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Professor/in, Anglistik: Linguistik III
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen
2024 WS
- Pragmatics of Drama
- Areas and Approaches II Gr. 3
- Research Colloquium (Forschungskolloquium Linguistik für Master-Studierende)
- Introduction to Linguistics I Übung Gr. 5
- Introduction to Linguistics I Übung Gr. 6
- Workshop des Profilschwerpunkts „Wandel von Gegenwartsgesellschaften
- Areas and Approaches II Gr. 2
Vergangene Veranstaltungen (max. 10)
2024 SS
2023 WS
Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Code accommodation as a measure of inclusion for bilingual people living with dementia of the Alzheimer’s type : A Case StudyIn: Pragmatics and Society Jg. 15 (2024) Nr. 1, S. 49 - 66Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Women’s voices in the public sphere : Processes of (discursive) democratisation in London suffrage newspapersIn: Journal of Historical Pragmatics Jg. 25 (2024) Nr. 2, S. 302 - 328Online Volltext:
Dementia Sufferer and Person Living with a Diagnosis of Dementia : Naming Practices in AcademiaIn: Age, Culture, Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Journal Jg. 6 (2022)Online Volltext: (Open Access)
‘Typing with dementia’ : Online self-positioning of people living with dementiaIn: Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 212 - 233Online Volltext:
"We are all in this together" : Balancing Virtual Proximity and Distance in Online Care Partner DiscussionsIn: Anglistik: international journal of English studies Jg. 32 (2021) Nr. 2, S. 85 - 109Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Intergroup rudeness and the metapragmatics of its negotiation in online discussion foraIn: Pragmatics Jg. 25 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 47 - 71Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Martin Conboy. The Language of Newspapers. Socio-Historical PerspectivesIn: Journal of Historical Pragmatics Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 310 - 315Online Volltext:
Introduction to section on dementiaIn: Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders Jg. 12 (2021) Nr. 2, S. 183 - 184Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Introduction : Identity construction in complex discourse contextsIn: The Discursive Construction of Identities On- and Offline: Personal - group - collective / Bös, Birte; Kleinke, Sonja; Mollin, Sandra; Hernandez, Nuria (Hrsg.) (2018) S. 1 - 12Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Monika Bednarek. 2018. Language and Television Series: A Linguistic Approach to TV Dialogue. The Cambridge Applied Linguistics Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xv + 303 pp., 40 figures and 36 tables, £ 28.99.In: Anglia: Journal of English Philology = Zeitschrift für englische Philologie Jg. 137 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 660 - 665Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Andreas H. Jucker & Irma Taavitsainen (eds.). Historical PragmaticsIn: Anglia: Journal of English Philology = Zeitschrift für englische Philologie Jg. 131 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 145 - 152Online Volltext:
Matti Peikola, Janne Skaffari and Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen (eds.). Instructional Writing in English: Studies in Honour of Risto HiltunenIn: Journal of Historical Pragmatics Jg. 12 (2011) Nr. 1-2, S. 300 - 305Online Volltext:
Speech Acts in the History of English, ed. Andreas H. Jucker & Irma TaavitsainenIn: Anglia: Journal of English Philology = Zeitschrift für englische Philologie Jg. 128 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 135 - 139Online Volltext:
The Non-verbal Shift in Early Modern English ConversationIn: Journal of Historical Pragmatics Jg. 11 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 164 - 168Online Volltext:
Self- and other-positioning in eighteenth‑century newspapers : A case study of a failed joint ventureIn: Self- and Other-Reference in Social Contexts: From global to local discourses / Nevala, Minna; Palander-Collin, Minna (Hrsg.) 2024, S. 89 - 113Online Volltext:
The Evolving Language of the PressIn: The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press: Volume 1: Beginnings and Consolidation 1640–1800 / Brownlees, Nicholas (Hrsg.) 2023, S. 195 - 215Online Volltext:
Framing framing : The multifaceted phenomena of paratext, metadiscourse and framingIn: The Dynamics of Text and Framing Phenomena: Historical approaches to paratext and metadiscourse in English / Peikola, Matti; Bös, Birte (Hrsg.) 2020, S. 3 - 31Online Volltext:
