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  • Stellv. Mitglied, Studienbeirat

  • Juniorprofessor/in, Psychologische Prozesse der Bildung in sozialen Medien

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Dreston, Jana H.; Neubaum, German
    Corrigendum: How incidental and intentional news exposure in social media relate to political knowledge and voting intentions
    In: Frontiers in Psychology Jg. 15 (2024) 1476279
  • Cargnino, Manuel; Neubaum, German
    Is it better to strike a balance? : How exposure to congruent and incongruent opinion climates on social networking sites impacts users’ processing and selection of information
    In: New Media and Society Jg. 26 (2024) Nr. 5, S. 2429 - 2447
  • Weeks, Brian E.; Halversen, Audrey; Neubaum, German
    Too scared to share? : Fear of social sanctions for political expression on social media
    In: Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Jg. 29 (2024) Nr. 1, zmad041
  • Oeldorf-Hirsch, Anne; Neubaum, German
    Attitudinal and behavioral correlates of algorithmic awareness among German and U.S. social media users
    In: Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Jg. 28 (2023) Nr. 5, zmad035
  • Neubaum, German; Weeks, Brian
    Computer-mediated political expression : A conceptual framework of technological affordances and individual tradeoffs
    In: Journal of Information Technology and Politics (JITP) Jg. 20 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 19 - 33
  • Neubaum, German; Metzger, Miriam; Krämer, Nicole; Kyewski, Elias
    How Subjective Norms Relate to Personal Privacy Regulation in Social Media : A Cross-National Approach
    In: Social Media + Society Jg. 9 (2023) Nr. 3,
  • Dreston, Jana; Neubaum, German
    How incidental and intentional news exposure in social media relate to political knowledge and voting intentions
    In: Frontiers in Psychology Jg. 14 (2023) 1250051
  • Frauhammer, Luna; Neubaum, German
    Metacognitive effects of attitudinal (in)congruence on social media : Relating processing fluency, subjective knowledge, and political participation
    In: Frontiers in Psychology Jg. 14 (2023) 1146674
  • Neubaum, German; Lane, Daniel S.
    Nevertheless, It Persists : Political Self-Effects in the Context of Persistent Social Media
    In: Journal of Media Psychology Jg. 35 (2023) Nr. 6, S. 375 - 386
  • Cargnino, Manuel; Neubaum, German; Winter, Stephan
    We’re a good match : Selective political friending on social networking sites
    In: Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research (COMM) Jg. 48 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 202 - 225
  • Oeldorf-Hirsch, Anne; Neubaum, German
    What do we know about algorithmic literacy? : The status quo and a research agenda for a growing field
    In: New Media and Society (2023) in press
  • Röchert, Daniel; Neubaum, German; Ross, Björn; Stieglitz, Stefan
    Caught in a networked collusion? : Homogeneity in conspiracy-related discussion networks on YouTube
    In: Information Systems Jg. 103 (2022) 101866
  • Röchert, Daniel; Cargnino, Manuel; Neubaum, German
    Two sides of the same leader : an agent-based model to analyze the effect of ambivalent opinion leaders in social networks
    In: Journal of Computational Social Science Jg. 5 (2022) S. 1159 - 1205
  • Neubaum, German
    “It’s Going to be Out There For a Long Time” : The Influence of Message Persistence on Users’ Political Opinion Expression in Social Media
    In: Communication Research Jg. 49 (2022) Nr. 3, S. 426 - 450
  • Winter, Stephan; Neubaum, German; Stieglitz, Stefan; Roß, Björn
    #Opinionleaders : A comparison of self-reported and observable influence of Twitter users
    In: Information, Communication & Society (iCS) Jg. 24 (2021) Nr. 11, S. 1533 - 1550
