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Im Wintersemester 2024/25 mittwochs von 14:00-15:00 Uhr


  • Professor/in, Anglistik: Linguistik II - English Linguistics & Language History

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fabiszak, Małgorzata; Alvanides, Seraphim; Brzezińska, Anna Weronika; Dobkiewicz, Patryk
    Commemorative city-texts : Spatio-temporal patterns in street names in Leipzig, East Germany and Poznań, Poland
    In: Language in Society Jg. 21 (2023) Nr. 3, S. 1 - 30
  • Grama, James; Mechler, Johanna; Bauernfeind, Lea; Eiswirth, Mirjam E.; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Post-educator relaxation in the U-shaped curve : Evidence from a panel study of Tyneside (ing)
    In: Language Variation and Change Jg. 35 (2023) Nr. 3, S. 325 - 350
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Schneider, Carolin; Alvanides, Seraphim
    Towards a taxonomy of arguments for and against street renaming Exploring the discursive embedding of street name changes in the Leipzig cityscape
    In: Linguistic Landscape Jg. 9 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 5 - 35
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Alvanides, Seraphim; Griese, Frauke
    Changes in the commemorative streetscape of Leipzig over the past 100 years
    In: Journal of Linguistic Geography Jg. 10 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 112 - 129
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Mearns, Adam; Auer, Anja; Krause-Lerche, Anne
    Exploring age-related changes in the realisation of (t)
    In: English World-Wide Jg. 43 (2022) Nr. 3, S. 297 - 329
  • Mechler, Johanna; Grama, James; Bauernfeind, Anna Lea; Eiswirth, Mirjam; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Towards an Empirically-based Model of Age-graded Behaviour : Trac(ing) linguistic malleability across the entire adult life-span
    In: University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics Jg. 28 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 101 - 110
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Community cityscape : Modes of engagement and co-construction of the streetscape
    In: Linguistics Vanguard Jg. 7 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 5, 0150
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fabiszak, Małgorzata
    Editorial : Ideology and commemoration in the urban space
    In: Linguistics Vanguard Jg. 7 (2021) Nr. s5, 0010
  • Fabiszak, Małgorzata; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Brzezińska, Anna Weronika; Alvanides, Seraphim; Griese, Frauke; Schneider, Carolin
    Ideology in the linguistic landscape: Towards a quantitative approach
    In: Discourse and Society Jg. 32 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 405 - 425
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    (h) in Marshallese English
    In: Asia-Pacific Language Variation Jg. 6 (2020) Nr. 2, S. 222 - 249
  • Mechler, Johanna; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    [In]stability in the use of a stable variable
    In: Linguistics Vanguard Jg. 5 (2019) Nr. s2, S. 20180024
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Alvanides, Seraphim
    Mapping the linguistic landscapes of the Marshall Islands – ADDENDUM
    In: Journal of Linguistic Geography Jg. 6 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 76 - 76
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Willson, Nikolas Dane
    Marshallese English : A first sketch
    In: World Englishes Jg. 37 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 356 - 383
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Krause, Anne; Auer, Anja; Otte, Stefanie
    Levelling across the life-span? : Tracing the FACE vowel in panel data from the North East of England
    In: Journal of Sociolinguistics Jg. 21 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 3 - 33
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Alvanides, Seraphim
    Mapping the linguistic landscapes of the Marshall Islands
    In: Journal of Linguistic Geography Jg. 5 (2017) Nr. 2, S. 67 - 85
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Investigating the Effect of Socio-Cognitive Salience and Speaker-Based Factors in Morpho-Syntactic Life-Span Change
    In: Journal of English Linguistics Jg. 44 (2016) Nr. 3, S. 199 - 229
  • Davydova, Julia; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Expanding the circle to learner english : Investigating quotative marking in a German student community
    In: American Speech Jg. 90 (2015) Nr. 4, S. 441 - 478
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Exploring linguistic malleability across the life span : Age-specific patterns in quotative use
    In: Language in Society Jg. 44 (2015) Nr. 4, S. 457 - 496
  • Levon, Erez; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Perception, cognition, and linguistic structure : The effect of linguistic modularity and cognitive style on sociolinguistic processing
    In: Language Variation and Change Jg. 27 (2015) Nr. 3, S. 319 - 348
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Alvanides, Seraphim
    Employing geographical principles for sampling in state of the art dialectological projects
    In: Journal of Linguistic Geography Jg. 1 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 96 - 114
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen P.; Holmberg, Anders; Honeybone, Patrick; Maguire, Warren
    T-to-R and the Northern Subject Rule : Questionnaire-based spatial, social and structural linguistics
    In: English Language and Linguistics Jg. 17 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 85 - 128
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Quotations across the generations: A multivariate analysis of speech and thought introducers across 5 decades of Tyneside speech
    In: Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory Jg. 7 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 59 - 92
  • Barnfield, Kate; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Intensifiers on Tyneside : longitudinal developments and new trends
    In: English World-Wide Jg. 31 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 252 - 287
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Rickford, John R.; Traugott, Elizabeth Closs; Wasow, Thomas; Zwicky, Arnold
    The sociolinguistics of a short-lived innovation : Tracing the development of quotative all across spoken and internet newsgroup data
    In: Language Variation and Change Jg. 22 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 191 - 219
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; D'Arcy, Alexandra
    Localized globalization : A multi-local, multivariate investigation of quotative be like
    In: Journal of Sociolinguistics Jg. 13 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 291 - 331
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    The quantitative analysis of morphosyntactic variation : Constructing and quantifying the denominator
    In: Linguistics and Language Compass Jg. 3 (2009) Nr. 4, S. 1010 - 1033
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    The localization of global linguistic variants
    In: English World-Wide Jg. 29 (2008) Nr. 1, S. 15 - 44
  • Rickford, John R.; Wasow, Thomas; Zwicky, Arnold; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Intensive and quotative ALL : Something old, something new
    In: American Speech Jg. 82 (2007) Nr. 1, S. 3 - 31
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Diagnostics of age-graded linguistic behaviour : The case of the quotative system
    In: Journal of Sociolinguistics Jg. 10 (2006) Nr. 1, S. 3 - 30
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Social stereotypes, personality traits and regional perception displaced : Attitudes towards the 'new' quotatives in the U.K.
