical and Non-Radioiodine Techniques for Ablation of Benign Thyroid Nodules : Consensus Statement and RecommendationIn: Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes Jg. 128 (2020) Nr. 10, S. 687 - 692Online Volltext: (Open Access)
PD-1 Blockade in Anaplastic Thyroid CarcinomaIn: Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) Jg. 38 (2020) Nr. 23, S. 2620 - 2627Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Phäochromozytomatose nach Adrenalektomie : Metastasierung oder Zellverschleppung?In: Der Chirurg Jg. 91 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 345 - 353Online Volltext:
Procathepsin V is secreted in a TSH regulated manner from human thyroid epithelial cells and is accessible to an activity-based probeIn: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) Jg. 21 (2020) Nr. 23, S. 9140Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Screening for New Markers to Assess Thyroid Hormone Action by OMICs Analysis of Human SamplesIn: Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes Jg. 128 (2020) Nr. 6-7, S. 479 - 487Online Volltext:
Seven Years of Active Thyroid Hormone Research in Germany : Thyroid Hormone Action beyond Classical ConceptsIn: Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes Jg. 128 (2020) Nr. 6-7, S. 355 - 357Online Volltext:
Significance of nuclear cathepsin V in normal thyroid epithelial and carcinoma cellsIn: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research Jg. 1867 (2020) Nr. 12, S. 118846Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Systemtherapien bei metastasierten Schilddrüsenkarzinomen – zugelassene Therapien und neue AnsätzeIn: Der Chirurg Jg. 91 (2020) Nr. 12, S. 1038 - 1043Online Volltext:
Targeting claudin-overexpressing thyroid and lung cancer by modified Clostridium perfringens enterotoxinIn: Molecular Oncology Jg. 14 (2020) Nr. 2, S. 261 - 276Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Update endokrine OrbitopathieIn: Augenheilkunde up2date Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 02, S. 127 - 143Online Volltext:
2019 European Thyroid Association Guidelines for the Treatment and Follow-Up of Advanced Radioiodine-Refractory Thyroid CancerIn: European Thyroid Journal Jg. 8 (2019) Nr. 5, S. 227 - 245Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Age effect on thyroid hormone brain response in male miceIn: Endocrine Jg. 66 (2019) Nr. 3, S. 596 - 606Online Volltext:
Aging alters phenotypic traits of thyroid dysfunction in male mice with divergent effects on complex systems but preserved thyroid hormone action in target organsIn: Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Jg. 74 (2019) Nr. 8, S. 1162 - 1169Online Volltext:
Aging is associated with low thyroid state and organ-specific sensitivity to thyroxineIn: Thyroid Jg. 29 (2019) Nr. 12, S. 1723 - 1733Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Air pollution and diabetes-related biomarkers in non-diabetic adults : A pathway to impaired glucose metabolism?In: Environment International Jg. 124 (2019) S. 370 - 392Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Anaplastisches Schilddrüsenkarzinom – Update 2019In: Der Onkologe Jg. 25 (2019) Nr. 7, S. 569 - 572Online Volltext:
Clinical Trials Required to Assess Potential Benefits and Side Effects of Treatment of Patients With Anorexia Nervosa With Recombinant Human LeptinIn: Frontiers in Psychology Jg. 10 (2019) S. 769Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Controversies, consensus, and collaboration in the use of 131 I Therapy in differentiated thyroid cancer : a joint statement from the American Thyroid Association, the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, the Society of Nuclear Medicine and MolecularIn: Thyroid Jg. 29 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 461 - 470Online Volltext: (Open Access)
European perspective on 2015 American thyroid association management guidelines for adult patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer : Proceedings of an interactive international symposiumIn: Thyroid Jg. 29 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 7 - 26Online Volltext:
Increased Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Activity Induces a Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma in MiceIn: Thyroid Jg. 29 (2019) Nr. 10, S. 1438 - 1446Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
MicroRNA-183 and microRNA-96 are associated with autoimmune responses by regulating T cell activationIn: Journal of Autoimmunity Jg. 96 (2019) S. 94 - 103Online Volltext:
Morphologische Diagnosekriterien der nichtinvasiven follikulären Neoplasie mit PTC-äquivalenten Kernmerkmalen (NIFTP) : Eine diagnostische Herausforderung zum Nutzen des PatientenIn: Der Pathologe Jg. 40 (2019) Nr. 3, S. 220 - 226Online Volltext:
Thyroid Related Quality of Life in Elderly with Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Improvement on Levothyroxine is Distinct from that in Young Patients (TSAGE)In: Hormone and Metabolic Research Jg. 51 (2019) Nr. 9, S. 568 - 574Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Thyroxine promotes lung cancer growth in an orthotopic mouse modelIn: Endocrine-Related Cancer Jg. 26 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 565 - 574Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma : review of treatment protocolsIn: Endocrine-Related Cancer Jg. 25 (2018) Nr. 3, S. R153 - R161Online Volltext: (Open Access)
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