  • Dienlin, Tobias; Johannes, Niklas; Bowman, Nicholas David; Masur, Philipp K; Engesser, Sven; Kümpel, Anna Sophie; Lukito, Josephine; Bier, Lindsey M; Zhang, Renwen; Johnson, Benjamin K; Huskey, Richard; Schneider, Frank M; Breuer, Johannes; Parry, Douglas A; Vermeulen, Ivar; Fisher, Jacob T; Banks, Jaime; Weber, René; Ellis, David A; Smits, Tim; Ivory, James D; Trepte, Sabine; McEwan, Bree; Rinke, Eike Mark; Neubaum, German; Winter, Stephan; Carpenter, Christopher J; Krämer, Nicole; Utz, Sonja; Unkel, Julian; Wang, Xiaohui; Davidson, Brittany I; Kim, Nuri; Won, Andrea Stevenson; Domahidi, Emese; Lewis, Neil A; de Vreese, Claes
    An Agenda for Open Science in Communication
    In: Journal of Communication Jg. 71 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 1 - 26
  • Cargnino, Manuel; Neubaum, German
    Are We Deliberately Captivated in Homogeneous Cocoons? : An Investigation on Political Tie Building on Facebook
    In: Mass Communication and Society Jg. 24 (2021) Nr. 2, S. 187 - 209
  • Neubaum, German; Cargnino, Manuel; Maleszka, Jeanette
    How Facebook Users Experience Political Disagreements and Make Decisions About the Political Homogenization of Their Online Network
    In: International Journal of Communication (IJOC) Jg. 15 (2021) S. 187 - 206
  • Krämer, Nicole; Neubaum, German; Winter, Stephan; Schaewitz, Leonie; Eimler, Sabrina; Oliver, Mary Beth
    I feel what they say : the effect of social media comments on viewers’ affective reactions toward elevating online videos
    In: Media Psychology Jg. 24 (2021) Nr. 3, S. 332 - 358
  • Röchert, Daniel; Shahi, Gautam Kishore; Neubaum, German; Ross, Björn; Stieglitz, Stefan
    The Networked Context of COVID-19 Misinformation : Informational Homogeneity on YouTube at the Beginning of the Pandemic
    In: Online Social Networks and Media Jg. 26 (2021) 100164
  • Neubaum, German; Cargnino, Manuel; Winter, Stephan; Dvir-Gvirsman, Shira
    “You’re still worth it” : The moral and relational context of politically motivated unfriending decisions in online networks
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 16 (2021) Nr. 1, S. e0243049
  • Neubaum, German; Sobieraj, Sabrina; Raasch, Josefine; Riese, Julia
    Digital destigmatization : How exposure to networking profiles can reduce social stereotypes
    In: Computers in Human Behavior Jg. 112 (2020) S. 106461
  • Röchert, Daniel; Neubaum, German; Ross, Björn; Brachten, Florian; Stieglitz, Stefan
    Opinion-based Homogeneity on YouTube : Combining Sentiment and Social Network Analysis
    In: Computational Communication Research Jg. 2 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 81 - 108
  • Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole; Alt, Katharina
    Psychological effects of repeated exposure to elevating entertainment : An experiment over the period of 6 weeks
    In: Psychology of Popular Media Jg. 9 (2020) Nr. 2, S. 194 - 207
  • Roß, Björn; Pilz, Laura; Cabrera, Benjamin; Brachten, Florian; Neubaum, German; Stieglitz, Stefan
    Are social bots a real threat? : An agent-based model of the spiral of silence to analyse the impact of manipulative actors in social networks
    In: European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) Jg. 28 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 394 - 412
  • Meier, Yannic; Neubaum, German
    Gratifying Ambiguity : Psychological Processes Leading to Enjoyment and Appreciation of TV Series with Morally Ambiguous Characters
    In: Mass Communication and Society Jg. 22 (2019) Nr. 5, S. 631 - 653
  • Walther, Joseph B.; Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole; Winter, Stephan; Rösner, Leonie
    The Effect of Bilingual Congruence on the Persuasive Influence of Videos and Comments on YouTube
    In: Journal of Language and Social Psychology Jg. 37 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 310 - 329