    In: Journal of Sociolinguistics Jg. 10 (2006) Nr. 3, S. 362 - 381
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Traugott, Elizabeth Closs
    The lady was al demonyak : Historical aspects of Adverb all
    In: English Language and Linguistics Jg. 10 (2006) Nr. 2, S. 345 - 370
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Putting Perception to the Reality Test : The Case of "Go" and "Like"
    32nd New Ways of Analyzing Variation Conference ; NWAV 32 ; October 9-12, 2003, Philadelphia,
    In: University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics Jg. 10 (2005) Nr. 2, S. 61 - 76
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Comparing perceptions and reality : newcomers to the quotative system
    In: Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics Jg. 13 (2004) S. 1 - 14
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    The co-occurrence of quotatives with mimetic performances
    In: Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics Jg. 12 (2003) S. 1 - 9
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    An alternative view of "like" : its grammaticalisation in conversational American English and beyond
    In: Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics Jg. 11 (2001) S. 21 - 41
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fabiszak, Małgorzata; Ross, Melody
    Introduction: Expanding LL studies to space-time (dis)continuities
    In: Space-Time (Dis)continuities in the Linguistic Landscape: Studies in the Symbolic (Re-)appropriation of Public Space / Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fabiszak, Małgorzata; Ross, Melody (Hrsg.) (2024) S. 1 - 9
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Beaman, Karen V.
    Introduction : Panel Research: Theoretical and Methodological Implications
    In: Language Variation and Language Change Across the Lifespan: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives from Panel Studies / Beaman, Karen V.; Buchstaller, Isabelle (Hrsg.) (2021) S. 1 - 14
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Siebenhaar, Beat
    In: Language Variation - European Perspectives VI: Selected Papers from the Eighth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 8), Leipzig, May 2015 / International Conference on Language Variation in Europe ; ICLaVE ; 27.5.–29.5.2015, Leipzig / Buchstaller, Isabelle; Siebenhaar, Beat (Hrsg.) (2017) S. VIII - XVI
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Evans Wagner, Suzanne
    Using Panel Data in the Sociolinguistic Study of Variation and Change
    In: Panel studies of variation and change / Evans Wagner, Suzanne; Buchstaller, Isabelle (Hrsg.) (2017) S. 1 - 18
  • Almoaily, Mohammad; Holmberg, Anders; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    In: Pidgins and Creoles beyond Africa-Europe Encounters / Buchstaller, Isabelle; Holmberg, Anders; Almoaily, Mohammad (Hrsg.) (2014) S. 1 - 5
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; van Alphen, Ingrid
    Preface: Introductory remarks on new and old quotatives
    In: Quotatives: cross-linguistic and cross-disciplinary perspectives / Buchstaller, Isabelle; van Alphen, Ingrid (Hrsg.) (2012) S. XI - XXX
  • Abstracts

  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Mechler, Johanna
    Age grading across 42 years of panel data from the North East of England
    In: Corpora for Language and Aging Research 4: CLARe 4 in Helsinki, Finland ; 27 February – 1 March 2019 ; Book of Abstracts / Corpora for Language and Aging Research ; CLARe ; 27.02.-01.03.2019, Helsinki / Lindholm, Camilla; Gerstenberg, Annette (Hrsg.) (2019) S. 8 - 9
  • Mechler, Johanna; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Age-graded patterns in the realisation of (ing) : Expanding the window of analysis into middle and old age
    In: UK Language Variation and Change 12: Book of Abstracts / 12th UK Language Variation and Change Conference ; UKLVC 12 ; 3-5 September 2019, London (2019) S. 40
  • Ribbens-Klein, Yolandi; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Pratt, Teresa
    Intraspeaker variation in Newcastle English : real-time variation in emerging adulthood
    In: UK Language Variation and Change 12: Book of Abstracts / 12th UK Language Variation and Change Conference ; UKLVC 12 ; 3-5 September 2019, London (2019) S. 125 - 126
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fabiszak, Malgorzata; Alvanides, Seraphim; Brzezinska, Anna Weronika
    Competing ideologies, competing semiotics : A critical perspective on politically-driven renaming practices in Eastern Germany and Poland
    In: Abstracts: 38th International LAUD Symposium // 2nd Cultural Linguistics International Conference / 38th International LAUD Symposium - 2nd Cultural Linguistics International Conference, 23.-26.07.2018, Landau (2018) S. 21 - 22
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Alvanides, Seraphim; Fabiszak, Małgorzata; Brzezinska, Anna Weronika; Griese, Frauke
    Investigating ideological street renaming in Eastern Germany and Poland
    In: Passing the Torch: Methods and Innovation ; NWAV 47 / 47th New Ways of Analyzing Variation Conference ; NWAV 47 ; October 18-21, 2018, New York (2018) S. 45
  • Mechler, Johanna; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    [In]stability in the use of a stable variable across the life-span : Evidence from Tyneside
    In: 8th Northern Englishes Workshop 2018: Book of Abstracts / Northern Englishes Workshop ; 27th-28th March 2018, Newcastle (2018) S. 1
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Exploring changes across the life-span of the individual : Evidence from two phonetic changes in the North East of England
    In: UKLVC11: 29th -31st August 2017 ; Abstract booklet / 11th UK Language Variation and Change Conference ; UKLVC 11 ; 29-31 August 2017, Cardiff (2017) S. 24 - 25
