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Lotharstraße 1
47057 Duisburg
MB 470


  • Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Thermodynamik

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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Kaczmarek, Dennis; Bierkandt, T.; Rudolph, C.; Grimm, S.; Shaqiri, S.; Höner, M.; Gaiser, N.; Atakan, Burak; Köhler, M.; Hemberger, P.; Kasper, Tina
    Activation effect of ozone and DME on the partial oxidation of natural gas surrogates and validation of pressure-dependent ozone decomposition
    In: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 13 (2023) 100107
  • Kaczmarek, Dennis; Rudolph, Charlotte; Atakan, Burak; Kasper, Tina
    Kinetic investigation of the ozone-assisted partial oxidation of fuel-rich natural gas mixtures at elevated pressure
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 39 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 211 - 221
  • Zhang, Hao; Kaczmarek, Dennis; Rudolph, Charlotte; Schmitt, Steffen; Gaiser, Nina; Oßwald, Patrick; Bierkandt, Thomas; Kasper, Tina; Atakan, Burak; Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina
    Dimethyl ether (DME) and dimethoxymethane (DMM) as reaction enhancers for methane : Combining flame experiments with model-assisted exploration of a polygeneration process
    In: Combustion and Flame Jg. 237 (2022) 111863
  • Shaqiri, Shkelqim; Kaczmarek, Dennis; vom Lehn, F.; Beeckmann, J.; Pitsch, H.; Kasper, Tina
    Experimental Investigation of the Pressure Dependence of Iso-Octane Combustion
    In: Frontiers in Energy Research Jg. 10 (2022) 859112
  • Rudolph, Charlotte; Freund, Dominik; Kaczmarek, Dennis; Atakan, Burak
    Low-calorific ammonia containing off-gas mixture : Modelling the conversion in HCCI engines
    In: Combustion and Flame Jg. 243 (2022) 112063
  • Drost, Simon; Kaczmarek, Dennis; Eckart, Sven; Herzler, Jürgen; Schießl, Robert; Fritsche, Chris; Fikri, Mustapha; Atakan, Burak; Kasper, Tina; Krause, Hartmut; Schulz, Christof; Maas, Ulrich
    Experimental Investigation of Ethanol Oxidation and Development of a Reduced Reaction Mechanism for a Wide Temperature Range
    In: Energy & Fuels Jg. 35 (2021) Nr. 18, S. 14780 - 14792
  • Bierkandt, Thomas; Oßwald, Patrick; Gaiser, Nina; Krüger, Dominik; Köhler, Markus; Hoener, Martin; Shaqiri, Shkelqim; Kaczmarek, Dennis; Karakaya, Yasin; Hemberger, Patrick; Kasper, Tina
    Observation of low-temperature chemistry products in laminar premixed low-pressure flames by molecular-beam mass spectrometry
    In: International Journal of Chemical Kinetics Jg. 35 (2021) Nr. 10, S. 1063 - 1081
  • Hemberger, Patrick; Bodi, Andras; Bierkandt, Thomas; Köhler, Markus; Kaczmarek, Dennis; Kasper, Tina
    Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence Spectroscopy Provides Mechanistic Insights in Fuel Synthesis and Conversion
    In: Energy & Fuels Jg. 35 (2021) Nr. 20, S. 16265 - 16302
  • Kaczmarek, Dennis; Herzler, Jürgen; Porras, Sylvia; Shaqiri, Shkelqim; Fikri, Mustapha; Schulz, Christof; Atakan, Burak; Maas, Ulrich; Kasper, Tina
    Plug-flow reactor and shock-tube study of the oxidation of very fuel-rich natural gas/DME/O₂ mixtures
    In: Combustion and Flame Jg. 225 (2021) S. 86 - 103
  • Rogers, Cory O.; Kaczmarek, Dennis; Kasper, Tina; Labbe, Nicole J.
    Probing the low-temperature chemistry of methyl hexanoate : Insights from oxygenate intermediates
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 38 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 621 - 629
  • Kaczmarek, Dennis; Shaqiri, S.; Atakan, Burak; Kasper, Tina
    The influence of pressure and equivalence ratio on the NTC behavior of methane
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 38 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 233 - 241
  • Hoener, Matthias; Kaczmarek, Dennis; Bierkandt, Thomas; Bodi, András; Hemberger, Patrick; Kasper, Tina
    A pressurized flow reactor combustion experiment interfaced with synchrotron double imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 91 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 045115
  • Porras, Sylvia; Kaczmarek, Dennis; Herzler, Jürgen; Drost, Simon; Werler, Marc; Kasper, Tina; Fikri, Mustapha; Schießl, Robert A.; Atakan, Burak; Schulz, Christof; Maas, Ulrich
    An experimental and modeling study on the reactivity of extremely fuel-rich methane/dimethyl ether mixtures
    In: Combustion and Flame Jg. 212 (2020) S. 107 - 122
  • Atakan, Burak; Kaiser, Sebastian A.; Herzler, Jürgen; Porras, Sylvia; Banke, Kai; Deutschmann, Olaf; Kasper, Tina; Fikri, Mustapha; Schießl, Robert; Schröder, Dominik; Rudolph, Charlotte; Kaczmarek, Dennis; Gossler, Hendrik; Drost, Simon; Bykov, Viatcheslav; Maas, Ulrich; Schulz, Christof
    Flexible energy conversion and storage via high-temperature gas-phase reactions : The piston engine as a polygeneration reactor
    In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Jg. 133 (2020) S. 110264
  • Kaczmarek, Dennis; Atakan, Burak; Kasper, Tina
    Investigation of the partial oxidation of methane/n-heptane-mixtures and the interaction of methane and n-heptane under ultra-rich conditions
    In: Combustion and Flame Jg. 205 (2019) S. 345 - 357
  • Kaczmarek, Dennis; Atakan, Burak; Kasper, Tina
    Plug-Flow Reactor Study of the Partial Oxidation of Methane and Natural Gas at Ultra-Rich Conditions
    In: Combustion Science and Technology (2019)
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Kaczmarek, Dennis; Sen, Fikri; Kasper, Tina; Atakan, Burak; Porras, Sylvia; Schießl, Robert; Maas, Ulrich
    Kinetische Untersuchung der partiellen Oxidation von Methan/DME und Methan/Ethanol-Gemische
    In: Verbrennung und Feuerung: 28. Deutscher Flammentag, Darmstadt, 06. und 07. September 2017 / 28. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerung, 06.-07.09.2017, Darmstadt 2017, S. 431 - 443