  • Neubaum, German; Rösner, Leonie; Ganster, Tina; Hambach, Kristina; Krämer, Nicole
    United in the Name of Justice : How Conformity Processes in Social Media May Influence Online Vigilantism
    In: Psychology of Popular Media Culture Jg. 7 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 185 - 199
  • Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole
    What Do We Fear? : Expected Sanctions for Expressing Minority Opinions in Offline and Online Communication
    In: Communication Research Jg. 45 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 139 - 164
  • Krämer, Nicole; Oliver, Mary Beth; Rösner, Leonie; Eimler, Sabrina C; Neubaum, German; Winter, Stephan
    Broadcasting one world : How watching online videos can elicit elevation and reduce stereotypes
    In: New Media and Society Jg. 19 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 1349 - 1368
  • Krämer, Nicole; Neubaum, German
    Monitoring the Opinion of the Crowd : Psychological Mechanisms Underlying Public Opinion Perceptions on Social Media
    In: Media Psychology Jg. 20 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 502 - 531
  • Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole
    Opinion Climates in Social Media : Blending Mass and Interpersonal Communication
    In: Human Communication Research Jg. 43 (2017) Nr. 4, S. 464 - 476
  • Krämer, Nicole; Neubaum, German; Hirt, Melanie; Knitter, Carina; Ostendorf, Sina; Zeru, Sewit
    “I see you, I know you, it feels good” – Qualitative and quantitative analyses of ambient awareness as a potential mediator of social networking sites usage and well-being
    In: Computers in Human Behavior Jg. 77 (2017) S. 77 - 85
  • Winter, Stephan; Neubaum, German
    Examining Characteristics of Opinion Leaders in Social Media : A Motivational Approach
    In: Social Media + Society Jg. 2 (2016) Nr. 3, S. 1 - 12
  • Winter, Stephan; Krämer, Nicole; Rösner, Leonie; Neubaum, German
    Don’t keep it (too) simple : How textual representations of scientific uncertainty affect laypersons’ attitudes
    In: Journal of Language and Social Psychology Jg. 34 (2015) Nr. 3, S. 251 - 272
  • Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole
    Let's Blog About Health! : Exploring the Persuasiveness of a Personal HIV Blog Compared to an Institutional HIV Website
    In: Health Communication Jg. 30 (2015) Nr. 9, S. 872 - 883
  • Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole
    My friends right next to me : a iaboratory investigation on predictors and consequences of experiencing social closeness on social networking sites
    In: CyberPsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Jg. 18 (2015) Nr. 8, S. 443 - 449
  • Winter, Stephan; Neubaum, German; Eimler, Sabrina; Gordon, Vanessa; Theil, Jenna; Herrmann, Jonathan; Meinert, Judith; Krämer, Nicole
    Another brick in the Facebook wall : How personality traits relate to the content of status updates
    In: Computers in Human Behavior Jg. 34 (2014) Nr. May, S. 194 - 202
  • Krämer, Nicole; Eimler, Sabrina; Rösner, Leonie; Winter, Stephan; Neubaum, German
    Let the Weakest Link Go! : Empirical Explorations on the Relative Importance of Weak and Strong Ties on Social Networking Sites
    In: Societies Jg. 4 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 785 - 809
  • Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole; Rosenthal-von der Pütten, Astrid; Rösner, Leonie
    Psychosocial functions of social media usage in a disaster situation : A multi-methodological approach
    In: Computers in Human Behavior Jg. 34 (2014) S. 28 - 38
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Neubaum, German; Oeldorf-Hirsch, Anne; Naab, Teresa K.
    Editorial: Learning politics in a digitized world : when do social media foster political literacy?