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Krause, Anne; Auer, Anja; Otte, Stefanie
    The effect of the socioeconomic trajectory on longitudinal life-span change
    In: Encounters in Language and Aging Research: International Conference CLARe3 ; [Abstracts] / Corpora for Language and Aging Research ; CLARe ; March 6–8, 2017, Berlin (2017) S. 14 - 15
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Krause, Anne
    Changes across the life-span in the Tyneside FACE vowel
    In: The Seventh Northern Englishes Workshop: Abstract Booklet / Northern Englishes Workshop ; 14th − 15th April 2016, Edinburgh (2016) S. 7
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Language contact at the dateline : Investigating Marshallese English
    In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 21: Attitudes and Prestige ; e-Book of Abstracts / Sociolinguistics Symposium ; June 15-18, 2016, Murcia, Spain (2016) S. 159 - 160
  • Levon, Erez; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Mearns, Adam
    Toward an integrated model of sociolinguistic perception
    In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 21: Attitudes and Prestige ; e-Book of Abstracts / Sociolinguistics Symposium ; 15 - 18 June 2016, Murcia, Spain (2016) S. 561 - 562
  • Davydova, Julia; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Acquiring vernacular forms in a naturalistic setting : Investigating innovative quotatives in German learner English
    In: EuroSLA 25: Second Language Acquisition ; Implications for language sciences ; Book of Abstracts / 25th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association ; EuroSLA 25 ; 27 - 29 August 2015, Aix-en-Provence / Bigi, Brigitte; Pichon-Starke, Claudia (Hrsg.) (2015) S. 158
  • Davydova, Julia; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Expanding the circle to Learner English : Investigating quotative marking in a German student community
    In: 8th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe: Book of Abstracts / International Conference on Language Variation in Europe ; ICLaVE ; 27.5.–29.5.2015, Leipzig (2015) S. 41
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen P.; Mearns, Adam
    Six decades of interviews on Tyneside
    In: 8th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe: Book of Abstracts / International Conference on Language Variation in Europe ; ICLaVE ; 27.5.–29.5.2015, Leipzig (2015) S. 33
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Diagnostics of language change : Attitudes, stereotypes and real time data
    In: UKLVC 9: Conference programme and abstract book / 9th UK Language Variation and Change Conference ; UKLVC 9 ; 2-4 September 2013; Sheffield (2013) S. 18
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    How to define a variable? : Discussions and their consequences in diachronic sociolinguistic analysis
    In: Language and the City: Sociolinguistics Symposium 19 ; Abstracts / Sociolinguistics Symposium ; August 21-24, 2012, Berlin / Hüning, Matthias; Reich, Uli (Hrsg.) (2012) S. 365 - 366
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen; Mearns, Adam; Moisl, Hermann
    The Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English (DECTE) : Real Time Variation in Action
    In: ICLaVE 6: 6th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe ; Abstracts / International Conference on Language Variation in Europe ; ICLaVE ; June 29 - July 1, 2011, Freiburg (2011) S. 76 - 77
  • van Alphen, Ingrid Catharina; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    New perspectives on new (and old) quotatives : Workshop
    In: Book of Abstracts: Sociolinguistics Symposium 17, Micro and Macro Connections / Sociolinguistics Symposium ; 3-5 April 2008, Amsterdam (2008) S. 204
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen Patrice; Holmberg, Anders
    Towards a syntactic atlas of Northern England : Micro and macro aspects of the interplay between grammar, geography and gender
    In: Book of Abstracts: Sociolinguistics Symposium 17, Micro and Macro Connections / Sociolinguistics Symposium ; 3-5 April 2008, Amsterdam (2008) S. 43
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Willson, Nikolas Dane
    Marshallese English
    In: Micronesian Englishes / Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko; Hess, Dominique; Leonhardt, Tobias; Lynch, Sara (Hrsg.) 2025 in press
  • Fabiszak, Małgorzata; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Brzezińska, Anna Weronika; Alvanides, Seraphim
    Commemorative street naming practices in the border towns Frankfurt (Oder)/Słubice
    In: Space-Time (Dis)continuities in the Linguistic Landscape: Studies in the Symbolic (Re-)appropriation of Public Space / Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fabiszak, Małgorzata; Ross, Melody (Hrsg.) 2024, S. 167 - 187
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Alvanides, Seraphim; Griese, Frauke; Schneider, Carolin
    Competing Ideologies, Competing Semiotics : A Critical Perspective on Politically-driven Renaming Practices in Annaberg-Buchholz, Eastern Germany
    In: Linguistic Landscapes im deutschsprachigen Kontext: Forschungsperspektiven, Methoden und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten / GAL-Kongress 2018 "Sprachen – Kommunikation – Öffentlichkeit", 11-14 September 2018, Essen / Ziegler, Evelyn; Marten, Heiko F. (Hrsg.) 2021
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Krause-Lerche, Anne; Mechler, Johanna
    Exploring the effect of linguistic architecture and heuristic method in panel analysis
    In: Language Variation and Language Change Across the Lifespan: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives from Panel Studies / Beaman, Karen V; Buchstaller, Isabelle (Hrsg.) 2021, S. 185 - 208
  • Sundgren, Eva; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Beaman, Karen V.