Indeterminate us and them : The complexities of referentiality, identity and group construction in a public online discussionIn: The Discursive Construction of Identities On- and Offline: Personal - group - collective / Bös, Birte; Kleinke, Sonja; Mollin, Sandra; Hernandez, Nuria (Hrsg.) 2018, S. 153 - 176Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
"... which they read not so much for the Newes as the Stile" : Impartiality as an Important Asset in Early 18th-Century News WritingIn: Proceedings / Anglistentag 2014 Hannover / Anglistentag 2014 ; Hannover, 21.09. bis 24.09.2014 / Emig, Rainer; Gohrisch, Jana (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 49 - 65
'A full account of the rise, progress and declension of our journal' : Negotiations of failure in early English newspapersIn: Fiasko - Scheitern in der frühen Neuzeit: Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte des Misserfolgs / Brakensiek, Stefan; Claridge, Claudia (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 11 - 37Online Volltext:
Conceptualisations, sources and agents of news : key terms as signposts of changing journalistic practicesIn: Changing genre conventions in historical English news discourse / Bös, Birte; Kornexl, Lucia (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 23 - 51
From 1760 to 1960 : diversification and popularizationIn: News as changing texts: corpora, methodologies and analysis / Facchinetti, Roberta; Brownlees, Nicholas; Bös, Birte; Fries, Udo (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 91 - 144
The Complexities of Thread-internal Quoting in English and German Online Discussion ForaIn: Pragmatics of quoting now and then / Arendholz, Jenny; Bublitz, Wolfram; Kirner-Ludwig, Monika (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 71 - 96Online Volltext:
From 1760 to 1960 : diversification and popularizationIn: News as changing texts: corpora, methodologies and analysis / Facchinetti, Roberta; Brownlees, Nicholas; Bös, Birte; Fries, Udo (Hrsg.) 2012, S. 91 - 144
Dialogic quotation patterns in historical news reportsIn: The language of public and private communication in a historical perspective / Brownlees, Nicholas (Hrsg.) 2010, S. 228 - 244
People's voices – Eine diachrone Betrachtung persönlicher Zitate in der britischen PresseIn: MedienTextKultur: linguistische Beiträge zur kontrastiven Medienanalyse / Luginbühl, Martin; Hauser, Stefan (Hrsg.) 2010, S. 67 - 93
Place yer bets and Let us hope : Imperatives and their pragmatic functions in news reportsIn: Early modern English news discourse: newspapers, pamphlets and scientific news discourse / Jucker, Andreas H. (Hrsg.) 2009, S. 115 - 133
Voices being heard : English in IndiaIn: Teaching India / Lindner, Oliver (Hrsg.) 2008, S. 147 - 164
Dispensation in contemporary British newspapers: Informal reference to personsIn: Critical discourse analysis of media texts 2007, S. 127 - 141
What do you lacke? what is it you buy? Early Modern English service encountersIn: Methods in historical pragmatics / Fitzmaurice, Susan (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 219 - 240Online Volltext:
Towards an integrated model of service encountersIn: Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2003 conference / Corpus Linguistics 2003 Lancaster University (UK), 28 - 31 March 2003 / Archer, Dawn; Rayson, Paul; Wilson, Andrew; McEnery, Tony (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 132 - 139
Die Integration pragmatischer und kognitiver Modelle zur Repräsentation von ServicedialogeIn: Kognitive Lexikologie und Syntax / Ungerer, Friedrich (Hrsg.) 1998, S. 169 - 193
Developments in English historical morpho-syntaxIn: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory Amsterdam Jg. 346 (2019) vi, 312 Seiten
Changing genre conventions in historical English news discourseIn: Advances in historical sociolinguistics Amsterdam [u.a.] Jg. 5 (2015) XIV, 249 S.Online Volltext:
News as changing texts : corpora, methodologies and analysisNewcastle upon Tyne (2015) xi, 236 Seiten
News as changing texts : corpora, methodologies and analysisNewcastle upon Tyne (2012) XI, 232 S. : graph. Darst.
Integrative Darstellung englischer Serviceinteraktionen : verbale, nonverbale, physische und kognitive AspekteIn: Europäische Hochschulschriften ; Bd. 14 Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] (2004) 245 S.