    In: Frontiers in Psychology Jg. 15 (2024) 1433144
  • Krämer, Nicole; Neubaum, German
    Editorial: Journal of media psychology grows and develops
    In: Journal of Media Psychology Jg. 29 (2017) Nr. 4, S. 175
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Röchert, Daniel; Neubaum, German; Stieglitz, Stefan
    Identifying Political Sentiments on YouTube : A Systematic Comparison Regarding the Accuracy of Recurrent Neural Network and Machine Learning Models
    In: Disinformation in Open Online Media: Second Multidisciplinary International Symposium; Proccedings / MISDOOM 2020; Leiden, The Netherlands; October 26–27, 2020 / van Duijn, Max; Preuss, Mike; Spaiser, Viktoria; Takes, Frank; Verberne, Suzan (Hrsg.) 2020, S. 107 - 121
  • Krämer, Nicole; Neubaum, German; Eimler, Sabine
    A brief history of (social) Cyberspace
    In: Cyberemotions: Collective Emotions in Cyberspace / Holyst, Janusz (Hrsg.) 2017, S. 11 - 35
  • Eimler, Sabine; Krämer, Nicole; Mannsfeld, M; Neubaum, German
    Altogether Now! Mass and Small Group Collaboration in (Open) Online Courses : A Case Study
    In: Mass collaboration and education / Cress, Ulrike (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 285 - 304
  • Neubaum, German
    Die Theorie der Schweigespirale
    In: Medienpsychologie: Schlüsselbegriffe und Konzepte / Schwan, Stephan; Unz, Dagmar; Suckfüll, Monika (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 320 - 326
  • Ganster, Tina; Neubaum, German
    Mass Interpersonal Persuasion
    In: Medienpsychologie: Schlüsselbegriffe und Konzepte / Schwan, Stephan; Suckfüll, Monika; Unz, Dagmar (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 384 - 390
  • Krämer, Nicole; Eimler, Sabine; Neubaum, German
    Selbstpräsentation und Beziehungsmanagement in sozialen Medien
    In: Handbuch Soziale Medien / Schmidt, Jan-Hinrik; Taddicken, Monika (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 1 - 20
  • Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole; Wichmann, Astrid; Eimler, Sabrina
    Investigating Incentives for Students to Provide Peer Feedback in a Semi-Open Online Course : An Experimental Study
    In: Proceedings of The International Symposium on Open Collaboration / OpenSym '14 The International Symposium on Open Collaboration Berlin, Germany — August 27 - 29, 2014 / Riehle, Dirk (Hrsg.) 2014, S. 1 - 7
  • Krämer, Nicole; Rösner, Leonie; Neubaum, German
    Statusupdate : Das Wasser steht nun im ersten Stock
    In: Krisenmanagement - Notfallplanung - Bevölkerungsschutz: Festschrift anlässlich 60 Jahre Ausbildung im Bevölkerungsschutz, dargebracht von Partnern, Freunden und Mitarbeitern des Bundesamtes für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe / Unger, Christoph (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 307 - 325
  • Giemza, Adam; Hoppe, Heinz Ulrich; Neubaum, German; Verheyen, Per; Philipp, Anna
    Einsatz einer mobilen Quiz-Applikation im Schulunterricht
    In: DeLFI 2012: die 10. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. : 24. - 26. September 2012 FernUniversität Hagen / DeLFI 2012, 10. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. , 24.-26.09.2012, Hagen / Desel, Jörg; Haake, Jörg M.; Spannagel, Christian (Hrsg.) 2012, S. 249 - 260
  • Dissertation

  • Neubaum, German;
    Monitoring and Expressing Opinions on Social Networking Sites : Empirical Investigations based on the Spiral of Silence Theory
    Duisburg, Essen (2016) 303 Seiten
  • Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • Winter, Stephan; Neubaum, German; Stieglitz, Stefan; Roß, Björn;
    #OpinionLeaders : A Comparison of Self-Reported and Actual Influence of Twitter Users
    67th Annual ICA Conference "Interventions: Communication research an practice", 25.-29. May 2017, San Diego, USA,
    San Diego (2017)
  • Vorträge

  • ; Winter, Stephan; Neubaum, German; Stieglitz, Stefan; Roß, Björn
    #Meinungsführer : ein Vergleich von Selbstwahrnehmungen und Netzwerkdaten zum Einfluss von Social-Media-Nutzern in politischen Debatten
    62. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft - DGPuK 2017 - „Vernetzung. Stabilität und Wandel gesellschaftlicher Kommunikation“, 30.3.-01.04.2017, Düsseldorf, Germany,
    Düsseldorf (2017)
  • Neubaum, German; Ho, S.;
    For all eyes to see : A cross-cultural comparison of the effect of publicness on opinion expression in social media
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2016 (International Communication Association), Fukuoka, Japan,
  • Neubaum, German;
    Monitoring the opinion of the crowd : Media and social psychological mechanisms underlying public opinion perceptions on social media
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2016 (International Communication Association), Fukuoka, Japan,
  • Neubaum, German; Camur, F.