    The Beginnings of Panel Research : Individual Language Variation, Change, and Stability in Eskilstuna
    In: Language Variation and Language Change Across the Lifespan: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives from Panel Studies / Beaman, Karen V.; Buchstaller, Isabelle (Hrsg.) 2021, S. 17 - 55
  • Beaman, Karen V.; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fox, Sue; Walker, James A.
    Advancing Socio-grammatical Variation and Change : Theoretical and Methodological Implications
    In: Advancing Socio-grammatical Variation and Change: In Honour of Jenny Cheshire / Beaman, Karen V.; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fox, Susan; Walker, James A. (Hrsg.) 2020, S. 1 - 12
  • Levon, Erez; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Mearns, Adam
    Towards an Integrated Model of Perception : Linguistic Architecture and the Dynamics of Sociolinguistic Cognition
    In: Advancing Socio-grammatical Variation and Change: In Honour of Jenny Cheshire / Beaman, Karen V.; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fox, Susan; Walker, James A. (Hrsg.) 2020, S. 32 - 54
  • Blake, Renée; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Introduction to the Volume
    In: The Routledge Companion to the Work of John R. Rickford / Blake, Renée; Buchstaller, Isabelle (Hrsg.) 2019, S. 3 - 4
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Alvanides, Seraphim
    Investigating the bilingual landscape of the Marshall Islands
    In: Expanding the Linguistic Landscape: Linguistic Diversity, Multimodality and the Use of Space as a Semiotic Resource / 37th International LAUD Symposium (Linguistic Agency University of Duisburg), 04.-06.04.2016, Koblenz-Landau / Pütz, Martin; Mundt, Neele (Hrsg.) 2018, S. 203 - 228
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Mearns, Adam
    The Effect of Economic Trajectory and Speaker Profile on Lifespan Change : Evidence from Stative Possessives on Tyneside
    In: Sociolinguistics in England / Braber, Natalie; Jansen, Sandra (Hrsg.) 2018, S. 215 - 241
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Reported speech
    In: The Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics / Barron, Anne; Gu, Yueguo; Steen, Gerard (Hrsg.) 2017, S. 399 - 416
  • Mearns, Adam; Corrigan, Karen P.; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    The Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English and the Talk of the Toon : Issues in Preservation and Public Engagement
    In: Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora: Vol. 3, Databases for Public Engagement / Corrigan, Karen P.; Mears, Adam (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 177 - 210
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen P.
    Morphosyntactic features of Northern English
    In: Researching Northern English / Hickey, Raymond (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 71 - 98
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Commentary: Television and language use : What do we mean by influence and how do we detect it?
    In: Mediatization and sociolinguistic change / Androutsopoulos, Jannis (Hrsg.) 2014, S. 205 - 214
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Khattab, Ghada
    Population samples
    In: Research methods in linguistics / Podesva, Robert J.; Sharma, Devyani (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 74 - 95
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen
    How to make intuitions succeed : Testing methods for analysing syntactic microvariation
    In: Analysing Variation in English / Maguire, Warren; McMahon, April (Hrsg.) 2011, S. 30 - 48
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen P.
    “‘Judge not lest ye be judged’ : Exploring methods for the collection of socio-syntactic data
    In: Language variation - European perspectives III: selected papers from the 5th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 5), Copenhagen, June 2009 / International Conference on Language Variation in Europe ; ICLaVE ; June 25-27, 2009, Copenhagen / Gregersen, Frans; Parrott, Jeffrey K.; Quist, Pia (Hrsg.) 2011, S. 149 - 160
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Globalization and local reappropriation : The case of the quotative system
    In: Perspektiven der Jugendsprachforschung / Dürscheid, Christa; Spitzmüller, Jürgen (Hrsg.) 2006, S. 315 - 334
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    "He goes" and "I’m like" : the New Quotatives Re-visited
    In: Current Trends in Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics / Garcés Conejos, Pilar; Gómez Morón, Reyes; Fernández Amaya, Lucía; Padilla Cruz, Manuel (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 219 - 240
  • Bücher/Sammelwerke/Tagungsbände

  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fabiszak, Małgorzata; Ross, Melody
    Space-Time (Dis)continuities in the Linguistic Landscape : Studies in the Symbolic (Re-)appropriation of Public Space
    New York (2024)
  • Fabiszak, Małgorzata; Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Ideology and commemoration in the urban scape
    In: Linguistics Vanguard Jg. 7, S5 (2021)
  • Beaman, Karen V.; Buchstaller, Isabelle (Hrsg.)
