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EMPI - Institut für Energie- und Material-Prozesse - RF
Lotharstraße 1
47057 Duisburg
47057 Duisburg
MA 444B
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Reaktive Fluide
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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Measurement of soot volume fraction by Cavity Ring-Down Extinction (CRDE) in elevated pressure premixed laminar ethylene/air flamesIn: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 131 (2025) Nr. 1, 15Online Volltext:
Iron oxide nanoparticle synthesis: Simulation-based comparison of laboratory- and pilot plant-scale spray-flame synthesisIn: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 18 (2024) 100263Online Volltext: (Open Access)
A hydrogen-based burner concept for pilot-scale spray-flame synthesis of nanoparticles : Investigation of flames and iron oxide product materialsIn: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 15 (2023) 100165Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Analyzing 3D fields of refractive index, emission and temperature in spray-flame nanoparticle synthesis via tomographic imaging using multi-simultaneous measurements (TIMes)In: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 16 (2023) 100213Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Characterization of spray parameters and flame stability in two modified nozzle configurations of the SpraySyn burnerIn: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 39 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 2673 - 2682Online Volltext:
Characterizing the SpraySyn burners with MMC-LESIn: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 15 (2023) 100182Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Elemental carbon and hydrogen concentrations as the main factors in gas-phase graphene synthesis : Quantitative fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy studyIn: Carbon Jg. 202 (2023) S. 47 - 60Online Volltext:
Evolution of particle size and morphology in plasma synthesis of few-layer graphene and sootIn: Combustion and Flame Jg. 258 (2023) Nr. Part 1, 112713Online Volltext:
Fiber-coupled phosphor thermometry for wall temperature measurements in a full-scale hydrogen gas turbine combustorIn: Measurement Science and Technology Jg. 34 (2023) Nr. 10, 104003Online Volltext: (Open Access)
In-cylinder thermographic PIV combined with phosphor thermometry using ZnO:ZnIn: International Journal of Engine Research Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 113 - 131Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Influence of lateral species diffusion and heat transfer on the evaluation of near-threshold sooting flamesIn: Combustion and Flame Jg. 253 (2023) 112775Online Volltext:
LIF-imaging of temperature and iron-atom concentration in iron nitrate doped low-pressure aerosol flat flamesIn: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 16 (2023) 100199Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Liquid-phase temperature in the SpraySyn flame measured by two-color laser-induced fluorescence thermometry and simulated by LESIn: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 39 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 2621 - 2630Online Volltext:
Multi-line OH-LIF for gas-phase temperature and concentration imaging in the SpraySyn burnerIn: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 16 (2023) 100222Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Simulations of laminar methane flames doped with iron nitrate/1-butanol aerosol in a novel matrix burnerIn: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 15 (2023) 100186Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Spatially resolved measurement of the distribution of solid and liquid Si nanoparticles in plasma synthesis through line-of-sight extinction spectroscopyIn: Optics Express (OpEx) Jg. 31 (2023) Nr. 3, S. 4978 - 5001Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Water-film thickness imaging based on time-multiplexed near-infrared absorption with up to 500 Hz repetition rateIn: Applied Optics Jg. 62 (2023) Nr. 12, S. 3169 - 3175Online Volltext:
A Compact Fiber-Coupled NIR/MIR Laser Absorption Instrument for the Simultaneous Measurement of Gas-Phase Temperature and CO, CO2, and H2O ConcentrationIn: Sensors Jg. 22 (2022) Nr. 3, 1286Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
In situ measurement of gas-borne silicon nanoparticle volume fraction and temperature by spatially and spectrally line-resolved attenuation and emission imagingIn: Powder Technology Jg. 396 (2022) S. 535 - 541Online Volltext:
Characterization of tracers for two-color laser-induced fluorescence thermometry of liquid-phase temperature in ethanol, 2–ethylhexanoic-acid/ethanol mixtures, 1-butanol, and o-xyleneIn: Applied Optics Jg. 60 (2021) Nr. 15, S. C98 - C113Online Volltext:
Low-temperature and low-pressure effective fluorescence lifetimes and spectra of gaseous anisole and tolueneIn: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 127 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 59Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Multi-line SiO fluorescence imaging in the flame synthesis of silica nanoparticles from SiCl₄In: Combustion and Flame Jg. 224 (2021) S. 260 - 272Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Near-threshold soot formation in premixed flames at elevated pressureIn: Carbon Jg. 181 (2021) S. 143 - 154Online Volltext:
Phase-sensitive detection of gas-borne Si nanoparticles via line-of-sight UV/VIS attenuationIn: Optics Express (OpEx) Jg. 29 (2021) Nr. 14, S. 21795 - 21809Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Simultaneous measurement of liquid-film thickness and solute concentration of aqueous solutions of two urea derivatives using NIR absorptionIn: Applied Optics Jg. 60 (2021) Nr. 32, S. 10087 - 10093Online Volltext:
Spatial distribution of gas-phase synthesized germanium nanoparticle volume-fraction and temperature using combined in situ line-of-sight emission and extinction spectroscopyIn: Optics Express (OpEx) Jg. 29 (2021) Nr. 6, S. 8387 - 8406Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Survivability of the thermographic phosphors YAG:Pr and SMP:Sn in a premixed flameIn: Measurement Science and Technology Jg. 32 (2021) Nr. 7, S. 074001Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Threshold photoionization shows no sign of nitryl hydride in methane oxidation with nitric oxideIn: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 23 (2021) Nr. 2, S. 1265 - 1272Online Volltext:
Wall Temperature Measurements in a Full-Scale Gas Turbine Combustor Test Rig With Fiber Coupled Phosphor ThermometryIn: Journal of Turbomachinery Jg. 143 (2021) Nr. 1, 011007Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Excitation wavelength dependence of the fluorescence lifetime of anisoleIn: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 21 (2019) Nr. 27, S. 14562 - 14570Online Volltext:
The influence of hydrogen and methane on the growth of carbon particles during acetylene pyrolysis in a burnt-gas flow reactorIn: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 37 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 1125 - 1132Online Volltext:
LIISim : a modular signal processing toolbox for laser-induced incandescence measurementsIn: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 124 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 69Online Volltext:
Temperature, pressure, and oxygen quenching behavior of fluorescence spectra and lifetimes of gas-phase o-xylene and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzeneIn: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 124 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 70Online Volltext:
Self-quenching in toluene LIFIn: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 36, 2017 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 4505 - 4514Online Volltext:
Wall temperature measurements in a full scale gas turbine combustor test rig with fiber coupled phosphor thermometryIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition / GT 2020; Virtual, Online; 21 - 25 September 2020 Jg. 4B: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions 2020, S. V04BT04A059Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Laser-absorption CO detection at 4.56 µm in the exhaust plume of a full-scale gas turbine burnerIn: Proceedings of the 8th European Combustion Meeting / 8th European Combustion Meeting : April 18-21, 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia 2017Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Droplet velocity and size distributions of the cold ethanol spray generated by the SpraySyn1 burner(2023) 338 MB
Liquid-phase temperature in the SpraySyn flame measured by two-color laser-induced fluorescence thermometry(2022) 8.2 MB