    Reading the other side : How user-generated comments influence perceptions of public opinion
  • Walther, J.B.; Krämer, Nicole; Neubaum, German; Winter, Stephan; Rösner, Leonie;
    The persuasive effect of language congruence between video and comments on YouTube
    15th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology. Bangkok, Thailand, 22 – 25 June 2016,
  • Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole;
    A laboratory investigation on predictors and consequences of experiencing social closeness during the usage of social networking sites
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2015 (International Communication Association), San Juan, Puerto Rico,
  • Krämer, Nicole; Oliver, M.B.; Neubaum, German; Winter, Stephan; Rösner, Leonie; Eimler, Sabrina;
    Broadcasting one world – How watching elevating online videos can strengthen universal orientation and reduce stereotypes
    The 9th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the DGPs (German Psychological Society), Tübingen, Germany,
  • Krämer, Nicole; Oliver, M.B.; Winter, Stephan; Eimler, Sabrina; Rösner, Leonie; Neubaum, German;
    Broadcasting one world – How watching elevating online videos can trigger a sense of universal orientation and a reduction of social stereotypes
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2015 (International Communication Association), San Juan, Puerto Rico,
  • Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole; Ho, S.;
    Der Öffentlichkeitseffekt : Wie der Grad der Öffentlichkeit auf sozialen Medien die Redebereitschaft beeinflusst
    The Annual conference of the Audience and Reception Studies Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Amsterdam, Netherlands,
  • Neubaum, German;
    How different audiences in social media affect people’s outspokenness on controversial issues
    The International Summer School "Living with Media" at the University of Cologne, Germany,
  • Neubaum, German; Rösner, Leonie;
    Mean World 2.0 – Does online media use cultivate beliefs about the world?
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2015 (International Communication Association), San Juan, Puerto Rico,
  • Winter, Stephan; Neubaum, German;
    Meine Facebook-Freunde, ihre Meinung und ich – Interpersonale Persuasionsprozesse auf sozialen Netzwerkseiten
    Workshop auf der Jahrestagung der Ad-Hoc-Gruppe „Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Bamberg, Deutschland,
  • Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole;
    Monitoring the opinion of the crowd – Psychological patterns of public opinion perceptions in social media
    The 9th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the DGPs (German Psychological Society), Tübingen, Germany,
  • Neubaum, German;
    What do we fear of? : Expected sanctions for expressing minority opinions in offline and online communication
    The Annual meeting of ICA 2015 (International Communication Association), San Juan, Puerto Rico,
  • Neubaum, German; Winter, Stephan;
    Exploring the Facebook two-step flow: A survey on opinion leadership in social networking sites
    General Online Research (GOR) Conference, Cologne, Germany,
  • Winter, Stephan; Rösner, Leonie; Krämer, Nicole; Neubaum, German;
    Making Sense of Science Blogs : Effekte von ein- und zweiseitigen Online-Artikeln und Quellenangaben auf die Einstellungsbildung zu Wissenschaftsthemen
    Jahrestagung der Ad-Hoc-Gruppe „Wissenschaftskommunikation“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft. Zürich, Schweiz,
  • Winter, Stephan; Neubaum, German;
    Two-step flow on Facebook : Opinion leadership in social networking sites
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2014 (International Communication Association), Seattle, WA, USA,
  • Neubaum, German; Rösner, Leonie; Ganster, Tina; Hambach, K.;
    United in the name of justice : How conformity processes in the social web influence online vigilantism
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2014 (International Communication Association), Seattle, WA, USA,
  • Winter, Stephan; Krämer, Nicole; Neubaum, German; Rösner, Leonie;
    When science bloggers persuade the audience - Effect of message sidedness, author expertise, and reader characteristics on attitudes toward scientific topics
    13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, Salvador, Brazil,
  • Winter, Stephan; Rösner, Leonie; Krämer, Nicole; Neubaum, German;
    Don’t keep it (too) simple – How representations of scientific uncertainty in online articles affect laypersons’ attitudes
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2013 (International Communication Association), London, United Kingdom,