    Language Variation and Language Change Across the Lifespan : Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives from Panel Studies
    In: Routledge Studies in Language Change New York (2021) 310 Seiten
  • Blake, Renée; Buchstaller, Isabelle (Hrsg.)
    The Routledge Companion to the Work of John R. Rickford
    New York (2019) 522 Seiten
  • ; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Siebenhaar, Beat (Hrsg.)
    Language Variation - European Perspectives VI : Selected Papers from the Eighth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 8), Leipzig, May 2015
    International Conference on Language Variation in Europe ; ICLaVE ; 27.5.–29.5.2015, Leipzig,
    In: Studies in Language Variation Amsterdam Jg. 19 (2017) XVI, 237 Seiten
  • Evans Wagner, Suzanne; Buchstaller, Isabelle (Hrsg.)
    Panel Studies of Variation and Change
    In: Routledge studies in language and change New York (2017) xvi, 294 Seiten
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Holmberg, Anders; Almoaily, Mohammad (Hrsg.)
    Pidgins and Creoles beyond Africa-Europe encounters
    In: Creole language library Amsterdam Jg. 47 (2014) 178 Seiten
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    Quotatives : new trends and sociolinguistic implications
    In: Language in Society Chichester Jg. 41 (2014) XVIII, 306 S.
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; van Alphen, Ingrid (Hrsg.)
    Quotatives : cross-linguistic and cross-disciplinary perspectives
    In: Converging evidence in language and communication research Amsterdam Jg. 15 (2012) XXX, 296 Seiten
  • Corrigan, Karen P.; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Moisl, Hermann; Mearns, Adam (Hrsg.)
    The Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English : [corpus and handbook]
    Newcastle upon Tyne (2012)
  • Corrigan, Karen P.; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Mearns, Adam; Moisl, Hermann (Hrsg.)
    The Talk of the Toon : An archive of local language and stories ; the memories, thoughts and opinions of the people of Tyneside, past and present, in their own words
    Newcastle upon Tyne (2012)
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen P.; Mearns, Adam; Moisl, Hermann
    The talk of the toon : stories from the people of the North East, past and present, in their own words
    Newcastle upon Tyne (2011) 32 Seiten. 1 CD-ROM
  • Dissertation

  • Buchstaller, Isabelle
    The Sociolinguistic Constraints on the Quotative System : British English and American English Compared
    Edinburgh (2004) XVI, 337 Seiten
  • Festschrift

  • Beaman, Karen V.; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fox, Sue; Walker, James A.; (Hrsg.)Cheshire, Jenny (Interviewer)
    Advancing Socio-grammatical Variation and Change : In Honour of Jenny Cheshire
    In: Routledge Studies in Sociolinguistics London (2020) 446 Seiten
  • Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • van Herk, Gerard; Thorburn, Jennifer; Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    “(Re)defining the envelope of variatio : A discussion of adjectival intensification
    44th New Ways in Analysing Variation Conference ; NWAV 44 ; October 22-­‐25, 2015, Toronto,
  • Corrigan, Kate; Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Introducing the Diachronic Corpus of Tyneside Speech (DECTE) : Methods, data and applications
    38th New Ways in Analysing Variation ; NWAV 38 ; 22-25 October 2009, Ottawa,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Traugott, Elizabeth;
    California All
    Stanford Humanities Research Center ; Stanford, USA,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    The Sociolinguistics of a fad? : Methods and findings
    Linguistics Ellipsis ; 10-12 June 2006, Durham, UK,
  • Vorträge

  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Ribbens-Klein, Yolandi; Pratt, Teresa;
    Exploring linguistic (in)stability across the life-span
    Sociolinguistics LabFest ; 04 April 2019, Essen,
    Essen (2019)
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Exploring the range and the determinants of linguistic (in)stability across the life-span
    Universität Wuppertal, 19. Juni 2019,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Alvanides, Seraphim; Griese, Frauke; Schneider, Carolin;
    Investigating Ideological Street Renaming in Eastern Germany and Poland
    Sociolinguistics LabFest ; 04 April 2019, Essen,
    Essen (2019)
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Pratt, Teresa; Ribbens-Klein, Yolandi;
    Linguistic malleability after university : Investigating the effect of post-university trajectories on linguistic practices
    International Conference on Language Variation in Europe ; ICLaVE 10 ; 26–28 June 2019. Leeuwarden/Ljouwert,
  • Fabiszak, Malgorzata; Brzezinska, Anna Weronika; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Alvanides, Seraphim; Dobkiewicz, Patryk; Griese, Frauke;
    Shifting borders, shifting languages : Investigating the commemorative cityscape at the Polish-German border
    International Conference on Language Variation in Europe ; ICLaVE 10 ; 26–28 June 2019, Leeuwarden/Ljouwert,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    The unstoppable glottal stop? Examining (t) realisation in trend and panel data from the North East of England
    Universität Regensburg, 25. Mai 2019,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    (h) in Marshallese English
    22nd Sociolinguistics Symposium ; SS 22 ; 27th-30th June 2018. Auckland, New Zealand,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Exploring the range and the determinants of linguistic (in)stability across the life-span
    Cambridge University, 26.11.2018, Cambridge,
    Cambridge (2018)
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Individual patterns of language use across the life-span : Plenarvortag
    Replication in Language ; 15. Januar 2018, Leipzig,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Language Change Across the Lifespan
    Distinguished Professors Lectures ; 26.04.2018. Poznan University,
    Poznen (2018)
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Leonhardt, Tobias; Autio, Petra;
    Localised reactions to the challenges of climate change : Comparing language policy in Kiribati and the Republic of the Marshall Islands
    22nd Sociolinguistics Symposium ; SS 22 ; 27th - 30th June 2018, Auckland, New Zealand,
  • Fabiszak, Małgorzata; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Brzezińska, Anna Weronika; Alvanides, Seraphim;
    Media perception of transformations in the commemorative cityscape
    Urban Language Research: Variation - Contact – Perception ; 31.10. - 03.11.2018, Graz,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Lerche, Anne; Mearns, Adam;
    Down to a (t) : Exploring the complex conditioning effects on t-glottaling across the life-span
    International Conference on Language Variation in Europe ; ICLaVE 9 ; June 6 - 9, 2017, Malaga,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Examining the role of the individual in ongoing longitudinal language change : The Newcastle FACE vowel
    Universität Duisburg-Essen, 21.06.2016,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Levon, Erez;
    Exploring online perceptions of clustered variability : Towards an integrated model of phonetic and morphosyntactic variation
    45th New Ways of Analyzing Variation Conference ; NWAV 45 ; 3-6 November 2016, Vancouver,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Alvanides, Seraphim;
    Language contact at the dateline : Exploring the linguistic landscapes of the Marshall islands
    45th New Ways of Analyzing Variation Conference ; NWAV 45 ; 3-6 November 2016, Vancouver,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Life-span change in the FACE vowel
    Universität Siegen, 14.07.2016,
    Siegen (2016)
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Alvanides, Seraphim;
    The ideology of language choice : Exploring the linguistic landscapes of the Marshall Islands
    37th International LAUD Symposium ; 4–6 April 2016, Landau,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Marshall Islands English : Educational and Policy Implications
    Our Ocean, Our Islands, Our Children ; 29th Pacific Educational Conference (PEC) ; July 28-31, 2015, Majuro, Marshall Islands,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Going with the flow on Tyneside? : Investigating morphosyntactic change in trend and panel data
    6. Northern Englishes Workshop ; 16-17th April 2014, Lancaster, UK,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Levon, Erez;
    Perception, cognition and linguistic structure : The effect of linguistic modularity and cognitive style on sociolinguistic processing
    43rd New Ways of Analyzing Variation Conference ; NWAV 43 ; October 23-26, 2014. Chicago,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Age grading or change in progress? : Revisiting diagnostics of language change in the quotative system
    7th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe : ICLaVE 7 ; 26-28 June 2013, Trondheim,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Arrested language change? : Attitudes, stereotypes and learning to be unhip
    42nd New Ways in Analysing Variation Conference ; NWAV 42 ; October 2013, Pittsburgh,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Diagnostics of language change : Exploring the mechanisms and consequences of ongoing change in the system of quotation
    Universität Würzburg, 11. Juli 2013,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Diagnostics of language change
    Université de Lausanne, 30. April 2013,
  • Wilson, Peter; Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Intensification in the North East : Is it very variable? ; and what’s prosody got to do with it?