  • Rösner, Leonie; Wegmann, Elisa; Kulms, P.; Neubaum, German;
    Entertaining videos go viral : How hedonic and eudaimonic aspects of entertainment affect sharing of online videos
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2013 (International Communication Association), London, United Kingdom,
  • Winter, Stephan; Sauer, V.J.; Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole; Rösner, Leonie; Straßmann, Carolin;
    How persuasive are science blogs? : Effects of message sidedness, source expertise, and reader characteristics on attitude formation toward scientific debates
    8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the DGPs (German Psychological Society), Würzburg, Germany,
  • Neubaum, German;
    Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke im Öffentlichen Dienst
    „Neue Medien in der Krisenkommunikation" an der Akademie für Krisenmanagement, Notfallplanung und Zivilschutz; Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe,
  • Rösner, Leonie; Rosenthal-von der Pütten, Astrid; Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole;
    Psychosocial Functions of Social Media Usage in a Disaster Situation : A Multi-Methodological Approach
    3rd International Conference on Crisis Communication in the 21st Century, 2nd-5th October 2013, Erfurt, Germany,
  • Neubaum, German;
    The social network experience – A two-level reception model of users’ exposure to social networking sites
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2013 (International Communication Association), London, United Kingdom,
  • Neubaum, German;
    „Jeder weiß doch, dass sie uns beobachten!“ : Die Sicht der User auf Privatsphäre im Web 2.0.
    Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster,
  • Neubaum, German; Muraa, G.; Rösner, Leonie; Rosenthal-von der Pütten, Astrid; Krämer, Nicole; Presting, P.;
    Krise 2.0 : Welche Rolle übernahm das Social Web im Zuge der Massenpanik bei der Loveparade 2010?
    48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bielefeld,
  • Neubaum, German;
    Let's blog about health! : Exploring the persuasiveness of HIV Blogs compared to informational HIV websites
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2012 (International Communication Association), Phoenix, AZ, USA,
  • Winter, Stephan; Rösner, Leonie; Appel, J.; Krämer, Nicole; Neubaum, German;
    Selecting science information in Web 2.0 : Effects of personality characteristics, source cues, and message complexity
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2012 (International Communication Association), Phoenix, AZ, USA,
  • Neubaum, German; Presting, P.; Rösner, Leonie; Rosenthal-von der Pütten, Astrid; Muraa, G.; Krämer, Nicole;
    The Role of Social Media Usage related to the Stampede at the Love Parade 2010
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2012 (International Communication Association), Communication and Community, Phoenix, AZ USA - 24-28 May 2012,
  • Kulms, P; Krämer, Nicole; Wegmann, Elisa; Neubaum, German; Rösner, Leonie;
    Wie wird ein YouTube-Video erfolgreich? : Eine medienpsychologische Untersuchung personaler und medialer Determinanten der Weiterleitung von YouTube-Videos
    48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bielefeld,
  • Winter, Stephan; Neubaum, German; Appel, J.; Krämer, Nicole;
    Both sides of the story? : How information complexity influences the selection of online science articles
    General Online Research (GOR) Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany,
  • Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole; Fromm, B.;
    Hum@n touch = healing touch? : Psychological effects of private HIV Blogs on recipients’ health cognitions
    General Online Research (GOR) Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany,
  • Winter, Stephan; Appel, J.; Krämer, Nicole; Neubaum, German;
    Lost in the Web? : The effect of information complexity and cognitive abilities on the selection of online science articles
    7th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the DGPs (German Psychological Society), Bremen, Germany,
  • Neubaum, German; Krämer, Nicole; Fromm, B.;
    Persuasion 2.0 : Does the human touch frame of private HIV weblogs persuade recipients to show a preventive health behavior?
    7th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the DGPs (German Psychological Society), Bremen, Germany,
  • Winter, Stephan; Schielke, K.; Neubaum, German; Appel, J.; Krämer, Nicole;
    The influence of information complexity on the selection of online science articles
    The Annual Meeting of ICA 2011 (International Communication Association), Boston, USA,