    5th Northern Englishes Workshop ; 2-4 April 2012, Nottingham,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Models and Mechanisms of Language change
    4th Sociolinguistics Summer School ; 19 - 21 June 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen; Mearns, Adam; Moisl, Hermann;
    Teaching the Google generation : the "Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English" and "The Talk of the Toon" as pedagogical tools in the armoury of the UK’s national curriculum
    Discourse-Pragmatic Variation & Change ; DiPVaC 2012 ; 18-20 April 2012, Salford, UK,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Childs, Claire; Corrigan, Karen; Holmberg, Anders;
    The Northern Subject Rule and Verbal –s with Conjoined NPs in Dialectal English
    6th European Dialect Syntax (EDiSyn) Workshop ; 31 March 2012, Cambridge,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    How to define quotation? : Decisions and their consequences in diachronic sociolinguistic analysis
    8th UK Language Variation and Change Conference ; UKLVC 8 ; 12-‐14 Sept 2011, Ormskirk, UK,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen; Mearns, Adam; Moisl, Hermann;
    Introducing the Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English : A century of data from the North East
    8th UK Language Variation and Change Conference ; UKLVC 8 ; 12-14 September 2011, Ormskirk, UK,
  • Moisl, Hermann; Corrigan, Karen; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Mearns, Adam;
    Phonetic Variation in Tyneside English : A Diachronic Analysis of the ‘Goat’ Vowel
    Methods in Dialectology 14 ; August 2-6, 2011, London, Canada,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen; Mearns, Adam; Moisl, Hermann;
    The Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English : Issues of Preservation and Public Engagement
    Methods in Dialectology 14 ; August 2-6, 2011, London, Canada,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Alvanides, Seraphim;
    Applying geographical sampling methods to regional dialectology in North East England
    Workshop on Geolinguistics ; 39th New Ways of Analyzing Variations Conference ; NWAV 39 ; November 4-6, 2010, San Antonio, Texas,
  • Alvanides, Seraphim; Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Employing geographical principals for sampling in state of the art dialectological projects : a pilot study from the North East of England
    4th Northern Englishes Workshop ; 7-9 April 2010, Sheffield,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Quotations across the generations : Investigating strategies for speech and thought representation across 5 generations of Tyneside speakers
    39th New Ways of Analyzing Variation Conference ; NWAV 39 ; November 4-6, 2010, San Antonio, Texas,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Quotations across the generations : Lessons from reported speech and thought
    New York University, 16 April 2010,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen; Holmberg, Anders; Honeybone, Patrick; Maguire, Warren; McMahon, April;
    T-to-R' and the 'Northern Subject Rule' : dialect convergence and divergence across the Anglo-Scottish border
    Conference on Borders and Identities ; 8-9 January 2010, Newcastle upon Tyne,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen; Holmberg, Anders; Honeybone, Patrick; Maguire, Warren; McMahon, April;
    T-to-R' and the NSR in Northern English and Southern Scots
    4th Northern Englishes Workshop ; 7-9 April 2010, Sheffield,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen; Holmberg, Anders
    The Northern Subject Rule Across the Anglo-Scottish Border
    Language Contact and Change - Grammatical Structure Encounters the Fluidity of Language ; GSFL 2010 ; 22-25-September 2010, Trondheim,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen; Holmberg, Anders;
    The Northern Subject Rule in North East England and South East Scotland
    Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Science (CRiLLS) ; Newcastle, UK,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Towards geographically sensitive methods for sampling in dialect atlas projects
    New York University, 16 April 2010,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Variation and change in the quotative system : Tracing the grammar of speech and thought reporting across four generations of Tyneside speakers
    Universität Leipzig, 18. Juni 2010,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Waltereit, Richard;
    Actuation in linguistic change : Towards consolidating phonology and (morpho-)syntax
    Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Science (CRiLLS) ; Newcastle upon Tyne,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Kate;
    At the interface between production and perception : Comparing magnitude estimation and sociolinguistic interview data-sets
    5th International Conference for Language Variation in Europe ; ICLaVE 5 ; June 25-27, 2009, Copenhagen,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen; Holmberg, Anders;
    Comparing methods commonly used in dialectology : Reporting on work-in-progress from the North East
    Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Science (CRiLLS) ; Newcastle upon Tyne,
  • Barnfield, Kate; Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Intensifiers in Tyneside : Longitudinal Development and New Trends
    38th New Ways in Analysing Variation Conference ; NWAV 38 ; October 22-25, 2009, Ottawa,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Making intuitions work : Investigating methods for tapping into speakers’ intuitions
    Queen Mary University of London, 29 January 2009,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Maguire, Warren; Honeybone, Patrick; Holmberg, Anders; Corrigan, Karen; McMahon, April;
    T-to-R and Northern Subject Rule in the North East of England
    7th UK Language Variation and Change Conference ; UKLVC 7 ; 1 - 3 September 2009, Newcastle upon Tyne,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Barnfield, Kate;
    The Newcastle Electronic Corpus of Tyneside Speech 2 : A novel resource for investigating longitudinal change
    7th UK Language Variation and Change Conference ; UKLVC 7 ; 1 - 3 September 2009, Newcastle upon Tyne,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen; Holmberg, Anders;
    'Our friends in the North' : Grammatical variation across regional space in North Eastern England
    13th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology ; 4-8 August 2008, Leeds,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen;
    Exploring Syntactic Variability in Tyne and Wear
    3rd Northern Englishes Workshop ; 27-28 March 2008, Salford, UK,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Linguistic globalisation : A multilocal investigation of quotative like
    University of York, 25 May 2008 ; York, England,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen; Holmberg, Anders;
    Tapping into the intuitions of dialect speakers in Northern England and Scotland : Data, methods and their implications
    Edisyn Workshop for Syntactic Atlas projects III ; 18-21 September 2008, Venice, Italy,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; D’Arcy, Alexandra;
    Localized globalization : A multi-local, multivariate investigation of quotative like
    36th New Ways in Analysing Variation Conference ; NWAV 36 ; 11-14 October 2007, Philadelphia,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Auckle, Tejshree; Corrigan, Karen; Holmberg, Anders;
    Measuring syntactic variability across the Tyne
    2nd Northern Englishes Workshop ; 16-17 March 2007, Edinburgh,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen; Holmberg, Anders;
    Measuring syntactic variability in the linguistic North
    36th New Ways in Analysing Variation Conference ; NWAV 36 ; 11-14 October 2007, Philadelphia,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Auckle, Tejshree; Corrigan, Karen; Holmberg, Anders;
    Speakers can ‘Talk The Talk’, but can they ‘Walk The Walk’ too? : Measuring Syntactic Variability Using Different Instruments
    6th UK Language Variation and Change Conference ; UKLVC 6 ; 11-13 September 2007, Lancaster, UK,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Auckle, Tejshree; Corrigan, Karen; Holmberg, Anders;
    Speech production and speaker perception of syntactic variability on Tyneside
    2nd International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English ; ICLCE 2 ; July 2-4, 2007, Toulouse,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    California ALL : A sociohistorical account
    Newcastle University, 8 March 2006, Newcastle upon Tyne,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    California youth trends : Methods, findings and implications
    Essex University, 7 December 2006, Colchester, England,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Corrigan, Karen;
    The Syntactic Atlas of British Isles’ Dialects (SABID) : The Northern phase
    Northern Englishes Workshop ; 30 March – 1 April 2006, Lancaster, UK,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Rickford, John; Wasow, Thomas; Zwicky, Arnold; Traugott, Elizabeth;
    The sociolinguistics of a short-lived innovation
    35th New Ways in Analysing Variation Conference ; NWAV 35 ; 9-12 November 2006, Columbus, Ohio, USA,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Rickford, John; Wasow, Thomas; Zwicky, Arnold; Traugott, Elizabeth;
    “I’m like ‘yes’ and she’s all ‘no’" : A variationist account of the lexeme ALL
    Sociolinguistics Symposium 16 ; 6-8 July 2006, Limerick, Ireland,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Deeringer, Michael;
    Attitudes towards new ways of reporting and intensifying : 'All'
    34th New Ways in Analysing Variation Conference ; NWAV 34 ; 20-23 October 2005, New York,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Globalization and local reappropriation : The case of the quotative system
    Current Developments in Research into the Language of Young People ; 17.02.-19.02 2005, Zürich,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Traugott, Elizabeth;
    Historical aspects of Be ALL, with implications and questions for the present
    Sociolinguistics Research Group, Stanford University ; 2005, Stanford,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Innovation and reallocation in the quotative system : A cross-variety approach
    University of Ottawa, 4 March 2005,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Rickford, John; Wasow, Thomas; Zwicky, Arnold; Traugott, Elizabeth;
    Intensive and Quotative 'All' : Something old, something new
    34th New Ways in Analysing Variation Conference ; NWAV 34 ; 20-23 October 2005, New York,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Localized globalization : The new quotatives
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 28 February 2005,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    The (say) variable : Linguistic and social constraints
    University of Manchester, 25 May 2005,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Traugott, Elizabeth;
    The lady was all demonyak : Historical aspects of adverbial 'all'
    Studies in the History of the English Language 4 ; SHEL 4 ; 30 September - 02-October 2005, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    The tension between the global and the local : Quotative 'like' and 'go'
    3rd International Conference on Language Variation in Europe ; ICLaVE 3 ; June 23-25, 2005, Amsterdam,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    “The (say) variable : Linguistic and social constraints
    Newcastle University, 17 May 2005, Newcastle upon Tyne,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Globalizing? : A cross-variety investigation of the social constraints of quotative go during the like-era
    15th Sociolinguistics Symposium ; 1-4 April 2004, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Innovation and reallocation in the quotative system : A cross-variety approach
    Colloquium at Stanford University, 2 March 2004,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    The globalisation of linguistic innovations : Weighing the role of the mass media versus interpersonal contact
    University of Manchester, 4 May 2004,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    "I’m like ‘wow’ but he goes ‘ooops’" : The linguistic functions of two new quotative variants
    University of Manchester, 7 August 2003,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Comparing perception and reality : Language attitude survey versus quantitative sociolinguistic distribution ; The case of the new quotatives
    4th UK Conference in Language Variation and Change ; UKLVC 4 ; September 2003, Sheffield, UK,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    The (say) variable : extralinguistic and intralinguistic constraints
    Sheffield University, 28 November 2003,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Santhakumaran, Priyadharshini; Hewitt, Heather;
    Working with data : Discourse analysis
    Language in Context Research Group ; Edinburgh,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    'He goes' and 'I’m like' : The new quotatives re-visited
    Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference ; LELPGC ; 27-28 May 2002, Edinburgh,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    BE like USE, BE goes USE?
    31st New Ways in Analysing Variation Conference ; NWAV 31 ; Stanford, USA,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Newcomers to the pool of quotatives : 'like' and 'go'
    Current Issues in Pragmatic Research ; 1st International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics ; Encuentros de Pragmática Intercultural, Cognitiva y Social ; EPICS I ; 10-12 April 2002, Sevilla,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle; Santhakumaran, Priyadharshini; Hewitt, Heather;
    Working with data : Conversation Analysis
    Language in Context Research Group ; Edinburgh,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    'He goes' and 'I’m like' : The new quotatives re-visited
    30th New Ways in Analysing Variation Conference ; NWAV 30 ; Raleigh, NC, USA,
  • Buchstaller, Isabelle;
    Evaluating things like LIKE
    3rd UK Conference in Variation and Change ; UKLVC 3 ; July 2001, York, UK,
  • Serien / Reihen / Blogs

  • Benton, Richard A.; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Candefors Stæhr, Andreas; Dodsworth, Robin; Evans Wagner, Suzanne; Køhler Mortensen, Kristine; Maegaard, Marie; Monka, Malene (Hrsg.)
    Routledge Studies in Language Change